5 research outputs found


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    Chemical castration is used to spay male dogs at a lower cost than the surgical procedure, which is the most applied method to spay dogs and cats. Chemical castration is a simpler procedure than surgical castration and can be performed on an outpatient basis, without the need for general anesthesia. However, due to the stress caused by manipulation and the discomfort produced by the injection of a substance into the testicles, sedation is necessary so that chemical castration is to be carried out in a way that provides the animal's welfare. Thus, this article aims to propose an innovative protocol for sedation of dogs submitted to chemical castration. For this purpose, twelve dogs submitted to the administration of xylazine in subdosis in the yin-tang acupoint were used. After the establishment of sedation, the dogs were chemically neutered. The proposed protocol allowed chemical castration to be performed with comfort for the patient and the team of veterinarians. Therefore, it is concluded that the sedation protocol is safe and can be used in dogs for non-invasive procedures such as exams, material collection, and other similar processes or techniques.A castração química é utilizada para castrar cães machos a um custo mais baixo que o procedimento cirúrgico, que é o método mais aplicado para castrar cães e gatos. A castração química é um procedimento mais simples que a castração cirúrgica e pode ser realizada a nível ambulatorial, sem necessidade de anestesia geral. Entretanto, devido ao estresse pela manipulação e ao desconforto produzido pela injeção de uma substância no interior dos testículos, faz-se necessária uma sedação para que a castração química seja efetuada de um modo que proporcione o bem-estar do animal. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo propor um protocolo inovador para sedação de cães submetidos à castração química. Para isso, foram utilizados 12 cães submetidos à administração de xilazina em subdose no acuponto yin tang. Após o estabelecimento da sedação, os cães foram castrados quimicamente. O protocolo proposto permitiu que a castração química fosse realizada com conforto para o paciente e para a equipe de médicos veterinários. Desta forma, concluiu-se que o protocolo de sedação é seguro e pode ser empregado em cães para procedimentos não invasivos, como exames, coleta de material e outros processos ou técnicas semelhantes

    Hérnia inguinal em cão macho corrigida com retalho do Mesórquio / Inguinal hernia in a male dog corrected with a Mesorchial flap

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    O objetivo deste relato é descrever a utilização do mesórquio em herniorrafia inguinal em um cão. O animal foi diagnosticado com a enfermidade por meio de exame clínico. A correção cirúrgica iniciou-se pela orquiectomia realizada para se evitar recidiva. Após abertura do saco herniário e reintrodução do conteúdo, observou-se que a musculatura estava atrofiada, dificultando a aproximação das bordas cirúrgicas. Desta forma, optou-se pela utilização do mesorquio coletado durante a orquiectomia para ocluir o defeito. A herniorrafia foi finalizada rotineiramente.  Optou-se pela utilização de membrana biológica para oclusão do defeito porque a atrofia da musculatura dificulta a aproximação das bordas teciduais e aumenta muito a tensão nas suturas, predispondo à deiscência e recidiva. Membranas biológicas autólogas são empregadas em procedimentos cirúrgicos em cães com sucesso, como ocorreu no animal em questão.  Assim sendo, os próprios tecidos dos animais podem ser utilizados para correção de defeitos teciduais

    Pyometra in a Bitch Possibly Caused by Simultaneous Administration of Levonorgestrel and Estradiol Cypionate

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    Background: Toxicological events in animals may be accidental or intentional and could occur in the home environment. These events could involve different agents such as pesticides, rodenticides, medicines, foods, and plants. Indiscriminate use of medication in pets by their owners is common. Self-medication of animals with drugs for human use can cause irreversible damage to their health. The emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill), comprising concentrated hormonal compounds, is sold freely in Brazil. The objective of this article was to report a case of pyometra in a bitch possibly caused by simultaneous administration of human emergency contraceptive pill along with a veterinary contraceptive medication.              Case: A 6-year-old bitch was referred to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for abdominal enlargement. According to the guardian, during estrus (30 days before the consultation) the female dog was covered. After intercourse, the owner administered a human emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill) and a veterinary contraceptive. Physical examination revealed severe dehydration (10%) and high temperature, besides the abdominal enlargement. The hemogram revealed leukocytosis with a left shift, characteristic of infection. After clinical examination, closed pyometra was suspected, and later confirmed by ultrasonography. Due to the poor clinical condition, fluid therapy was performed, and a systemic antibiotic was administered. After stabilization, the patient underwent ovariohysterectomy. In the postoperative period, the fluid therapy was continued, and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs were administered. Two days after surgery, the patient was discharged for home recovery.  Discussion: Most cases of drug poisoning in animals involve female dogs, similar to the patient in this report. There is no theory elucidating the same, but the rate of incidence in female dogs has been reported to be higher than that in male dogs in the veterinary clinical routine. The administration of medicines at the guardian’s discretion, as seen in this case, is common in Brazil. The drugs involved may be of veterinary or human use. Drug intoxication is linked to the culture of self-medication. If the animal presents a symptom similar to that of a human, the guardian dispenses the same medicine used for him to their pet animal. Thus, it can be inferred that the guardian of the bitch in this report had the habit of self-medication and adopted the same conduct with the pet. The emergency contraceptive pill used here consisted of levonorgestrel, a progestin-type of hormone. No reports of levonorgestrel use have been reported in dogs; therefore, the mode of action of the drug in the canine species is unknown. The administration of progestogens in bitches is one of the main causes of reproductive diseases in the species. One of the diseases related to the use of contraceptives in bitches is pyometra. Despite the evidence, the human contraceptive cannot be determined as the cause of pyometra, because a veterinary contraceptive was also administered. Pyometra probably occurred due to the combined effect of both drugs. Thus, this case was diagnosed as drug intoxication. Veterinarians should be alert on this subject and invest in awareness and prevention of self-medication in animals by their guardians.

    Responsible ownership for cats and dogs from different urban neighborhoods of the City of Umuarama, Paraná, Brazill

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    The article analyzed the responsible care and well-being of dogs and cats of different districts of the municipality of Umuarama, PR. We interviewed 53 tutors by means of a directed questionnaire, obtaining 106 animals evaluated indirectly. It was possible to determine several aspects related to the behavior of tutors and important data related to animal welfare, and the deficiency of reproductive control being an important factor verified in this study. It was concluded that the responsible care is not fully exercised by the population of Umuarama, making urgent the elaboration of public policies to improve this situation