264 research outputs found

    Drug safety: drugs, adversely affect the occurrence and progression of glaucoma

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    The article shows the problems of the information support of the doctor and the patient for the safe use of medicines for the treatment of diseases related to glaucoma. A large number of patients, especially the elderly, come to the doctor with not one, but several diseases. For the treatment of these diseases, the patient is taking the appropriate medication. Each patient may have a unique set, but more often it is traditionally used a combination of drugs, created in accordance with current treatment standards. Timely awareness of the doctor and patient about possible adverse effects of certain drugs on the course of glaucoma and the potential risk of its occurrence is one of the basic conditions of quality and efficiency of the provision of comprehensive care to the patient with all occurring in his pathological processes. One of the promising areas of information support of the doctor and the patient is to inform all participants of the treatment process for the adverse reaction of the complex flow of glaucoma medications already taken by the patient, not only with each other but also with drugs that the doctor plans to appoint further

    Behavioral Impact of the Regulation of the Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex by Synthetic Phosphonate Analog of 2-Oxoglutarate: Implications into the Role of the Complex in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Decreased activity of the mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) in brain accompanies neurodegenerative diseases. To reveal molecular mechanisms of this association, we treated rats with a specific inhibitor of OGDHC, succinyl phosphonate, or exposed them to hypoxic stress. In males treated with succinyl phosphonate and in pregnancy-sensitized females experiencing acute hypobaric hypoxia, we revealed upregulation of brain OGDHC (within 24 hours), with the activity increase presumably representing the compensatory response of brain to the OGDHC inhibition. This up-regulation of brain OGDHC was accompanied by an increase in exploratory activity and a decrease in anxiety of the experimental animals. Remarkably, the hypoxia-induced elevation of brain OGDHC and most of the associated behavioral changes were abrogated by succinyl phosphonate. The antagonistic action of hypoxia and succinyl phosphonate demonstrates potential therapeutic significance of the OGDHC regulation by the phosphonate analogs of 2-oxoglutarate

    Анализ деятельности службы по направлению «Лучевая и инструментальная диагностика» за 2021 год в Санкт-Петербурге

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    The article presents an analytical review of the state of radiation and instrumental diagnostics in St. Petersburg in 2021. В статье представлен аналитический обзор состояния лучевой и  инструментальной диагностики в  Санкт-Петербурге за 2021 год.

    Development of Citizenship and Patriotism in Modern Russia

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    В статье представлен обзор госпрограммы, направленной на развитие у граждан патриотизма и гражданственности, приведены ее итоги на основании анализа социальных исследований. В работе определяются технологии развития патриотического воспитания населения, а также механизмы их реализации. Выявлены недостатки формирования чувства патриотизма, а также приведены возможные пути решения проблем в сфере патриотического воспитания.The article provides an overview of the state program aimed at developing patriotism and citizenship among citizens, and presents its results based on the analysis of social research. The work defines technologies for the development of atriotic education of the population, as well as mechanisms for their implementation. The disadvantages of the formation of a sense of patriotism are revealed, and possible ways of solving these problems are given


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    The article presents statistical data on the state of Saint-Petersburg radiology as of 2018.В статье представлен аналитический обзор состояния лучевой диагностики в Санкт-Петербурге в 2018 год

    Лучевая диагностика в цифрах: Санкт-Петербург, 2020

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    The article presents statistical data on the state of Saint-Petersburg radiology as of 2020.В статье представлен аналитический обзор состояния лучевой диагностики в Санкт-Петербурге в 2020 году

    Лучевая диагностика в Санкт-Петербурге в 2022 году: анализ деятельности службы

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    The article presents an analytical review of the state of radiation and instrumental diagnostics in St. Petersburg in 2022.В статье представлен аналитический обзор состояния лучевой и инструментальной диагностики в Санкт-Петербурге за 2022 год


