93 research outputs found

    Early detection of fluid retention in patients with advanced heart failure: a review of a novel multisensory algorithm, HeartLogicTM

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    Heart failure (HF) hospitalisations due to decompensation are associated with shorter lifeexpectancy and lower quality of life. These hospitalisations pose a significant burden on the patients,doctors and healthcare resources. Early detection of an upcoming episode of decompensationmay facilitate timely optimisation of the ambulatory medical treatment and thereby prevent heartfailure-related hospitalisations. The HeartLogicTM algorithm combines data from five sensors ofcardiac implantable electronic devices into a cumulative index value. It has been developed for earlydetection of fluid retention in heart failure patients. This review aims to provide an overview of thecurrent literature and experience with the HeartLogicTM algorithm, illustrate how the index can beimplemented in daily clinical practice and discuss ongoing studies and potential future developmentsof interest.Cardiolog

    Cost-effectiveness of immediate total-body CT in patients with severe trauma (REACT-2 trial)

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    Background: The effect of immediate total-body CT (iTBCT) on health economic aspects in patients with severe trauma is an underreported issue. This study determined the cost-effectiveness of iTBCT compared with conventional radiological imaging with selective CT (standard work-up (STWU)) during the initial trauma evaluation. Methods: In this multicentre RCT, adult patients with a high suspicion of severe injury were randomized in-hospital to iTBCT or STWU. Hospital healthcare costs were determined for the first 6 months after the injury. The probability of iTBCT being cost-effective was calculated for various levels of willingness-to-pay per extra patient alive. Results: A total of 928 Dutch patients with complete clinical follow-up were included. Mean costs of hospital care were (sic)25 809 (95 per cent bias-corrected and accelerated (bca) c.i. (sic)22 617 to (sic)29 137) for the iTBCT group and (sic)26 155 ((sic)23 050 to (sic)29 344) for the STWU group, a difference per patient in favour of iTBCT of (sic)346 ((sic)4987 to (sic)4328) (P = 0.876). Proportions of patients alive at 6 months were not different. The proportion of patients alive without serious morbidity was 61.6 per cent in the iTBCT group versus 66.7 per cent in the STWU group (difference -5.1 per cent; P = 0.104). The probability of iTBCT being cost-effective in keeping patients alive remained below 0.56 for the whole group, but was higher in patients with multiple trauma (0.8-0.9) and in those with traumatic brain injury (more than 0.9). Conclusion: Economically, from a hospital healthcare provider perspective, iTBCT should be the diagnostic strategy of first choice in patients with multiple trauma or traumatic brain injury

    Refining the criteria for immediate total-body CT after severe trauma

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    Objectives Initial trauma care could potentially be improved when conventional imaging and selective CT scanning is omitted and replaced by immediate total-body CT (iTBCT) scanning. Because of the potentially increased radiation exposure by this diagnostic approach, proper selection of the severely injured patients is mandatory. Methods In the REACT-2 trial, severe trauma patients were randomized to iTBCT or conventional imaging and selective CT based on predefined criteria regarding compromised vital parameters, clinical suspicion of severe injuries, or high-risk trauma mechanisms in five trauma centers. By logistic regression analysis with backward selection on the 15 study inclusion criteria, a revised set of criteria was derived and subsequently tested for prediction of severe injury and shifts in radiation exposure. Results In total, 1083 patients were enrolled with median ISS of 20 (IQR 9-29) and median GCS of 13 (IQR 3-15). Backward logistic regression resulted in a revised set consisting of nine original and one adjusted criteria. Positive predictive value improved from 76% (95% CI 74-79%) to 82% (95% CI 80-85%). Sensitivity decreased by 9% (95% CI 7-11%). The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve remained equal and was 0.80 (95% CI 0.77-0.83), original set 0.80 (95% CI 0.77-0.83). The revised set retains 8.78 mSv (95% CI 6.01-11.56) for 36% of the non-severely injured patients. Conclusions Selection criteria for iTBCT can be reduced from 15 to 10 clinically criteria. This improves the positive predictive value for severe injury and reduces radiation exposure for less severely injured patients

    High rates of clinically relevant incidental findings by total-body CT scanning in trauma patients; results of the REACT-2 trial

