13 research outputs found

    Ecological indicator based comparative study of tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) stands’ herb layer

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    Tree of heaven ( Ailanthus altissima ) is one of the most dangerous and spread woody-stemmed invasive plant species in Hungary. By its nature it transforms its environment and reduces the biodiversity of the area. These processes can be observed studying species composition of habitats heavily infected by tree of heaven. In our research we studied the herb layered species composition of plant communities that were tree of heaven dominated in canopy in Fót, Gyermely, Makád and Tököl. After determining the species associated Borhidi’s relative ecological indicators and Raunkiaer’s life-forms have been applied and analysed for the distribution of the categories. Accordingly most of the species occurring in the herb layer of studied areas were herbaceous. In these stands disturbance tolerant species, generalists and weed species are common, but more, aggressive competitors also appear. These species are indicators of degraded and disturbed habitats however there was also a protected area (Fóti-Somlyó). Summing the indicators of relative temperature figures it can be stated that most of the species indicated the relative temperature demand of submontane broad-leaved forests. According to wetness requirement of the species, studied tree of heaven stands were semihumid. Looking at the relative nitrogen figures, species show a wide variety, but most of them indicate a moderately nutrient-rich, or richer habitat. On herb layer halflight plant species prevailed which indicates that these tree of heaven infected stands were less closed, allowing more light to come down to the herb layer. In continentality suboceanic and intermediate types dominated. The majority of the species is halophob, that does not tolerate the salty environment

    Examining the Stand Level CO2 Fluxes of Spring Forest Geophytes

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    Spring forest ephemerals often create homogeneous patches in the understory; however, our knowledge about their stand level characteristics is deficient. Our aims were to examine, parallel to their phenology, the stand level Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange (NEE) and evapotranspiration (ET) fluxes as well as the dependence of NEE on leaf area (LA), air temperature (Tair) and light (PPFD) in three spring forest geophytes that are widespread in Europe. Furthermore, we compared the leaf and stand level net photosynthesis. The methods used included open chamber measurements with an infrared gas analyser in permanent plots on a weekly basis. The results showed that the stand levels of all three species proved to be carbon sinks from the beginning of the vegetation period until the end of it or until the last phase of fruit formation. The largest amount of carbon sink was observed at the peak of blooming. A positive linear correlation was measured between NEE and PPFD as well as between NEE and LA, while a negative linear regression was measured between NEE and Tair. The remarkable carbon uptake capacity indicates the non-negligible role of geophyte vegetation in the carbon flux of temperate forests. In addition, the research provided new proof about the role of stand level operation, stability and regulation.O

    Examination on the State of Health Regarding a Protected Sessile Oak Stock

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    It can be observed in more and more fields of science that the results of other disciplines are utilised in order to achieve new results; it is true for nature conservation as well. Global climate change is to be considered as one of the most thoroughly studied topic; scientists pay special attention to the responses given by species and communities to climate change. In case of field examinations the accuracy of samplings and measurements is of key importance. Often solely estimated data is available which deteriorates the accuracy of the assessment. The health status of forests is usually determined by visual observations that imply errors due to human subjectivity. In this examination we surveyed the health status of a protected sessile oak stock within the Botanical Garden of Szent István University in Gödöllő by using not only conventional methods but also instrumental measurements. We have used FAKOPP 3D Acoustic Tomograph. It is an instrument developed in Hungary that is able to determine – in percentage – the extent of deterioration in tree trunks. The method of measurement is the following: this instrument measures the speed of sound propagation in the tree matter, since rotten and healthy tissues conduct sound differently. Prior to the examination we surmised that a predominantly healthy stock would be examined. Nevertheless, instrumental measurements proved that the trees of this stock are considerably decayed; therefore constant instrumental monitoring is required. We found that the extent of decomposition was the most significant in the lowest measurement level (i.e. 40 cm – Layer 1) and it steadily decreased in the higher regions

