717 research outputs found

    Inspección visual de fallas y fisuras arquitectónicas

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    Civil constructions move, age, and breathe. Their movement is something that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but it is constant. At all times there are small changes in the same due to humidity, temperature, or movements in the ground, reaching the point where the materials with which the buildings are composed do not resist these movements and begin to appear cracks and fissures, which are considered important to examine to ensure the safety, durability, and viability of construction. For the inspection of this structural change, the training of a neural network will be used to inspect using images the appearance of cracks and classify them according to the stipulated categories.Las construcciones civiles se mueven, envejecen y respiran. Su movimiento es algo que a simple vista no se puede apreciar, pero es constante. En todo momento se producen cambios pequeños en la misma a causa de la humedad, temperatura o por movimientos en el terreno, llegando al punto donde los materiales con los cuales están compuestos los edificios no resisten estos movimientos y empiezan aparecer las grietas y fisuras, las cuales se consideran importantes de examinar para garantizar la seguridad, durabilidad y viabilidad de una construcción. Para la inspección de este cambio estructural se hará uso del entrenamiento de una red neuronal para inspeccionar por medio de imágenes la aparición de las grietas y clasificarlas según las categorías estipuladas

    Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Korban Trafficking Pengantin Pesanan Di Singkawang Kalimantan Barat

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    Trafficking is slavery activity of including in human being commerce, one of the typicalmodus which during the time trend in Kalbar, that is “order bride”. The brokers look for thebeautiful women in Singkawang Town, especially amoy-amoy to be married with the foreigncitizen men, Taiwan, Hongkong, and Singapore. Amount of informan is five people. Researchmethod used by descriptive qualitative, this method giving description and communicationsanalyse between individual in relation between perpetrator of order bride with the brokers/middleman. Accumulation data technique used by Observation, Interview, and reference studytechnique for the perception, obtaining information, and collect the data, adding data, supportingdata from other sources. The results of this research indicated that pattern of interpersonalcommunications in relation of order brige with the brokers/middleman done by approach everyorder bridge started with the introduction, continued with the dating, dating intensity, and communicationsof one-way, two-way, feedback, and persuasive. All this represent the importantmatter in making and looking after good cooperation or relation

    Evaluation on Drug Planning for Basic Health Services at Pharmaceutical Warehouses of Gunung Mas District, Central Kalimantan

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    Planning was an activity to determine type and amount of drugs according to the need. Weakplanning was indicated by no stored drugs or drugs accumulation in the storage. Drug planning inGunung Mas district pharmacy storage (GFK) was based on inaccurate data; therefore, distortionin the drug planning precision and in the level of drug availability occurred. Objective of this studywas to evaluate drug planning at GFK Gunung Mas based on the obedience of GFK workers inimplementing drug planning guideline.This was a descriptive study. Study variables were 1) ability of workers that was based on theireducation, workload, training, and supervision; 2) obedience of workers in implementing drug planning guideline. Main informants were the head of GFK and two GFK workers. Data werecollected by conducting in-depth interview and observation. Content analysis was applied in thedata management.Results of the study showed that drug planning at GFK Gunung Mas was inadequate. This wascaused by insufficient number of workers with adequate abilities, and the obedience of workers inimplementing planning guideline was insufficient. Workers' education level was suitable with therequirement namely pharmaceutical school. Majority of workers' knowledge was limited to definitionand drug criteria; majority of GFK workers' workload was overload. All workers did not get trainingon drug planning. Supervision by their superior was not done periodically. Obedience of workersto drug planning guideline was insufficient.Suggestions for district health office are to conduct training on integrated drug planning technique,to improve periodic supervision to GFK workers. Suggestions to GFK Gunung Mas are to formulatestandard operating procedure for drug planning, to do right drug calculation, to do ABC/ VEN analysis

    Are Virtual Teams More Just? An Investigation of How Reducing Social Categorization Can Increase Female Participation in Male-Dominated Teams.

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    Organizations use work teams to solve complex problems in innovative ways. As such, an abundance of diverse ideas, suggestions, and information should help organizations generate quality products and remain competitive. Yet, there is research which shows that women do not participate as much as men in face-to-face team interactions. Women often get fewer speaking turns than men, they speak for shorter lengths of time, and they are interrupted more often than men. As a result, women?s ideas may often be overlooked in work settings. This is problematic, because women make up 46 percent of the United States workforce, and not being active participants in meetings could results in underutilization of roughly half of the firm?s human capital. This study investigated whether the order of face-to-face and virtual communication used by virtual teams could be used as one means of increasing inclusion and participation of women in male-dominated teams. Results from 82 teams confirmed that women felt more included in the team when they communicated virtually first and then face-to-face as opposed to face-to-face first and then virtually. Findings supported a four-stage model where the medium of communication influences feelings of inclusion which influences participation (both self-reported and objective). Participation, in turn, influences perceptions of interpersonal justice, satisfaction with the team, and ratings received from team members. An objective measure of participation and team performance ratings from five independent raters also show that the more equally team members participate and the higher the team?s total communication volume, in both total speaking turns and words spoken, the higher the team?s ratings and the more creative the team?s output was judged to be

