188 research outputs found

    Analyse pour l’élaboration d’un système d’indicateurs du développement durable destiné aux destinations touristiques valaisannes: étude de cas dans la commune de Saas-Fee

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    Le tourisme est un domaine important de l’économie valaisanne. L’intérêt de développer un tourisme durable est démontré. Celui-ci permet un développement sur le long terme qui respecte l’environnement et la culture locale. Mesurer la durabilité du tourisme dans une destination n’est pas aisé, mais peut cependant être accompli à l’aide d’indicateurs. L’utilisation d’un système d’indicateurs détient certains avantages. Il permet d’évaluer les progrès accomplis et les résultats mesurés permettent également de soutenir la mise en place de stratégies. Un des objectifs de ce travail est donc d’analyser les systèmes d’indicateurs existants et de livrer des recommandations quant à la mise en oeuvre d’un tel système. Une méthode qualitative a été choisie. Les indicateurs les plus fréquemment utilisés dans les systèmes existants ont été revus par des experts et des parties prenantes d’une destination pilote, Saas-Fee. À quelques exceptions près, les indicateurs sélectionnés correspondent aux problématiques de la commune de Saas-Fee. Cette méthode de sélection est donc appropriée pour les destinations valaisannes. Il est néanmoins conseillé d’offrir la possibilité aux communes de sélectionner les indicateurs selon leur stratégie et leur besoin, de manière à prendre en compte les spécificités de chacune

    Co-Working Spaces in Alpinen Destinationen: Wie können diese touristische Angebote zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen?

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Thema Co-Working und Alpiner Tourismus auseinander und wie Co-Working Spaces ein touristisches Angebot zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen können. Das Ziel ist es für den Mountain Hub Verbier eine Bestandsaufnahme der Alpinen Co-Working Spaces in der Schweiz und ihres bereits bestehenden touristischen Angebots zu erstellen. Daraus werden Handlungsempfehlungen aus touristischer Sicht erstellt, welche den Alpine Co-Working Space unterstützen sollen, saisonal schwächere Monate zu überbrücken

    J.R.R. Tolkien et les paysages de l’Aletsch Arena

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    Ce travail a pour objectif de proposer à l’Aletsch Arena un produit en réalité augmentée en lien avec la venue de J.R.R. Tolkien, auteur du Seigneur des Anneaux et du Hobbit, en Suisse. Afin d’analyser ce qui existe déjà dans le tourisme de cinéma, dans le tourisme littéraire et en réalité augmentée dans le tourisme, une recherche de données secondaires a été effectuée. Ces données secondaires ont été résumées dans le travail sous forme de présentation non-exhaustive d’exemples de ce qui existe dans ces domaines

    QCD thermodynamics with continuum extrapolated Wilson fermions II

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    We continue our investigation of 2+1 flavor QCD thermodynamics using dynamical Wilson fermions in the fixed scale approach. Two additional pion masses, approximately 440 MeV and 285 MeV, are added to our previous work at 545 MeV. The simulations were performed at 3 or 4 lattice spacings at each pion mass. The renormalized chiral condensate, strange quark number susceptibility and Polyakov loop is obtained as a function of the temperature and we observe a decrease in the light chiral pseudo-critical temperature as the pion mass is lowered while the pseudo-critical temperature associated with the strange quark number susceptibility or the Polyakov loop is only mildly sensitive to the pion mass. These findings are in agreement with previous continuum results obtained in the staggered formulation.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, published versio

    Designing a sustainable travel package: the case of Slovenia

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    Because of its continuous growth, tourism is becoming one of the largest industries in the world. The impacts of tourism and especially of mass tourism have proven to be harmful for both the natural environment and the local inhabitants of the visited areas. This leads to the necessity to develop alternative forms of tourism that will ensure a global sustainable development. This paper researches the possibility to develop a tourism package that would be responsible and respond to this global issue

    Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD

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    Finite temperature charmonium spectral functions in the pseudoscalar and vector channels are studied in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavours of dynamical Wilson quarks, on fine isotropic lattices (with a lattice spacing of 0.057 fm), with a non-physical pion mass of mπm_{\pi} \approx 545 MeV. The highest temperature studied is approximately 1.4Tc1.4 T_c. Up to this temperature no significant variation of the spectral function is seen in the pseudoscalar channel. The vector channel shows some temperature dependence, which seems to be consistent with a temperature dependent low frequency peak related to heavy quark transport, plus a temperature independent term at \omega>0. These results are in accord with previous calculations using the quenched approximation.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    QCD thermodynamics with Wilson fermions

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    QCD is investigated at finite temperature using Wilson fermions in the fixed scale approach. A 2+1 flavor stout and clover improved action is used at four lattice spacings allowing for control over discretization errors. The light quark masses in this first study are fixed to heavier than physical values. The renormalized chiral condensate, quark number susceptibility and the Polyakov loop is measured and the results are compared with the staggered formulation in the fixed N_t approach. The Wilson results at the finest lattice spacing agree with the staggered results at the highest N_t.Comment: 7 pages, Talk presented at the XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), July 10-16, 2011, Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, US

    The vertebrate muscle Z-disc: sarcomere anchor for structure and signalling

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    The Z-disc, appearing as a fine dense line forming sarcomere boundaries in striated muscles, when studied in detail reveals crosslinked filament arrays that transmit tension and house myriads of proteins with diverse functions. At the Z-disc the barbed ends of the antiparallel actin filaments from adjoining sarcomeres interdigitate and are crosslinked primarily by layers of α-actinin. The Z-disc is therefore the site of polarity reversal of the actin filaments, as needed to interact with the bipolar myosin filaments in successive sarcomeres. The layers of α-actinin determine the Z-disc width: fast fibres have narrow (~30–50 nm) Z-discs and slow and cardiac fibres have wide (~100 nm) Z-discs. Comprehensive reviews on the roles of the numerous proteins located at the Z-disc in signalling and disease have been published; the aim here is different, namely to review the advances in structural aspects of the Z-disc

    Conformation-regulated mechanosensory control via titin domains in cardiac muscle

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    The giant filamentous protein titin is ideally positioned in the muscle sarcomere to sense mechanical stimuli and transform them into biochemical signals, such as those triggering cardiac hypertrophy. In this review, we ponder the evidence for signaling hotspots along the titin filament involved in mechanosensory control mechanisms. On the way, we distinguish between stress and strain as triggers of mechanical signaling events at the cardiac sarcomere. Whereas the Z-disk and M-band regions of titin may be prominently involved in sensing mechanical stress, signaling hotspots within the elastic I-band titin segment may respond primarily to mechanical strain. Common to both stress and strain sensor elements is their regulation by conformational changes in protein domains