231 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of the development of institutions and the institutional environment in a globalized world. The methodology used to measure the quality of institutions are components of the World Governance Indicators Database developed by Kaufmann, Kraay & Mastruzzi (2010) where we performed a comparative analysis of the quality of institutions for three samples of countries, the countries of Southeast Europe (countries of the region), the newest members of the EU and the countries of Central Europe and the Baltic States. After that, we showed the degree of correlation between economic development measured by GDP per capita in purchasing power parity and each of the six indicators of the quality of institutions. The results show that the countries of the region lag significantly behind the countries we call New Europe (Central Europe and the Baltics), but also lag behind the youngest members of the European Union in terms of the quality of institutions, i.e. the rules of the game. When it comes to correlation between economic development and institutional environment, for all 6 indicators of instituional environment, a strong and positive correlation was shown, especially between the rule of law and economic development. The conclusion is that the countries of the region must strengthen the rule of law, fight against institutional corruption, ensure political stability so that the economic standard of their citizens could improve


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    Breathtaking pace of the technological development, caused by the huge needs of contemporary economic relations, resulted in a gradual evolution in terms of goods which are on entities’ (individuals and legal persons) disposal. Dematerialization of means of transaction (i.e., securities) has led to a re-examination of objects of property of any person as a subject of rights. Theoretical concept of ownership is that it is someone’s right on material things. However, new trends also included a new term - the term of virtual property. Virtual property is a digital mimicry of reality, creating the impression of material goods by means of digital technology. The development of such new concepts in the concept of property legal transactions occur many problems in the protection of the holder’s right on the goods, and create a legal basis for persons who threaten the good to be appropriately sanctioned. This, in addition to civil, came gradually in the domain of the criminal matter and determining felonies, in which the elements of the crime must be specifically identified, because their determination associated with the dematerialized environment (which is entirely composed not of atoms, but bits) resulting in a difficult position of prosecuting authorities which apply the law with sufficient precision to characterize this behavior as a form of a social behavior which is not acceptable. This paper will primarily deal with the problem of determining the concept of virtual crimes, and application of this theoretical concept, as in the adopted legal acts on one side alongside practices in their implementation.Vratolomna brzina tehnološkog razvoja sadašnjice, uslovljena ogromnim potrebama savremenih privrednih odnosa, rezultirala je postepenom evolucijom u pogledu dobara koja se stavljaju subjektima (fizičkim i pravnim licima) prava na raspolaganje. Dematerijalizacija sredstava prometa vrednosti (npr. hartije od vrednosti) dovela je do preispitivanja objekata imovine nekog lica kao subjekta prava. Teorijska koncepcija svojine jeste da je to neko stvarno pravo na stvari. Međutim, nove tendencije uvrštavaju jedan novi pojam – to je pojam virtuelne svojine. Virtuelna svojina predstavlja digitalnu mimiku stvarnosti, stvarajući impresiju materijalnih dobara kroz sredstva digitalne tehnologije. 2Razvitkom ovakvih novih koncepcija poimanja dobara u pravnom prometu javljaju se mnegi problemi u zaštiti titulara prava nad ovim dobrima, i stvaranju pravnog osnova da se lica koja su ta dobra ugrozila i na odgovarajući način sankcionišu. Time se, pored građanskopravne, zalazi postepeno i u domen krivičnopravne materije i određivanju bića krivičnih dela, u kojima se elementi krivičnog dela moraju specifično utvrditi, jer se njihovo određivanje vezuje za dematerijalizovanu sredinu, koja je u postpunosti satkana ne od atoma, već bitova3, što dovodi u težak položaj sudske organe koji primenjuju pravo da sa dovoljnom preciznošću okarakterišu ovakvo ponašanje kao vid društveno neprihvatljivog ponašanja. Ovaj rad će se prvenstveno baviti problematikom određivanja pojma virtuelnog zločina, i primeni ove teorijske koncepcije, kako u donetim pravnim aktima tako i u praksi koja ih primenjuje


