1,138 research outputs found

    Remote device access in the new accelerator controls middleware

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    This paper presents the Remote Device Access (RDA) package developed at CERN in the framework of the joint PS/SL Controls Middleware project. The package design reflects the Accelerator Device Model in which devices, named entities in the control system, can be controlled via properties. RDA implements this model in a distributed environment with devices residing in servers that can run anywhere in the controls network. It provides a location-independent and reliable access to the devices from control programs. By invoking the device access methods, clients can read, write and subscribe to device property values. We describe the architecture and design of RDA its API, and CORBA-based implementations in Java and C++. First applications of RDA in the CERN accelerator control systems are described as well

    Scattering of neutrinos on a polarized electron target as a test for new physics beyond the Standard Model

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    In this paper, we analyze the scattering of the neutrino beam on the polarized electron target, and predict the effects of two theoretically possible scenarios beyond the Standard Model. In both scenarios, Dirac neutrinos are assumed to be massive. First, we consider how the existence of CP violation phase between the complex vector V and axial A couplings of the Left-handed neutrinos affects the azimuthal dependence of the differential cross section. The future superbeam and neutrino factory experiments will provide the unique opportunity for the leptonic CP violation studies, if the large magnetized sampling calorimeters with good event reconstruction capabilities are build. Next, we take into account a scenario with the participation of the exotic scalar S coupling of the Right-handed neutrinos in addition to the standard vector V and axial A couplings of the Left-handed neutrinos. The main goal is to show how the presence of the R-handed neutrinos, in the above process changes the spectrum of recoil electrons in relation to the expected Standard Model prediction, using the current limits on the non-standard couplings. The interference terms between the standard and exotic couplings in the differential cross section depend on the angle α\alpha between the transverse incoming neutrino polarization and the transverse electron polarization of the target, and do not vanish in the limit of massless neutrino. The detection of the dependence on this angle in the energy spectrum of recoil electrons would be a signature of the presence of the R-handed neutrinos in the neutrino-electron scattering. To make this test feasible, the polarized artificial neutrino source needs to be identified.Comment: 11 pages, 3 eps figures, revtex, submitted to publicatio

    Санкции против России: эффективность и влияние на национальную безопасность России

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    The current stage of development of the entire world community, including Russia, is associated with such a thing as “sanction wars”. As an example, one can recall the introduction of US sanctions against China, Iran, Venezuela, and other countries, European sanctions, as well as various countersanctions of countries subjected to sanction pressure.As part of this paper, the sanctions imposed against Russia in connection with the Ukrainian crisis in 2014 and countersanctions imposed by Russia are considered. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of sanctions and countersanctions on the national security of Russia. In this regard, the following tasks were set: to identify the list of sanctions of Western countries imposed against Russia and their impact on the national security of Russia, to identify the list of countersanctions of Russia against Western countries and their impact on the national security of Russia, to identify further actions of Russia to ensure the national security of Russia under the conditions of sanction pressure.The study is based on the dialectical, historical and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis and comparison, induction and deduction. The study analyzed Russian and international literature on the topic of sanctions and their impact on national security.Based on the results of the study, the directions of economic development based on the promotion of import substitution, innovation and public-private partnerships with the aim of ensuring the national security of Russia under the conditions of sanction pressure have been proposed. The findings of the study may be of interest to the academic community, studying the impact of sanctions on the national security of the country. The experience of Russia may be of interest to countries subjected to sanction pressure from the United States and its allies.La etapa actual de desarrollo de toda la comunidad mundial, incluida Rusia, está asociada con cosas como "guerras de sanciones", por ejemplo, podemos recordar la introducción de sanciones de Estados Unidos contra China, Irán, Venezuela y otros países, sanciones europeas, así como varios países. sometido a presión de sanción. Como parte de este artículo, se consideran las sanciones impuestas contra Rusia en relación con la crisis ucraniana en 2014 y las sanciones contrarias impuestas por Rusia. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el impacto de las sanciones y contra-sanciones en la seguridad nacional de Rusia. En este sentido, se establecieron las siguientes tareas: determinar la lista de sanciones de los países occidentales impuestas contra Rusia, y su impacto en la seguridad nacional de Rusia, determinar la lista de contra-sanciones de Rusia contra los países occidentales y su impacto en la seguridad nacional de Rusia, para determinar acciones adicionales de Rusia para garantizar la seguridad nacional de Rusia bajo condiciones de presión de sanción. El estudio se basa en un enfoque dialéctico, histórico y sistemático, análisis, síntesis y comparación, inducción y deducción. El estudio analizó la literatura rusa e internacional sobre el tema de las sanciones y su impacto en la seguridad nacional. Sobre la base de los resultados del estudio, se proponen las direcciones del desarrollo económico basadas en la promoción de la sustitución de importaciones, la innovación y las asociaciones público-privadas con el objetivo de garantizar la seguridad nacional de Rusia en condiciones de presión de sanción. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden ser de interés para la comunidad científica, al estudiar el impacto de las sanciones en la seguridad nacional del país, la experiencia de Rusia puede ser de interés para los países sujetos a la presión de las sanciones de los Estados Unidos y sus aliados.современный этап развития всего мирового сообщества, в том числе России, связан с таким явлением как «санкционные войны», в качестве примера можно вспомнить введение санкции США против Китая, Ирана, Венесуэлы и других стран, европейские санкции, а также различные контрсанкции стран, подвергшихся санкционному давлению.В рамках данной статьи рассмотрены санкции, введенные против России в связи с украинским кризисом в 2014 году, и контрсанкции введенные Россией. Целью данного исследования является определение влияния санкций и контрсанкций на национальную безопасность России. В этой связи были поставлены следующие задачи: определить перечень санкции западных стран, введенных против России, и их влияние на национальную безопасность России, определить перечень контрсанкций России против западных стран и их влияние на национальную безопасность России, определить дальнейшее действия России по обеспечению национальной безопасности России в условиях санкционного давления.Исследование основано на диалектическом, историческом и системном подходе, анализе, синтезе и сравнении, индукции и дедукции. В исследовании проанализирована российская и международная литература на тему санкций и их влияния на национальную безопасность.По итогам исследования предложены направления экономического развития, основанные на стимулировании импортозамещения, инноваций и государственно-частного партнерства с целью обеспечения национальной безопасности России в условиях санкционного давления. Выводы, полученные в ходе исследования, могут быть интересны научному сообществу, изучающие влияние санкций на национальную безопасность страны, опыт России может быть интересен странам, подвергшимся санкционному давлению США и их союзников

