417 research outputs found

    Гендерный подход к понятию национального в женской литературе. Проза современных российских писательниц

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    After drastic changes in the all fields of Russian life after 1991 there emerged attempts in Russian literature of the following decades to conceive the existing cultural situation and find new ideas and symbols. The prominent feature of this process was a radical change of women gender perception, greatly influenced by rapid modification of everyday life as well as a flood of information from the West. The women’s writings of the period demonstrate various genres, esthetical and ideological trends. It is interesting that the attempts of self-identification in new circumstances are connected with aspiration of some writers (T. Nabatnikova, L. Ulitskaya, E. Isayeva, S. Vasilenko, A. Marinina) to formulate basic concepts of what is called a new national idea. Their texts demonstrate attempts to destroy outdated myths and build up new ones, based on modern conceptions. Thus gender reconsideration in contemporary Russian literature gets wider socio-cultural and political measurement

    Dva ustava knižnogo čteniâ v drevnej rusi

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    Economic behavior of agricultural land market subjects

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    The purpose of the study is to build the agricultural land market subjects’ economic behavior models. The formation of rational land use in the agrarian sphere indicates influence of institutional factors – motives and interests of land owners that allow to ensure land distribution included in the market turnover between the most efficient users. The structural scheme of the agricultural land market subjects’ behavior motives has been proposed. The motives of sellers in the land market are to optimize income that is achieved by increasing a land plot attractiveness. Buyers are guided by the possession motives, use and disposal of land by acquiring a land plot. Sellers and buyers of land plots are individuals and legal entities. Agricultural organizations, individual entrepreneurs, farms, personal subsidiary plots, and citizens (rural population) participate in land sailing. Buyers in the market are owner, land user, landowner, and tenant. The functions of sellers and buyers have been systematized considering the purpose and action of the actors. Destructive and rational models of the agricultural land market actors’ economic behavior have been presented and developed. The application of the destructive model is associated with negative consequences characterized by land withdrawal from economic turnover, change of its intended purpose, and land transfer to another category. The rational model includes finding an optimal alternative under a set of constraints and provides for a high level of human intelligence and knowledge to make right decisions. Factors of this model are coordination of land ownership institutions and creation of a legal framework. It is characterized by strict administrative and legal regulation that contributes to eradication of shadowing in land relations. The area of application of the developed rational model of the agricultural land market subjects’ economic behavior is scientific organizations, agro-industrial complex management bodies at the regional and municipal levels, and agricultural producers

    H13^{13}CN-HN13^{13}C intensity ratio as a temperature indicator of interstellar clouds

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    With the 30-m IRAM radio telescope, we observed several massive star forming regions at wavelengths of 3-4 and 2 mm. The temperature of the gas in the sources was estimated from the lines of CH3_{3}CCH and from the transitions of the NH3_3 molecule obtained during observations at the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg. As a result, a correlation between the integrated intensity ratios of the J=10J=1-0 transitions of H13^{13}CN and HN13^{13}C and the kinetic temperature has been obtained. The obtained results allow us to propose the use of the intensity ratio H13^{13}CN-HN13^{13}C as a possible temperature indicator of interstellar clouds. We also compared the obtained estimates of the kinetic temperature with the dust temperature TdustT_{dust}. As a result, no significant correlation was found.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in Astronomy Reports (2022

    Information and communication technologies as the factor of a professional musician training

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The study from the perspective of the current conditions of information considers the issues of a professional musician training improvement from the perspective of the current information system development conditions. According to the researchers, a quick update and the obsolescence of information and communication technologies and computer resources in society is accompanied by a slow adaptation of a musical education system to their use. In order to resolve this situation, the researchers suggest the ways to improve the training of a professional musician which are based on the integration of methodological approaches: a design and technological, a competence-based, a contextual and other ones taking into account the development of computer technologies. The study offers the principles of integration, reflection, subjectivity and productivity. The researchers teaching experience is offered concerning the creation of tutorials that focus on the effectiveness of a professional musician training in terms of information-communicative educational environment

    Determinantes do número de segmentos operacionais pós-adoção da IFRS 8: Evidência em Bancos da União Europeia

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    Os objetivos deste estudo são identificar as principais características económico-financeiras determinantes do número de segmentos relatados por Bancos da União Europeia e analisar o consequente efeito da adoção da IFRS 8 - Segmentos Operacionais. Esta norma permite entender melhor o desempenho de uma entidade, facilitando julgamentos e avaliação de riscos e oportunidades. Contudo, a investigação sobre impactos da adoção da IFRS 8 não tem abrangido o setor bancário, pese embora a sua adoção num período em que, devido à crise do subprime, se passou a exigir mais transparência a este sector. Com uma amostra de 146 Bancos da UE com ações admitidas à cotação em Bolsa e uma janela temporal de 13 anos com início em 2005, o presente estudo revela-se oportuno. Os resultados demonstram que o número de segmentos operacionais será tanto maior quanto maior for a diversidade de bolsas de valores onde o capital está admitido, a dimensão do Banco e o seu nível de crescimento, e quanto menor for a sua alavancagem e a dispersão do capital dos acionistas, não sendo a rentabilidade ou o tipo de auditor um factor determinante. Separando--os por linha de negócios e por área geográfica, evidenciam-se algumas diferenças (e.g., dispersão de capital, dimensão do banco, alavancagem). Por outrolado, os resultados comprovam que o número de segmentos aumentou depoisda adoção da IFRS 8, e que a associação de alguns determinantes com o número de segmentos também se altera, sendo essa alteração mais significativa quando estes são apresentados por geografias.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Инскрипты в книжной коллекции Г. А. Трофименко: репрезентация профессиональной среды

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    The author investigates into the dedicatory inscriptions in the book collection of Genrikh (Henry) Trofimenko (1929–2005) – prominent historian, specialist in the US military doctrine. The study expands our understanding of inscriptions as a source of information on the professional environment, its specifics, statuses and relationships of players. The theoretical basis of the study is the provisions that consider the inscription as a historical, cultural and sociocultural phenomenon that reflects both personal and public relations. The main research methods are the structural and content analysis of dedicatory inscriptions and the analysis of open biographical data about their authors and addressee.It is shown that the features of the professional environment are revealed in the inscriptions through: 1) its complex structure; 2) references to the subject of professional discussion or the content of the presented book; 3) indications of the date and place of a specific event or circumstances. The analysis of the institutional affiliation of the authors evidences that the members of Trofimenko’s professional environment were highly qualified professionals who headed and represented government, business and public institutions. G. A. Trofimenko’s involvement in this environment and scientific collaboration with foreign colleagues testify to his high expertise and authority.Статья посвящена изучению авторских дарственных надписей в книжной коллекции Генриха Александровича Трофименко (1929–2005) – известного историка-международника, специалиста по военной стратегии США. Исследование расширяет представление об инскриптах как источниках информации о профессиональной среде: её специфике, статусах и взаимоотношениях участников. Теоретической основой исследования стали положения, рассматривающие инскрипт как историко-культурный и социокультурный феномен, который отражает как личные, так и деловые отношения. В качестве основных методов исследования выступают структурно-содержательный анализ дарственных надписей и анализ открытых биографических данных об их авторах и адресате.Показано, что особенности профессиональной среды раскрываются в инскрипте посредством его более сложной структуры; отсылки к предмету профессиональной дискуссии или содержанию презентуемой книги; указания даты и места конкретного мероприятия или обстоятельств встречи. Анализ институциональной принадлежности авторов показал, что участники профессиональной среды являются высококвалифицированными специалистами, возглавлявшими и представлявшими различные государственные, предпринимательские и общественные структуры. Включённость Г. А. Трофименко в эту среду и научное сотрудничество с зарубежными коллегами свидетельствуют о его высоком авторитете и профессионализме

    Блокчейн для институтов социальной памяти: функциональные преимущества и возможности применения

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    De-centralized storage and the closely-coupled related constancy of loaded data, immunity against hacker attacks, transaction history recording and complete transparency make the blockchain technology attractive not only for developing cryptocurrencies and economic transactions. The author reviews the world experience in applying the technology to various activities of social memory institutions and, in particular, individual programs based on the blockchain. The technology enables to provide control and insurance for pieces of art, to ensure copyright, to prevent illegal copying, to store digital copies and ori- ginal works created in the digital environment, to integrate resources using the key functionality of distributed databases. The possibilities and prospects for Russia are evaluated; the need for regulative foundation to define core functionality and legal liability of blockchain processes is emphasized. The possibility for using the technology for building the single knowledge space as the integrative model of digital museum, archival and library resources is analyzed.Блокчейн, обладая такими техническими особенностями, как децентрализация хранения и тесно связанная с ней неизменяемость внесённых данных, устойчивость к хакерским атакам, сохранение истории транзакций и полная их прозрачность, становится привлекательной площадкой не только для создания криптовалют и осуществления экономических сделок. В статье про-иллюстрирован международный опыт применения технологии в разных аспектах работы институтов социальной памяти, перечислены конкретные программы, построенные на основе блокчейна. Приведены примеры решения проблем: учёта и страхования произведений искусства, вопросов авторского права, не-законного копирования, хранения цифровых копий и оригинальных объектов, созданных в цифровой среде, ресурсной интеграции с использованием основных возможностей распределенной базы данных. Даны оценка возможности применения технологии в России и перспективы её практической реализации; отмечена необходимость проработки нормативной базы для определения основного функционала и правовой ответственности блокчейн-процессов. Рассмотрена возможность применения в рамках построения единого электронного пространства знаний как интегративной модели электронных ресурсов музеев, архивов и библиотек