    Desarrollo de Tibraca obscurata y Tibraca limbativentris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) en arroz en el suroeste de Colombia

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    The development of Tibraca obscurata Bergroth and T. limbativentris Stal was studied in rice in southwestern Colombia. Tibraca limbativentris required more time to complete development than T. obscurata. Females of T. limbativentris required more time to complete development than males, but development of T. obscurata was similar between sexes. Tibraca limbativentris females live significantly longer than males. Tibraca limbativentris oviposited over 200 eggs in an 86-day oviposition period. The time from egg deposition to eclosión (egg incubation period) was the same (6.5 d) in the two sexes. Se estudió el desarrollo de Tibraca obscurata Bergroth y T. limbativentris Stal en arroz en el suroeste de Colombia. Tibraca limbativentris requirió mayor tiempo para completar su desarrollo que T. obscurata. Las hembras de T. limbativentris requirieron más tiempo para completar su desarrollo que los machos, pero el desarrollo de T. obscurata fue similar en los dos sexos. Las hembras de T. limbativentris son más longevas que los machos. Tibraca limbativentris depositó aproximadamente 200 huevos en un periodo de 86 días. El tiempo de incubación de los huevos fue igual para los dos sexos (6.5 d)

    Are we overestimating the permanence of cellulose triacetate cinematographic films? A mathematical model for the vinegar syndrome

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    Among the earliest signs of degradation in cellulose triacetate cinematographic films is the generation of acetic acid due to hydrolytic deacetylation of the polymer, marked by an increase in the acidity of the films and emissions of acetic acid leading to a characteristic vinegar odour. We propose a mathematical model for predicting the onset of the vinegar syndrome which accounts for the autocatalytic effect of acetic acid on the deacetylation reaction. Model parameters are estimated from previously published experimental data from other research groups. These show free acidity changes in cellulose triacetate films subjected to accelerated ageing at temperatures of 70–100 °C. The model is validated against a different set of previously published experimental data of cellulose triacetate films aged at 21 °C and 35 °C, at 20, 35 and 50% relative humidity. The model demonstrates good quantitative agreement with the published experimental data. Predictions of film permanence at lower temperatures, similar to those present in the archives in which the films are typically stored, are made and compared with the predictions of film conservation guidelines. The results indicate that film permanence may be overestimated by existing guidelines, which do not account for autocatalysis in their modelling of the deacetylation rate. Our results suggest that cold storage, a common film conservation strategy, may be less effective at inhibiting degradation than previously thought. As cold storage typically requires film to be kept in confined spaces with limited air movement, conditions which promote autocatalysis, the inclusion of autocatalysis in our model is highly applicable to simulating this environment

    Acute and long-lasting effects of oxytocin in cortico-limbic circuits: consequences for fear recall and extinction.

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    The extinction of conditioned fear responses entrains the formation of safe new memories to decrease those behavioral responses. The knowledge in neuronal mechanisms of extinction is fundamental in the treatment of anxiety and fear disorders. Interestingly, the use of pharmacological compounds that reduce anxiety and fear has been shown as a potent co-adjuvant in extinction therapy. However, the efficiency and mechanisms by which pharmacological compounds promote extinction of fear memories remains still largely unknown and would benefit from a validation based on functional neuronal circuits, and the neurotransmitters that modulate them. From this perspective, oxytocin receptor signaling, which has been shown in cortical and limbic areas to modulate numerous functions (Eliava et al. Neuron 89(6):1291-1304, 2016), among them fear and anxiety circuits, and to enhance the salience of social stimuli (Stoop Neuron 76(1):142-59, 2012), may offer an interesting perspective. Experiments in animals and humans suggest that oxytocin could be a promising pharmacological agent at adjusting memory consolidation to boost fear extinction. Additionally, it is possible that long-term changes in endogenous oxytocin signaling can also play a role in reducing expression of fear at different brain targets. In this review, we summarize the effects reported for oxytocin in cortico-limbic circuits and on fear behavior that are of relevance for the modulation and potential extinction of fear memories

    Analisis Keragaman Genetik Pada Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus) Yang Tahan Terhadap Penyakit Yang Disebabkan Bakteri Vibrio Alginolyticus

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    The research was purposed to analyse genetic similarity of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) inorder to select grouper that was resistant to Vibrio alginolyticus. In this study, fish were challenged with Vibrioalginolyticus and genetic similarity was examined by a PCR-RAPD method. Eight RAPD primers were used forPCR-RAPD analysis. The results showed that only three primers of RAPD primer (YNZ-22, UBC-456, danUBC-457) generated high number of RAPD fragments. The resistant group of tiger groupers generated higherpolymorph RAPD fragments than the susceptible groups. RAPD primer YNZ-22 and UBC-457 generated 82 %and 71 % of RAPD polymorph fragments from resistant group of fish and 71% and 60 % from susceptiblegroups, respectively. Primer YNZ-22 is a best genetic marker to analyse genetic similarity of tiger groupersproduced specific marker ranging from 1,2-2,0 kb. Genetic distances between the population of resistant fishand population of susceptible fish was 0.5091 and between individual of the resistant fish and susceptible fishwas 0.7032