8 research outputs found

    Application of IT in the formation of sustainable reporting of business entities

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    The article deals with information technologies applied in the formation of sustainable reporting of business entites and provides a review of current information solutions and their development trends. Authors analyze the current situation in the field of non-financial reporting in the Russian Federation. To improve the competitiveness of companies and industries, strengthen the business reputation of organizations, authors proposed to develop a digital platform that is cabaple to create, publish, store of non-financial reports, go through the verification process.peer-reviewe

    Features of the Formation of Political Orientations of Modern Russian Schoolchildren

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    Статья посвящена раскрытию основных теоретических подходов к изучению понятия политических ориентаций в зарубежной и отечественной научной литературе. Представлены результаты исследования формирования политических ориентаций современных российских школьников на примере Свердловской области.The article is devoted to the disclosure of the main theoretical approaches to the study of the concept of political orientations in foreign and domestic scientific literature. The results of a study of the formation of political orientations of modern Russian schoolchildren in the Sverdlovsk region are presented


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    Статья посвящена влиянию допинговых скандалов на политические процессы. Они рассмотрены как инструмент политического давления на примере олимпийских игр в Сочи, Рио-де-Жанейро, Пченчхане и Пекине.The article is devoted to the impact of doping scandals on political processes. They are considered as an instrument of political pressure on the example of the Olympic Games in Sochi, Rio de Janeiro, Pyeongchang and Beijing

    Dynamics of dissolved Fe content in tributaries of Lake Teletskoe, depending on solar activity indicators

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    Relevance. The need to expand and deepen the understanding of the influence of solar radiation indicators on chemical characteristics of surface water, since the dependence of hydrochemical processes on periodic changes in solar activity has so far been studied extremely poorly. In addition, special attention is paid worldwide to the study of iron content in waters of rivers and lakes. Iron increased concentrations are one of the reasons for the "brownification" of surface waters in a significant part of the Northern Hemisphere. Aim. To establish a relationship between iron content and dynamics in the waters of the tributaries of Lake Teletskoe with indicators of solar activity (sunspots number, F-index). Methods. Water samples from the tributaries of Lake Teletskoe were collected into clean new polyethylene bottles in the estuaries of the rivers, from a depth of 0.5 m during the spring-summer high water and autumn low water, in 2016–2020. Content of total and dissolved Fe in the waters was determined by the ISP-MS method and by the AAS method. We used the data on solar activity indicators from the Belgian Observatory, which are freely available. Results. The total Fe content in the rivers of Lake Teletskoe basin for the period from 2016 to 2020 changes from 5 to 340 µg/l. Concentrations of dissolved iron (4 to 200 µg/l) do not exceed Russian standards, but they are often noticeably higher than the global average for river waters established abroad. The highest iron content, as well as the proportion of its soluble forms in the tributaries of Lake Teletskoe and in lake waters, was noted in 2016. It is probably due to the highest rates of solar activity. They cause certain changes in the environment – such as an increase in air temperature and water evaporation, and decrease in river flow, which accompanied by growth in concentrations of chemical elements in surface waters. Since 2016, there has been a steady decrease in dissolved iron concentration in surface natural waters of Lake Teletskoe basin, which may be a consequence of a decrease in solar radiation intensity in recent years

    Comparative historical analysis of the foundation of classical gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century: Russian and international experience

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    Introduction. Improving the theory and practice of modern school dictates the need to take into account the historical and pedagogical heritage. There is a request for an in-depth and unbiased review of the history of Russian education and training. The search for effective pedagogical solutions actualises the appeal to the historical experience of Russian pedagogy, to the ideas and practices of classical education, which undeservedly remain outside the field of vision of Russian scholars and reformers of the modern Russian school.Aim and main research questions. The aim of the present research is to study the genesis of the Russian classical gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century. The study is an attempt at a dialogue with the past of Russian education, prompted by the intention to look into its future.This research work involves the analysis of the issues related to social and pedagogical factors, events in the process of the foundation and development of the Russian gymnasium as a new type of educational institution, and the comparison of its genesis with similar educational institutions in the West, taking into account the current problems of Russian school and education.The hypothesis of the research consists in scientific argumentation of the assessments of the foundation of the Russian classical gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century as a qualitatively new and important phenomenon of Russian education, which significantly influenced the further development of the Russian school.Methodology and research methods. The object of the study is the education system in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century, and its subject is the classical gymnasium education of the indicated period. The foundation of a classical gymnasium is studied on the basis of the methodology of history of pedagogy and comparative pedagogy. The main methodological principles of historical and pedagogical science were taken into account – objectivity, historicism, comprehensiveness and consistency. In accordance with the methodology of objective positivism, the authors have made an attempt to scientifically understand and generalise the research findings and phenomena. The formulation of scientific ideas and judgments also required an appeal to the philosophy of relativism. The implementation of the methodology of comparative pedagogy provided for the search for similarities and differences, common and specific in the experience of the Russian classical gymnasium and secondary educational institutions of classical education in the West in the first quarter of the 19th century.When choosing research methods, the authors conducted the analysis of the presentation range of documents. The authors analysed more than 20 previously unpublished and unknown sources of archival holdings of the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg). Also, the authors analysed the Russian and foreign research papers published from the 19th century to the early 21st century.Research results. The genesis of the classical Russian gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century is presented for the first time in a holistic form: the establishment of a gymnasium under the Charter of 1804, the contribution of S. S. Uvarov to the creation of a classical gymnasium and his experiment in the St. Petersburg provincial gymnasium of 1811, the curriculum of gymnasiums of 1819, the official policy as a factor in the development of classical education. The authors compared the genesis of the Russian classical gymnasium and institutions of classical secondary education in the West in the first quarter of the 19th century.The research results demonstrate that the researched period was the key for the foundation of the classical Russian pre-revolutionary gymnasium. In Russia, a new sector of the education system was created, being in tune with the European pedagogical trends of the era. A shift of the Russian gymnasium by the end of the first quarter of the 19th century away from the encyclopedic curriculum of the beginning of the century to the strengthening of classicism was identified. The similarities and differences of the processes of its foundation compared to the genesis of complete general education in the West, especially in Prussia, are shown.Practical and scientific significance. The possibilities of updating the experience of Russian classical education in modern conditions are outlined. Turning to such experience allows us to more successfully solve not only the specific problems of the revived gymnasiums and gymnasium classes in modern Russia, but also, in general, to comprehend the prospects of classical education in the post-industrial era

    Educational Work in School as a Factor of Strengthening Public Solidarity

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    The article deals with educational work at school as a mechanism for the formation of social solidarity, which is associated with an orientation towards common shared values. Based on a sociological study conducted among school teachers, it was revealed that modern schoolchildren are united by common values, such as communication in digital reality, which forms an orientation towards personal interests and indifference to the experience of past generations. The destructive orientation of the activity of schoolchildren is emphasized, which actualizes the increased attention to educational work as a factor in strengthening social solidarity.В статье рассматривается воспитательная работа в школе как механизм формирования общественной солидарности, которая связана с ориентацией на общие разделяемые ценности. На основе проведенного социологического исследования среди учителей школ выявлено, что современных школьников объединяют общие ценности, такие как коммуникация в цифровой реальности, формирующая ориентацию на личные интересы и безразличие к опыту прошлых поколений. Подчеркивается деструктивная направленность активности школьников, что актуализирует усиление внимания к воспитательной работе как фактору укрепления общественной солидарности

    Comparative historical analysis of the foundation of classical gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century: Russian and international experience

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    Introduction. Improving the theory and practice of modern school dictates the need to take into account the historical and pedagogical heritage. There is a request for an in-depth and unbiased review of the history of Russian education and training. The search for effective pedagogical solutions actualises the appeal to the historical experience of Russian pedagogy, to the ideas and practices of classical education, which undeservedly remain outside the field of vision of Russian scholars and reformers of the modern Russian school. Aim and main research questions. The aim of the present research is to study the genesis of the Russian classical gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century. The study is an attempt at a dialogue with the past of Russian education, prompted by the intention to look into its future. This research work involves the analysis of the issues related to social and pedagogical factors, events in the process of the foundation and development of the Russian gymnasium as a new type of educational institution, and the comparison of its genesis with similar educational institutions in the West, taking into account the current problems of Russian school and education. The hypothesis of the research consists in scientific argumentation of the assessments of the foundation of the Russian classical gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century as a qualitatively new and important phenomenon of Russian education, which significantly influenced the further development of the Russian school. Methodology and research methods. The object of the study is the education system in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century, and its subject is the classical gymnasium education of the indicated period. The foundation of a classical gymnasium is studied on the basis of the methodology of history of pedagogy and comparative pedagogy. The main methodological principles of historical and pedagogical science were taken into account – objectivity, historicism, comprehensiveness and consistency. In accordance with the methodology of objective positivism, the authors have made an attempt to scientifically understand and generalise the research findings and phenomena. The formulation of scientific ideas and judgments also required an appeal to the philosophy of relativism. The implementation of the methodology of comparative pedagogy provided for the search for similarities and differences, common and specific in the experience of the Russian classical gymnasium and secondary educational institutions of classical education in the West in the first quarter of the 19th century. When choosing research methods, the authors conducted the analysis of the presentation range of documents. The authors analysed more than 20 previously unpublished and unknown sources of archival holdings of the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg). Also, the authors analysed the Russian and foreign research papers published from the 19th century to the early 21st century. Research results. The genesis of the classical Russian gymnasium in the first quarter of the 19th century is presented for the first time in a holistic form: the establishment of a gymnasium under the Charter of 1804, the contribution of S. S. Uvarov to the creation of a classical gymnasium and his experiment in the St. Petersburg provincial gymnasium of 1811, the curriculum of gymnasiums of 1819, the official policy as a factor in the development of classical education. The authors compared the genesis of the Russian classical gymnasium and institutions of classical secondary education in the West in the first quarter of the 19th century. The research results demonstrate that the researched period was the key for the foundation of the classical Russian pre-revolutionary gymnasium. In Russia, a new sector of the education system was created, being in tune with the European pedagogical trends of the era. A shift of the Russian gymnasium by the end of the first quarter of the 19th century away from the encyclopedic curriculum of the beginning of the century to the strengthening of classicism was identified. The similarities and differences of the processes of its foundation compared to the genesis of complete general education in the West, especially in Prussia, are shown. Practical and scientific significance. The possibilities of updating the experience of Russian classical education in modern conditions are outlined. Turning to such experience allows us to more successfully solve not only the specific problems of the revived gymnasiums and gymnasium classes in modern Russia, but also, in general, to comprehend the prospects of classical education in the post-industrial era.