    Some aspects of treatment for cognitive impairments. Cyticolin: pharmacological characteristics, possible benefits, aspects of use

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    The paper reviews the data available in the literature on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of cyticolin and its use in cognitive impairments (CIs).It assesses trials investigating the effect of cyticolin on cognitive functions, including its possible role in increasing Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expression. The results of the latest multicenter trials of the drug used to treat dementia syndrome are analyzed in elderly patients with clinical presentations of mental confusion (the VITA trial) and mild vascular CIs (the IDEALE trial).Cyticolin is able to potentiate neuroplasticity and is a natural precursor of phospholipids, mainly phosphotidylcholine that serves as a source of choline in the metabolic pathways of acetylcholine biosynthesis. The VITA and IDEALE have shown that the parenteral and oral administrations of cyticolin are effective and safe in the treatment of moderate vascular CIs and dementia with clinical presentations of mental confusion. Cyticolin therapy is used to reduce the risk of side effects and to delay of loss of the therapeutic effects of levodopa preparations. Cyticolin has been noted to have a positive effect on cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer’s disease if it is used as an additional therapy

    Публикационная активность в контексте целевых ориентиров научной политики: библиометрический анализ

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    Science  today  is the  key factor  of social  development and  focus of the government policy. The  published   and  globally  acknowledged research   results reflect  the  advance  of the  national  science.  The author  assesses the  publication activity of Russian scientists within  the  context  of the  goals  of the  national  sci-tech policy. The newness  and originality of the study lies in revealing  and analyzing  of intrinsic  and  extrinsic  factors  of publication   activity.  The author  applied the  method   of  comparing  bibliometric   indicators  to  characterize the  works  by Russian scientists in Scopus database.  The goals  of the  study  are: 1) to analyze publication  activity structure and dynamics; 2) to define  publication  impact;  and 3) to evaluate competitive strength and  potential of publication activity of Russian scientists as compared  to foreign researchers. Based on the bibliometric  indicators, the  author  reveals  heterodromous trends  in Russian science. Traditionally, Russian  science  maintains   its  positions  in the  share  of publications in leading journals,  with  the   fast  developing   life  sciences   increasing   the   total   number of publications; while the multidisciplinary  studies  make the most promising  vector. The author concludes  that despite  increasing  number of publications and their  impact,  their   contribution  to  the   global   science   continues  to  be  a  relevant problem.Наука сегодня – это ключевой фактор развития общества и объект первоочередного внимания  со стороны государства.  Опубликованные  и признанные  мировым  академическим  сообществом  результаты исследований  отражают состояние науки в стране. В статье даётся оценка публикационной активности российских учёных в контексте целевых ориентиров государственной научно-технической политики. Новизна исследования  заключается в выделении и анализе  внутренних и внешних факторов публикационной активности. Основной  метод  – сопоставление  библиометрических   показателей,  которые характеризуют  труды  отечественных  авторов,  размещённые   в  базе   данных Scopus.  Задачами   исследования   являются:  1)  анализ  структуры и  динамики публикационной  активности;  2)  определение  уровня  цитируемости  публикаций; 3) оценка конкурентоспособности и потенциала публикационной активности  российских   учёных  в  сравнении   с  учёными  других  стран.  Выявлено, что библиометрические показатели свидетельствуют о разнонаправленных тенденциях  в нашей науке. Традиционные  направления  сохраняют свои позиции по доле публикаций в ведущих журналах, быстро развивающаяся  область наук о жизни отмечена ростом общего числа работ, а самыми перспективными по части научного влияния становятся результаты междисциплинарных  исследований. Делается  вывод, что при заметных успехах в виде увеличения количества  публикаций и их цитируемости  проблема  участия в глобальной  науке остаётся актуальной