3,258 research outputs found

    Multimodality and historical thinking for the empowerment of the social sciences teacher in training

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    This paper addresses the research lines we are currently developing. It is the result of some years of teaching experience at the Master for Secondary Education, within the Social Sciences branch, more exactly. During these years we have detected some problems, you could call them controversial issues, even, which led us to see the development of multimodality when working with Teachers in Training as a solution.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Possibilities and problems of teaching the history of the present time through media and information literacy.

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    Le système éducatif encourage une histoire positiviste, ordonnée, unilatérale et universelle; par l´incorporation de le découpage chronologique de l´histoire en quatre étapes. Mais, est-ce qu´il serait posible que les élèves puissent étudier leur propre présent? Mon commuication poursuit d´exposer, comme Saab affirmait, le présent est “le point de départ et d´arrivée de l´enseignement de l´histoire détermine les allers et les retours au passé”. La façon d´approcher l´enseignement de l´histoire est confortable. Il n´y a pas de questions, il n´y a pas de discussions. Cette vision de l´histoire interprétée par l´homme blancoccidental-hétérosexuel s´inscrit dans le projet de la modernité du Siècle des Lumières. Par conséquent, cette histoire obvie que nous vivons dans una société postmoderne de la suspicion, de la pensée débile. En ce qui concerne la problématique autour de la pollution audiovisuelle et la façon dont les enseignants et les élèves sont quotidiennement confrontés à ce problème. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de réfléchir à la question de l´enseignement de l´histoire quadripartite. Actuellement, les médias et les nouvelles technologies sont en train de changer la vie de l´humanité. Il est indispensable que l´élève connaisse son histoire presente et les scénarioshistoriques dans l´avenir. Je pense en la nécessité d´adopter une didactique de l’histoire presente et par conséquent, nous devons utiliser la maîtrise des médias et de l´information. Il faut une formation des enseignants que pose, comme Gadamer a dit: “le passé y le présent se trouvent par une négociation permanente”. Una formation des enseignants qui permette de comprendre et penser l´histoire future / les histoires futures. À mon avis, si les élèves comprennent la complexité de leur monde et leurs multiples visions, les élèves seront plus tolérantes et empathiques.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis Framework for Translation of Maritime Legal Documents

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    Maritime activity around the globe currently generates a great amount of translation work, especially from English into other languages. This paper focuses on the analysis of the translation process in maritime legal and administrative documents. The study first establishes which maritime documents are most often translated and a tool is then developed to analyse such documents in detail, based on the concept of textual genre. Such analysis would help translators to better understand these highly specialised documents and thus contribute towards improving translation of the same

    MIDAS: Detection of Non-technical Losses in Electrical Consumption Using Neural Networks and Statistical Techniques

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    Datamining has become increasingly common in both the public and private sectors. A non-technical loss is defined as any consumed energy or service which is not billed because of measurement equipment failure or ill-intentioned and fraudulent manipulation of said equipment. The detection of non-technical losses (which includes fraud detection) is a field where datamining has been applied successfully in recent times. However, the research in electrical companies is still limited, making it quite a new research topic. This paper describes a prototype for the detection of non-technical losses by means of two datamining techniques: neural networks and statistical studies. The methodologies developed were applied to two customer sets in Seville (Spain): a little town in the south (pop: 47,000) and hostelry sector. The results obtained were promising since new non-technical losses (verified by means of in-situ inspections) were detected through both methodologies with a high success rate

    Improving Knowledge-Based Systems with statistical techniques, text mining, and neural networks for non-technical loss detection

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    Currently, power distribution companies have several problems that are related to energy losses. For example, the energy used might not be billed due to illegal manipulation or a breakdown in the customer’s measurement equipment. These types of losses are called non-technical losses (NTLs), and these losses are usually greater than the losses that are due to the distribution infrastructure (technical losses). Traditionally, a large number of studies have used data mining to detect NTLs, but to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that involve the use of a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) that is created based on the knowledge and expertise of the inspectors. In the present study, a KBS was built that is based on the knowledge and expertise of the inspectors and that uses text mining, neural networks, and statistical techniques for the detection of NTLs. Text mining, neural networks, and statistical techniques were used to extract information from samples, and this information was translated into rules, which were joined to the rules that were generated by the knowledge of the inspectors. This system was tested with real samples that were extracted from Endesa databases. Endesa is one of the most important distribution companies in Spain, and it plays an important role in international markets in both Europe and South America, having more than 73 million customers

    Modelo del plan de monitoreo y mitigación de los impactos turísticos de la zona arqueológica Salado de Consotá

