24 research outputs found


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    Pada zaman modern seperti sekarang ini, banyak orang yang sangat bergantung pada kecanggihan teknologi, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan smartphone seperti yang digunakan oleh remaja di Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak penggunaan smartphone pada remaja di Kabupaten Sleman khususnya dalam hal interaksi dengan keluarga mereka. Selain itu juga untuk menjelaskan bagaimana penggunaan smartphone oleh remaja. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Informan sebagai sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah remaja berusia 11-24 tahun yang memiliki smartphone dan orang tua (Ibu) mereka yang bertempat tinggal di Kabupaten Sleman. Teknik pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan snowball. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri atas empat tahap yaitu: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan remaja di Sleman yang menggunakan smartphone ternyata lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk mengakses informasi maupun berkomunikasi melalui smartphone yang dimiliki. Baik itu menggunakan fasilitas SMS, media sosial maupun aplikasi instant messenger di dunia maya yang bisa diunduh secara gratis dan digunakan melalui smartphone. Para remaja yang sudah tercandu dengan smartphone, sangat sulit bagi mereka untuk membagi waktu, seperti waktu belajar yang semakin berkurang karena mereka hanya fokus dengan smartphone yang dimilikinya.Bahkan interaksi dengan keluarga juga ikut terpengaruh. Penggunaan smartphone memberikan perubahan terhadap pola interaksi antara remaja dengan orang tua. Saat proses komunikasi muncul noise (gangguan) yang membuat perhatian remaja menjadi teralih saat diajak berkomunikasi secara tatap muka. Namun dibalik dampak negatif yang muncul akibat penggunaan smartphone, ternyata smartphone juga dapat memberikan manfaat bagi remaja dalam berkomunikasi baik dengan anggota keluarganya maupun dengan teman-temannya. Akses informasi melalui internet juga semakin mudah dan memperlancar komunikasi remaja baik dalam hal bersosialisasi maupun pendidikan mereka. Kata Kunci: Remaja, Smartphone, Interaksi Keluarg

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kelengkapan Pengisian Buku KIA oleh Bidan dalam Deteksi Dini Risiko Tinggi Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2012