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    To determine whether there is a difference in frequency and clinical relevance of incidental findings detected by total-body computed tomography scanning (TBCT) compared to those by the standard work-up (STWU) with selective computed tomography (CT) scanning. Trauma patients from five trauma centres were randomized between April 2011 and January 2014 to TBCT imaging or STWU consisting of conventional imaging with selective CT scanning. Incidental findings were divided into three categories: 1) major finding, may cause mortality; 2) moderate finding, may cause morbidity; and 3) minor finding, hardly relevant. Generalized estimating equations were applied to assess differences in incidental findings. In total, 1083 patients were enrolled, of which 541 patients (49.9 %) were randomized for TBCT and 542 patients (50.1 %) for STWU. Major findings were detected in 23 patients (4.3 %) in the TBCT group compared to 9 patients (1.7 %) in the STWU group (adjusted rate ratio 2.851; 95%CI 1.337-6.077; p <0.007). Findings of moderate relevance were detected in 120 patients (22.2 %) in the TBCT group compared to 86 patients (15.9 %) in the STWU group (adjusted rate ratio 1.421; 95%CI 1.088-1.854; p <0.010). Compared to selective CT scanning, more patients with clinically relevant incidental findings can be expected by TBCT scanning. aEuro cent Total-body CT scanning in trauma results in 1.5 times more incidental findings. aEuro cent Evaluation by TBCT in trauma results in more patients with incidental findings. aEuro cent In every category of clinical relevance, TBCT detects more incidental findings

    Human hepatic HepaRG cells maintain high intrinsic CYP450 activity/metabolism and significantly outperform standard HepG2/C3A cells used in drug pharmacology applications

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    Introduction: Conventional in vitro human hepatic models for drug testing are based on the use of cell lines or primary human hepatocytes (PHHs). However, limited availability, inter-donor functional variability and early phenotypic alterations of PHHs in vitro restrict their use; whilst cell lines such as HepG2/C3As lack a substantial and variable set of liver-specific functions, specifically, CYP450 activity. In this study we compared CYP450 activity/ metabolism between HepG2/C3A and human HepaRG cells as hepatic models for pre-clinical drug testing. Methods: Human hepatic cell lines [HepG2/C3A or HepaRG] were grown to >80% confluence on collagen-I-coated plates and treated (in triplicates) 24 h with prototypical inducers rifampicin (CYP3A4) and omeprazole (CYP1A2), [n=3]. 50μM testosterone or phenacetin were added and supernatant and cell samples taken after 2 hours of incubation at 37°C. CYP1A2/3A4 activity [P450-Glo™-Luminometry; Promega] was determined (Figure 1). Relative turnover of testosterone [HPLC] and phenacetin [LC-MS/MS] metabolites was also measured. Cell phenotype was assessed by light-microscopy, histology (PAS-Glycogen), CYP3A4, F-actin/phalloidin, and JC-1 fluorescent-staining. Results: Figure 1 shows HepaRG CYP1A2/3A4 activity was 40-80x fold >> HepG2/C3A cells [P<0.001]; Drug profiling revealed HepaRGs had both enhanced production of major metabolites of phenacetin and testosterone and more intact drug metabolism compared with HepG2/C3A. In contrast with HepG2/C3A, HepaRGs displayed a more intact hepatic phenotype, including: Strong positive glycogen, CYP3A4 staining, high JC-1-positive intrinsic metabolic activity (ΔΨm) and organotypic gross morphology. Discussion / Conclusion: HepaRG cells may represent a more physiologically-relevant pre-clinical platform for CYP450 activation/ inhibition, safety pharmacology, as well as drug-drug interaction studies

    Mobile health in adults with congenital heart disease: Current use and future needs

