7 research outputs found

    The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth Toward Destination Trust and Travel Intention on Sirandah Island in Padang City

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    This research aims to analyze: (1) The influence of electronic word of mouth toward travel intention on Sirandah Island in Padang City (2) The influence of electronic word of mouth toward destination trust on Sirandah Island in Padang City (3) The influence of destination trust toward travel intention on Sirandah Island in Padang City. The type of this research is causative research. The population on this research is all Padang city society who have read online reviews of Sirandah Island in the internet and have never visited Sirandah Island whose numbers are unknwon. Data were collected through questionnaires and 170 questionnaires were analyzed by performing structural equation modeling (SEM) in SmartPLS 3.2.7. The result of this research show that (1) electronic word of mouth has a significant influenced on travel intention at Sirandah Island in Padang City (2) electronic word of mouth has a significant influenced on destination trust at Sirandah Island in Padang City (3) destination trust has a significant influenced on travel intention at Sirandah Island in Padang Cit

    The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth Toward Destination Trust and Travel Intention on Sirandah Island in Padang City

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    This research aims to analyze: (1) The influence of electronic word of mouth toward travel intention on Sirandah Island in Padang City (2) The influence of electronic word of mouth toward destination trust on Sirandah Island in Padang City (3) The influence of destination trust toward travel intention on Sirandah Island in Padang City. The type of this research is causative research. The population on this research is all Padang city society who have read online reviews of Sirandah Island in the internet and have never visited Sirandah Island whose numbers are unknwon. Data were collected through questionnaires and 170 questionnaires were analyzed by performing structural equation modeling (SEM) in SmartPLS 3.2.7. The result of this research show that (1) electronic word of mouth has a significant influenced on travel intention at Sirandah Island in Padang City (2) electronic word of mouth has a significant influenced on destination trust at Sirandah Island in Padang City (3) destination trust has a significant influenced on travel intention at Sirandah Island in Padang Cit

    The Marketing of Higher Education: Managing Student Loyalty Based on Tuition Fee Policy and Service Quality

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    This research investigates the influence of Single Tuition Fee System (STS) and Service Quality on Universitas Negeri Padang’s students’ intention to transfer to other universities. It also examines the correlation between Service Quality and STS in influencing the students’ intention to switch. The population of this study was 8,314 non-Bidikmisi Scholarship students from the class of 2013 and 2014. The sample size was determined by using Slovin formula, and it employed 400 students as the samples by using accidental sampling method. The data have been collected by using survey method with the questionnaires as the data collection method. This study analyzes the data by using path and correlation analysis. Before the main analysis, this study has conducted some preliminary analysis such as normality and multicollinearity test. The result of the research shows that: (1) the STS has a significant positive effect on students’ intention to transfer to other universities, (2) Service quality has a significant negative effect on students’ intention to transfer to other universities, and (3) There is a significant correlation between STS and service quality in influencing students’ intention to transfer to other universities. Some limitations and future study have been addressed

    Measuring The Entrepreneurial Index (En-I) of Undergraduate Students: A Case of Higher School of Business in Inderagiri, Rengat-Indonesia.

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    This study measures the entrepreneurial index (En-i) of undergraduate students in Rengat Higher School of Business. It looks at potential and non potential students dealing with the achievement of aspect fulfilling their status during the first four year in undergraduate degree. The students’ tests score is measures through fulfilling questionnaire self tests, involving 25% of students of various years entering the undergraduate education. This study also investigates the differences in each indicators that used in measuring the En-I. The results shows that the En-I scores is 3.68. There are two indicators that stand out with high scores; “self esteem” and “willingness to accept criticism”, and the lowest score is “action that have been taken”

    The Re-Branding of IKIP Padang to UNP: How the Changes in Brand Awareness and Brand Image Would Affect Student’s Enrollment Interest?

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of brand image and brand awareness on the 1999’s re-branding of Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Padang (IKIP Padang) to Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) towards West Sumatera’s highscool student’s enrollment interest. The population of this research are the West Sumatera’s highschool students. To determine the sample, this research uses random sampling method. Based on BPS data (Indonesia’s Central Beaureau fo Statistics), the number of high school students in West Sumatra amounted to 34.701 students, and by using "Krejcie table", the sample found to be of 380 students. Whereas for data analysis, multiple regression with descriptive analysis and inductive analysis was used. The result showed that (1) UNP’s brand awareness has a positively significant influence towards highscool student’s enrollment interest, (2) UNP’s brand image has a positively significant influence towards highscool student’s enrollment interest, (3) both UNP’s bramd awareness and brand image has a positively significant influence towards highscool student’s enrollment interest. Based on this research, the top management of Universitas Negeri Padang is advised to: (1) Increase the UNP’s brand awareness and brand image in the minds of prospective students, especially with it’s motto “Alam Takambang Manjadi Guru”, (2) Introduce and disseminate the information about UNP’s official website fe.unp.ac.id to prospective students, and (3) Provides information about the difference between IKIP Padang and UNP to the prospective students

    Manajemen Pemasaran (Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran di Era Society 5.0)

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    Manajemen pemasaran adalah aktivitas dalam suatu perencanaan, penentuan harga, promosi dan distribusi produk dan jasa dengan menerapkan strategi-strategi yang pantas dan telah ditentukan. penerapan strategi pemasaran sendiri begitu sangat penting dalam persaingan bisnis yang sangat ketat, terutama di era society 5.0 saat ini. Oleh karena itu, manajemen pemasaran patut dilakukan oleh pemasar jika tetap menginginkan produk-produk yang ditawarkan tetap bersaing. Dalam buku ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana strategi pemasaran diimplementasikan dalam aktivitas pemasaran, yang memberikan pedoman dalam pengembangan keterampilan dan keahlian bagi pelaku pemasar atau calon pemasar yang nantinya akan terjun ke dunia bisnis. Buku Manajemen Pemasaran ini terdiri dari 14 bab, meliputi: Bab 1 Tinjauan Manajemen Pemasaran Bab 2 Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran Bab 3 Respon Lingkungan Pemasaran Bab 4 Penerapan Customer Relationship Management Bab 5 Pembentukan Segmentasi Pasar Bab 6 Pembentukan Brand Positioning Bab 7 Pengembangan Strategi Penetapan Harga Bab 8 Pengembangan Strategi Promosi Bab 9 Penetapan Strategi Saluran Distribusi Bab 10 Strategi Bersaing di Pasar Global Bab 11 Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran Sosial Bab 12 Pemasaran di Era Digital Bab 13 Optimalisasi Social Media Marketing Bab 14 Implementasi Green Marketin