11 research outputs found

    Analyzing Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Adoption using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Successful Enterprise Resorce Planning ERP system adoption in the company is one of the keys for the continuity of the company's business. On ERP adoption, there a lot of financials, time and human resources are invested on ERP adoption, so there must be an evaluation of ERP system to assess whether the ERP system adoption is successful or not. Some models have been developed by some researchers to assess the evaluation of ERP success. Each model has important factors used to assess the success of ERP. This study analyzes several factors that measure ERP success derived from several ERP success models to identify the important degree of each factor. The method used in this research is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the assessment data obtained from 3 experts who have the competence and experience regarding ERP system. The results of this study found that the benefit of use, organizational impact, and user satisfaction are the 3 main subfactors with the highest important degree values.   Keywords—Analytical Hierarchy Process, ERP success factors, ERP success mode


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    A web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) has been built by previous researchers to visualize hotspots data in Indonesia. That GIS still has not contained a hotspot analysis module. Data mining method can be used to analyze hotspot data. This research aims to develop and to integrate a clustering module of hotspot in GIS which has been developed in the previous research. The clustering module for grouping hotspot data was built using the DBSCAN algorithm with PHP programming language. Clustering hotspot data was performed based on year, month, and province. Clustering parameters are epsilon and minimum points (MinPts). Epsilon value that used ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 while MinPts ranges from 1 to 6. The clustering results are shown in form of table which consists of the attribute Province, Regency, Latitude, Longitude and Cluster. Cluster column is the final result of clustering using algorithm DBSCAN. The attribute cluster represents clusters are visualized using the map of Indonesia that was built using MapServer. Visualization can help parties involved in making effective and efficient decisions to prevent forest fires.Key words: clustering, DBSCAN algorithm, geographic information system, hotspo

    Pembangunan Modul Dokumentasi Aplikasi Point Of Sale Odoo Berbasis Web Di PT Belant Persada: The Development of Application Documentation Module Point of Sale Odoo Based on Web at PT Belant Persada

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    ABSTRACT Odoo is an open source ERP application where there are various business programs such as Sales, Point of Sale, CRM, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting and others. One application module developed by Odoo is Point of Sale. Point of sale (POS) is a system that can help the transaction process in a business that is engaged in sales such as supermarkets, restaurants, clothing stores and so others. The use of the Odoo POS application among Indonesian people still sounds not familiar because of the lack of information related to the use of the Odoo POS application. Documentation from the Odoo POS application is available on the Odoo websiteHowever, the documentation does not yet have the function to download documentation files and has not been displayed visually in video format. From this, there is a need for documentation using the Odoo POS application that can download documentation files and display documentation visually in video format to distinguish between the original POS Odoo application documentation module and the Odoo POS application documentation module that the author made. For this reason, was built Application Documentation Module Point of Sale Odoo Based on Web at Pt Belant Persada. The Odoo POS application documentation module contains documentation about the use of the POS Odoo application for retail and restaurant fields and this documentation can be downloaded freely in PDF format and displays the documentation visually in video formatThe method used in the development of the Odoo POS application documentation module is the prototype method. This method has five stages is Communication, Quick Plan, Modeling Quick Design, Construction of Prototype, and Deployment, Delivery, & Feedback.   ABSTRAK Odoo adalah aplikasi ERP bersifat open source yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai program bisnis seperti Sales, Point of Sale, CRM, Human Resource, Finance and Accounting dan lain sebagainya. Salah satu modul aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Odoo yaitu Point of Sale. Point of sale (POS) merupakan sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu proses transaksi pada suatu bisnis yang bergerak di bidang penjualan seperti toko swalayan, restoran, toko baju dan lain sebagainya. Penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia masih terdengar asing karena minimnya informasi terkait penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo. Dokumentasi dari aplikasi POS Odoo sudah ada di website Odoo. Namun, dokumentasi tersebut belum mempunyai fungsi untuk mengunduh file dokumentasi dan belum ditampilkan secara visual dalam format video. Dari hal tersebut, perlu adanya suatu dokumentasi penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo yang dapat mengunduh file dokumentasi dan menampilkan dokumentasi secara visual dalam format video untuk membedakan antara modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo yang asli dengan modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo yang penulis buat. Untuk itu, dibangunlah Modul Dokumentasi Aplikasi Point of Sale Odoo Berbasis Web di PT Belant Persada. Modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo berisi tentang dokumentasi penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo untuk bidang retail dan restaurant serta dokumentasi ini dapat diunduh dalam format PDF secara bebas dan menampilkan dokumentasi secara visual dalam format video. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo adalah metode prototipe. Metode ini mempunyai lima tahapan yaitu Communication, Quick Plan, Modelling Quick Design, Construction of Prototype, dan Deployment, Delivery, & Feedback