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    Este trabajo tiene doble objetivo: por un lado representamos los temas, símbolos y metáforas empleadas por J. L. Borges en su obra prosaicay dirigimos nuestra atención hacia su recepción e interpretación en el ámbito serbio (nos centramos en primer lugar ellaberinto como símbolo de la construcción espacio-temporal, psicológica,  existencial u onírica). Paralelamente exploramos las críticas y observaciones que sobre Borges ha elaborado profesor Radivoje Konstantinović, uno de los mejores conocedores de la obra borgeana. El segundo objetivo que perseguimos concierne el análisis traductológico: examinamos las soluciones y métodos traductológicos empleados en textos serbios por Konstantinović. En tal análisis partimos de la estructuración sistemática y jerárquica del sistema lingüístico y comentamos las soluciones gramáticas y estilísticas interesantes para los serbio hablantes. El corpus principal está basado en el relato La casa de Asterión y su traducción serbia Asterionovdom (ZUNS). En la investigación nos apoyamos en los métodos de interpretación simbólica/metafórica (cuando representamos y analizamos ideas y símbolos dominantes en la obra prosaica de J.L. Borges), análisis lingüístico y traductológico del texto en prosa y análisis contrastivo (cuando utilizamos los corpus paralelos para comparar las distintas soluciones traductológicas del mismo texto)

    Chemistry curricular knowledge of secondary school teachers

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    In the course of this research, the extent of chemistry teachers' professional knowledge related to the structure, contents and application of chemistry curricula and their components was investigated. The research comprised 119 teachers from 69 secondary schools (25 grammar schools and 44 vocational secondary schools). The questions in the questionnaire referred to general curriculum knowledge, knowledge of chemistry curriculum and the views/assessments of the teachers concerning the necessary changes in the curricula currently in effect. The teachers' answers showed that the most important components of the curriculum for their work are the goals and operative tasks/outcomes. The results indicated that information in the curriculum components exits that remains unused although it is relevant for a certain level of planning. Among the teachers in the sample, higher percentages of those with an appropriate teachers' training programme applied information from the curriculum within the teaching process through demonstration methods and problem solving. The research that was conducted provides a basis for defining the indicators for monitoring the level of teachers' capability to apply curricular knowledge in their practice. Such indicators are important for creating teaching situations and teachers' activities within the framework of initial education and continuing professional development of teachers

    Rendgen-kefalometrijska analiza pozicije kondila nakon bimaksilarne osteotomije mandibularnog prognatizma

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    Background/Aim. Postoperative condylar position is a substantial concern in surgical correction of mandibular prognathism. Orthognathic surgery may change condylar position and this is considered a contributing factor for early skeletal relapse and the induction of temporomandibular disorders. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in condylar position, and to correlate angular skeletal measurements following bimaxillary surgery. Methods. On profile teleradiographs of 21 patients with mandibular angular and linear parametres, the changes in condylar position, were measured during preoperative orthodontic treatment and 6 months after the surgical treatment. Results. A statistically significant difference in values between the groups was found. The most distal point on the head of condyle point (DI) moved backward for 1.38 mm (p = 0.02), and the point of center of collum mandibulae point (DC) moved backward for 1.52 mm (p = 0.007). The amount of upward movement of the point DI was 1.62 mm (p = 0.04). Conclusion. In the patients with mandibular prognathism, the condyles tend to migrate upward and forward six months after bimaxillary surgery.Uvod/Cilj. Postoperativna pozicija kondila je značajna za hiruršku korekciju mandibularnog prognatizma. Ortognatska hirurgija može da promeni poziciju kondila, a to može biti jedan od faktora koji doprinosi ranom skeletnom recidivu i pojavi temporomandibularnih disfunkcija. Zbog toga je cilj ove studije bio da proceni promene pozicije kondila kao i da ne korelišu promene pozicije kondila sa angularnim skeletnim promenama nakon bimaksilarne hirurgije. Metode. Na telerendgenskim snimcima 21 bolesnika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom mereni su angularni i linearni parametri koji opisuju promene u položaju kondila, pre ortodontske pripreme i šest meseci nakon hirurške korekcije. Rezultati. Ustanovljena je statistička značajnost razlika u vrednosti parametara između grupa. Tačka DI - najdistalnija tačka na glavi kondila, pomerila se unazad 1,38 mm (p = 0,02), a tačka DC - tačka koja označava centar collum mandibulae, pomerila se, takođe, unazad za 1,52 mm (p = 0,007). Vrednost pomeranja tačke DI naviše bila je 1,62 mm (p = 0,04). Zaključak. Kod bolesnika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom, kondili su težili da migriraju unapred i naviše šest meseci nakon bimaksilarne operacije

