154 research outputs found

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    Hibrid képalkotás: klinikai evidenciák, lehetőségek

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    Absztrakt Napjainkban a radiológia és nukleáris medicina modern képalkotó berendezéseit ötvöző hibrid képalkotás fontos szerepet tölt be mind a transzlációs kutatási folyamatokban, mind pedig a klinikai diagnosztikában. A rutin képalkotó diagnosztikai eljárások közül a komputertomográffal vagy mágneses magrezonanciás képalkotással kombinált pozitronemissziós tomográfia, illetve egyfotonos emissziós komputertomográfiás vizsgálat jelenleg a legfejlettebb technikák közé tartozik, amelynek segítségével a funkcionális és a morfológiai képeket azonos pozícióban tudjuk egymásra vetíteni. A hibrid képalkotó berendezések a nagy érzékenységüknek, jó felbontásuknak köszönhetően hasznos információt nyújtanak a szervezetben zajló patológiás folyamatokról. Segítségükkel megismerhetők olyan biokémiai és patobiokémiai folyamatok, amelyek elengedhetetlenek a betegségek megértéséhez, kezeléséhez vagy egy új, gyógyszerjelölt molekula megismeréséhez. A klinikai és preklinikai in vivo nem invazív molekuláris képalkotó rendszerek segítségével a gyógyszerfejlesztés folyamata lerövidíthető, költségei csökkenthetők. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(52), 2110–2115

    Overview of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)-Targeting Radiolabelled Imaging Probes from Preclinical Perspective: Lessons Learned and Road Ahead

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    As malignancies still represent one of the major health concerns worldwide, early tumor identification is among the priorities of today’s science. Given the strong association between cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)/prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), PGE2 receptors (EPs), and carcinogenesis, target-specific molecules directed towards the components of the COX2/PGE2/EP axis seem to be promising imaging probes in the diagnostics of PGE2pos. neoplasms and in the design of anti-cancer drugs. Featured with outstanding inclusion forming capability, β-cyclodextrins (CDs) including randomly methylated β-CD (RAMEB) were reported to complex with PGE2. Therefore, radiolabelled β-CDs could be valuable vectors in the molecular imaging of PGE2-related tumorigenesis. In vivo preclinical small animal model systems applying positron emission tomography (PET) ensure a well-suited scenario for the assessment of PGE2-affine labelled CD derivatives. Previous translational studies dealt with the evaluation of the tumor-homing capability of Gallium-68 (68Ga) and Bismuth-205/206 (205/206Bi)-appended β-CD compounds conjugated with chelator NODAGA or DOTAGA: [68Ga]Ga-NODAGA-2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin/HPBCD, [68Ga]Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB, [68Ga]Ga-DOTAGA-RAMEB, and [205/206Bi]Bi-DOTAGA-RAMEB in experimental tumors with different PGE2 expression. These imaging probes project the establishment of tailor-made PET diagnostics of PGE2pos. malignancies. In the present review, we provide a detailed overview of the in vivo investigations of radiolabelled PGE2-directed CDs, highlighting the importance of the integration of translational discoveries into routine clinical usage

    Caffeine-Induced Acute and Delayed Responses in Cerebral Metabolism of Control and Schizophrenia-like Wisket Rats

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    Recently, morphological impairments have been detected in the brain of a triple-hit rat schizophrenia model (Wisket), and delayed depressive effects of caffeine treatment in both control and Wisket animals have also been shown. The aims of this study were to determine the basal and caffeine-induced acute (30 min) and delayed (24 h) changes in the cerebral (18)fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18-FDG) uptake by positron emission tomography (PET) in control and Wisket rats. No significant differences were identified in the basal whole-brain metabolism between the two groups, and the metabolism was not modified acutely by a single intraperitoneal caffeine (20 mg/kg) injection in either group. However, one day after caffeine administration, significantly enhanced F-18-FDG uptake was detected in the whole brain and the investigated areas (hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, and hypothalamus) in the control group. Although the Wisket animals showed only moderate enhancements in the F-18-FDG uptake, significantly lower brain metabolism was observed in this group than in the caffeine-treated control group. This study highlights that the basal brain metabolism of Wisket animals was similar to control rats, and that was not influenced acutely by single caffeine treatment at the whole-brain level. Nevertheless, the distinct delayed responsiveness to this psychostimulant in Wisket model rats suggests impaired control of the cerebral metabolism

    Body fat distribution and metabolic consequences — Examination opportunities in dogs

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    The relationship between metabolic disorders and the distribution of fat in different body regions is not clearly understood in humans. The aim of this study was to develop a suitable method for assessing the regional distribution of fat deposits and their metabolic effects in dogs. Twenty-five dogs were subjected to computed tomographic (CT) imaging and blood sampling in order to characterise their metabolic status. The different fat areas were measured on a cross-sectional scan, and the animals’ metabolic status was evaluated by measuring fasting glucose, insulin and leptin levels. The volume of visceral adipose tissue is the main determinant of leptin levels. The correlation of visceral fat volume and leptin concentration was found to be independent of insulin levels or the degree of insulin resistance. There was a positive correlation between the visceral to subcutaneous fat volume ratio and serum insulin concentration, and a similar trend was observed in the relationship of fat ratio and insulin resistance. The distribution of body fat essentially influences the metabolic parameters in dogs, but the effects of adiposity differ between humans and dogs. The findings can facilitate a possible extrapolation of results from animal studies to humans with regard to the metabolic consequences of different obesity types
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