602 research outputs found

    Prévention de la délinquance : le rôle médiateur des pairs

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    The objective of this study was to test whether friends' characteristics mediated the link between early reduction of disruptive behavior and later reduction of delinquency (through a prevention program). The prevention program includes two components : social-cognitive-skills training for boys and parent-skills training at home. It was applied over a two-year period when the subjects were 8- and 9-year-old. Subjects were low SES boys rated as disruptive by their kindergarten teachers. They were randomly assigned to a prevention or a control condition. Their friends ' aggressiveness was rated by classmates over a three-year period following the end of the prevention program. Subjects reported on their delinquent behaviors when they were 13- and 14-year-old. Results indicate that friends' aggressiveness partially mediated the impact of the program on preventing delinquency. However, compared to the control boys, other mediating variables might also have played a role

    Early Childhood Intervention. Rationale, Timing and Efficacy

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    This paper provides a brief review of the economic rationale for investing in early childhood. It discusses the optimal timing of intervention, with reference to recent work in developmental neuroscience, and asks how early is early? It motivates the need for early intervention by providing an overview of the impact of adverse factors during the antenatal and early childhood period on outcomes later in life. Early childhood interventions, even poorly designed ones, are costly to implement, therefore it is vital that interventions are well-designed if they are to yield high economic and social returns. The paper therefore presents a set of guiding principles for the effectiveness of early intervention. It concludes by presenting a case for a new study of the optimal timing of interventions.Early childhood intervention, brain development, optimal timing

    Los orígenes de la violencia de los jóvenes

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    Youth violence is a major public concern in all modern societies. To prevent this violence we need to understand how innocent young children grow into violent adolescents. Longitudinal studies of large samples of children from infancy to adulthood indicate that the peak age for physical aggression is the third year after birth. Fortunately, because of their size, physical aggression from two-year-olds does not constitute a major threat to the public. It is also providential that most children learn to control these socially disruptive behaviours before they enter school. This natural course of development suggests that the preschool years are the best window of opportunity to prevent the development of cases of chronic physical aggression. Safe streets could thus start with quality early education.ResumenLa violencia de los jóvenes es una preocupación de gran importancia en todas las sociedades. Para impedir esta violencia necesitamos comprender cómo niños inocentes se convierten en adolescentes violentos. Los estudios longitudinales que utilizan muestras amplias de niños que abarcan desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta, indican que la edad donde se produce la agresión física máxima es el tercer año después del nacimiento. Afortunadamente, la agresión física de los niños de dos años, por su tamaño, no constituye una amenaza importante para la gente. Es algo providencial que la mayoría de los niños aprenda a controlar estos comportamientos socialmente perjudiciales antes de empezar el colegio. Este desarrollo natural, sugiere que la edad preescolar representa la mejor oportunidad para impedir el desarrollo de aquellos casos de agresión física crónica. Por lo tanto, lograr calles seguras podría empezar con una educación de calidad temprana.AbstractYouth violence is a major public concern in all modern societies. To prevent this violence we need to understand how innocent young children grow into violent adolescents. Longitudinal studies of large samples of children from infancy to adulthood indicate that the peak age for physical aggression is the third year after birth. Fortunately, because of their size, physical aggression from two-year-olds does not constitute a major threat to the public. It is also providential that most children learn to control these socially disruptive behaviours before they enter school. This natural course of development suggests that the preschool years are the best window of opportunity to prevent the development of cases of chronic physical aggression. Safe streets could thus start with quality early education

    Types de familles, conditions de vie, fonctionnement du système familial et inadaptation sociale au cours de la latence et de l’adolescence dans les milieux défavorisés

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    Les données manquent concernant l'impact de certains types de familles, et les résultats sont souvent discordants concernant l'inadaptation. Après avoir décrit les variations de l'activité délictueuse et des troubles de comportement selon les types de familles, nous analysons les difficultés de fonctionnement du système familial. Six types de familles sont comparés pour 763 garçons de 10 ans, 319 adolescentes et 426 adolescents de 14 et 15 ans: les familles intactes, les familles monoparentales patricentriques et matricentriques, les familles recomposées patricentriques et matricentriques et les familles substituts. Les données présentées montrent qu'en cette fin des années 1980, près de 40 % des enfants et des adolescents des quartiers à faible statut socio-économique de Montréal vivent dans des familles désunies. Les données confirment en outre une observation classique: les familles désunies, en comparaison aux familles intactes, sont défavorisées sur le plan des conditions de vie, déficientes sur le plan du fonctionnement psychosocial et propices aux troubles de comportement et à l'activité délictueuse. Par ailleurs, il est établi que certains types de familles désunies constituent un facteur de risque considérable. L'effet dommageable de la structure de la famille s'accroît dans l'ordre suivant: familles intactes, familles monoparentales matricentriques, familles recomposées matricentriques, familles substituts, familles recomposées patricentriques et familles monoparentales patricentriques. Pour terminer, quelques pistes d'intervention pour la prévention des difficultés comportementales et familiales sont proposées.Available data on the impact of certain types of families is lacking, and the results are often misleading with respect to maladjustment. Following a description of variations in delinquent activity and behaviour problems according to family type, the authors analyse the difficulties in the operation of family systems. Comparisons of six family types apply to data from 763 boys aged 10, 319 female and 426 male adolescents, aged 14 and 15: intact families, father-based and mother-based single- parent families, father-based and mother-based reconstituted families and substitute families. The article's data show that in the late eighties, nearly 40 per cent of children and adolescents living in low-income districts in Montreal belonged to disunited families. In addition, the data confirm a classic observation: in comparison with intact families, disunited families are underprivileged in relation to living conditions, deficient in relation to psychosocial functioning, and propitious to behaviour problems and delinquent activity. In addition, it has been established that certain disunited family types represent a considerable risk factor. The damaging effect of family structure increases in the following order: intact families, mother-based single-parent families, mother-based reconstituted families, substitute families, father-based reconstituted families and father-based single-parent families. Finally, certain intervention methods are suggested to help prevent behaviour and family problems

