49 research outputs found


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    Development of an Open-GIS decision aid system for ecological and economical management of surface and groundwater resources in the Bistrita River Basin (Romania)

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    International audienceThe Bistrita River Basin (a length of 283 km, a surface of 7039 km2, a mean discharge of 65 m3/s) is one of the most important tributary of the Siret River, which is the second major affluent of the Danube River. Heavily influenced by hydraulic management and highly polluted by agricultural and urban activities in some stretches, the Bistrita river has been studied in the framework of the Diminish Project (LIFE03 ENV/ RO/000539), funded by the Life Environment Program. The project aims to support the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and to combat the nutrient pollution by developing an integrated, on-line, GIS-based support system for the management of the water quality in relation with human activities, using socio-economical analysis, at the scale of the river catchments. Based on modeling approaches the decisional system allows to predict which strategy will lead to the most effective reduction of nutrient concentrations within the Bistrita hydrological network and of nutrient loads transported by the Siret River into the Danube. The consequences of the nutrient pollution are discussed for two basin areas, from two points of view: i) the effects of point and diffuse pollution for surface and groundwater, on the basis of the basin response to the changing pressures over the river catchments (industrial, rural, urban, agricultural changes), ii) the economical valuation of environmental costs and cost-effectiveness of the measures, that can be proposed from socio-economic scenarios, for reaching the "good ecological status" of this river

    Inverse Airfoil Design Method for Low-Speed Straight-Bladed Darrieus-Type VAWT Applications

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    The paper demonstrates the application of inverse airfoil design method to improve performance of a low-speed straight-bladed Darrieus-type VAWT. The study shows that an appropriate tailoring of the airfoil surface using the inverse airfoil design technique can help improve performance by eliminating undesirable flow field characteristics at very low Re, such as early transition due to presence of separation bubbles. The increase aerodynamic efficiency then translates into an improved aerodynamic performance of VAWTs specifically at very low chord Reynolds numbers. The study employs an interactive inverse airfoil design method (PROFOIL) that allows specification of velocity and boundary-layer characteristics over different segments of the airfoil subject to constraints on the geometry (closure) and the flow field (far field boundary). Additional constraints to satisfy some desirable features, such as pitching moment coefficient, thickness, camber, etc., along with a merit of performance of the VAWT, such as the required power output for a given tip-speed ratio, are specified as part of the inverse problem. Performance analyses of the airfoil and the VAWT are carried out with the aid of state-of-the-art analyses codes, XFOIL and CARDAAV, respectively. XFOIL is a panel method with a coupled boundarylayer scheme and is used to obtain the aerodynamic characteristics of resulting airfoil shapes. The final airfoil geometry is obtained through a multi-dimensional Newton iteration. A design example is presented to demonstrate the merits of the technique in improving performance of small VAWTs at low speeds. The main findings of the study suggests that the strength of the method lies in the inverse design methodology whereas its weaknesses is in reliably predicting aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils at low Reynolds numbers and high angles of attack. This weakness can, however, be overcome by assessing relative performance of the VAWT with the assumption that the changes in airfoil characteristics be kept small. The results indicate that a 10-15% increase in the relative performance of the VAWT can be achieved with this method

    Anesthesia by electro acupuncture in neurosurgery

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    Given the fact that in neuroanesthesia the choice of anesthetic substances must take into account the effect they have over the cerebral substance, we felt that using as few drugs as possible eliminates their shortcomings, improving the intraoperative conditions as well as the outcome of the surgical intervention. For this purpose, we have used anesthesia through electro acupunctural stimulation associated to hypnosis, drug relaxation under controlled breathing on a group of 12 patients, from which 10 patients had undergone brain surgery and 2 patients had undergone surgery for herniated disc. The outcomes showed the better effect of this method than that of the classical, the patients showing excellent intraoperative hemodynamic stability, relaxed brain, without the need to use depleted substances, rapid awakening with a much better postoperative analgesia

    Cornucopia: Temporal safety for CHERI heaps

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    Use-after-free violations of temporal memory safety continue to plague software systems, underpinning many high-impact exploits. The CHERI capability system shows great promise in achieving C and C++ language spatial memory safety, preventing out-of-bounds accesses. Enforcing language-level temporal safety on CHERI requires capability revocation, traditionally achieved either via table lookups (avoided for performance in the CHERI design) or by identifying capabilities in memory to revoke them (similar to a garbage-collector sweep). CHERIvoke, a prior feasibility study, suggested that CHERI’s tagged capabilities could make this latter strategy viable, but modeled only architectural limits and did not consider the full implementation or evaluation of the approach. Cornucopia is a lightweight capability revocation system for CHERI that implements non-probabilistic C/C++ temporal memory safety for standard heap allocations. It extends the CheriBSD virtual-memory subsystem to track capability flow through memory and provides a concurrent kernel-resident revocation service that is amenable to multi-processor and hardware acceleration. We demonstrate an average overhead of less than 2% and a worst-case of 8.9% for concurrent revocation on compatible SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks on a multi-core CHERI CPU on FPGA, and we validate Cornucopia against the Juliet test suite’s corpus of temporally unsafe programs. We test its compatibility with a large corpus of C programs by using a revoking allocator as the system allocator while booting multi-user CheriBSD. Cornucopia is a viable strategy for always-on temporal heap memory safety, suitable for production environments.This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), under contracts FA8750-10-C-0237 (“CTSRD”) and HR0011-18-C-0016 (“ECATS”). We also acknowledge the EPSRC REMS Programme Grant (EP/K008528/1), the ABP Grant (EP/P020011/1), the ERC ELVER Advanced Grant (789108), the Gates Cambridge Trust, Arm Limited, HP Enterprise, and Google, Inc

    When East Meets West: International Change and Its Effects on Domestic Cultural Institutions

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    Domestic governments increasingly face the pressure to follow policy developments occurring at the international or supranational level. Yet international laws and policies need to be “translated” to suit domestic political institutions and newly adopted policies may challenge or contradict preexisting domestic policies, institutions, and interests. To explore the domestic impact of international institutional developments, we studied the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and its adoption in four countries (Japan, China, France, and Germany). Using historical institutionalism, this comparative case study sheds light on the effects of the Convention on cultural governance systems in two supposedly different “camps” within the UNESCO: the East and the West. The study argues that it is the interaction and entangled relationship of exogenous and endogenous factors over time, particularly the timing and sequence in which they constrain and facilitate change, which shape actors’ preferences and institutional development at both levels

    New monitoring technique for rapid investigation of nitrates pollution in aquatic systems

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    In situ measurement with a portable multi-parameter sonde was used in the framework of the Cleanwater project – LIFE09 ENV/RO/000612, for a rapid investigation of nitrates pollution in Barlad River basin, in rivers and domestic wells, in addition to laboratory measurements. Water samples were analysed in an accredited laboratory for water monitoring, such as the Vaslui Water Management System from Barlad basin. Sampling campaigns were performed monthly in the period April–November 2011. In order to find the main factors that influence the measurements, the behaviour of equipment was analysed in rivers, for different water sampling points along the river and the cross-sections, taking into account the water level, the turbulence, the vegetation and the obstacles along the river. Results proved the multiparameter sonde as a useful device for rapidly monitoring spatial distributions or temporal trends of nitrates or chlorophyll a, and detecting sudden changes in surface and groundwater quality

    Chlamydia and HLA

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    This database consists of the articles reviewed in the paper "Chlamydia trachomatis and the HLA involvement in the development of the infection and disease: a systematic review"