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    Objective Many adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) are affected lifelong by cardiac events, particularly arrhythmias and heart failure. Despite the care provided, the cardiac event rate remains high. Mobile health (mHealth) brings opportunities to enhance daily monitoring and hence timely response in an attempt to improve outcome. However, it is not known if adults with CHD are currently using mHealth and what type of mHealth they may need in the near future. Methods Consecutive adult patients with CHD who visited the outpatient clinic at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam were asked to fill out questionnaires. Exclusion criteria for this study were mental impairment or inability to read and write Dutch. Results All 118 patients participated (median age 40 (range 18–78) years, 40 % male, 49 % symptomatic) and 92 % owned a smartphone. Whereas only a small minority (14 %) of patients used mHealth, the large majority (75 %) were willing to start. Most patients wanted to use mHealth in order to receive more information on physical health, and advice on progression of symptoms or signs of deterioration. Analyses on age, gender and complexity of defect showed significantly less current smartphone usage at older age, but no difference in interest or preferences in type of mHealth application for the near future. Conclusion The relatively young adult CHD population only rarely uses mHealth, but the majority are motivated to start using mHealth. New mHealth initiatives are required in these patients with a chronic condition who need lifelong surveillance in order to reveal if a reduction in morbidity and mortality and improvement in quality of life can be achieved

    Corruption in the Middle East and the Limits of Conventional Approaches

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    Die Unzufriedenheit mit der verbreiteten Korruption war 2011/2012 eine wesentliche Ursache für die arabischen Unruhen und weitere Aufstände weltweit. Der Fall Jordanien zeigt allerdings, dass konventionelle Ansätze zur Bekämpfung von Korruption nicht ausreichen. Eine angemessene Strategie gegen Korruption muss diese als ein Problem der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit und nicht des Strafrechts verstehen. Wie in allen anderen arabischen Staaten ist die Unzufriedenheit in der Bevölkerung über die offensichtliche Korruption auch in Jordanien beträchtlich. Allerdings wird im Allgemeinen nicht über Fälle von Bestechung und Erpressung geklagt, die weniger häufig vorkommen, sondern über lokale Praktiken politischer Patronage und Begünstigung, die unter dem Begriff "Wasta" zusammengefasst werden. "Wasta" wurde bislang als Form der Korruption und strafrechtliches Problem angesehen, weshalb Versuche zur Eindämmung überwiegend ineffizient blieben: "Wasta"-Praktiken werden in der Regel nicht mit Rechtsverstößen verbunden, sondern bewegen sich innerhalb formal legaler Verfahren. Konventionelle Ansätze zur Bekämpfung von Korruption, die sich an rechtsstaatlichen Grundsätzen und Transparenz orientieren, sind deshalb nicht zielführend. Demokratisierung allein ist ebenfalls ungeeignet, das Problem „Wasta” zu lösen. In der parlamentarischen Praxis macht "Wasta" den Großteil der Aktivitäten aller Parlamentsmitglieder aus. Diese werden deshalb als persönliche Dienstleister für ihre Wahlbezirke und nicht als Mitglieder einer gesetzgebenden Körperschaft wahrgenommen. Gleichzeitig hält die Bevölkerung das Parlament für eine zutiefst korrupte Institution. "Wasta" wird problematisch, wenn diese Praxis zu einem ungleichen Zugang der Bürger zu öffentlichen Ressourcen führt. Statt sich nur auf politische und administrative Reformen zu konzentrieren, muss der Fokus der Bekämpfung auf den (Wieder-)Aufbau wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Strukturen gelegt werden, zu denen alle Bürger gleichermaßen Zugang haben

    Clinical and economic impact of HeartLogic (TM) compared with standard care in heart failure patients

