19 research outputs found

    Magnetic Fluids’ Heating Power Exposed to a High-Frequency Rotating Magnetic Field

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    Magnetic fluids are superparamagnetic materials that have recently been the subject of extensive research because of their unique properties. Among them is the heating effect when exposed to an alternating magnetic field, wherein the objective is to use this property in medicine as an alternative method for the treatment of tumors in the body. The heating effect characterization for the alternating magnetic field (AMF) has been studied widely, whilst for the rotational magnetic field (RMF), no systematic study has been done yet. In this article, we present the characterization of the heating power of magnetic fluids in a high-frequency rotational magnetic field. The results show similar behavior of heating power or specific absorption rate characteristics as in AMF


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    Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s problematiko izdelave vozila na dveh kolesih. Delo zajema modeliranje, opis potrebnih komponent ter izdelava vozila, na koncu pa še sintezo regulatorja in implementiranje programa na mikrokrmilniškem sistemu. Ključni deli celotnega sistema sta senzorja, ki zaznavata nagib vozila in regulator, ki je potreben za uspešno vodenje.The thesis describes the construction of a two-wheeled vehicle. Work includes modeling, description of key components and vehicle construction, controller synthesis and implementation of the program on the microcontroller system. Key parts of the entire system are sensors, which can detect tilt of the vehicle and the conroller, which is required for successful control

    Numerične metode v elektrotehniki

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    Numerične metode v elektrotehniki

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    Analysis of electric and magnetic fields in the vicinity of 400 kV high-voltage power lines

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    Električni pogoni

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    Finding a Crack’s Position and its Parameters on the basis of Non-Destructive testing, using Eddy Currents

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    The purpose of this paper was to find the geometry of a crack within a conductive plate and its parameters, on the basis of non-destructive testing, using eddy currents. The input data represents the measured values of magnetic flux density within the centre of the excitation coil. The position of a crack can be determined by taking into consideration any change in the magnetic flux density between the measured points. The depth and width are determined through the use of a finite-element model. These calculations are the basis for determining a function that explains how magnetic flux density changes if the depth or width has changed. After wards, through the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure using the finite-element method calculation results, the crack depth and width can be obtained. The suitability of the presented method was verified by the experimental example

    A hexahedral mesh connectivity compression with vertex degrees

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    This paper introduces a new algorithm for the compression of manifold hexahedral meshes topology, using vertex degree. The topology compression consists of two parts-the meshćs boundary consisting of quadrilaterals is compressed first, and then the hexahedra are processed by the help of six commands. The topology compression algorithm has been matched against the best-known method to-date, and shows itself to be competitive