    Kvalitet života laringektomisanih bolesnika u Srbiji

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    Introduction/Objective Total laryngectomy is a very mutilating operation and it leads to drastic changes in life quality. The purpose of this study was to examine factors of importance to the laryngectomized patients' quality of life and to evaluate characteristics of esophageal voice and speech. Methods The study was conducted at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, at the Clinical Center of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia), during the period between March 2012-2015. The study included 223 patients diagnosed with laryngeal cancer, who underwent total laryngectomy. The total of 168 laryngectomized patients were provided with phoniatric rehabilitation. Results The quality of life was significantly better for those laryngectomized patients who did undergo phoniatric rehabilitation. By means of intensive phoniatric rehabilitation the esophageal voice and speech was established in 86.3% of laryngectomized patients registered by objective acoustic analysis. Rehabilitated laryngectomy patients had a significantly lower presence of voice handicap sense (VHI: 19.57 ± 7.35) and expressed significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety (PHQ-9: 3.8 ± 4.2; GAD-7: 3.4 ± 4.2). Cronbach's alpha coefficient was above 0.7 EORTC QLQ-C30 on three levels of Likert scales: the scale of physical and emotional functioning and fatigue; as well as EORTC QLQ-H&N43 questionnaire: the symptoms of head and neck pain, speech, swallowing and eating problems and body image. Conclusion Significantly improving the quality of life of laryngectomized patients was achieved by a multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Phoniatric rehabilitation carried out in a planned and systematic way is the most efficient rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients.Uvod/Cilj Totalna laringektomija, kao veoma mutilantna operacija, dovodi do drastičnih promena u kvalitetu života. Cilj ove studije je da istraži faktore od značaja za kvalitet života laringektomisanih bolesnika i da proceni karakteristike ezofagusnog glasa i govora. Metode Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Klinici za otorinolaringologiju i maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije u Beogradu, u periodu od marta 2012. do marta 2015. godine. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 223 bolesnika kojima je zbog verifikovanog karcinoma larinksa učinjena totalna laringektomija i sprovedena fonijatrijska rehabilitacija kod 168 laringektomisanih bolesnika. Rezultati Kvalitet života laringektomisanih bolesnika kod kojih je sprovedena fonijatrijska rehabilitacija je značajno bolji od onih koji nisu imali fonijatrijsku rehabilitaciju. Intenzivnom fonijatrijskom rehabilitacijom je uspostavljen ezofagusni glas i govor kod 86,3% laringektomisanih bolesnika, koji je registrovan objektivnom akustičkom analizom. Rehabilitovani laringektomisani bolesnici imaju značajno niže prisustvo hendikepa zbog glasa (VHI: 19,57 ± 7,35) i značajno niže izražene simptome depresije i anksioznosti (PHQ-9: 3,8 ± 4,2; GAD-7: 3,4 ± 4,2). Kronbahov α koeficijent je bio iznad 0,7 na tri skale upitnika EORTC QLQ-C30: fizičko funkcionisanje, emocionalno funkcionisanje i umor, kao i kod pet skala QLQ-H&N43 upitnika: bol u glavi/vratu, problemi sa gutanjem, problemi sa govorom, problemi pri jelu i slika o sebi. Zaključak Značajno poboljšanje kvaliteta života laringektomisanih bolesnika postiže se multidisciplinarnom rehabilitacijom. Fonijatrijska rehabilitacija, koja se sprovodi planski i sistematično, predstavlja najekonomičniji način rehabilitacije laringektomisanih bolesnika

    Improving High-School Students' Conceptual Understanding and Functionalization of Knowledge About Digestion Through the Application of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach

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    Adolescents are considered as a nutritionally vulnerable subgroup because of their alimentary behaviours. Considering that alimentary habits are strongly influenced by knowledge about digestion, an experiment was conducted with aim to determine whether conceptual understanding and functionalization of this knowledge can be improved by the interdisciplinary teaching approach. The experiment encompassed 258 students attending the fourth year of high school. No statistically significant difference in the level of the previously acquired chemistry, biology and physics knowledge concerning digestion between the two groups was determined on the pre-test. Conversely, the students in the experimental group significantly outperformed those in the control group on the post-test that required a deep understanding and the application of knowledge about digestion in solving real-life problems. Therefore, it was concluded that high-school teachers can be advised to apply the interdisciplinary teaching approach in order to improve their students' knowledge about this process