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    Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2012 ABSTRAK Tri Anasari Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kelengkapan Pengisian Buku KIA oleh Bidan dalam Deteksi Dini Risiko Tinggi Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2012 Buku KIA merupakan salah satu alat untuk mendeteksi dini risiko tinggi ibu hamil. Penggunaan buku KIA oleh bidan di Kabupaten Banyumas masih belum maksimal, ditunjukkan dengan cakupan deteksi dini risiko tinggi yang masih di bawah target (20%) dan kasus kematian ibu yang meningkat dari tahun 2010 sebesar 123,9/100.000 kelahiran hidup ke tahun 2011 menjadi 129,35/100.000 kelahiran hidup. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan, persepsi supervisi, motivasi, dukungan sarana dan beban kerja terhadap kelengkapan pengisian buku KIA oleh bidan dalam deteksi dini risiko tinggi ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kabupaten Banyumas. Desain Penelitian adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Populasi adalah bidan sebanyak 495 responden, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 84 responden. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji chi square dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelengkapan pengisian buku KIA sebagian besar lengkap sebanyak 60,7%, pengetahuan baik sebanyak 82,1% dan persepsi supervisi baik sebanyak 54,8%. Responden yang mempunyai motivasi rendah sebanyak 51,2%, dukungan sarana lengkap sebanyak 53,6% dan beban kerja berat sebanyak 50%. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan (p=0,001), motivasi (p=0,001), beban kerja (p=0,023) berhubungan secara positif dengan kelengkapan pengisian buku KIA. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pengetahuan (p=0,002; Exp B= 10,981), motivasi (p=0,001; Exp B=7.713) dan beban kerja (p= 0,021; Exp B= 0.260) terhadap kelengkapan pengisian buku KIA. Disarankan kepada pihak puskesmas agar membentuk tim kerja tingkat puskesmas sesuai program yang dijalankan untuk meringankan beban kerja bidan. Kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banyumas agar memberikan penghargaan bagi bidan yang berprestasi. Kata Kunci : Kelengkapan Pengisian Buku KIA, Deteksi Dini Risiko Tinggi, Ibu Hamil. Pustaka : 44 (1987-2012) Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2012 ABSTRACT Tri Anasari Factors Related to the Completeness of Maternal and Child Health Book Filling by Midwives in Early Detection of High Risk Pregnancy in Primary Healthcare Centers in Banyumas District, 2012 KIA book is one of early detection tools for high risk pregnancy. Utilization of KIA book by midwives in Banyumas district was not maximal. This was indicated by the high risk pregnancy early detection coverage that was still below the target (20%). In addition, the number of maternal death cases increased from 123.9/100,000 live birth in 2010 to 129.35/100,000 live births in 2011. The objective of this study was to know the influence of knowledge, supervision perception, motivation, facility support and workload towards the completeness of KIA book filling by midwives in the early detection of high risk pregnancy in the primary healthcare centers (puskesmas) of Banyumas district. This was an observational analytical study with cross sectional approach. Structured questionnaire was used as a research instrument. Data were collected through interview and observation. Study population was 495 midwives. Proportional random sampling was applied to obtain 84 samples. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test and multivariate analysis using logistic regression were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that most of the KIA books (60.7%) were completely filled; 82.1% of respondents had good knowledge; and 51.2% of respondents had good perception on supervision. Proportion of respondents with low motivation was 51.2%, proportion of respondents with complete facility support was 53.6%; and proportion of respondents with heavy workload was 50%. Result of Bivariate analysis showed that knowledge (p= 0.001), motivation (p= 0.001), workload (p= 0.023) had positive associations with the completeness of KIA book filling. Multivariate analysis indicated the influence of knowledge (p=0.002; Exp B= 10.981), motivation (p= 0.001; Exp B= 7.713) and workload (p= 0.021; Exp B= 0.260) towards the completeness of KIA book filling. Recommendation addressed to Puskesmas is to form puskesmas task force team for the implemented programs; and it is intended to reduce midwives workload. Suggestion for the head of Banyumas district health office is to provide rewards for midwives who have good achievement. Keywords : Completeness of KIA book filling, early detection of a high risk pregnancy Bibliography : 44 (1987-2012


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    Antepartum hemorrhage is an emergency, which happened around 3% of all births, the causes include placenta previa, placental abruption, and bleeding unclear source. Predisposing factors which may result in antepartum hemorrhage include age, parity, history Sectio Cesaria (SC) and malnutrition. Antepartum haemorrhage cases in hospitals Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto increase from the year 2013 by 10.61% to 11.96% in 2014. Objective: To analyze the relationship between age, parity, history of SC and malnutrition with the incidence of antepartum haemorrhage and analyze the most influential factor the antepartum haemorrhage. Methods: This type of survey research analytic, retrospective case control approach. The population was all pregnant women undergo antepartum haemorrhage as many as 170 people and have not experienced antepartum bleeding as much as 1251 people. The samples were 63 as the case group and 63 as control group were taken Systematic Random Sampling. Bivariate analysis used Chi-square test. RESULTS: Most of age didn’t risk as much as 75 (59.5%), parity didn’t risk as much as 70 (55.6%), didn’t have a history of Cesaria sectio 75 (59.5%) and malnutrition as many as 66 (52, 4%). There was a relationship between age, parity, history of SC and malnutrition with antepartum haemorrhage with a p-value: 0.002, 0.001, 0.006 and 0.013. Age and parity is the factor most affecting antepartum haemorrhage with odds ratio: 3.29 and 3.17. Conclusion: There was a relationship between age, parity, history of SC and malnutrition with antepartum hemorrhage, the most influential factor to the incidence of antepartum haemorrhage are age and parity. Keywords: age, parity, history of SC, malnutrition, antepartum haemorrhag

    Analisis Faktor - Faktor yang Berhubungan Dengan Keikutsertaan Ibu Hamil Dalam Melakukan Senam Hamil pada Kelas Ibu Hamil

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    Pregnancy exercise is therapeutic motion exercises to prepare pregnant women, physically or mentally, to deal with the fast delivery, secure and spontaneous. The participation of pregnant women in making pregnancy exercise may be influenced by several factors such as knowledge, education, and employment of pregnant women. This study was to know the influence of knowledge, education and employment towards the participation pregnant women for doing pregnancy exercise. This was an observasional analytical study with cross sectional approach. Study population was 40 pregnant women. Total sampling was applied to obtain 40 samples. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test and multivariate analysis using logistic regression were apllied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed respondents have the most knowledge at 60% unfavorable category, 67.5% the level of primary education, 67.5% as many working mothers, 55% pregnant women who do not follow pregnancy exercise. There is a relationship between knowledge, education, employment with the participation of pregnant women in the class doing pregnancy exercise on pregnant women (p = 0.002, p = 0.005, p = 0.014). There are influences together knowledge (p = 0.048; Exp B = 5.196), education (p = 0.041; Exp B = 7.272) and employment (p = 0.041; Exp B = 6.201) the participation of pregnant women in doing pregnancy exercise.   Keywords: Knowledge, Education, Employment, pregnancy exercis


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    Hydatidiform mole is the most gestational trophoblastic disease. The data obtained in Banjarnegara General Hospital for the last three years shows that there is an increase of molahidatidosa incidence. In 2011 there were 12 occurrences of hydatidiform mole (0.27%), in 2012 there were 14 hydatidiform mole events (0.29%) and in 2013 there were 17 incidents of hydatidiform mole (0.32%). Factors that affect the hydatidiform mole include the nutritional status and hypertension. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between nutritional status and hypertension with the occurrence of hydatidiform mole. This research type is analytic survey with case control approach. The population in this study were pregnant women who experienced hydatidiform mole in 2011-2013 in midwifery poly in Lotus room 43 people and who did not experience hydatidiform mole as many as 14,720 people. The sample of this study is pregnant women who experience hydatidiform mole of 43 people and who did not experience hydatidiform mole as much as 43 people. Data analysis using chi-square. Results: Pregnant women in the case group had more nutritional status either more ie 24 (41.4%). Pregnant women in the case group who experienced hypertension was 22 (51.2%) While in the control group, pregnant women who did not have hypertension is 36 (83.7%). There is a relationship between nutritional status and the occurrence of hydatidiform mole and there is a correlation between hypertension and the occurrence of hydatidiform mole. Conclusion: There is a relationship of parity and hypertension with the occurrence of hydatidiform mole at RSUD Banjarnegara Year 2011-2013. Keywords: Nutrition Status, Hypertension, Hydatose Mol


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    One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the sixth goal is the fight against HIV / AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases. The goal of this indicator is to reduce HIV infection by half, including taking antiretroviral treatment measures. Non-adherence of patients to antiretroviral therapy can have a huge negative effect because the percentage of HIV / AIDS disease reaches 54%. The variables affecting compliance are education and employment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of education and employment with the compliance of pregnant women with HIV in taking antiretrovirals. The type of this research is observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The population is pregnant women with HIV who are taking antiretrovirals. The sample is 35 people and the sampling technique is total sampling. Univariate analysis to describe all research variables by arranging frequency distribution table from each variable. Bivariate analysis using chi square test. The results showed that most pregnant women have higher education, work and adhere to consume antiretrovirals. There is a relationship between education and employment with maternity compliance with HIV in taking antiretroviral drugs with p-value = 0.004 and 0.025. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between education and employment with maternity compliance with HIV in taking antiretroviral drugs. Keywords: education, occupation, obedience, pregnant women, HIV, Antiretrivira


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    Kemampuan sumer daya manusia yang profesional dapat menghasilkan suatu produktifitas kerja yang baik. Produktifitas kerja yang baik tersebut dapat di tingkatkan melalui perencanaan sumberdaya manusia yang matang. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan dengan cara melakukan penyesuaian diantaranya dengan peningkatann kemampuan dan motivasi keja sehingga masing – masing sumber daya manusia dapat menghasilkan suatu pekerjaan sesuai job deskripsinya yang berkaitan langsung dengan instuti atau lembaga. Apabila motivai dan kemampuan kerja dapat dilakukan dengan baik maka akan menunjang keberhasilan suatu lembaga atau institusi dalam mencapai tujuannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar sikap mandiri, motivasi dan kompetensi dapat mempengaruhi minat berwirausaha pada mahasisa S1 Fakultas Ilmu Adminstrasi . Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif mulai dari tahun angkatan 2014 - 2015 dan 2016 Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul „Ulum Jombang. Kemudian di ambil sampel sebanyak 74 responden dengan tingkat kesalahan 10% dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Regresi Berganda dengan pengujian SPSS. Hasil analisis menujukkan bahwa variabel sikap mandiri signifikan terhadap minat berwirausaha dengan nilai thitung2,058 dan signifikasi 0,043, selanjutnya variabel motivasi signifikan terhadap minat beriwirausaha dengan nilai thitung 3,252 dan signifikasi 0,002. Dan variabel kompetensi signifikan terhadap minat berwirausaha dengan nilai thitung 2,376 dan signifikasi 0,020. Kata Kunci : Sikap Mandiri, Motivasi, Kompetensi, Minat Berwirausaha


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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of the indicators to see the health status of women.From the results of a survey conducted AKI has shown a decline over time, however, efforts to achieve development goals targets still requires commitment and continuous effort. 1 In Indonesia death obstetric cause of death, problems commonly associated with emergency obstetric experiencing delays four things the late recognition of danger signs and risks, too late to take the decision to seek care, delay in getting transportation to reach health care facilities that are more capable and too late to get help the facility rujukan.4 study was conducted using 71 samples using the whole good maternal deaths delayed referral or not. Samples were taken using a total sampling and analysis of data using multiple logistic regression analysis. The results showed that there is a relationship between the availability of treatment costs, availability of transportation and economic status factors, the most dominant factor for the occurrence of late referral is the availability of cost of care in a referral to the value of p = 0.020 and OR value of 25,512 (CI 1.663 to 391,412). Care costs have 25,512 times the risk of late referral to occur on the availability of a health care cost amount of influence these factors was 61%, while 39% is influenced by factors other than the availability of cost, availability of transportation and economic status of the family. Keywords: reference delay factors, maternal mortalit


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    One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the sixth goal is the fight against HIV / AIDS, malaria and other infectious diseases. The goal of this indicator is to reduce HIV infection by half, including taking antiretroviral treatment measures. Non-adherence of patients to antiretroviral therapy can have a huge negative effect because the percentage of HIV / AIDS disease reaches 54%. The variables affecting compliance are family and knowledge support. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of family support and knowledge with the compliance of pregnant women with HIV in taking antiretrovirals. The type of this research is observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The population is pregnant women with HIV who are taking antiretrovirals. The sample is 35 people and the sampling technique is total sampling. Univariate analysis to describe all research variables by arranging frequency distribution table from each variable. Bivariate analysis using chi square test. The results showed that most pregnant women received family support, good knowledge and adherence to taking antiretrovirals. There is a relationship between family support and knowledge with adherence of pregnant women with HIV in taking ARVs with p-value = 0.011 and 0.005. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between family support and knowledge with adherence of pregnant women with HIV in taking antiretrovirals. Keywords: family support, knowledge, adherence, pregnant women, HIV, Antiretrovira