    Visualisasi Berbasis Web Indeks Aksesibilitas Fasilitas Kesehatan di Kota Bogor

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    Bogor City has health facilities about 19 hospitals, 24 puskesmas, and 94 clinics. Accessing health facilities need some consideration such as distance or accessibility to the health facilities. The objective of the research is to determine and present accessibility index to the health facilities. Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) method is chosen to calculate and classify the accessibility index of health facilities in Bogor City. There are several steps to do such as making basic map, calculating and classifiying accessibility index, then developing visualization module. Web-based visualisation modul is developed by OpenGeo suite technology. Accessibility index calculation is held in an area (grid and kelurahan) to the health facilities (hospitals, puskesmas, clinics). The results obtained 2.27% grid and 8.46 % villages in Bogor City has low level access to all health facilities. From the visualization showed that Mulyaharja village is an area which have the lowest accessibility index in Bogor City

    Social Media Listening pada Instagram untuk Kasus Kebakaran Hutan di Indonesia Menggunakan Graph Clustering

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    Social media listening merupakan salah satu metode untuk melakukan analisis media sosial berbasis graf untuk mengidentifikasi dan menilai suatu isu yang sedang banyak dibicarakan di media sosial. Penelitian ini melakukan social media listening terkait isu kebakaran hutan dari data Instagram untuk melihat lebih dalam topik pembicaraan warganet terkait isu kebakaran hutan serta mengidentifikasi isu-isu terkait lainnya yang muncul. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan graph clustering pada data Instagram dengan perangkat Gephi sehingga menghasilkan suatu graf dengan jumlah node sebanyak 36 dengan persentase 0.68% dari jumlah node awal sebanyak 5280 dan jumlah edge sebanyak 553 dengan persentase 0.92% dari jumlah edge awal sebanyak 64969. Proses labeling hasil graph clustering menghasilkan lima kelompok hashtag yaitu kategori isu lain yang muncul terkait kasus kebakaran hutan, kategori isu yang tidak berhubungan dengan kasus kebakaran hutan, kategori hashtag terkait lokasi kasus kebakaran hutan, kategori hashtag tentang slogan yang muncul pada kasus kebakaran hutan, dan kategori hashtag yang menggambarkan isu kebakaran hutan di Indonesia. Representasi graf dan hasil labelisasi kemudian divisualisasikan dalam aplikasi berbasis web untuk memudahkan identifikasi dan penilaian topik (hashtag) terkait isu kebakaran hutan di Indonesia.  AbstractSocial media listening is a method for conducting social network analysis by identifying and collecting information that can be used as the data source in certain cases. Using social media listening, we can summarize and get pattern from certain cases, for example in this study using  forest fire case in Indonesia. This research used hashtags from Instagram as the data source and conducted an analysis to understand the social interaction inside of forest fire case. The analysis aimed to obtain information summary using graph clustering on Gephi. Graph visualization was done using two-stage processess, which are modularity and filtering. This research resulted in 36 nodes with the percentage of 0.68% from 5280 initial nodes and 553 edges with the percentage of 0.92% from 64969 initial edges. The analysis process showed five clusters that represented the information summary from the graph clustering analysis result. The formed clusters were then analyzed and visualised on a web-based application to identifiy towards the node that represented another issues which appeared in the forest fire cases in Indonesia


