14 research outputs found

    Analysis of the State policy on Formation of an Innovative Susceptibility of Economy

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    На современном этапе одной из ключевых задач Республики Беларусь является ускорение перехода национальной экономики на инновационный путь развития, что обусловлено ужесточением конкуренции, сокращением жизненного цикла инноваций, существенным изменением внешней среды, глобализационными процессами. Базовым свойством экономики, определяющим ее готовность к освоению и использованию инноваций для социально-экономического развития, является ее инновационная восприимчивость. От нее зависят и инновационная активность организаций, и заинтересованность общества в широком применении инноваций, и готовность инвесторов к вложению средств в инновационные процессы, имеющие высокую степень риска. В данной статье анализируется опыт ведущих стран мира по формированию инновационной восприимчивости экономики в рамках реализуемой государствами инновационной политики.One of the key tasks of the Republic of Belarus is to accelerate the transition of the national economy to an innovative path of development. It is caused by competition toughening, reduction of life cycle of innovations, significant change of the external environment, globalization processes. The innovative susceptibility is basic property of economy which defines its readiness for development and use of innovations for social and economic development. The innovative activity of the organizations, interest of society in broad application of innovations, readiness of investors for investment of capital in innovative processes with a high risk depend on it. This article analyzes the experience of the leading countries in the formation of innovative susceptibility of the economy in the innovation policy


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    One of the key tasks of the Republic of Belarus is to accelerate the transition of the national economy to an innovative path of development. It is caused by competition toughening, reduction of life cycle of innovations, significant change of the external environment, globalization processes. The innovative susceptibility is basic property of economy which defines its readiness for development and use of innovations for social and economic development. The innovative activity of the organizations, interest of society in broad application of innovations, readiness of investors for investment of capital in innovative processes with a high risk depend on it. This article analyzes the experience of the leading countries in the formation of innovative susceptibility of the economy in the innovation policy.На современном этапе одной из ключевых задач Республики Беларусь является ускорение перехода национальной экономики на инновационный путь развития, что обусловлено ужесточением конкуренции, сокращением жизненного цикла инноваций, существенным изменением внешней среды, глобализационными процессами. Базовым свойством экономики, определяющим ее готовность к освоению и использованию инноваций для социально-экономического развития, является ее инновационная восприимчивость. От нее зависят и инновационная активность организаций, и заинтересованность общества в широком применении инноваций, и готовность инвесторов к вложению средств в инновационные процессы, имеющие высокую степень риска. В данной статье анализируется опыт ведущих стран мира по формированию инновационной восприимчивости экономики в рамках реализуемой государствами инновационной политики


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    Adaptive antenna as a means for EMC improvement

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    The paper is devoted to estimation of selectivity of an adaptive antenna with a single compensating channel under conditions of intensive action of undeliberate radio interference (URI). For selectivity estimation criterion, the probability of penetration of URI to the self-compensator output through side lobes of the main channel antenna is chosen

    Psychrotolerant Strains of <em>Phoma herbarum</em> with Herbicidal Activity

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    The search for stress-tolerant producer strains is a key factor in the development of biological mycoherbicides. The aim of the study was to assess the herbicidal potential of phoma-like fungi. Morphological and physiological features of two Antarctic psychrotolerant strains 20-A7-1.M19 and 20-A7-1.M29 were studied. Multilocus sequence analysis was used to identify these strains. They happened to belong to Phoma herbarum Westend. The psychrotolerant properties of these strains were suggested not only by ecology, but also by their capability to grow in a wide temperature range from 5 °C to 35 °C, being resistant to high insolation, UV radiation, aridity, and other extreme conditions. It was shown that treatment with their cell-free cultural fugate, crude mycelium extract, and culture liquid significantly reduced the seed germination of troublesome weeds such as dandelion and goldenrod. Cell-free cultural fugate and culture liquid also led to the formation of chlorosis and necrotic spots on leaves. Thus, psychrotolerant strains P. herbarum 20-A7-1.M19 and 20-A7-1.M29 demonstrate high biotechnological potential. Our next step is to determine the structures of biologically active substances and to increase their biosynthesis, as well as the development of biological and biorational mycoherbicides. New mycoherbicides can reduce the chemical load on agroecosystems and increase the effectiveness of applied chemicals

    Observation of the seismoelectric effect in a gas condensate field in the Earth’s natural electromagnetic and seismic noise of 0.1–20 Hz

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The first experimental measurements of the cross-correlation function (CCF) of the Earth’s seismic and electrical noise were carried out in two areas of the Minusinskoe gas condensate field in 2014 and 2015 using a VPEMPZ-M1 (Shum-6) two-channel geophysical device developed at Siberian Federal University. The Earth’s seismic noise and electrical noise in the frequency range 0.1–20 Hz were received by a geophone and an electric dipole, respectively. In both cases, a productive pool at depths of 1800–2000 m had a maximum CCF value five to seven times higher than the normal background, indicating the occurrence of the seismoelectric effect in passive fields