    Hospitalization cost analysis due to acute COPD exacerbations in lung disease clinic

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    Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (HOBP) je rastući zdravstveni problem radno sposobne populacije. Akutne egzacerbacije hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća (AEHOBP) značajno doprinose pogoršanju bolesti i sa aspekta kvaliteta života bolesnika i sa aspekta troškova. Cilj istraživanja je bila identifikacija faktora visokih troškova lečenja AEHOBP koja može pomoći u definisanju strategija smanjenja HOBP egzacerbacija ove bolesti i analiza podataka o prehospitalnom lečenju obolelih od HOBP. Materijal i metode: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 130 pacijenata koji su ispunjavali uključujuće kriterijume studije. Rezultati: Ukupni godišnji direktni troškovi hospitalizacija usled AEHOBP čine17,3% od troškova svih hospitalizovanih pacijenata. Prosečna dužina hospitalizacije je bila duža kod pacijenata sa teškom AEHOBP u odnosu na srednje tešku, razlika je statistički značajna (p = 0,044). Prema rezultatima istraživanja o potrošnji lekova godinu dana pre hospitalizacije, adekvatnu terapiju je koristilo 41,7% pacijenata, a neadekvatnu 58,3% pacijenata i postojala je negativna korelacija između adekvatnosti lečenja i stepena težine akutne egzacerbacije. Multivarijantnom logističkom regresijom dobijena je formula za predikciju ukupnih troškova. Zaključak: Nezavisni prediktori direktnih troškova lečenja su: muški pol, pušačka navika, teška AEHOBP, postojanje acidoze, primena neadekvatne ili adekvatne terapije trajanja kraćeg od devet meseci tokom godine koja je prethodila hospitalnom lečenju egzacerbacije.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a rising health issue of working population. Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) are significantly contributing to worsening of the disease prognosis, consequently leading to decline of patient’s quality of life and increasing costs of treatment. Objective of the study was identification of factors for high AECOPD treatment costs, which can help in defining strategy for decreasing COPD exacerbations and data analysis of prehospital treatment of COPD patients. Material and Methods: The study included 130 patients who fulfilled including criteria of the study. Results: Total direct costs of AECOPD hospitalizations demonstrated 17.3% of all hospitalized patients costs. Average length of hospitalization was longer in patients with severe AECOPD compared to patients with moderate AEHOBP, there was statistically significant difference (p= 0,044). According to research results of medication usage one year before the hospitalization, adequate treatment used 41.7% of patients, and inadequate 58.3%; there was negative correlation between adequate treatment and level of severance of acute exacerbations. Multivariate logistic regression was used for obtaining total costs predictions formula. Conclusion: Independent predictors of direct treatment costs were: male patients, smokers, prehospital treatment, inadequate or adequate, not longer than nine months per year

    TIMSS 2007 - rezultati nastave i učenja hemije u Srbiji

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    Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is international comparisons of student achievement in mathematics and science on a regular four-year cycle. TIMSS assesses achievement in mathematics and science at the fourth and eighth grades and collects a rich array of background information to address concerns about school resources and the quality of curriculum and instruction. Serbia participated in the previous two cycles of TIMSS survey, 2003 and 2007. In both cycles the average achievement of students from Serbia were significantly lower than the TIMSS scale average. This paper presents detailed consideration of achievements in chemistry domain

    The programme for professional development of chemistry teachers’ assessment competency

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the programme for professional development of chemistry teachers on their competencies for conducting formative and summative assessment in chemistry teaching. The programme participants were 30 chemistry teachers from primary and secondary schools. Data were collected using a questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the programme implementation. The programme included four workshops with the same structure: the introduction, group work and the discussion of the results obtained through group work. The workshops focused on: i) the assessment as a support for chemistry learning; ii) the harmonization of teaching and learning activities, formative and summative assessment, feedback from formative assessment and the criteria used to evaluate students in summative assessment; iii) the evaluation of the validity of tasks used for formative and summative assessment according to the curricula aims and the educational standards; iv) designing tasks for monitoring students’ progress towards certain educational standards. Teachers’ responses show the impact of the programme for the development of their competencies for assessment, particularly regarding formative and summative assessment and designing various kinds of assessment in accordance with the achievement standards