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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common gynecological disorders, which affects 5-20 % of young women all over the world in different ethnic groups and races, and is a frequent cause of infertility, a miscarriage, complicated pregnancy and childbirth. PCOS is a polysymptomatic disease characterized by hyperandrogenism, menstrual dysfunction and multifollicular structure of the ovaries with ultrasound examination. The main manifestations of PCOS lie in the basis of N1H and Rotterdam diagnostic criteria. There are several different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome in accordance with these criteria. At the same time, PCOS is a metabolic disorder, and the role of insulin resistance has been proven in development of this condition. 1n consequence of which pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment are of interest not only for gynecologists, but also for endocrinologists, cardiologists, and others clinicians, as PCOS is a serious problem associated with obesity, increased risks of endometrial adenocarcinoma, hypertension and cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes and etc. Moreover, economic costs are billions of dollars ayear around the world for the treatment of complications of PCOS. To date, many researchers have been studying the formation of PCOS, and our article discusses the theories explaining pathogenesis and etiology of this disease, clinical manifestations and current approaches to diagnosis of PCOS


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    Dance movement therapy is a part of art therapy, which implements dance and movement to improve various aspects of a person’s daily functioning, improving his/her physical and emotional state. Dance therapy is especially applicable in older age, when intense stresses are beyond his/her physical capabilities. Elderly people who dance on the regular basis have better flexibility, postural stability, balance, reaction time and cognitive abilities, compared to people of the same age who do not dance. Published evidence support the positive experience of using dance therapy as a method of rehabilitation in elderly patients and subjects with various neurological and mental disorders. Argentine tango represents a promising tool of art therapy, because it is based on biomechanical schemes of movement that are physiological for the human body, includes an improvisation element that stimulates neuroplasticity, and activates social, cognitive, psychological and communicative abilities of the subject. The use of the “educational dance” approach in teaching allows solving several rehabilitation tasks: adaptation of the subject to the process of perception of new information; learning to realize body in motion and build motion on the basis of biofeedback; achievement of maximum comfort during movement and gain a unique manner of movement that is maximally functional for the subject. The acquired skill of conscious movement can become the foundation for further rehabilitation. Thus, argentine tango may be a useful rehabilitation tool for patients with diseases of the nervous system who need to improve motor skills, balance and coordination, and cognitive and communicative capacity. In addition, the use of argentine tango as a motivational factor in comprehensive rehabilitation programs seems promising. The influence of dance therapy on the mood and quality of life in the elderly requires further study in this population.Танцевально-двигательная терапия является направлением арт-терапии, в котором танец и движение используются для улучшения ряда параметров повседневного функционирования индивида, улучшая его физическое и эмоциональное состояние, в особенности в пожилом возрасте, когда интенсивные нагрузки находятся за пределами его физических возможностей. Регулярно танцующие пожилые люди обладают бóльшей гибкостью, постуральной стабильностью, балансом, временем реакции и когнитивными возможностями, по сравнению с людьми того же возраста, которые не занимаются танцами. Приводятся данные о положительном опыте применения танцевальной терапии как метода реабилитации у пациентов и субъектов пожилого возраста при различных неврологических и психических заболеваниях. Аргентинское танго является перспективным инструментом метода, поскольку основано на физиологичных для организма человека биомеханических схемах движения, включает элемент импровизации, чем стимулирует нейропластичность, а также задействует социальные, когнитивные, психологические и коммуникативные способности субъекта. Использование в обучении подхода «Развивающий танец» позволяет решать ряд реабилитационных задач: адаптировать субъекта к процессу восприятия новой информации, научиться осознавать свое тело в движении и строить движение на основе обратной связи, добиваться в движении максимальной комфортности, обрести свою уникальную манеру движения, максимально функциональную именно для него; полученный навык осознанного движения может стать фундаментом для дальнейшей реабилитации. Таким образом, аргентинское танго может быть полезным инструментом реабилитации для пациентов с заболеваниями нервной системы, нуждающихся в улучшении двигательных навыков, координации движений, когнитивных и коммуникативных способностей. Кроме того, многообещающим представляется использование аргентинского танго как мотивационного фактора в комплексных программах реабилитации. Влияние танцевальной терапии на психоэмоциональное состояние и качество жизни у пожилых людей требует дальнейшего изучения в этой популяции