977 research outputs found

    Structural design of a vertical antenna boresight 18.3 by 18.3-m planar near-field antenna measurement system

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    A large very precise near-field planar scanner was proposed for NASA Lewis Research Center. This scanner would permit near-field measurements over a horizontal scan plane measuring 18.3 m by 18.3 m. Large aperture antennas mounted with antenna boresight vertical could be tested up to 60 GHz. When such a large near field scanner is used for pattern testing, the antenna or antenna system under test does not have to be moved. Hence, such antennas and antenna systems can be positioned and supported to simulate configuration in zero g. Thus, very large and heavy machinery that would be needed to accurately move the antennas are avoided. A preliminary investigation was undertaken to address the mechanical design of such a challenging near-field antenna scanner. The configuration, structural design and results of a parametric NASTRAN structural optimization analysis are contained. Further, the resulting design was dynamically analyzed in order to provide resonant frequency information to the scanner mechanical drive system designers. If other large near field scanners of comparable dimensions are to be constructed, the information can be used for design optimization of these also

    Multi-component Transparent Conducting Oxides: Progress in Materials Modelling

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    Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) play an essential role in modern optoelectronic devices through their combination of electrical conductivity and optical transparency. We review recent progress in our understanding of multi-component TCOs formed from solid-solutions of ZnO, In2O3, Ga2O3 and Al2O3, with a particular emphasis on the contributions of materials modelling, primarily based on Density Functional Theory. In particular, we highlight three major results from our work: (i) the fundamental principles governing the crystal structures of multi-component oxide structures including (In2O3)(ZnO)n, named IZO, and (In2O3)m(Ga2O3)l(ZnO)n, named IGZO; (ii) the relationship between elemental composition and optical and electrical behaviour, including valence band alignments; (iii) the high-performance of amorphous oxide semiconductors. From these advances, the challenge of the rational design of novel electroceramic materials is discussed.Comment: Part of a themed issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter on "Semiconducting Oxides". In Press (2011

    CaloCube: a novel calorimeter for high-energy cosmic rays in space

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    In order to extend the direct observation of high-energy cosmic rays up to the PeV region, highly performing calorimeters with large geometrical acceptance and high energy resolution are required. Within the constraint of the total mass of the apparatus, crucial for a space mission, the calorimeters must be optimized with respect to their geometrical acceptance, granularity and absorption depth. CaloCube is a homogeneous calorimeter with cubic geometry, to maximise the acceptance being sensitive to particles from every direction in space; granularity is obtained by relying on small cubic scintillating crystals as active elements. Different scintillating materials have been studied. The crystal sizes and spacing among them have been optimized with respect to the energy resolution. A prototype, based on CsI(Tl) cubic crystals, has been constructed and tested with particle beams. Some results of tests with different beams at CERN are presented.Comment: Seven pages, seven pictures. Proceedings of INSTR17 Novosibirs

    Correlations between isospin dynamics and Intermediate Mass Fragments emission time scales: a probe for the symmetry energy in asymmetric nuclear matter

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    We show new data from the 64^{64}Ni+124^{124}Sn and 58^{58}Ni+112^{112}Sn reactions studied in direct kinematics with the CHIMERA detector at INFN-LNS and compared with the reverse kinematics reactions at the same incident beam energy (35 A MeV). Analyzing the data with the method of relative velocity correlations, fragments coming from statistical decay of an excited projectile-like (PLF) or target-like (TLF) fragments are discriminated from the ones coming from dynamical emission in the early stages of the reaction. By comparing data of the reverse kinematics experiment with a stochastic mean field (SMF) + GEMINI calculations our results show that observables from neck fragmentation mechanism add valuable constraints on the density dependence of symmetry energy. An indication is found for a moderately stiff symmetry energy potential term of EOS.Comment: Talk given by E. De Filippo at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Freeze-out configuration properties in the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 23 AMeV

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    Data from the experiment on the 197Au + 197Au reaction at 23 AMeV are analyzed with an aim to find signatures of exotic nuclear configurations such as toroid-shaped objects. The experimental data are compared with predictions of the ETNA code dedicated to look for such configurations and with the QMD model. A novel criterion of selecting events possibly resulting from the formation of exotic freeze-out configurations, "the efficiency factor", is tested. Comparison between experimental data and model predictions may indicate for the formation of flat/toroidal nuclear systems

    Evidence for a Novel Reaction Mechanism of a Prompt Shock-Induced Fission Following the Fusion of 78Kr and 40Ca Nuclei at E/A =10 MeV

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    An analysis of experimental data from the inverse-kinematics ISODEC experiment on 78Kr+40Ca reaction at a bombarding energy of 10 AMeV has revealed signatures of a hitherto unknown reaction mechanism, intermediate between the classical damped binary collisions and fusion-fission, but also substantially different from what is being termed in the literature as fast fission or quasi fission. These signatures point to a scenario where the system fuses transiently while virtually equilibrating mass asymmetry and energy and, yet, keeping part of the energy stored in a collective shock-imparted and, possibly, angular momentum bearing form of excitation. Subsequently the system fissions dynamically along the collision or shock axis with the emerging fragments featuring a broad mass spectrum centered around symmetric fission, relative velocities somewhat higher along the fission axis than in transverse direction, and virtually no intrinsic spin. The class of massasymmetric fission events shows a distinct preference for the more massive fragments to proceed along the beam direction, a characteristic reminiscent of that reported earlier for dynamic fragmentation of projectile-like fragments alone and pointing to the memory of the initial mass and velocity distribution.Comment: 5 PAGES, 6 FIGURE

    Charged Higgs Production in the 1 TeV Domain as a Probe of Supersymmetric Models

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    We consider the production, at future lepton colliders, of charged Higgs pairs in supersymmetric models. Assuming a relatively light SUSY scenario, and working in the MSSM, we show that, for c.m. energies in the one TeV range, a one-loop logarithmic Sudakov expansion that includes an "effective" next-to subleading order term is adequate to the expected level of experimental accuracy. We consider then the coefficient of the linear (subleading) SUSY Sudakov logarithm and the SUSY next to subleading term of the expansion and show that their dependence on the supersymmetric parameters of the model is drastically different. In particular the coefficient of the SUSY logarithm is only dependent on tanβ\tan\beta while the next to subleading term depends on a larger set of SUSY parameters. This would allow to extract from the data separate informations and tests of the model.Comment: 18 pages and 13 figures e-mail: [email protected]

    Kinematical coincidence method in transfer reactions

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    A new method to extract high resolution angular distributions from kinematical coincidence measurements in binary reactions is presented. Kinematic is used to extract the center of mass angular distribution from the measured energy spectrum of light particles. Results obtained in the case of 10Be+p-->9Be+d reaction measured with the CHIMERA detector are shown. An angular resolution of few degrees in the center of mass is obtained.Comment: 6 Page 10 Figures submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods