111 research outputs found

    Reproductive biology of Oxychilus(Atlantoxychilus) spectabilis (Milne-Edwards, 1885) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) : a gametogenic approach

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    The taxonomic status and anatomy of Oxychilus (Atlantoxychilus) spectabilis (Milne-Edwards, 1885), an endemic land snail from Santa Maria Island, Azores, has been subject of detailed study, yet information about its life history is wanting. This study describes the reproductive cycle of O. (A.) spectabilis and assesses the validity of three morphometric shell parameters as maturation diagnostic characters. Our results indicate that individuals are reproductively more active from May to November. However, the availability of spermatozoa throughout the year and the residual values of mature oocytes during the remaining months seem to provide minimum conditions for reproduction all year round. The snail has a functional protandric tendency and gonadal maturation is initially triggered by photophase and after regulated by temperature. The positive correlation between gonadal maturation and morphometric shell characters indicate that these parameters might be a useful tool for the diagnosis of snail’s maturation

    Collagen XVIII/endostatin expression in experimental endotoxemic acute renal failure

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    Acute renal failure (ARF) is a frequent complication of Gram-negative sepsis, with a high risk of mortality. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ARF is associated with hemodynamic changes that are strongly influenced by the overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) through the cytokine-mediated up-regulation of inducible NO synthase. LPS-induced reductions in systemic vascular resistance paradoxically culminate in renal vasoconstriction. Collagen XVIII is an important component of the extracellular matrix expressed in basement membranes. Its degradation by matrix metalloproteases, cathepsins and elastases results in the formation of endostatin, claimed to have antiangiogenic activity and to be a prominent vasorelaxing agent. We evaluated the expression of endostatin/collagen XVIII in an endotoxemic ARF model. ARF was induced in C57BL/6 mice by intraperitoneal injection of LPS (10 mg/kg) followed by sacrifice 4 and 12 h later. Kidney tissue was the source of RNA and protein and the subject of histological analysis. As early as 4 h after LPS administration, blood urea, creatinine and NO levels were significantly increased compared to control. Endostatin/collagen XVIII mRNA levels were 0.71 times lower than sham-inoculated mice 4 h after LPS inoculation, returning to normal levels 12 h after LPS inoculation. Immunohistological examination revealed that acute injury caused by LPS leads to an increase of endostatin basement membrane staining in association with the decrease of CD31 endothelial basement membrane staining. These results indicate that in the early phase of endotoxemic ARF the endostatin levels were not regulated by gene expression, but by the metabolism of collagen XVIII

    Cell-cycle and suppressor proteins expression in uterine cervix in HIV/HPV co-infection: comparative study by tissue micro-array (TMA)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The oncoproteins of human papillomavirus (HPVs) directly effect cell-cycle control. We hypothesize that regulatory and cell cycle protein expression might be additionally modified in the cervix of HIV/HPV co-infected women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed the expression of Rb, p27, VEGF and Elf-1 transcriptor factor by immunohistochemistry in 163 paraffin-embeded cervical samples using Tissue Micro-Array (TMA) and correlated this to HIV-1 and HPV infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HIV/HPV co-infection was associated with a significant increase in expression (p < 0.001) of VEGF and p27 in both low and high grade CIN when compared to the cervices of women infected by HPV alone. Decreased Rb expression was evident with increased CIN grade in the cervices of women infected with HPV alone (p = 0.003 average of cells/mm<sup>2 </sup>in CIN I: 17.9, CIN II/III: 4.8, and tumor 3.9). Rb expression increased 3-fold for both low and high grade CIN with HPV/HIV-1 co-infection compared to HPV infection alone but did not reach statistical significance. There was a significant increase in Elf-1 expression in HPV+/HIV- women with CIN II/III and tumor (average of cells/mm<sup>2 </sup>in CIN I: 63.8; CIN II/III: 115.7 and tumor: 112.0, p = 0.005), in comparison to controls.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Co-infection of HPV and HIV leads to significant increase in the VEGF and p27 expression when compared to HPV+/HIV-negative infection that could facilitate viral persistence and invasive tumor development.</p

    Nova tecnologia de poda para o café arábica das regiões de montanhas Poda Programada de Ciclo em Café arábica - PPCA