    Sensitivities of Low Energy Reactor Neutrino Experiments

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    The low energy part of the reactor neutrino spectra has not been experimentally measured. Its uncertainties limit the sensitivities in certain reactor neutrino experiments. The origin of these uncertainties are discussed, and the effects on measurements of neutrino interactions with electrons and nuclei are studied. Comparisons are made with existing results. In particular, the discrepancies between previous measurements with Standard Model expectations can be explained by an under-estimation of the low energy reactor neutrino spectra. To optimize the experimental sensitivities, measurements for \nuebar-e cross-sections should focus on events with large (>>1.5 MeV) recoil energy while those for neutrino magnetic moment searches should be based on events <<100 keV. The merits and attainable accuracies for neutrino-electron scattering experiments using artificial neutrino sources are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Neutrino scattering on polarized electron target and neutrino magnetic moment

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    The completed and proposed experiments for the measurement of the neutrino magnetic moment are discussed. To improve the sensitivity of the search for the neutrino magnetic moment we suggest to use a polarized electron target in the processes of neutrino (antineutrino) -- electron scattering. It is shown that in this case the weak interaction term in the total cross section is few times smaller comparing with unpolarized case, but the electromagnetic term does not depend on electron polarization.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Talk given at the XXVIII ITEP Winter School of Physics, Snegiri, Russia, February 22 - March 1, 200

    Three natural mechanical systems on Stiefel varieties

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    We consider integrable generalizations of the spherical pendulum system to the Stiefel variety V(n,r)=SO(n)/SO(nr)V(n,r)=SO(n)/SO(n-r) for a certain metric. For the case of V(n,2) an alternative integrable model of the pendulum is presented. We also describe a system on the Stiefel variety with a four-degree potential. The latter has invariant relations on TV(n,r)T^*V(n,r) which provide the complete integrability of the flow reduced on the oriented Grassmannian variety G+(n,r)=SO(n)/SO(r)×SO(nr)G^+(n,r)=SO(n)/SO(r)\times SO(n-r).Comment: 14 page

    The Maslov index and nondegenerate singularities of integrable systems

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    We consider integrable Hamiltonian systems in R^{2n} with integrals of motion F = (F_1,...,F_n) in involution. Nondegenerate singularities are critical points of F where rank dF = n-1 and which have definite linear stability. The set of nondegenerate singularities is a codimension-two symplectic submanifold invariant under the flow. We show that the Maslov index of a closed curve is a sum of contributions +/- 2 from the nondegenerate singularities it is encloses, the sign depending on the local orientation and stability at the singularities. For one-freedom systems this corresponds to the well-known formula for the Poincar\'e index of a closed curve as the oriented difference between the number of elliptic and hyperbolic fixed points enclosed. We also obtain a formula for the Liapunov exponent of invariant (n-1)-dimensional tori in the nondegenerate singular set. Examples include rotationally symmetric n-freedom Hamiltonians, while an application to the periodic Toda chain is described in a companion paper.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; published versio