    Examination on the state of health regarding a protected sessile oak stock

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    It can be observed in more and more fields of science that the results of other disciplines are utilised in order to achieve new results; it is true for nature conservation as well. Global climate change is to be considered as one of the most thoroughly studied topic; scientists pay special attention to the responses given by species and communities to climate change. In case of field examinations the accuracy of samplings and measurements is of key importance. Often solely estimated data is available which deteriorates the accuracy of the assessment. The health status of forests is usually determined by visual observations that imply errors due to human subjectivity. In this examination we surveyed the health status of a protected sessile oak stock within the Botanical Garden of Szent István University in Gödöllő by using not only conventional methods but also instrumental measurements. We have used FAKOPP 3D Acoustic Tomograph. It is an instrument developed in Hungary that is able to determine – in percentage – the extent of deterioration in tree trunks. The method of measurement is the following: this instrument measures the speed of sound propagation in the tree matter, since rotten and healthy tissues conduct sound differently. Prior to the examination we surmised that a predominantly healthy stock would be examined. Nevertheless, instrumental measurements proved that the trees of this stock are considerably decayed; therefore constant instrumental monitoring is required. We found that the extent of decomposition was the most significant in the lowest measurement level (i.e. 40 cm – Layer 1) and it steadily decreased in the higher regions

    Examination the health state with instrumental measurements and the diversity of sessile oak stands in Zemplén mountains

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    Researching the naturalness of forests has been becoming more and more pronounced in Hungary, since the forest’s ecosystems are also concerned by the biosphere crisis, that is a global degradation of the biotic environment. This deterioration could be observed not only through the decrease of the extention of the forests, but also through the altering of their structures. FAKOPP 3D Acoustic Tomograph have been used and coenological surveys have been carried out in 3 different layers. The examinations have been accomplished in sessile oak stands of the Zemplén Mountains, within 5 different age groups. According to the results of the instrumental measurements – except the youngest age group – the highest value of the rottenness is located in the closest layer to the topsoil, then upwards on the trunk it shows decreasing tendency. Among the stands the 80 years old age group proved to be the healthiest, while the 20 years old group had the worst values. Based on the Shannon and Simpson diversity, the most diverse age group in the ground layer is the 60 years old group, while in the canopy is the 80 years old group. The rottenness measured in the younger stands concerned the higher parts of the trunks and it has presumably evolved because of the frost cracks. The diversity values of the shrub and the ground layer followed the same tendency

    Eltérő korcsoportú kocsánytalan tölgyes állományok diverzitásának összehasonlító vizsgálata a Börzsönyben

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    Coenological based diversity examinai ons were carried out in the Börzsöny off set on the sessile oak dominated stands. To reveal the sylviculture’s eff ects on the biodiversity, in 6 forest stands, characterised by same standard parameters were carried. The Shannon- and Simpson- diversity indices were used for comparison of biodiversity values of diff erent age-groups. Altogether 88 vascular plant species (15 trees, 11 shrubs, 62 herbaceous taxa) were ideni fi ed in the stands of sessile oak woodlands. The diversity of the canopy level was the highest at the 19 year-old stand, and the lowest at the oldest, 92 year-old stand. The diversity of the shrub layer was the highest at the 61 year-old and lowest at the 2 year-old stand. In case of the ground level increasing diversity values were noi ced between the 2 and 61 years old groups, then the diversity values decreased at the stands which are older than 61.A Börzsönyben, kocsánytalan tölgy által uralt területen társulátani vizsgálatok során az állományok diverzitását kutat a a vizsgálat. Az erdőgazdálkodás biológiai sokfélesgre gyakorolt hatásának kimutatása 6 erdő állományában azonos paraméterekkel jellemezve történt. A Shannon- és Simpson- féle diverzitási indexek alapján került összehasolításra a biodiverzitás éretéke a különböző korcsoportokban. Összesen 88 növényfaj (15 fa, 11 cserje, 62 lágyszárú)került beazonosításra a kocsánytalan tölgyes állományokban. A lombkorona szintje mutat a a legnagyobb változatosságot, a legmagasabb a 19 éves állomány volt, a legalacsonyabb pedig a legidősebb, a 92 éves állomány. A cserjeszint esetében a 61 éves állomány volt a legmagasabb, a legalacsonyabb pedig a 2 éves. A talajszinten növekvő diverzitás tapasztalható a 2 és a 61 éves állományban, azonban az ennél idősebb állományok esetében a diverzitás csökkent

    Műszeres egészségi állapotfelmérés két időskorú kocsánytalan tölgyes állományban a Börzsöny és Gödöllői-dombság területén.