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    A sustentabilidade e competitividade da atividade cafeeira necessitam de tecnologias inovadoras capazes de aumentar a eficiência produtiva das lavouras, reduzir seus custos de produção, alavancar os processos de certificação e a produção de café de qualidade. Após sucessivas colheitas é comum observar a campo, a perda de vigor das hastes ortotrópicos e ramos plagiotrópicos, que se tornam pouco produtivos, paralelamente com o aumento da altura das plantas. Nesta fase, é de fundamental importância a adoção de práticas de manejo das plantas que visem recuperar o vigor das lavouras, como o uso de diferentes sistemas de podas para o cafeeiro. Várias metodologias de condução de plantas têm sido estudadas no Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural - Incaper, como o desafio de um manejo diferencial da cafeicultura de arábica de montanha. Essas pesquisas culminam com o lançamento de um novo sistema de podas para o café arábica no Estado o Espírito Santo, a ?Poda Programada de Ciclo para o Café Arábica? - PPCA. Esse novo sistema de poda foi desenvolvido com base nos princípios utilizados para o estabelecimento da poda programada de ciclo para o café conilon. O objetivo é oferecer ao produtor uma alternativa mais sustentável de manejo das lavouras de café arábica, que proporcione maior longevidade, com manutenção de seu potencial produtivo

    Prospective study of patients with persistent symptoms of dengue in Brazil

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    Dengue is an arboviral infection clinically recognized as an acute and self-limited disease. Persistence of dengue symptoms is known, but it has been little studied. The aim of this study was to characterize persistent symptoms in 113 patients with dengue followed up clinically and by laboratory testing at a tertiary hospital. Symptoms that persisted for more than 14 days were observed in 61 (54.0%) patients, and six (6.2%) of them had symptoms for 6 months or more. The persistent symptoms identified were myalgia, weakness, hair loss, memory loss, reduced resistance to physical effort, headache, reasoning problems, arthralgia, sleepiness- and emotional lability. The progression to persistent symptoms was significantly associated with hospitalization, older age, more severe disease, the presence of bleeding and comorbidities upon univariate analysis. Upon multivariate analysis, the presence of persistent symptoms continued to be significantly associated only with increased age and dengue with warning signs. The platelet count during the acute phase of the disease was significantly lower in the group with persistent symptoms. In conclusion, the frequency of progression to persistent symptoms in dengue is relevant in patients seen at a tertiary hospital and the persistence of symptoms is more common in patients with dengue with warning signs

    Use of antibiotic spacers for knee endoprosthesis infections treatment

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    OBJCTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of cement spacers impregnated with antibiotics for the treatment of infections in the nonconventional endoprostheses of the knee. METHODOLOGY: We have treated seven patients since 2004 (of which six were submitted to surgery in our service and one patient had been submitted to a primary tumor surgery in another removal service) with deep infection in knee tumor prosthesis. All patients were submitted to endoprosthesis removal and reconstructed with antibiotic cement spacer. All patients were monitored both clinically and by lab tests as for monitoring the evolution, being considered able for reviews after 6 (six) months without infections signs. RESULTS: We have noted a small predominance of infectious processes on the prosthesis inserted on proximal tibia as compared with distal femur (57.1% x 42.9%). The mean follow-up time of patients was 68.2 months. During the follow up, one patient died as a result of the root disease. Six patients out of seven were regarded as cured and one persisted with infection signs and symptoms. CONCLUSION: The results obtained up to date have motivated us to continue using this method of treatment.OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo é avaliar a utilização dos espaçadores de cimento acrílico com antibiótico no tratamento das infecções em endopróteses não convencionais de joelho. MÉTODO: Desde de 2004 foram tratados sete pacientes (seis pacientes operados no nosso serviço e um paciente que havia sido submetido a cirurgia primária do tumor em outro serviço) com infecção peri-endoprótese não convencional de joelho. Todos pacientes foram submetidos a retirada da endoprótese e reconstrução com espaçador com cimento acrílico com antibiótico. Todos os pacientes foram monitorados clínica e laboratorialmente quanto ao controle da evolução, sendo considerados aptos para a revisão e recolocação de endoprótese após 06 (seis) meses sem sinais infecciosos RESULTADOS: Notamos um discreto predomínio do do processo infeccioso nas próteses realizadas na tíbia proximal em comparação com o fêmur distal (57,1% x 42,9%). O seguimento médio dos pacientes foi 68,2 meses. Durante o seguimento, um paciente faleceu devido a doença de base. Dos sete pacientes, 6 foram considerados curados e um persistiu com sinais e sintomas de infecção. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos até o momento tem motivado a continuidade deste método de tratamento.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaSciEL
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