    La pratique des jeux de hasard et d’argent, les comportements délinquants et la consommation problématique de substances psychotropes : une perspective développementale

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    Cette étude comporte deux objectifs : 1) vérifier si les liens entre la pratique problématique des jeux de hasard et d’argent, les comportements délinquants et les problèmes de consommation de substances psychotropes diminuent au début de l’âge adulte par rapport au milieu de l’adolescence, et 2) vérifier si les liens entre ces trois ordres de comportements problématiques au début de l’âge adulte sont, en partie ou en totalité, attribuables à des antécédents communs. Deux échantillons populationnels de répondants de sexe masculin ont été mis à contribution afin de vérifier ces objectifs. Les mesures recueillies à 12 ans (i.e. les présumés antécédents communs) couvrent des aspects liés aux caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et sociales des participants. Celles recueillies à 16 et 23 ans se rapportent à leurs habitudes de jeu, à leurs comportements délinquants et à leur consommation de substances psychotropes. Ces dernières sont autorévélées alors que les précédentes font appel à des sources variées d’évaluation. Les résultats révèlent que les liens entre la pratique des jeux de hasard et d’argent, les comportements délinquants et la consommation de psychotropes au début de l’âge adulte (23 ans) sont similaires aux liens qui existent déjà à 16 ans. Ces liens ne peuvent toutefois pas être attribuables aux antécédents communs mesurés à la préadolescence (12 ans). La discussion explore les retombées pratiques et théoriques de ces résultats.This study addressed two questions: 1) Are the concurrent links between gambling, delinquency and drug use weaker during early adulthood than during middle adolescence; 2) Can the concurrent links by early adulthood be explained, at least in part, by common antecedent factors? Two population based samples of males were used to answer these questions. The putative common antecedent factors were assessed when the participants were 12 years old. These factors include variables from three domains of functioning: self, family and peers. Gambling, delinquency and drug use were assessed at age 16 years and again at age 23. Results show that the links between gambling, delinquency and drug use are not weaker by early adulthood (i.e. age 23) than they were by middle adolescence (i.e. age 16). In addition, these links cannot be explained by the age 12 antecedent factors. The discussion stresses the theoretical and applied implications of these findings

    La prédiction des contacts avec le tribunal de la jeunesse : utilisation de l’évaluation du comportement par les pairs au début de l’école primaire

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    This study sets out to verify to what extent the evaluations of the behaviour of children by their peers in first year primary school make it possible to predict those who will eventually end up with an open record at the Juvenile Court. During their first year at school the children are classified according to the following categories : aggressive, socially withdrawn, aggressive-withdrawn, neither aggressive/nor withdrawn (contrast). A total of 992 subjects (493 girls and 499 boys) were evaluated at two different times during the study. The results indicate that the “aggressive-withdrawn” subjects, among the girls, are more likely to have an open record at the Court during the 7 or 8 years after having been evaluated in first year primary school. These findings may indicate that the girls whose behaviour is aberrant are more easily identified by their peers, given the fact that they generally have fewer problems of adaptation than the boys during their first year of school

    Developmental associations between victimization and body mass index from 3 to 10 years in a population sample

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    In the current prospective study, we investigated (1) whether high and low BMI in early childhood puts a child at risk of victimization by their peers, and (2) whether being victimised increases BMI over the short- and long-term, independent of the effect of BMI on victimization. We also examined whether gender moderated these prospective associations. Participants were 1344 children who were assessed yearly from ages 3 -10 years as part of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD). BMI predicted annual increases in victimization for girls aged 6 years and over; for boys aged 7 and 8 years of age, higher BMI reduced victimization over the school year. Further, victimization predicted annual increases in BMI for girls after age 6 years. When these short-term effects were held constant, victimization was also shown to have a three and five-year influence on annual BMI changes for girls from age 3 years. These short- and long-term cross-lagged effects were evident when the effects of family adversity were controlled. The findings support those from previous prospective research showing a link between higher BMI and victimization, but only for girls. Further, being victimised increased the likelihood that girls would put on weight over time, which then increased future victimization. The implications of these prospective findings for interventions are considered

