17 research outputs found

    Calibrating LISA Pathfinder raw data into femto-g differential accelerometry

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    LISA Pathfinder is an in-flight test of the local sources of acceleration noise in LISA. The acceleration noise level in LISA Pathfinder is measured by the residual differential acceleration Δg between the two test masses once the coupling to the spacecraft motion has been removed. The full process from raw data to Δg passes through a series of calibration experiments and different data elaboration procedure which are thoroughly used during the mission and represent the baseline for any other further investigation

    LISA Pathfinder: Understanding DWS noise performance for the LISA mission

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    ESA's L3 Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission contains a mechanism to compensate for out-of-plane angles between the received and emitted beams of the three satellites. Depending on the configuration of this Point-Ahead Angle Mechanism (PAAM) it is expected to contribute readout noise through Differential Wavefront Sensing (DWS). This was investigated with LISA Pathfinder (LPF) through a dedicated investigation. One of the two free-falling test masses was rotated via the on-board electrostatic actuators while the resulting angular noise in the differential interferometer between the two test masses was measured. For angles between −250 ÎŒrad to 250 ÎŒrad and corresponding contrast in the range of 59.4 % to 97.9 % an increased spectral density was found. The differential displacement noise remains almost unchanged for these misalignments.The Albert-Einstein-Institut acknowledges the support of the German Space Agency, DLR. The work is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy based on a resolution of the German Bundestag (FKZ 50OQ0501 and FKZ 50OQ1601)

    Coupling of relative intensity noise and pathlength noise to the length measurement in the optical metrology system of LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA Pathfinder is a technology demonstration mission for the space-based gravitational wave observatory, LISA. It demonstrated that the performance requirements for the interferometric measurement of two test masses in free fall can be met. An important part of the data analysis is to identify the limiting noise sources. [1] This measurement is performed with heterodyne interferometry. The performance of this optical metrology system (OMS) at high frequencies is limited by sensing noise. One such noise source is Relative Intensity Noise (RIN). RIN is a property of the laser, and the photodiode current generated by the interferometer signal contains frequency dependant RIN. From this electric signal the phasemeter calculates the phase change and laser power, and the coupling of RIN into the measurement signal depends on the noise frequency. RIN at DC, at the heterodyne frequency and at two times the heterodyne frequency couples into the phase. Another important noise at high frequencies is path length noise. To reduce the impact this noise is suppressed with a control loop. Path length noise not suppressed will couple directly into the length measurement. The subtraction techniques of both noise sources depend on the phase difference between the reference signal and the measurement signal, and thus on the test mass position. During normal operations we position the test mass at the interferometric zero, which is optimal for noise subtraction purposes. This paper will show results from an in-flight experiment where the test mass position was changed to make the position dependant noise visibl

    Radiation pressure calibration and test mass reflectivities for LISA Pathfinder

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    This paper describes a series of experiments which were carried out during the main operations of LISA Pathfinder. These experiments were performed by modulating the power of the measurement and reference beams. In one series of experiments the beams were sequentially switched on and off. In the other series of experiments the powers of the beams were modulated within 0.1% and 1% of the constant power. These experiments use recordings of the total power measured on the photodiodes to infer the properties of the Optical Metrology System (OMS), such as reflectivities of the test masses and change of the photodiode efficiencies with time. In the first case the powers are back propagated from the different photodiodes to the same place on the optical bench to express the unknown quantities in the measurement with the complimentary photodiode measurements. They are combined in the way that the only unknown left is the test mass reflectivities. The second experiment compared two estimates of the force applied to the test masses due to the radiation pressure that appears because of the beam modulations. One estimate of the force is inferred from the measurements of the powers on the photodiodes and propagation of this measurement to the test masses. The other estimation of the force is done by calculating it from the change in the main scientific output of the instrument – differential displacement of the two test masses

    LISA Pathfinder: OPD loop characterisation

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    The optical metrology system (OMS) of the LISA Pathfinder mission is measuring the distance between two free-floating test masses with unprecedented precision. One of the four OMS heterodyne interferometers reads out the phase difference between the reference and the measurement laser beam. This phase from the reference interferometer is common to all other longitudinal interferometer read outs and therefore subtracted. In addition, the phase is fed back via the digital optical pathlength difference (OPD) control loop to keep it close to zero. Here, we analyse the loop parameters and compare them to on-ground measurement results

    LISA Pathfinder as a Micrometeoroid Instrument

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    LISA Pathfinder is perhaps the most precise accelerometry instrument ever flown in space. The drag-free control system can sense and react to external disturbances of an extremely small magnitude. One class of such disturbances are the impacts of micrometeoroids or dust. A simple model of the LPF system suggests that individual impacts with transferred momentum exceeding a few tens of nanoNewton-meters are detectable. Furthermore, the ability of LPF to resolve both the linear and angular momentum transfer as vector quantities allows information such as the sky location and the impact location of the impactor to be reconstructed. This novel approach to micrometeoroid detection and characterization, as well as the location of LPF at L1, provide an opportunity to improve our understanding of the dust environment in the inner solar system. Here we present some preliminary findings from LPF, including four candidate impact events

    Preliminary results on the suppression of sensing cross-talk in LISA Pathfinder

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    In the original paper describing the first measurements performed with LISA Pathfinder, a bulge in the acceleration noise was shown in the 200 mHz - 20 mHz frequency band. This bulge noise originated from cross-coupling of spacecraft motion into the longitudinal readout and it was shown that it is possible to subtract this cross-talk noise. We discuss here the model that was used for subtraction as well as an alternative approach to suppress the cross talk by realignment of the test masses. Such a realignment was performed after preliminary analysis of a dedicated cross-talk experiment, and we show the resulting noise suppression. Since then, further experiments have been performed to investigate the cross-coupling behaviour, however analysis of these experiments is still on-going

    LISA Pathfinder closed-loop analysis: a model breakdown of the in-loop observables

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    This paper describes a methodology to analyze, in the frequency domain, the steady-state control performances of the LISA Pathfinder mission. In particular, it provides a technical framework to give a comprehensive understanding of the spectra of all the degrees of freedom by breaking them down into their various physical origins, hence bringing out the major contributions of the control residuals. A reconstruction of the measured in-loop output, extracted from a model of the closed-loop system, is shown as an instance to illustrate the potential of such a model breakdown of the data

    Gravitational Reference Sensor Front-End Electronics Simulator for LISA

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    At the ETH Zurich we are developing a modular simulator that provides a realistic simulation of the Front End Electronics (FEE) for LISA Gravitational Reference Sensor (GRS). It is based on the GRS FEE-simulator already implemented for LISA Pathfinder. It considers, in particular, the non-linearity and the critical details of hardware, such as the non-linear multiplicative noise caused by voltage reference instability, test mass charging and detailed actuation and sensing algorithms. We present the simulation modules, considering the above-mentioned features. Based on the ETH GRS FEE-simulator for LISA Pathfinder we aim to develop a modular simulator that provides a realistic simulation of GRS FEE for LISA

    GCR flux 9-day variations with LISA Pathfinder

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    Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) energy spectra in the heliosphere vary on the basis of the level of solar activity, the status of solar polarity and interplanetary transient magnetic structures of solar origin. A high counting rate particle detector (PD) aboard LISA Pathfinder (LPF) allows for the measurement of galactic cosmic-ray and solar energetic particle (SEP) integral fluxes at energies > 70 MeV n−1 up to 6500 counts s−1. Data are gathered with a sampling time of 15 s. A study of GCR flux depressions associated with the third harmonic of the Sun rotation period (∌ 9 days) is presented here