474 research outputs found

    Factors affecting education for Vietnamese youth today

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    The development history of countries in any era shows that youth people always hold an important position and role in the development of society. Today, along with the promotion of economic growth, the opposing sides of the market economy, international economic integration, and the movements of ideas and foreign cultures have greatly influenced the mind: Thoughts, feelings, and responsibilities of the youth generation towards the task of national construction and defense. Therefore, more than ever, Vietnam must take care of the education and training of youth people so that they can truly be the main army in the cause of national construction and development; consider it one of the top tasks, because it is directly related to the future of the country. The article uses methodological materialism and synthesis of methods, analyzes, compares, and evaluates the factors that directly affect moral education for youth people, thereby proposing solutions to improve the quality of life in youth education to meet the national development requirements in the current period

    Social Justice in Vietnam: Perspectives and Practices

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    Vấn đề công bằng xã hội là vấn đề cơ bản của mỗi thời đại, có ý nghĩa thời sự to lớn, bởi nó được đặt ra cùng với sự tồn tại của con người, gắn liền với những ước mơ, khát vọng hướng tới cuộc sống tốt đẹp, hạnh phúc. Xét đến cùng, mục tiêu của tăng trưởng kinh tế là phục vụ con người công bằng và tiến bộ - chủ thể của sự phát triển, bởi vì "Con người, suy cho cùng làm chủ tồn tại xã hội của mình, cũng chính là làm chủ thiên nhiên, làm chủ bản thân, trở thành con người tự do" (Marx & Engels, 1995, tr.333). Điều này càng được khẳng định trong Báo cáo Phát triển Con người của Liên hợp quốc (1995) khi nó nói, ý nghĩa của sự phát triển mà không quan tâm đến đời sống con người là gì? Mục đích của phát triển kinh tế xét cho cùng cũng chỉ là phương tiện phục vụ sự phát triển của con người, chính con người mới là người tạo ra điều kiện, nắm bắt cơ hội và biến chúng thành động lực để thực hiện mục tiêu phát triển, từ đó sẽ thúc đẩy phát triển kinh tế - xã hội. Trong quá trình hội nhập quốc tế, Việt Nam đã tích cực thực hiện các chính sách nhằm thực hiện công bằng xã hội và đã đạt được những kết quả nhất định, góp phần nâng cao mức sống của mọi người dân. Vẫn còn những hạn chế nhất định cần giải quyết để thực hiện công bằng xã hội trên mọi lĩnh vực của đời sống xã hội. Bài báo trình bày quan điểm và thực tiễn thực hiện công bằng xã hội ở Việt Nam, từ đó đề xuất các giải pháp nhằm thực hiện tốt công bằng xã hội ở Việt Nam hiện nay. Việt Nam đã tích cực thực hiện các chính sách thực hiện công bằng xã hội và đã đạt được những kết quả nhất định, góp phần nâng cao mức sống của mọi người dân. Vẫn còn những hạn chế nhất định cần giải quyết để thực hiện công bằng xã hội trên mọi lĩnh vực của đời sống xã hội. Bài báo trình bày quan điểm và thực tiễn thực hiện công bằng xã hội ở Việt Nam, từ đó đề xuất các giải pháp nhằm thực hiện tốt công bằng xã hội ở Việt Nam hiện nay. Việt Nam đã tích cực thực hiện các chính sách thực hiện công bằng xã hội và đã đạt được những kết quả nhất định, góp phần nâng cao mức sống của mọi người dân. Vẫn còn những hạn chế nhất định cần giải quyết để thực hiện công bằng xã hội trên mọi lĩnh vực của đời sống xã hội. Bài báo trình bày quan điểm và thực tiễn thực hiện công bằng xã hội ở Việt Nam, từ đó đề xuất các giải pháp nhằm thực hiện tốt công bằng xã hội ở Việt Nam hiện nay


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    After more than 30 years of renovation, Vietnam has achieved practical achievements in the implementation of economic growth with social security, contributing to improving the material and spiritual life for the people. However, besides the achievements, the implementation of economic growth with social security in Vietnam still has certain limitations. The article contributes to clarifying the process of economic growth with social security in Thailand; thereby drawing lessons for Vietnam to complete the current social security.  Article visualizations

