64 research outputs found

    Coil-globule transition in aqueous solutions of quaternized poly(4-vinylpyridine) derivatives and sodium dodecyl sulfate

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    Aqueous solutions of cationic polyelectrolytes (quaternized derivatives of poly(vinylpyridine)) and an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) were studied by potentiometric titration using surfactant-selective and bromide-selective electrodes, as well as by the methods of microelectrophoresis, viscometry, spectrophotometry, dye solubilization, and pH control. The experimental evidence obtained revealed a new phenomenon: at a certain concentration of surfactant in polymer solutions, once the macromolecular ion has been saturated with surfactant molecules, a noticeable fraction of surfactant ions is expelled from the polyelectrolyte complex, and the vacant sites are occupied by inorganic counterions. This structural transition was discussed within the framework of the theory of coil-globule conformational transition. Schematic representation of pretransition and posttransition states of the polyelectrolyte-surfactant associates was advanced


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    Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate association between the genetic polymorphism I/D of gene α2β-adrenoreceptor (ADRA2B) and hereditary disorders of ventricular conduction. Patients and methods: In this study, 102 people with complete left bundle branch block (45,71±1,852 years) — 46 females and 56 males, and 86 people with complete right bundle branch block (34,59±1,86 years) — 41 females and 45 males. The study was approved by Ethic Committee of the KrasSMU. All participants were included in the study after written informed consent form. Cardiological examination included clinical examination, electrocardiography, echocardiography, Holter monitoring, stresstest, koronaroangiografy and radionuclide method of a myocardium and molecular and genetic researches. Results: Statistically, significant prevalence of a homozygous genotype of DD on rare allele gene ADRA2B in both groups in comparison with group of control is established. The reliable dominance of the homozygous rare genotypes (D allele) of gene ADRA2B were detected in all groups. Conclusion: Polymorphism DD of a gene ADRA2B is a genetic predictor of predisposition to the blockade of the right and left bundle branch block.Цель исследования: изучить ассоциацию I/D-полиморфизма гена α2β-адренорецептора (ADRA2B) с первичными нарушениямивнутрижелудочковой проводимости. Пациенты и методы: в исследование были включены лица с наследственными нарушениями внутрижелудочковой проводимости. Обследовано 102 человека с нарушением проводимости по левой ножке пучка Гиса (45,71±1,85 лет; 46 женщин и 56 мужчин) и 86 — с нарушением проводимости по правой ножке пучка Гиса (34,59±1,86 лет; 41 женщина и 45 мужчин). Научное исследование одобрено Этическим комитетом КрасГМУ. Всем обследуемым с нарушениями сердечной проводимости было проведено клинико-инструментальное исследование по следующей программе: клинический осмотр, электро- и эхокардиография, холтеровское мониторирование, велоэргометрия, коронароангиография и сцинтиграфия миокарда, молекулярно-генетические исследования. Результаты: установлено статистически значимое преобладание гомозиготного генотипа DD по редкому аллелю гена ADRA2B в обеих группах по сравнению с группой контроля. Выводы: полиморфизм DD гена ADRA2B является генетическим предиктором предрасположенности к возникновению полной блокады правой и левой ножки пучка Гиса


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    Pedigree of the family from Krasnoyarsk city with hereditary disorders of intracardiac conduction was studied. The diagnosis of each family member was verified by electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography , bicycle ergometry , ECG Holter monitoring. The family 10-year follow-up showed familial aggregation of intracardiac conduction disorders in grandson, niece, son of the proband niece, ie, in the III-degree relatives. Family history of III-degree relatives with intracardiac conduction disorders and discordant pathology is identified

    Microscopic description of cluster radioactivity in actinide nuclei

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    Cluster radioactivity is the emission of a fragment heavier than an α particle and lighter than mass 50. The range of clusters observed in experiments goes from 14C to 32Si while the heavy mass residue is always a nucleus in the neighborhood of the doubly-magic 208Pb nucleus. Cluster radioactivity is described in this paper as very asymmetric nuclear fission. A new fission valley leading to a decay with large fragment mass asymmetry matching the cluster radioactivity products is found. The mass octupole moment is found to be more convenient than the standard quadrupole moment as the parameter driving the system to fission. The mean-field Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with the phenomenological Gogny interaction has been used to compute the cluster emission properties of a wide range of even-even actinide nuclei from 222Ra to 242Cm, where emission of the clusters has been experimentally observed. Computed half-lives for cluster emission are compared with experimental results. The noticeable agreement obtained between the predicted properties of cluster emission (namely, cluster masses and emission half-lives) and the measured data confirms the validity of the proposed methodology in the analysis of the phenomenon of cluster radioactivity. A continuous fission path through the scission point has been described using the neck parameter constraintThe work of LMR was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) Grants No. FPA2009-08958 and No. FIS2009-07277, as well as by Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programs CPAN CSD2007-00042 and MULTIDARK CSD2009- 00064. The work of MW was supported by Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzszego (Poland) under Grant No. N N202 23113

    Легочный амилоидоз

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    Amyloidosis is an orphan disease. Amyloidosis is uncommonly associated with respiratory disorders. The present article is a review of recently published data on pulmonary amyloidosis and a case report of alveolar and septal amyloid lung injury. Clinical heterogeneity of lung lesions in systemic and limited AL amyloidosis (precursor proteins are light chains of immunoglobulins, λ dimer and κ monomer), AA amyloidosis (inflammatory acute-phase proteins), and ATTR amyloidosis (senile and inherited amyloidosis; precursor protein is transthyretin) have been discussed. One chart of the review has been devoted to the pathogenesis of diffuse parenchymatous (unilateral and bilateral) amyloidosis, nodular and tracheobronchial amyloidosis (with amyloid deposits in proximal, medium and distal airways, intrathoracic lymph node involvement (amyloid lymphadenopathy), amyloidosis of the pleura and the diaphragm, and differential diagnosis of these types of pulmonary amyloidosis.Амилоидоз относится к классу орфанных заболеваний. Среди других систем организма с амилоидозом в наименьшей степени ассоциирована дыхательная система. Современные данные по проблеме легочного амилоидоза представлены на основе литературного обзора и авторского описания редкого примера альвеолярно-септальной формы поражения легких; рассмотрены вопросы клинической неоднородности пульмонологической патологии при системном и местном амилоидозе (AL – белок-предшественник – легкие цепи иммуноглобулинов, димер λ и мономер κ; АА – воспалительные острофазовые белки; ATTR – старческий и наследственный, белок-предшественник транстиретин). Один из разделов посвящен патогенезу диффузного паренхиматозного (одностороннего и двустороннего), узлового и трахеобронхиального (с депозитами амилоида в проксимальных, средних или дистальных отделах бронхиального дерева) вариантов болезни, вовлечению в процесс внутригрудных лимфатических узлов (амилоидная аденопатия), плевры и диафрагмы, вопросам дифференциальной диагностики данных вариантов легочного амилоидоза

    Floristic analysis of a high-speed railway embankment in a Mediterranean landscape

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    We analyzed the floristic composition of a 4.5 km-long segment of a high-speed railway in Lazio, central Italy, which travels on an artificial embankment through an intensively-farmed landscape. In total, 287 vascular plant species were recorded. The life-form distribution was found to be similar to that of the regional species pool, with high percentages of therophytes (38%) and phanerophytes (13%). In the chorological spectrum the Mediterranean floristic element prevailed (44%), while alien species were 8% of the flora. The phytosociological spectrum showed a high diversity of characteristic species from the class Stellarietea mediae or its subordinate syntaxa (26%), and in particular from the order Thero-Brometalia (Mediterranean, sub-nitrophilous annual communities). Species from forest syntaxa had a relatively high diversity (9%). These results suggest that the ecological filtering provided by the Mediterranean regional climate controlled species assemblage even in a completely artificial habitat, preventing floristic homogenization: the flora of the studied railway section is only partially »ruderalized«, while it keeps strong links with the regional (semi-) natural plant communities. However, in contrast to what is observed in central and north Europe, the railway sides studied in the present paper do not seem to represent a refugial habitat for rare species from grassland communities, mainly because in Italy semi-natural dry grasslands are still widely represented


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    Aim: To assess clinical efficacy of the treatment options for multiple basalioma in patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the results of various treatments in 23  patients with the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome for the time period of 25  years. Four treatment groups were formed depending on the treatment method. In the group 1, 18 patients were cryodestructed, with elimination of 158  superficial and ulcer basaliomas T₁N₀M₀, T₂N₀M₀, T₃N₀M₀. In the group 2, 5  patients received photodynamic therapy, with removal of 78 superficial, nodular and ulcer basaliomas T₁N₀M₀, T₂N₀M₀, T₃N₀M₀. In the group 3, 3  patients were administered laser-induced thermic therapy with removal of 16  superficial basaliomas T₁N₀M₀. In the group 4, 5 patients received topical chemotherapy with Mardil Selen, with removal of 18  superficial and ulcer basaliomas T₁N₀M₀. As radiation sources for photodynamic and laser-induced thermic therapy we used laser equipment with copper vaporization and adjusted wave length Metalaz 1  and semiconductor infrared laser LAMI. The photodynamic therapy was administered with photosensitizers Photohem and Radachlorin. The results of treatment and relapse-free periods were assessed annually in all patients up to 5  years after treatment. Results: After cryodestruction, 83.3%  of patients with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome were cured (153  basaliomas) and additional 16.7%  improved. Relapses during the time period from one to three years were observed in 16.7% of patients. Nine (9) basaliomas relapsed. After photodynamic therapy, 80%  of patients (73  basaliomas) were cured and 20%  improved. Relapses from 1  to 3  years were observed in 20% of patients (2 basaliomas). After laser-induced thermic therapy 100%  of patients (16  basaliomas were cured), and relapses from 1  to 2  years were registered in 33%  of patients (4 basaliomas). After topical treatment with Mardil Selen 80% of patients (12 basaliomas) were cured and 20% of patients improved. Relapses from 1 to 3  years were seen in 20%  of patients (3  basaliomas). Conclusion: Taking into account the disease specifics and a wide range of treatments and non-invasive therapies, none of the suggested treatment approaches for multiples basalioma associated with the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome can reliably prevent the relapses. In addition to radical treatment, preventive administration of aromatic steroids is necessary. Цель  – оценка клинической эффективности методов лечения множественной базалиомы при синдроме Горлина  – Гольтца. Материал и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ результатов лечения различными методами у  23  больных с  синдромом Горлина  – Гольтца, наблюдательный период составил 25 лет. В зависимости от метода терапии были выделены 4 группы. В 1-й группе 18 пациентов получали лечение криодеструкцией, удалено 158  по- верхностных и  язвенных базалиом T₁N₀M₀, T₂N₀M₀, T₃N₀M₀; во 2-й  группе 5  пациентов получали фотодинамическую терапию, удалено 78  поверхностных, нодулярных и  язвенных базалиом T₁N₀M₀, T₂N₀M₀, T₃N₀M₀; в  3-й  группе 3  пациента получали лазероиндуцированную термотерапию, удалено 16  поверхностных базалиом T₁N₀M₀; в  4-й  группе 5  пациентов получали наружную химиотерапию Мардил Селеном, удалено 18  поверхностных и  язвенных базалиом T₁N₀M₀. В  качестве источников излучения для проведения фотодинамической терапии и  лазероиндуцированной термотерапии использовали лазерные установки с  накачкой на парах меди и  перестраиваемой длиной волны Металаз М1  и  полу- проводниковый инфракрасный лазер ЛАМИ. Фотодинамическую терапию проводили с  фотосенсибилизаторами Фотогем и  Радахлорин. Pезультаты лечения и  безрецидивный период оценивали ежегодно у  всех больных в  сроки до 5  лет после лечения. Результаты. После проведения криодеструкции выздоровление наступило у 83,3%, улучшение – у 16,7% больных с синдромом Горлина – Гольтца, излечены 153 базалиомы. Рецидивы в сроки от 1 до 3 лет отмечены у 16,7% пациентов, рецидивировали 9  базалиом. После фотодинамической терапии выздоровление наступило у 80%, улучшение  – у  20%  пациентов, излечены 73  базалиомы. Рецидивы в  сроки от  1  до 3  лет отмечены у  20%  больных, рецидивировали 2  базалиомы. После лазероиндуцированной термотерапии выздоровление наступило в  100%  наблюдений, излечены 16  базалиом. Рецидивы в  сроки от  1  до 2  лет зарегистрированы у  33%  пациентов, рецидивировали 4  базалиомы. После наружной химиотерапии Мардил Селеном выздоровление наступило в  80%, улучшение – в 20% случаев, излечены 12 базалиом. Рецидивы в сроки от 1 до 3 лет отмечены у 20% больных с синдромом Горлина – Гольтца, рецидивировали 3  базалиомы. Заключение. Учитывая особенности заболевания и  значительный арсенал средств и  неинвазивных способов, ни один из предлагаемых методов лечения множественной базалиомы, ассоциированной с  синдромом Горлина  – Гольтца, не способен надежно предотвращать рецидивы болезни. Помимо радикального лечения необходимо проведение превентивной терапии ароматическими ретиноидами.