145 research outputs found

    Немецкая католическая община Мариенбурга конца XIX - начала XX в.: некоторые аспекты локальной истории

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    The agrarian crisis in the main agricultural provinces of European Russia made peasants migrate beyond the Urals where there was a lot of unoccupied land. At the end of the 19th – early 20th century about 3.77 million people migrated to Asian Russia. Most of the migrants moved to the South of Western Siberia (Tomsk province), including Germans, whose ancestors had moved to Russia in the second half of the 18th – early 19th centuries. New monoconfessional settlements appeared in the Altai district. They were founded by Catholics, Lutherans and Mennonites from the Volga region, Novorossiya, territories near the Visla and other regions. One of the largest settlements founded by Catholic Germans was Marienburg. Living in a foreign ethnic and confessional surrounding, Germans had to build their own community providing for its economic and spiritual flourishing. They adapted to new conditions in the course of the 1900s. Marienburg became the centre of economic and religious life of Catholics (Germans, Poles, Lithuanians) in the South of Western Siberia. The article discusses some aspects of the local history of German Catholic community: resettlement, relationships with local Russian peasants, local authorities, economic and spiritual adaptation. The article is based on materials found in St. Petersburg, Barnaul and Tomsk archives

    Virtullyas a means of developing competences of students

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    The article deals with the main issues of the use of virtual laboratory work in the system of training students in higher education. The advantages and disadvantages of virtual laboratory work are determinedВ статье раскрываются основные вопросы использования виртуальных лабораторных работ в системе подготовки студентов в высших учебных заведениях. Определяются достоинства и недостатки виртуальных лабораторных рабо

    Entrepreneurship of Bukharan Jews during Economic Modernization of Central Asia in the Early XX Century: Yusuf Davydov Trading House

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    In the early XX century, Turkestan represented a remarkable model of economic modernization. Russian commercial banks and the local bourgeoisie welcomed the economic integration of the Central Asian periphery into the Russian Empire. Bukharan Jews had found their economic niche by the 1860s: they traded in cotton and acted as intermediaries between Turkestan cotton producers and Russian textile workers. However, the segregationist policy in the regional industry prohibited them to establish trading houses and, therefore, restricted their ability to obtain bank loans. Eventually, the liberal economic policy initiated by Prime Minister Sergei Yu. Witte facilitated the reorganization of Bukharan-Jewish enterprises. The patriarchal family businesses turned into modern trading and industrial companies, e.g., the Davydov Trading House, the Vadyaev Brothers, etc. The National Bank and the Russian Commercial Bank opened their outlets in the most important commercial and industrial centers of Turkestan, which was another important step towards economic modernization. This article focuses on the role of Russian commercial banks in the activities of Bukharan-Jewish business circles during the modernization of the Central Asian periphery of the Russian Empire in the early XX century. The Davydov Trading House was reorganized in 1906 and became a leader in the cotton trading market. It used the loans from Russian banks to build cotton ginning factories, breweries, and an internal network of seed-cotton suppliers. Unlike the Vadyaev Brothers, the Davidov family failed to create a stable family business model: in the summer of 1914, the Trading House and all its property were controlled by a committee board established by the major creditors from among the Russian commercial banks. In spite of the Great War, the board managed to save the Davydov Trading House from bankruptcy and modernized its operations

    European Diasporas in Russia of the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries: National and Regional Formation Features (As Illustrated in the Case of Jews, Germans and Poles)

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    The imperial policy of Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries led to the formation of various diasporas, with the largest being of Polish, Jewish, German and Finnish origin. They were the focus of attention of the tsarist administration while their status was regulated by a variety of laws. Specific features that distinguished social, political and economic development of the Russian Empire were behind the fact that different regions became home to emerging ethnic communities. Jews, Germans, Poles, Finns, Latvians, and Estonians moved to the outskirts of the state both by forced and voluntarily. Laws of the Russian Empire specified places they could reside in and types of economic activities they could undertake. This article is aimed at defining the formation features pertaining European diasporas in Russia in the late 18th and early 19th century on the national and regional scale. To this end we need to determine the nature of the emergence of the ethnic communities in the Russian macro-regions (such as Siberia), reveal specificity of the Russian legislation regarding Jews, Germans and Poles in historic different periods of the Russian Empire and give a quantitative characterization of the communities. Accomplishing this will make it possible to describe the way the European diasporas formed and developed in Russia over the 18th and 19th centuries. Our approach to these objectives is based on the assumption that Russia throughout the 18th and early 20th century was a classical empire with the diasporas being actors in the national and regional policies rather than existing in isolation. This will help determine the stages and nature of the diasporas' formation and their place in the economic, social and cultural life of individual macro-regions and across Russia. The basis for the study have been published sources and materials from Russian archives. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s1p46

    Designing negative impedance converter based on the dual gate MOSFET

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    In this work, an experience of designing the negative impedance converter reported. Its purpose is antennas matching during the UHF ground penetrating radar designing. The possibility of designing the negative impedance converter based on dualgate MOSFET transistors is considered. Stability of operation of the device is analyzed. Discussion of a possibility of combination of devices of the negative impedance converter and adjustable attenuator is also given.В работе описывается опыт проектирования отрицательного конвертера импеданса (ОКИ), предназначенно- го для согласования малогабаритных антенн ОВЧ диапазона в интересах построения радиолокатора подповерхностного зондирования. Рассматривается возможность построения конвертера импеданса на основе двухзатворных полевых транзисторов. Проанализирована стабильность работы устройства. Также приведено обсуждение возможности совмещения устройств конвертера импеданса и регулируемого аттенюатора за счёт регулируемой крутизны проходной характеристики МОП-транзисторов

    Evaluating the possibility of designing three-dimensional ground penetrating mobile technology

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    На основании апробированного подповерхностного радиолокатора СВЧ диапазона строится ОВЧ вариант комплекса при условии пропорционального сохранения точностных характеристик. Приводятся основные принципы построения системы, обеспечивающие конкурентоспособность и выгодно выделяющие комплекс перед другими известными работами. Также разработан ряд аппаратурных и программных средств для построения системы. В пакете AWR MO создана модель отрицательного конвертера импеданса (ОКИ), позволяющего реализовать активное широкополосное не перестраиваемое согласование. В программе ANSYS HFSS создана модель ферритовой антенны ОВЧ диапазона, её параметры в формате .sNp импортированы в AWR для реализации согласования. Данные модели позволяют проводить дальнейшие исследования и разрабатывать антенную систему подповерхностного радиолокатора.UHF ground penetrating radar is suggested based on the approved VHF ground penetrating radar implementation. The purpose consists in proportional saving of precision characteristics. The basic principles of creation of system also described. They are providing competitiveness and favourably selecting suggested system before other known decisions. A few hardwares and softwares are also developed for complete designing the system. Model of the Negative impedance converter (NIC) designed in the AWR MO. It allows creating an active wideband not tunable matching circuit. Model of the VHF ferrite antenna designed in the ANSYS HFSS. Its parameters imported to AWR using .sNp format. These models allows to do further investigations and designing the ground penetrating radar antenna system


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    В статье раскрываются требования к специалисту будущего. Рассматриваются технологии и методы подготовки конкурентноспособного специалистаThe article reveals the requirements to the specialist of the future. Technologies and methods of competitive specialist training are considere