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    Kementerian Pertanian Indonesia menghimpun data hasil komoditas pertanian Indonesia dalam fail yang tidak saling terintegrasi. Solusi terbaik untuk melakukan integrasi data tersebut adalah data warehouse dengan proses extract, transform, load (ETL). Penelitian ini membangun ETL data warehouse hasil komoditas pertanian Indonesia yang memungkinkan praproses dan pembersihan data lebih cepat sebelum dimuat ke data warehouse. Pembangunan ETL diawali dengan merancang data warehouse  menggunakan skema bintang dan merancang pemodelan ETL untuk melakukan transformasi. Transformasi dilakukan dengan membagi fail menjadi header dan body file. Implementasi model transformasi dilakukan menggunakan tool Talend. Hasil pengujian transformasi menunjukkan bahwa proses ETL berjalan dengan baik. Pengujian nilai menunjukkan bahwa nilai keluaran pada DBMS dan operasi OLAP menghasilkan nilai yang sama dengan nilai masukan yang berasal dari fail masukan.Kata Kunci : data warehouse, ETL, komoditas pertanian, Talend

    Perancangan Arsitektur Enterprise untuk Koperasi Pertanian Menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Planning

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    Abstrak Koperasi Produksi Susu (KPS) Bogor merupakan koperasi pertanian yang berkembang di Kota Bogor. Koperasi ini membutuhkan pengembangan teknologi untuk tata kelola operasional yang lebih baik, salah satunya di sektor pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Tujuan utama tulisan ini adalah membahas perancangan pengembangan teknologi informasi dalam bentuk arsitektur enterprise dengan menggunakan metode Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) di Koperasi Produksi Susu Bogor. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa adanya beberapa rekomendasi yang terdiri atas arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, dan arsitektur teknologi. Pertama, rekomendasi arsitektur data berupa 17 entitas data yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan entitas utama proses bisnis. Kedua, rekomendasi arsitektur aplikasi yaitu 7 rekomendasi aplikasi yang perlu dibangun berdasarkan prioritas pembangunan yang menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP). Ketiga, rekomendasi arsitektur teknologi yaitu pembangunan network untuk unit usaha Bagian Kunak, peremajaan perangkat keras, peralihan versi OS Windows dari versi XP ke versi Windows 7, dan peralihan bahasa pemprograman dari Foxbase dan Clipper ke bahasa Java dan PHP. Ketiga arsitektur tersebut dapat digunakan untuk perancangan arsitektur enterprise. Kata kunci: arsitektur enterprise, EAP, koperasi pertanian, KPS Bogor Abstract Koperasi Produksi Susu (KPS) Bogor is an agricultural cooperative growing in Bogor City. The cooperative needs technology development for better operational management, one of which is in its information technology utilization. The main purpose of this research is to design information technology development with Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) method. The result of this research showed presence of some recommendations consisting of data architecture, application architecture, and technology architecture. First, data architecture recommendation is 17 data entities used to describe main entity of business processes. Secondly, application architecture recommendation comprises 7 recommendation applications built based on development priorities using Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP) method. Thirdly, technology architecture recommendation is building a network for Bagian Kunak unit, hardware rejuvenation, migration from Windows XP to Windows 7, and transitioning Foxbase and Clipper programming language to Java and PHP. The three of architecture can be used for designing enterprise architecture. Keywords: enterprise architecture, EAP, agricultural cooperative, KPS Bogo

    Pengujian Data Warehouse SOLAP untuk Komoditas Pertanian Indonesia

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    Pengujian merupakan tahapan yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan data warehouse, karena analisis dan keputusan dibuat berdasarkan informasi yang dihasilkan dari data warehouse. Terdapat sistem yang memungkinkan analisis pada data spasial dengan interaktif dan efisien, yaitu sistem spatial OLAP (SOLAP). Dalam pembangunan data warehouse terdapat tahapan penting, yaitu proses extract, transform, load (ETL). Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian data warehouse, khususnya pengujian modul ETL pada SOLAP komoditas pertanian Indonesia yang telah dikembangkan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil pengujian proses ETL menunjukkan adanya ketidaksesuaian antara data sumber dan data warehouse. Dalam penelitian ini, pengujian modul ETL dilakukan dengan pengujian fungsional, yaitu memvalidasi data target dengan data sumber. Pengujian modul ETL diawali dengan membuat source-to-target mappings dan aturan kualitas data sebagai acuan untuk pembuatan kasus uji. Pengujian proses ETL terdiri atas pengujian kualitas data dan keseimbangan data yang dilakukan dengan menjalankan kueri pada sistem manajemen basis data (DBMS). Pengujian keseimbangan data menggunakan metode simple random sampling dan systematic sampling. Hasil pengujian dianalisis dan ditemukan letak kesalahan pengembangan pada proses ETL, tampilan aplikasi SOLAP dan pengambilan data sumber. Kata Kunci: Data warehouse, ETL, komoditas pertanian, pengujian data warehouse

    Analyzing Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Adoption Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Successful Enterprise Resorce Planning ERP system adoption in the company is one of the keys for the continuity of the company's business. On ERP adoption, there a lot of financials, time and human resources are invested on ERP adoption, so there must be an evaluation of ERP system to assess whether the ERP system adoption is successful or not. Some models have been developed by some researchers to assess the evaluation of ERP success. Each model has important factors used to assess the success of ERP. This study analyzes several factors that measure ERP success derived from several ERP success models to identify the important degree of each factor. The method used in this research is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the assessment data obtained from 3 experts who have the competence and experience regarding ERP system. The results of this study found that the benefit of use, organizational impact, and user satisfaction are the 3 main subfactors with the highest important degree values.   Keywords—Analytical Hierarchy Process, ERP success factors, ERP success mode

    Forest and Land Fires Policies Implications in Indonesia: Technological Support Needs

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    The occurrence of forest and land fires in Indonesia has been a critical environmental issue in the South East Asia Region, closely related to the transboundary haze pollution. The government of Indonesia has shifted the fire management paradigm from fire suppression concern to fire prevention priority since 2016. The study aims to systematically review the development of forest and land fire-related policies in Indonesia and to evaluate the use of mobile and web-based applications of The Smart Patrol Information System (SIPP Karhutla) implemented in the Sumatera and Kalimantan regions. We conducted Systematic Literature Reviews to identify the roadmaps of forest and land fire-related policies in Indonesia. Field surveys, questionnaires, and interviews with fire brigades in 7 provinces in the Sumatera and Kalimantan regions to evaluate the use of the SIPP Karhutla. There has been a significant increase of fire-related policies since 2014, which enhance fire management development. The SIPP Karhutla has been widely used in Sumatera and Kalimantan regions. The applications have reduced time for patrol data recording and reporting significantly. Therefore, they supported the fire brigades' patrol activities effectively and efficiently. Keywords: fire management, Smart Patrol Information System, transboundary haze pollutionKebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) merupakan isu lingkungan yang penting di kawasan Asia Tenggara, terkait dengan polusi kabut asap yang melintas batas. Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengubah paradigma dengan memprioritaskan kegiatan pencegahan kebakaran dari pemadaman sejak tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan tinjauan sistematik perkembangan kebijakan terkait karhutla dan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan aplikasi mobile dan web dari Sistem Informasi Patroli Pencegahan Karhutla (SIPP Karhutla) di wilayah Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Metode penelitian mencakup: kajian pustaka secara sistematik kebijakan karhutla di Indonesia., survei lapangan, kuesioner, dan wawancara dengan para pemadam kebakaran di tujuh provinsi di Sumatera dan Kalimantan.  Kebijakan terkait karhutla mengalami peningkatan sejak tahun 2014, yang mendorong perbaikan pengendalian karhutla. Aplikasi SIPP Karhutla telah digunakan secara luas di wilayah Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Aplikasi tersebut terbukti menurunkan waktu pencatatan dan pembuatan laporan patroli secara signifikan. Aplikasi ini mendukung kegiatan patroli secara efektif dan efisien.  Kata kunci: manajemen kebakaran, Sistem Informasi Patroli Pencegahan Karhutla, polusi kabut asap lintas bata