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    La zona arqueológica Salado de Consotá es un sitio privilegiado en la ciudad de Pereira que alberga patrimonio natural, cultural y arqueológico y, a pesar de haber sido redescubierto desde hace más de diez años, no ha tenido los recursos económicos, la planificación, ni la gestión adecuada para conservar y salvaguardar sus valores patrimoniales, los cuales se han ido perdiendo por la minería artesanal, la actividad recreativa y otras actividades que se realizan en el lugar y que no cuentan con ningún control en la actualidad. El presente Trabajo de grado, plantea un modelo del plan de monitoreo y mitigación de los impactos turísticos de la zona arqueológica Salado de Consotá y tiene como finalidad prevenir y evitar nuevos impactos turísticos que deterioren aún más los valores patrimoniales presentes en el lugar, asimismo el plan pretende complementar propuestas de planificación y gestión creadas para la zona como lo son el “Plan de manejo arqueológico Salado de Consotá” y el “ Modelo de Planificación Turística Sostenible para el Sitio Arqueológico y Ambiental Salado de Consotá”. La metodología utilizada para realizar el modelo del plan de monitoreo y mitigación de los impactos turísticos fue la de Límite de cambio aceptable (LCA), se eligió esta metodología porque permite el manejo de los impactos turísticos ocasionados tanto en el patrimonio natural como cultural presentes en la zona. La metodología consta de seis pasos que son: Diagnostico, identificación y análisis de los impactos turísticos, definición de las condiciones deseadas, selección de indicadores de monitoreo, definición de rangos aceptables para los indicadores y acciones de manejo

    Palabras de clausura

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    Fil: Triviño, Luis. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Intelligent Integrated Management for Telecommunication Networks

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    As the size of communication networks keeps on growing, faster connections, cooperating technologies and the divergence of equipment and data communications, the management of the resulting networks gets additional important and time-critical. More advanced tools are needed to support this activity. In this article we describe the design and implementation of a management platform using Artificial Intelligent reasoning technique. For this goal we make use of an expert system. This study focuses on an intelligent framework and a language for formalizing knowledge management descriptions and combining them with existing OSI management model. We propose a new paradigm where the intelligent network management is integrated into the conceptual repository of management information called Managed Information Base (MIB). This paper outlines the development of an expert system prototype based in our propose GDMO+ standard and describes the most important facets, advantages and drawbacks that were found after prototyping our proposal

    Towards an Architecture for Semiautonomous Robot Telecontrol Systems.

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    The design and development of a computational system to support robot–operator collaboration is a challenging task, not only because of the overall system complexity, but furthermore because of the involvement of different technical and scientific disciplines, namely, Software Engineering, Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, among others. In our opinion the approach generally used to face this type of project is based on system architectures inherited from the development of autonomous robots and therefore fails to incorporate explicitly the role of the operator, i.e. these architectures lack a view that help the operator to see him/herself as an integral part of the system. The goal of this paper is to provide a human-centered paradigm that makes it possible to create this kind of view of the system architecture. This architectural description includes the definition of the role of operator and autonomous behaviour of the robot, it identifies the shared knowledge, and it helps the operator to see the robot as an intentional being as himself/herself

    CRISPR/Cas9-mediated editing of the TM6 MADS-box gene in the octoploid strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)

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    El contenido del poster presentado está desarrollado en: doi:10.1093/jxb/ery400 y Publicado por Oxford University pressThe B-class of MADS-box transcription factors has been studied in many plant species, but remain functionally uncharacterized in the Rosaceae family. APETALA3 (AP3), a member of this class, controls the identity of petals and stamens in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this work, we identified two members of the AP3 lineage in the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa): FaAP3 and FaTM6. Interestingly, FaTM6, and not FaAP3, shows an expression pattern equivalent to that of AP3 in Arabidopsis. Genome editing using Cluster Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 system is becoming a robust tool for targeted and stable mutagenesis of DNA. However, whether it can be efficiently used in an octoploid species such as F. × ananassa is not known. In our study, we report the application of the CRISPR/Cas9 in F. × ananassa to characterize the function of FaTM6 in flower development. An exhaustive analysis by high-throughput sequencing of the FaTM6 locus spanning the target sites showed a high efficiency genome editing already in the T0 generation. The phenotypic characterization of the mutant lines indicates that FaTM6 plays a key role in petal and especially in anther development in strawberry. Our results validate the CRISPR/Cas9 strategy for gene functional analysis in an octoploid species such as F. × ananassa, and offer new opportunities for engineering strawberry to improve traits of interest in breeding programs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech