4,562 research outputs found

    An improved method for obtaining a normalized junction temperature for semiconductors: A concept

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    Failure rate for given semiconductor device is simply determined by reading value of normalized junction temperature from printout for any given combination of ambient temperature, stress ratio, and maximum rated junction temperature, and obtaining corresponding failure rate from graph

    Bosons in a double-well potential: Understanding the interplay between disorder and interaction in a simple model

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    We propose an exactly solvable model to reveal the physics of the interplay between interaction and disorder in bosonic systems. Considering interacting bosons in a double-well potential, in which disorder is mimicked by taking the energy level mismatch between the two wells to be randomly distributed, we find "two negatives make a positive" effect. While disorder or interaction by itself suppresses the phase coherence between the two wells, both together enhance the phase coherence. This model also captures several striking features of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model found in recent numerical simulations. Results at finite temperatures may help explain why a recent experiment did not find any evidence for the enhancement of phase coherence in a disordered bosonic system.Comment: Published version, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of storm-time changes of geomagnetic field at ground and MAGSAT altitudes

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    The MAGSAT data for the period Nov. 2-20, 1979 were studied. From the observed H, the HMD predicted by model was subtracted. The residue delta H = H-HMD shows storm-time variations similar to geomagnetic Dst, at least qualitatively. Delta H sub 0, i.e., equatorial values of delta H were studied separately for dusk and dawn and show some differences

    Comparison of storm-time changes of geomagnetic field at ground and at MAGSAT altitudes, part 3

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    The latitudinal distributions of delta H, delta X, delta Y, and delta Z were studied for quiet and disturbed periods. For quiet periods, the average patterns showed some variations common to dusk and dawn, thus indicating probable ground anomaly. However, there were significant differences too between dusk and dawn, indicating considerable diurnal variation effects. Particularly in delta Y, these effects were large and were symmetric about the dip equator. For disturbed day passes, the quiet day patterns were considered as base levels and the latter were subtracted from the former. The resulting residual latitudinal patterns were, on the average, symmetric about the geographical equator. However, individual passes showed considerable north-south asymmetries, probably indicating meanderings of the central plane of the magnetospheric ring current

    Comparison of storm-time changes of geomagnetic field at ground and at MAGSAT altitudes

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    Computations concerning variations of the geomagnetic field at MAGSAT altitudes were investigated. Using MAGSAT data for the X, Y, and Z components of the geomagnetic field, a computer conversion to yield the H component was performed. Two methods of determining delta H normalized to a constant geocentric distance R sub 0 = 6800 were investigated, and the utility of elta H at times of magnetic storms was considered. Delta H at a geographical latitude of 0 at dawn and dusk, the standard Dst, and K sub p histograms were plotted and compared. Magnetic anomalies are considered. Examination of data from the majority of the 400 passes of MAGSAT considered show a reasonable delta H versus latitude variation. Discrepancies in values are discussed

    Comparison of storm-time changes of geomagnetic field at ground and at MAGSAT altitudes, part 2

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    Geomagnetic field variations were studied by considering the parameter delta H which indicated H(observed) minus H(model), where H = (X squared + Y squared) (1/2) where X, Y, and Z are the components actually observed. Quiet time base values for 5 deg longitude belts were estimated. After subtracting these from the observed values, the residual delta H (dawn) and delta H (dusk) were studied for the two major storms. It was noticed that the dusk values attained larger (negative) values for a longer time, than the dawn value. Some changes in delta Y and delta Z were also noticed, indicating possibilities of either meridional currents and/or noncoincidence of the central plane of the ring current with the equatorial plane of the Earth. Other details are described

    Radiative interactions in laminar duct flows

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    Analyses and numerical procedures are presented for infrared radiative energy transfer in gases when other modes of energy transfer occur simultaneously. Two types of geometries are considered, a parallel plate duct and a circular duct. Fully developed laminar incompressible flows of absorbing-emitting species in black surfaced ducts are considered under the conditions of uniform wall heat flux. The participating species considered are OH, CO, CO2, and H2O. Nongray as well as gray formulations are developed for both geometries. Appropriate limiting solutions of the governing equations are obtained and conduction-radiation interaction parameters are evaluated. Tien and Lowder's wide band model correlation was used in nongray formulation. Numerical procedures are presented to solve the integro-differential equations for both geometries. The range of physical variables considered are 300 to 2000 K for temperature, 0.1 to 100.0 atm for pressure, and 0.1 to 100 cm spacings between plates/radius of the tube. An extensive parametric study based on nongray formulation is presented. Results obtained for different flow conditions indicate that the radiative interactions can be quite significant in fully developed incompressible flows

    Weak Mott insulators on the triangular lattice: possibility of a gapless nematic quantum spin liquid

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    We study the energetics of Gutzwiller projected BCS states of various symmetries for the triangular lattice antiferromagnet with a four particle ring exchange using variational Monte Carlo methods. In a range of parameters the energetically favored state is found to be a projected dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} paired state which breaks lattice rotational symmetry. We show that the properties of this nematic or orientationally ordered paired spin liquid state as a function of temperature and pressure can account for many of the experiments on organic materials. We also study the ring-exchange model with ferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange and find that amongst the studied ans\"atze, a projected f−f-wave state is the most favorable.Comment: Longer version, 7+ pages, 5 figure

    Storm-time changes of geomagnetic field at MAGSAT altitudes (325-550 Km) and their comparison with changes at ground locations

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    The values of H, X, Y, Z at MAGSAT altitudes were first expressed as residuals delta H, delta X, delta Y, delta Z after subtracting the model HMD, XMD, YMD, ZMC. The storm-time variations of H showed that delta H (Dusk) was larger (negative) than delta H (Dawn) and occurred earlier, indicating a sort of hysteresis effect. Effects at MAGSAT altitudes were roughly the same (10% accuracy) as at ground, indicating that these effects were mostly of magnetospheric origin. The delta Y component also showed large storm-time changes. The latitudinal distribution of storm-time delta H showed north-south asymmetries varying in nature as the storm progressed. It seems that the central plane of the storm-time magnetospheric ring current undergoes latitudinal meanderings during the course of the storm
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