Введение. Совершенствование теории и практики современной школы диктует необходимость учета историко-педагогического наследия. Существует запрос на углубленное и непредвзятое рассмотрение отечественной истории воспитания и обучения. Поиск эффективных педагогических решений актуализирует обращение к историческому опыту российской педагогики, идеям и практикам классического образования, которые незаслуженно остаются вне поля зрения российских ученых и реформаторов современной отечественной школы. Цель и основные вопросы исследования. Цель представленного исследования – изучение генезиса российской классической гимназии в первой четверти XIX в. Это попытка диалога с прошлым российского образования, вызванная намерением заглянуть в его будущее. Исследовательская работа включала анализ вопросов, касающихся социальных и педагогических факторов, событий периода зарождения и развития российской гимназии как нового типа учебного заведения, сопоставление особенностей возникновения российской гимназии и аналогичных учебных заведений на Западе с учетом современных проблем отечественной школы и педагогики. Гипотеза исследования состоит в научной аргументации оценок процесса зарождении российской классической гимназии в первой четверти XIX в. как качественно нового и важного феномена российского образования, существенно повлиявшего на дальнейшее развитие отечественной школы. Методология, методы и методики исследования. Объектом исследования служила система образования в России первой четверти XIX в., предметом – классическое гимназическое образование указанного периода. Становление классической гимназии изучено с опорой на методологию истории педагогики и сравнительной педагогики. Были учтены основные методологические принципы историко-педагогической науки – объективности, историзма, всесторонности и системности. В соответствии с методологией объективного позитивизма авторы стремились к научному осмыслению и обобщению обнаруженных фактов и феноменов. Формулировка научных представлений и суждений потребовала также обращения к философии релятивизма. Применение методологии сравнительной педагогики предусматривало прежде всего поиск сходства и различий, общего и особенного в опыте российской классической гимназии и средних учебных заведений классического образования Запада первой четверти XIX в. При выборе методов исследования авторы прибегли к анализу презентативного круга документов. Были проанализированы более 20 ранее неопубликованных и малоизвестных источников из архивных фондов Российского государственного исторического архива (Санкт-Петербург), а также отечественные и зарубежные научные работы XIX – начала XXI в. Результаты исследования. Впервые в целостном виде представлен генезис классической российской гимназии первой четверти XIX в.: учреждение гимназии по уставу 1804 г., вклад С. С. Уварова в создание классической гимназии и осуществленный им эксперимент в Санкт-Петербургской губернской гимназии 1811 г., учебный план гимназий 1819 г., официальная политика того времени как фактор развития классического образования. Осуществлено сопоставление генезиса российской классической гимназии и учреждений классического среднего образования на Западе первой четверти XIX в. Результаты исследования показали, что изучаемый период оказался ключевым для становления классической российской дореволюционной гимназии. Это время ознаменовалось созданием в России нового сектора системы образования, что было созвучно европейским педагогическим тенденциям эпохи. Выявлены отход российской гимназии к концу первой четверти XIX в. от энциклопедического учебного плана начала столетия в сторону усиления классицизма, показаны общность и различия процессов ее становления и формирования полного общего образования в западных странах, особенно Пруссии. Практическая и научная значимость. Намечены возможности актуализации опыта российского классического образования в современных условиях. Обращение к этому опыту позволяет успешнее решать не только конкретные проблемы возрожденных в современной России гимназий и гимназических классов, но и в целом осмысливать перспективы классического образования постиндустриальной эпохи

    Fluoro​an​hydrite compositions plasticized by polycarboxylate esters

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    The influence of a plasticizer based on polycarboxylate esters on the properties of a high-strength fluoroanhydrite composition and a lightweight composition with expanded perlite sand is investigated. It was shown that the addition of 2% polycarboxylate esters on water base to compositions has increased compressive strength and a flexural strength up to 46% and 20% respectively compare to composite without any additives. Due to the structure’s compaction of the compositions, water absorption decreased and the water resistance of the material increased. Microstructural analysis of the compositions confirmed the improvement of physical and mechanical characteristics by changing the morphology of crystallohydrate formations, increasing the contact area between new formations and modifying the structure by carbon nanotubes. The developed mixtures are supposed to be apply for self-leveling fluid mixtures for floors with reduced thermal conductivity. First published online 10 February 202