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    Aims The implantable cardiac defibrillator/cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator-based HeartLogic (TM) algorithm has recently been developed for early detection of impending decompensation in heart failure (HF) patients; but whether this novel algorithm can reduce HF hospitalizations has not been evaluated. We investigated if activation of the HeartLogic algorithm reduces the number of hospital admissions for decompensated HF in a 1 year post-activation period as compared with a 1 year pre-activation period.Methods and results Heart failure patients with an implantable cardiac defibrillator/cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator with the ability to activate HeartLogic and willingness to have remote device monitoring were included in this multicentre non-blinded single-arm trial with historical comparison. After a HeartLogic alert, the presence of HF symptoms and signs was evaluated. If there were two or more symptoms and signs apart from the HeartLogic alert, lifestyle advices were given and/or medication was adjusted. After activation of the algorithm, patients were followed for 1 year. HF events occurring in the 1 year prior to activation and in the 1 year after activation were compared. Of the 74 eligible patients (67.2 +/- 10.3 years, 84% male), 68 patients completed the 1 year follow-up period. The total number of HF hospitalizations reduced from 27 in the pre-activation period to 7 in the post-activation period (P = 0.003). The number of patients hospitalized for HF declined from 21 to 7 (P = 0.005), and the hospitalization length of stay diminished from average 16 to 7 days (P = 0.079). Subgroup analysis showed similar results (P = 0.888) for patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy during the pre-activation period or not receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy, meaning that the effect of hospitalizations cannot solely be attributed to reverse remodelling. Subanalysis of a single-centre Belgian subpopulation showed important reductions in overall health economic costs (P = 0.025).Conclusion Activation of the HeartLogic algorithm enables remote monitoring of HF patients, coincides with a significant reduction in hospitalizations for decompensated HF, and results in health economic benefits.Cardiolog

    Telemonitoring for patients with COVID-19: recommendations for design and implementation

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    Despite significant efforts, the COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous pressure on health care systems around the world, threatening the quality of patient care. Telemonitoring offers the opportunity to carefully monitor patients with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 from home and allows for the timely identification of worsening symptoms. Additionally, it may decrease the number of hospital visits and admissions, thereby reducing the use of scarce resources, optimizing health care capacity, and minimizing the risk of viral transmission. In this paper, we present a COVID-19 telemonitoring care pathway developed at a tertiary care hospital in the Netherlands, which combined the monitoring of vital parameters with video consultations for adequate clinical assessment. Additionally, we report a series of medical, scientific, organizational, and ethical recommendations that may be used as a guide for the design and implementation of telemonitoring pathways for COVID-19 and other diseases worldwide.Cardiolog

    HepaRG-Progenitor Cell Derived Hepatocytes Cultured in Bioartificial Livers Are Protected from Healthy- and Acute Liver Failure-Plasma Induced Toxicity

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    Background/Aims: For applicability of cell-based therapies aimed at the treatment of liver failure, such as bioartificial livers (BALs) and hepatocyte transplantation, it is essential that the applied hepatocytes tolerate exposure to the patient plasma. However, plasma from both healthy donors and acute liver failure (ALF) patients is detrimental to hepatocytes and hepatic cell lines, such as HepaRG. We aimed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of plasma-induced toxicity against HepaRG cells in order to ultimately develop methods to reduce this toxicity and render HepaRG-BAL treatment more effective. Methods: Differentiated HepaRG cells cultured in monolayers and laboratory-scale BALs were exposed to culture medium, healthy human plasma, healthy porcine plasma and ALF porcine plasma. Healthy human plasma was fractionated based on size- and polarity, albumin depleted and heat treated to characterize the toxic fraction. The cells were assessed for viability by total protein content and trypan blue staining. Their hepatic differentiation was assessed on transcript level through qRT-PCR and microarray analysis, and on functional level for Cytochrome P450 3A4 activity and ammonia elimination. Mitochondrial damage was assessed by JC-1 staining and mitochondrial gene transcription. Results: Sixteen hours of healthy human plasma exposure did not affect viability, however, hepatic gene-transcript levels decreased dramatically and dose-dependently within four hours of exposure. These changes were associated with early NF-kB signaling and a shift from mitochondrial energy metabolism towards glycolysis. Healthy human plasma-toxicity was associated with the dose-dependent presence of heat-resistant, albumin-bound and (partly) hydrophobic toxic compound(s). HepaRG cells cultured in BALs were partially protected from plasma-toxicity, which was mainly attributable to medium perfusion and/or 3D configuration applied during BAL culturing. The detrimental human plasma effects were reversible in BAL-cultured cells. Porcine ALF-plasma elicited mitotoxicity additional to the basal detrimental effect of porcine healthy plasma, which were only partially reversible. Conclusion: A specific fraction of human plasma reduces hepatic differentiation of HepaRG cultures, in association with early NF-κB activation. In addition, ALF-plasma elicits mitotoxic effects. These findings allow for a targeted approach in preventing plasma-induced cell damage