162 research outputs found

    Measuring the efficiency and productivity of the Croatian banks with Malmquists index of change of total factor productivity

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    In the literature that deals with the empirical measurement of relative technical efficiency and change in the productiveness of banks over time the Malmquist index of change of total factor productivity has become the most often-used analytical tool. It has been shown that the Malmquist index helps both central and commercial bank analysis to monitor trends within the banking sector, and that it can be used as assistance in controlling the system and in strategic planning. This investigation is directed at the relative comparison of banks within the banking sector of Croatia in the period from 2000 to 2003, and is the first paper in which the Croatian banking sector has been analysed with the application of the Malmquist index of change in total factor productivity. The scientific contribution deriving from this is heightened by the interdisciplinarity that informs the paper. The primary objective of the investigation is the monitoring of relative trends of banks inside the very dynamic Croatian banking sector. Focus is placed on the need for the development of additional models to cover alternative and above all off-balance-sheet indicators.Malmquist TFP index, banking performance

    Mjerenje efikasnosti i produktivnosti hrvatskih banaka Malmquistovim indeksom promjene ukupne faktorske produktivnosti

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    U znanstvenoj literaturi koja se bavi empirijskim mjerenjem relativne tehničke efikasnosti i promjene produktivnosti banaka tijekom vremena Malmquistov indeks promjene ukupne faktorske produktivnosti postao je najčeŔće koriÅ”teno analitičko oruđe. Pokazalo se da Malmquistov indeks pomaže i analitičarima srediÅ”nje banke, kao i analitičarima komercijalnih banaka u praćenju kretanja unutar bankovnog sektora, te se može iskoristiti kao pomoć u nadzoru sustava ili pri strateÅ”kom planiranju. Ovo je istraživanje usmjereno na relativnu usporedbu banaka unutar bankovnog sektora Hrvatske u razdoblju od 2000. do 2003. godine i prvi je rad u kojemu se analizira hrvatski bankovni sektor primjenom Malmquistova indeksa promjene ukupne faktorske produktivnosti. Znanstveni doprinos koji proizlazi iz te činjenice, dodatno je potenciran interdisciplinarnoŔću kojom je rad prožet. Primarni cilj istraživanja jest praćenje relativnih kretanja banaka unutar vrlo dinamičnoga bankovnog sektora Hrvatske. Istaknuta je potreba izgradnje modela koji obuhvaćaju alternativne, prije svega, izvanbilančne pokazatelje

    Measuring the Efficacy and Productiveness of Croatian Banks with the Malmquist Index of Change in Total Factor Productivity

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    In the literature that deals with the empirical measurement of relative technical efficiency and change in the productiveness of banks over time the Malmquist index of change of total factor productivity has become the most often-used analytical tool. It has been shown that the Malmquist index helps both central and commercial bank analysis to monitor trends within the banking sector, and that it can be used as assistance in controlling the system and in strategic planning. This investigation is directed at the relative comparison of banks within the banking sector of Croatia in the period from 2000 to 2003, and is the first paper in which the Croatian banking sector has been analysed with the application of the Malmquist index of change in total factor productivity. The scientific contribution deriving from this is heightened by the interdisciplinarity that informs the paper. The primary objective of the investigation is the monitoring of relative trends of banks inside the very dynamic Croatian banking sector. Focus is placed on the need for the development of additional models to cover alternative and above all off-balance-sheet indicators


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    Modern web applications, due to the functionalities they provide in their user interfaces, have a complex program structure. Manually writing a program code, due to the complexity of the entire application, can result in uneven quality and content of individual application parts. Maintaining such developed applications is more difficult. Because of this, web applications are often developed by using different frameworks. A framework allows structuring, simpler and more uniform program script writing, and thus easier web application maintenance. There are various frameworks that can be used in the development of web applications, for different parts of the application. Those analyzed in this paper are used in the development of front end parts of web applications. According to their design, a web application can be developed as the Multi Page (MPA) or the Single Page (SPA). This paper explains the difference between MPA and SPA web applications. The advantages and disadvantages of MPA are demonstrated in relation to SPA web applications. Required characteristics that the framework should have in order to be optimized for creating MPA and SPA web applications are set. The hypothesis has been tested: There is a framework that is optimized for the development of both MPA and SPA applications. Possibilities, architecture and development techniques of a web application using front end frameworks, as well as the suitability of such frameworks for the development of MPA and SPA web applications have been analysed. Choosing a framework for the hypothesis testing has been performed based on the popularity of available frameworks. The required characteristics have been analyzed on the three most popular frameworks: Angular, Vue.js and React-js. It has been shown that the Vue.js framework is the most optimized framework for the development of both MPA and SPA applications.Moderne web-aplikacije, zbog funkcionalnosti koje omogućuju u korisničkom sučelju, imaju složenu programsku strukturu. Ručno pisanje programskog koda zbog složenosti cijele aplikacije može rezultirati neujednačenom kvalitetom i sadržajem pojedinih aplikacijskih djelova. Održavanje tako razvijanih aplikacija otežano je. Zbog toga se web-aplikacije često razvijaju koriÅ”tenjem različitih frameworka. Framework omogućuje strukturiranje, jednostavnije i ujednačenije pisanje programskog koda, te time olakÅ”ava održavanje web-aplikacije. Postoji puno frameworka koji se mogu koristiti u razvoju web-aplikacija, i to za različite dijelove aplikacije, a oni analizirani u ovom radu koriste se u razvoju front end dijela web-aplikacije. Prema načinu izvođenja webaplikacije mogu biti Multi Page (MPA) ili Single Page (SPA). U radu je objaÅ”njena različitost između MPA i SPA web-aplikacija. Pokazane su prednosti i nedostatci MPA u odnosu na SPA web-aplikacije. Postavljene su zahtijevane karakteristike frameworka koji je optimiziran za izradu MPA i SPA web-aplikacija. Testirana je hipoteza: Postoji framework koji je prilagođen za izradu i MPA i SPA aplikacija. Analizirane su mogućnosti, arhitektura i načini razvoja web-aplikacija pomoću front end frameworka te prilagođenost takvih frameworka za razvoj MPA i SPA web-aplikacija. IzvrÅ”en je odabir frameworka za testiranje hipoteze prema popularnosti na tržiÅ”tu. Zahtijevane karakteristike analizirane su na 3 najpopularnija frameworka: Angular, Vue.js i React-js. Pokazano je da je Vue.js framework najoptimiziraniji framework za izradu i MPA i SPA aplikacija

    The Quality, Benefits and Differentiation of Aluminium Single Serve Portion Capsules for Drinks

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    Aluminium capsules can be used as the final packaging for any type of powdered foods, such as tea or vitamin and similar hot drinks. Aluminium represents a 100% barrier, is impermeable, extends the shelf life of the final product, is recyclable and an alternative to plastic. A wide range of individualized products, including the capsule as attractive single-use possibility, made it possible to satisfy the preferences and expectations of consumers. Currently two main materials for single serve portion coffee capsules are in use: aluminium and/or plastic based


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    Usporedba Javascript radnih okvira (eng. framework - FW) za izradu Web aplikacija je zavrÅ”ni rad koji uspoređuje popularne Javascript frontend radne okvire (eng. front-end framework - FEFW). Na samom početku objasnit će se dvije osnovne vrste web aplikacija, one viÅ”estranične aplikacija (eng. Multi Page Aplication - MPA) i one jednostranične (eng. Single Page Aplication - SPA). Definirat će se glavna pitanja bitna za izradu ovih vrsta aplikacija i na temelju njih raditi usporedba tri najpoznatija FEFW ā€“ Angular, React.js, Vue.js. Na samom kraju, analizirati će se i objasniti usporedba tri FEFW

    Organization of Railway Traffic in Integrated Public Passengers Transport System

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    Željeznički promet na području Zadarske županije gotovo da i ne postoji, radi krive prometne politike vlakovi su zamijenjeni autobusima, dok je postojeći način obavljanja javnog prijevoza putnika u Zadarskoj županiji neintegriran i neefikasan, individualni prijevoz guÅ”i prometnice i stvara gužve pogotovo u ljetnim mjesecima. Da bi se željeznički prijevoz revitalizirao na području Zadarske županije i javni prijevoz putnika postao efikasniji gdje bi se postiglo smanjenje individualnog prijevoza potrebno je uvesti integrirani sustav prijevoza putnika gdje bi željeznica bila nositelj prometnog opterećenja.In Zadar county railway traffic almost doesn't exist, because of the wrong traffic policy trains have been replaced with buses, currently the public passenger transport is not integrated and not efficient, individual transportation is choking the roads and produces traffic jams especial in the summer season. For the revitalization of railway traffic in Zadar county and for the public transportation to become more efficient and reducing individual transportation integrated passenger public transport system must be introduced where the railway traffic would be the carrier of the traffic load

    Kalcificirani fibrozni tumor rektuma: prikaz slučaja

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    A calcifying fibrous tumor (CFT) is a benign tumor of unknown etiology. A calcifying fibrous tumor is rare in the intestinal tract. A calcifying fibrous tumor is characterized by hyalinized collagenous fibrous tissue, psammomatous or dystrophic calcification, and focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates on histology. Magnetic resonance imaging is the standard method for evaluating the lesions of the rectum, and CFTs should be considered in differentiating the rectal wall tumors. Herein, we report a case of a 68-year-old man with a rectal wall CFT.Kalcificirani fibrozni tumor (CFT) je benigni tumor nepoznate etiologije. CFT u crijevnom traktu je vrlo rijedak. CFT karakterizira prisutnost hijaliniziranog kolagenskog vlaknastog tkiva, psamomatoznih ili distrofičnih kalcifikacija i fokalnih limfoplazmocitnih infiltrata. Prikazujemo slučaj 68-godiŔnjeg muŔkaraca s CFT-om u stijenci rektuma. Magnetska rezonancija je korisna metoda za procjenu procesa stijenke rektuma, CFT treba uzeti u obzir u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi tumorskih procesa stijenke rektuma

    Analysis of Turnover of Freight Wagons in Railway Traffic

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    Željeznički promet je složen i skup prometni sustav, ali ujedno i najjeftiniji, najefikasniji i ekoloŔki najprihvatljiviji kopneni vid prometa. Da bi se troŔkovi sveli na minimum i održala konkurentnost željeznice naspram ostalih vidova prometa, potrebno je racionalno koristiti sredstva rada te redovito kvantificirati i kvalitativno izražavati učinjeni rad kroz razne evidencije i analitičke radnje. Brojne podjele i tehničko-eksploatacijske karakteristike vučenih sredstava su bitne da bi se racionalno koristilo u upravljalo navedenim sredstvima. Eksploatacijski pokazatelji podijeljeni na kvalitativne i kvantitativne govore o tome koliko se dobro radilo, sto se treba mijenjati u radu i gdje te potrebe trebaju nastati, kao Ŕto je na konkretnom slučaju u radu kroz obrt prikazano.Rail transport is a complex and expensive transport system, but also the cheapest, most efficient and environmentally friendly terrestrial mode of transport. In order to minimize costs and maintain the competitiveness of railways in over other types of traffic, it is necessary to rationally use the resources of work and regularly quantified and qualitative express done work through a variety of records and analytical activities. Many divisions and technical-exploitation characteristics of the freight wagons are essential to rationally used and to manage the freight wagons. Exploitation indicators divided into qualitative and quantitative, tell us about how well is the work done, what needs to be changed in the work and where this need should arise, as it is showns in this case in the presented work through turnover of the freight wagons
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