7 research outputs found

    Profil Disposisi Matematis Siswa Pemenang Olimpiade Pada Tingkat Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan Disposisi Matematis Siswa pemenang Olimpiade pada Tingkat Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Subjek Penelitian ini ada 2 orang yang masing-masing merupakan juara 2 dan juara 4 Olimpiade Matematika tingkat Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan pada tahun 2014. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri sebagai instrumen utama yang di pandu oleh angket disposisi matematis siswa, dan pedoman wawacara. Setelah melakukan penafsiran data maka disimpulkan bahwa subjek memiliki disposisi positif terkait : (1) Minat dan Rasa ingin tahu, kedua subjek senang mengajukan pertanyaan dan subjek pertama lebih antusias disbanding subjek kedua, (2) Percaya Diri, kedua subjek tertantang dengan situasi-situasiyang rumit dan mempertahankan gagasan matematika, (3)Tekun, kedua subjek memiliki kesung-guhan dalam belajar dan tidak mudah putus asa, (4) Fleksibel, kedua subjek sering berbagi pengetahuan dan menghasilkan berbagai macam ide. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi disposisi matematis adalah lingkungan sekolah dengan menerapkan disiplin sekolah serta orang tua yang sering memberikan dorongan maupun motivasi agar menjadi siswa berprestasi didalam bidang pendidikan

    Al-Islam Learning Development on Local Wisdom based: Efforts to Strengthen the Concept of Indonesian Students Religious Moderation

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    Studies about the integration value of students’ religious moderation have been conducted by many scholars, in fact, there are still limited studies on the relationship between them in the aspect of local wisdom. To fill the gap, this study aims to describe the value of Buginess local wisdom called Mattulu Tellue which can be found in the religious moderation material in Al-Islam learning in the Muhammadiyah University Bone, Indonesia to improve tolerance among students.  This study deploys a qualitative method. This study found that lecturers of Al-Islam learning apply the local wisdom in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning to strengthen the value of religious moderation education based on Bugis local wisdom in al-Islam learning. Al-Islam learning with the theme of religious moderation based on the values of Bugis Bone Mattulu Tellue local wisdom has positive impacts on students which can contribute to society, especially in areas that are still full of culture and local wisdom in understanding the value of tolerance in the moderation frame. religious. Therefore, this study gives implications to contribute empirically, contextually, and policy

    Diagnostic Test Instrument of Twi-Tier Multiple Choices To Identify Mathematic Concept Understanding

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    The study aims to produce diagnostic test instrument of two-tier multiple choices to identify the students understanding level of mathematic concept, to examine whether the developed test meets the criteria of good test quality based on its validity, reliability, difficulty level, item discrimination power, and choice effectiveness, and to explain the students‟ concept understanding level identified through the diagnostic test developed. The study used Research and Development as the research method with the Tessmer model which consists of 3 stages, namely: preliminary, self evaluation, and prototyping. The findings showed that there were 47.04% students that were categorized as understanding the concept, there were 12.22% students that got misconception, and there were 40.74% students that did not understand the concept. Based on the whole students‟ mean score, it can be concluded that the students had fair understanding on the concept of the material tested. Based on the understanding indicator of the concept tested, many students did not understand on how to change a representation form to other forms

    Diagnostic Test Instrument of Twi-Tier Multiple Choices To Identify Mathematic Concept Understanding

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    The study aims to produce diagnostic test instrument of two-tier multiple choices to identify the students understanding level of mathematic concept, to examine whether the developed test meets the criteria of good test quality based on its validity, reliability, difficulty level, item discrimination power, and choice effectiveness, and to explain the students' concept understanding level identified through the diagnostic test developed. The study used Research and Development as the research method with the Tessmer model which consists of 3 stages, namely: preliminary, self-evaluation, and prototyping. The findings showed that there were 47.04% students that were categorized as understanding the concept, there were 12.22% students that got misconception, and there were 40.74% students that did not understand the concept. Based on the whole students' mean score, it can be concluded that the students had fair understanding on the concept of the material tested. Based on the understanding indicator of the concept tested, many students did not understand on how to change a representation form to other forms