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    Many of the climate change researchers believe that in this century the average temperature is expected to rise apart from the climate becoming more extreme (Solomon et al., 2007). These weather anomalies can significantly influence the living beings, including the range limits of plants. This could seriously effect our indigenous tree species, some prognoses assume that the 82-100 % of the zonal spread of the sessile oak will have fallen outside the optimum climate area in tthe Carpathian Basin by 2050 (Czúcz et al., 2013). Such and similar forecast make the climate tolerance and health condition examinations of the sessile oak stands particularly important, so that we can measure the changes in plant communities. We have examined the health conditions of two elderly - over the age of 100 years - stands with the FAKOPP +D Acoustic Tomograph. One of the stands can be found in the Börzsöny Mountain, s while the other one in the Gödöllő Hills.Számos, a klímaváltozással foglalkozó kutató úgy véli, hogy ebben az évszázadban a szélsőségesebbé váló klíma mellett az átlaghőmérséklet emelkedése várható (Solomon et al., 2007). Ezek az időjárási anomáliák jelentősen befolyásolhatják az élőlények, beleértve a növények elterjedési határait. Súlyosan veszélyeztetheti őshonos fafajainkat, hiszen egyes prognózisok azt feltételezik, hogy a kocsánytalan tölgy zonális elterjedésének 82-100%-a az optimális klímatéren kívülre eshet 2050-re a Kárpát-medence viszonylatában (Czúcz et al., 2013). Az ilyen, és ehhez hasonló előrejelzések különösen szükségszerűvé teszik a kocsánytalan tölgyeseink klímatoleranciájának, valamint egészségi állapotának vizsgálatát, hogy ily módon a lehető legpontosabb képet kapjuk a társulásokban végbemenő változásokról. Vizsgálataink során két 100 évesnél idősebb állomány egészségi állapotát vizsgáltuk meg a Fakopp 3D Akusztikus Tomográf segítségével, az egyik állomány a Börzsöny, míg a másik a Gödöllői-dombság területén fekszik

    Műszeres egészségi állapotfelmérés két időskorú kocsánytalan tölgyes állományban a Börzsöny és Gödöllői-dombság területén.

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    Many of the climate change researchers believe that in this century the average temperature is expected to rise apart from the climate becoming more extreme (Solomon et al., 2007). These weather anomalies can significantly influence the living beings, including the range limits of plants. This could seriously effect our indigenous tree species, some prognoses assume that the 82-100 % of the zonal spread of the sessile oak will have fallen outside the optimum climate area in tthe Carpathian Basin by 2050 (Czúcz et al., 2013). Such and similar forecast make the climate tolerance and health condition examinations of the sessile oak stands particularly important, so that we can measure the changes in plant communities. We have examined the health conditions of two elderly - over the age of 100 years - stands with the FAKOPP +D Acoustic Tomograph. One of the stands can be found in the Börzsöny Mountain, s while the other one in the Gödöllő Hills.Számos, a klímaváltozással foglalkozó kutató úgy véli, hogy ebben az évszázadban a szélsőségesebbé váló klíma mellett az átlaghőmérséklet emelkedése várható (Solomon et al., 2007). Ezek az időjárási anomáliák jelentősen befolyásolhatják az élőlények, beleértve a növények elterjedési határait. Súlyosan veszélyeztetheti őshonos fafajainkat, hiszen egyes prognózisok azt feltételezik, hogy a kocsánytalan tölgy zonális elterjedésének 82-100%-a az optimális klímatéren kívülre eshet 2050-re a Kárpát-medence viszonylatában (Czúcz et al., 2013). Az ilyen, és ehhez hasonló előrejelzések különösen szükségszerűvé teszik a kocsánytalan tölgyeseink klímatoleranciájának, valamint egészségi állapotának vizsgálatát, hogy ily módon a lehető legpontosabb képet kapjuk a társulásokban végbemenő változásokról. Vizsgálataink során két 100 évesnél idősebb állomány egészségi állapotát vizsgáltuk meg a Fakopp 3D Akusztikus Tomográf segítségével, az egyik állomány a Börzsöny, míg a másik a Gödöllői-dombság területén fekszik