    Development of the Social Security System in Vietnam: Situation and Solutions

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    The development of the social security system is to show the progress of each country, each state, and on a worldwide scale. Therefore, at present, every government in the world is trying to build and implement a basic human social security system through its specific policy system, contributing to building a progressive society, towards the values of truth, goodness, beauty, and sustainable development. In the process of international integration, Vietnam has built a synchronous social security system, especially policies on job creation, minimum income guarantee for people; social insurance to compensate for the reduced income in case of illness, labor accident, old age; irregular and regular social assistance; providing basic social services in terms of health, education, preferential policies for people with meritorious services, etc. These are pioneering achievements in the implementation of Vietnam's millennium development goals. United Nations recognized and praised. However, the current social security system in Vietnam has not yet met the needs of society as policies have been promulgated a lot, but are not synchronized, and have not reached the hands of those who need support when implementing them declared in fact. The quality of public services is still low, and security measures to overcome difficulties in unusual conditions, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, are still delayed and have not yet ensured fairness, inclusiveness, and sustainability. The social security system in the new situation needs to clearly define development goals for the people, attach importance to social inclusion, and fundamentally change the perception of the position and role of communities, businesses, and regions' private sector in the pillars of well-being, reducing the burden of state subsidies and deepening international integration


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    Economic growth, improvement of living and working life are fundamental issues which are addressed in every society in the development process. The goal of economic development is to facilitate the advancement of areas of social life, especially cultural and human growth, life quality improvement of people of all classes, laborers, etc. In recent years, the achievements of economic growth have contributed to improving the quality of workers’ life; however, there have been many challenges that require the Government of Vietnam to take specific and appropriate measures to ensure both promotion of economic progress and improvement of workers’ life in the process of international integration in Vietnam.  Article visualizations

    Liberal Education Towards Comprehensive Human Development

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    In the trend of globalization, integration, and expanded international exchange, the education of people based on “creeds”, and “administrative orders” has proved to be lost, and no longer appropriate, causing many negative consequences, the most obvious manifestation of that mechanism is to eradicate the person, the sense of self-control, the spirit of initiative, integration, and independence in thought, critical thinking and confidence of progression and creativity; stimulate dependence, just get used to stereotypes, act blindly, etc. That’s the real reason why we need a liberal education. And the objective of this article is to build, develop and expand the values: of truth, goodness, and beauty, toward completely liberating people through analyzing the meaning and importance of the “liberal” educational method. To achieve this objective, the article uses a qualitative analysis method combined with the comparison method of synthesizing and exploiting data to ensure truthfulness in identifying and evaluating problems

    The application of E-learning in training human resources of Vietnam tourism - opportunities and challenges

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    Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee on January 16th,2017, has given the attention of the Party and Government to tourism development, which has been oriented as a spearhead economic sector of Vietnam. For the tourism industry, human resources are considered an asset that directly affects the business performance of enterprises and the strong development of the industry. Therefore, the training of high-quality human resources in the tourism industry is always valued, especially in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0, which has significantly impacted human resource training for the tourism industry. Besides mentioning some points about the current movement of human resources for tourism in Vietnam, this article also presents challenges and opportunities in applying E-Learning in teaching human tourism resource

    Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Poverty Reduction and Applying in Vietnam Today

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    Poverty reduction is a subjective social and economic phenomenon. They exist alongside the development of human societies as a big challenge to all economies. For Ho Chi Minh, poverty reduction is solving problems directly related to people, thereby improving people’s material and spiritual life. Therefore, right from the founding of the country, he paid great attention to the development of policies on hunger eradication and poverty reduction to manage the country and serve the revolutionary cause. Ho Chi Minh’s ideology on hunger eradication and poverty reduction is a system of viewpoints on the purposes, objects, contents, requirements, and forces for poverty reduction. His Ideology on hunger eradication and poverty alleviation is a valuable spiritual asset, paving the way for the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese nation to achieve great victories. In the cause of renovation in Vietnam, carrying out the task of building and defending the Fatherland, the Party and State have applied and developed Ho Chi Minh’s thought on hunger eradication and poverty reduction to suit the new situation, contributing to victory in the revolutionary cause


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    International integration is an objective trend, strongly attracting the participation of all countries and regions in the world. International integration is strongly affecting all nations, all aspects of socio-economic life. For Vietnam, international integration has brought opportunities and good chances, while it also posed real challenges and risks in promoting the role of the state in the socio-economic development. Therefore, the urgent issue at the present is to identify fully, deeply and to figure out reasonable strategies, to take advantage of opportunities, to overcome risks in order to promote the role of international integration for socio-economic development in Vietnam with important theoretical and practical meanings.  Article visualizations