35 research outputs found

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Jumlah Burung Liar Yang Diperdagangkan Dijawa Barat [Species Composition and Number of Wild Birds Traded in West Java]

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    Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of wildbirds extinction are habitat loss or habitat destruction and poaching for trade.The aim of this study was to identify trade of wildbird species in West Java. The survey was carried out in October to November 2008.A total of 2080 birds (consisted of 67 species and 29 family) were traded in Bandung, Garut and Tasikmalaya areas.Bird markets in those three areas traded 1051, 496 and 533 birds respectively. The result of one way analysis of variance (anova) using SPSS 13.0 F , ll15)= 2,398 < Ftabel = 3,042, showed no significant different in the above mentioned three bird markets

    Persebaran Dan Habitat Persinggahan Burung Migran Di Kabupaten Natuna Provinsi Kepulauan Riau [Distribution and Stopover Habitat of Migratory Birds in Natuna, Riau Archipelago Province]

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    Indonesia has become an important part in the flyway of migratory birds due to the existing of high variety of habitat types that support for their life.Until now, the migratory birds records from Natuna Regency, which is the border area of Indonesia located in the South China Sea, are limited. This study was aimed to determine distribution and stopover habitat of migratory birds in the Natuna Regency area. The study was conducted in 2011 and 2013.Result from observations showed 14 species of migratory birds that belongs to five district birds families were identified in this area.They were Ardeidae (two species), Charadriidae (four species), Scolopacidae (six species),Laridae(one species) and Hirundinidae (one species).Southern Bunguran area has the highest record of migratory birds than other regions in Natuna. The migratory bird used four types of stopover habitat in Natuna Regency. i.e mangrovs, coastal, lakes / wetlands and other open areas


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    Wildbird trade is a threat to the conservation of birds population in Indonesia. The main causes of wildbirds extinction are habitat loss or habitat destruction and poaching for trade.The aim of this study was to identify trade of wildbird species in West Java. The survey was carried out in October to November 2008.A total of 2080 birds (consisted of 67 species and 29 family) were traded in Bandung, Garut and Tasikmalaya areas.Bird markets in those three areas traded 1051, 496 and 533 birds respectively. The result of one way analysis of variance (anova) using SPSS 13.0 F , ll15)= 2,398 < Ftabel = 3,042, showed no significant different in the above mentioned three bird markets


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    Indonesia has become an important part in the flyway of migratory birds due to the existing of high variety of habitat types that support for their life.Until now, the migratory birds records from Natuna Regency, which is the border area of Indonesia located in the South China Sea, are limited. This study was aimed to determine distribution and stopover habitat of migratory birds in the Natuna Regency area. The study was conducted in 2011 and 2013.Result from observations showed 14 species of migratory birds that belongs to five district birds families were identified in this area.They were Ardeidae (two species), Charadriidae (four species), Scolopacidae (six species),Laridae(one species) and Hirundinidae (one species).Southern Bunguran area has the highest record of migratory birds than other regions in Natuna. The migratory bird used four types of stopover habitat in Natuna Regency. i.e mangrovs, coastal, lakes / wetlands and other open areas


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    Penelitian keanekaragaman jenis burung di Bunguran Utara, Pulau Bunguran, Kabupaten Natuna Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2011. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data keanekaragaman jenis burung, sehingga bermanfaat untuk mengevalua-si dan menilai potensi jenis-jenis burung yang ada di kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan survei garis transek dan penangkapan dengan jaring kabut (mistnet). Jenis burung yang teridentifi-kasi sebanyak 487 ekor dari 50 jenis, terdiri dari 27 famili dan 10 ordo. Hasil analisis menunjukkan indeks keanekaragaman (H’)=2,621, indeks kesamarataan (J’)= 0,670 dan kekayaan jenis indeks Margalef (DMg) = 7,918. Berdasarkan kurva pertemuan jenis terlihat bahwa peningkatan waktu pengamatan menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah jenis burung yang teramati.


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    Haryoko, T. 2008. Effect of density in cage upon feed intake and nutrition level inTrichoglossus haematodus. Zoo Indonesia 17(1):21-26. Trichoglossus haematodusis Psittacidae family which have diet on nectar. Inballance on nutrition contents orincomplete diet is a common problem in birds captivity. The aim of this researchwas to study the effect of bird density in cage upon feed intake and nutrition level.The research was conducted from April to July 2006. Bird density in each cage was2, 3 and 9 birds. The composition of diet consisted of 4.7% protein,1.3% fat, 1.5%crude fiber, 0.19% calsium, 0.17% fosfor and 1,256 kkal metabolism energy. Feedintake for Group A was 87.65 g/bird/day, group B was 80.37 g/bird/day and Group Cwas 81.92 g/bird/day, respectively. The result showed a correlation between bird’sdensity and feed intake as the density increased birds got less amount of food andnutrition


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    AbstractThis study aims to determine: 1. To determine the simultaneous effect of compensation, work motivation and leadership on teacher performance at SMK Plus Almaarif Singosari. 2. To determine the partial effect of compensation, work motivation and leadership on teacher performance at SMK Plus Almaarif Singosari.The method used in this research is a quantitative research method with a descriptive approach and was carried out by SMK Plus Al Maarif Singosari with a population of 54 teachers. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with measurements using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, F hypothesis test, t hypothesis test and determination coefficient test.            The results of this study indicate that: 1. Simultaneously compensation, motivation, and leadership have a significant effect on teacher performance at SMK plus ALMAARIF Singosari. 2. partially compensation, motivation, and leadership have a significant effect on the performance of teachers in SMK plus ALMAARIF Singosari.Keywords: Compensation, Motivation and Leadership.

    Variasi Ciri Morfometrik Burung Bondol (Genus lonchura) di Indonesia

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    Burung bondol (Lonchura) merupakan burung yang memiliki banyak variasi morfometrik, dan populasi di alam masih tinggi. Masyarakat perkotaan mempunyai cara untuk mengurangi stress dalam menghadapi beban hidup dan persaingan pekerjaan antara lain dengan memelihara burung hias atau berkicau. Burung yang relatif murah dan menarik karena warna dan pola corak bulunya adalah Bondol. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi variasi morfometrik antar spesies burung bondol (Lonchura) di Indonesia, khususnya yang terdapat pada koleksi Laboratorium Biosistematika Burung di Bidang Zoologi, LIPI. Sembilan spesies dari Genus Lonchura digunakan pada penelitian ini, yaitu L. punctulata, L.leucogastroides, L. striata, L. fuscans, L.molucca, L. malacca,L. ferruginosa, L.maja, dan L. teerinki. Prosedur penelitian meliputi pengambilan sampel secara acak berdasarkan wilayah asal sampel, pengukuran karakter morfologi dan warna, serta analisis data menggunakan prosedur Analisis Komponen Utama. Hasil penelitian menemukan dimorfisme ciri jenis kelamin pada karakter panjang kepala, panjang ekor, panjang jari tengah, panjang total tubuh, dan panjang sayap yang lebih besar pada burung jantan dibandingkan betina. Burung L. leucogastroides dan L. maja memiliki variasi morfometrik intra spesies berdasarkan asal lokasi, sedangkan pada spesies endemik L. fuscans (Kalimantan), L. ferruginosa (Jawa), dan L. teerinki (Papua) terdapat variasi morfometrik antar spesies yang signifikan. Genus Lonchura di Indonesia memiliki tiga dasar ciri warna bulu, yaitu coklat, hitam, dan putih dengan variasi warna dan corak pada tubuhnya. Panjang total Lonchura berkisar 937,78±2,95 sampai 1034,07±2,95 mm, dan terdapat variasi morfometrik yang signifikan diantara sembilan spesies Lonchura yang diamati

    Variasi Ciri Morfometrik Burung Bondol di Indonesia

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    Burung bondol mempunyai persebaran luas antara Afrika dan Asia sampai bagian utara Melanesia dan Australia. Burung ini mendiami daerah rerumputan, persawahan, padang rumput,semak, pinggir hutan dan hutan.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi variasi morfometrik antar spesiesburung bondol (Lonchura) di Indonesia. Sembilan spesies dari Genus Lonchura digunakan pada penelitian ini, yaitu L. punctulata, L.leucogastroides, L. striata, L. fuscans, L.molucca, L. ma-lacca,L. ferruginosa, L.maja, dan L. teerinki. Metode penelitian dimulai dengan pengambilan sampel secara acak ber-dasarkan wilayah asal sampel, pengukuran karakter morfologi serta analisis data menggunakan prosedur Analisis Kom-ponen Utama (Minitab 14). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dimorfisme ciri jenis kelamin pada karakter panjang kepala, panjang ekor, panjang jari tengah, panjang total tubuh, dan panjang sayap yang lebih besar pada burung jantan dibanding-kan betina. Burung L. leucogastroides dan L. maja memiliki variasi morfometrik intra spesies berdasarkan asal lokasi, sedangkan pada spesies endemik L. fuscans (Kalimantan), L. ferruginosa (Jawa), dan L. teerinki (Papua) terdapat variasi morfometrik antar spesies yang signifikan

    Eksistensi Bacillariophyceae dan Chlorophyceae di Perairan Sei Timun Kota Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau

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    Penelitian mengenai eksistensi Bacillariophyceae dan Chlorophyceae dilakukan di Perairan Sei Timun, Kelurahan Air Raja, Kecamatan Tanjungpinang Timur, Kota Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Eksistensi Bacillariophyceae dan Chlorophyceae di Perairan Sei Timun. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Random Sampling sebanyak 30 titik pengamatan di Perairan Sei Timun. Analisis data fitoplankton menggunakan indeks similaritas Bray-Curtis. Analisis kualitas air menggunakan indeks similaritas Canberra. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kelimpahan rata-rata fitoplantkon di Perairan Sei Timun mencapai 21299,4 sel/L. Kelimpahan rata-rata tertinggi pada kelas Bacillariophyceae yaitu genera Pleurosigma sp. sebesar 1701,4 sel/L dan kelimpahan rata-rata terendah yaitu pada genera Rhizoselenia sp. sebesar 799,1 sel/L, sedangkan kelimpahan rata-rata tertinggi pada kelas Chlorophyceae yaitu pada genera Mougeotia sp. sebesar 4276,6 sel/L dan kelimpahan rata-rata terendah yaitu pada genera Micrasterias sp. sebesar 302,2 sel/L. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa keberadaan fitoplankton kelas Bacillariophyceae sebanyak 4 genera dan Chlorophyceae sebanyak 8 genera di Perairan Sei Timun