    Consommation de substances psychoactives, troubles du comportement et sentiments dépressifs à l'adolescence

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    Cet article examine la cooccurrence de trois types de problèmes d'adaptation à l'adolescence : la consommation problématique de psychotropes, les troubles du comportement (trouble oppositionnel et trouble des conduites) et les sentiments dépressifs (dépression et dysthymie). Il examine aussi les caractéristiques comportementales et sociofamiliales qui, au cours de l'enfance, distinguent les jeunes avec plusieurs problèmes d'adaptation de ceux avec un seul problème ou aucun problème. Plus de 1600 jeunes de toutes les régions du Québec ont participé à l'étude. Ces jeunes étaient âgés en moyenne de 15,7 ans lorsqu'ils ont participé à une entrevue visant à déterminer la présence possible d'une consommation problématique de psychotropes, de problèmes de comportement et de sentiments dépressifs. Leurs caractéristiques comportementales et sociofamiliales avaient été évaluées au préalable (entre l'âge de 6 et 12 ans) à l'aide de questionnaires remplis par les parents et les enseignants. Les résultats révèlent que près de 10 % des jeunes éprouvent deux ou trois problèmes d'adaptation. Ces jeunes se distinguent de ceux avec un seul problème sur diverses dimensions personnelles et sociofamiliales au cours de l'enfance. Les jeunes avec un seul problème représentent un peu plus de 25 % de l'échantillon. À leur tour, ils se distinguent du groupe sans problème sur plusieurs variables. Le groupe des jeunes qui affichent seulement un problème de consommation de psychotropes fait toutefois exception. La discussion souligne l'importance de connaître s'il y a présence simultanée de plusieurs problèmes et propose d'intervenir préventivement auprès des jeunes qui risquent de présenter plusieurs problèmes.Psychoactive substance abuse, behavioral disorder and depression during adolescence This article examines coocurrence of three types of problems of adaptation during adolescence : abuse of psychotropic drugs, behavioral disorder (oppositional and behavioral disorders) and feelings of depression (depression and dysthymia). The study also examines behavioral, social as well as family characteristics which, during childhood, distinguish youths with many adaptation problems from those with only one or no problem. More than 1600 youths from all regions of Quebec participated in the study. These youths were around 15,7 years old when they completed an interview aiming at determining the possible presence of abusive use of psychotropic drugs, behavioral problems and feelings of depression. Their behavioral and sociofamilial characteristics had been previously evaluated (between the ages of 6 and 12) with questionnaires answered by parents and teachers. Results reveal that almost 10 % of youths experience two or three adaptation problems. These youths distinguish themselves from those with only one problem on various personal and sociofamilial dimensions in the course of childhood. Those with one problem represent a little more than 25 % of the sample. They also distinguish themselves from the group of youth with no problem on several variables. However, the group of youths with a problem of substance abuse only, is an exception. The discussion underlines the importance of knowing if there is simultaneous presence of several problems and proposes to intervene in a preventive fashion with youths who risk experiencing many problems.Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, turbios de comportamiento y sentimiento depresivos durante el adolescencia Este artículo examina el acontecimiento de tres tipos de problemas de adaptación durante la adolescencia: el consumo problemático de psicótropos, turbios de comportamiento (turbios oposicional y turbio de conductas) y sentimientos depresivos (depresion y distemia). Examina también caracteristicas comportamentales y sociofamiliares cuales, durante la enfancia, distinguen los jovenes con varios problemas de adaptación de los con un solo problema o sin problema. Más de 1600 jóvenes de cada region del Québec participaron al estudio. Estos jovenes tenian en medida 15,7 años cuando participaron a una entrevista para determinar la presencia posible de un consumo problemático de psicótropos, de problemas de comportamiento y de sentimientos depresivos. Sus caracteristicas comportamentales habian sido evaluadas previamente (entre 6 y 12 años de edad) con la ayuda de cuestionarios llenados por los padres y los profesores. Los resultados revelan que cerca de 10% de jovenes sufren de dos o tres problemas de adaptación. Estos jovenes se distingan de los con un problema sobre varias dimensiones personales y sociofamiliares durante la enfancia. Jovenes con un problema representan un poco mas de 25% del escantillón. A su vez se distingan del grupo sin problema sobre varias variables. El grupo de jovenes con un problema de consumo de psicótropos hace sin embargo excepción. La discusión subraya la importancia de conocer si hay presencia simultanea de varios problemas y propone una intervención preventiva con jovenes quienes riesgan presentar varios problemas

    Does shyness interact with peer group affiliation in predicting substance use in adolescence?

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    Cigarette use and binge drinking are risky behaviors emerging during adolescence. Although many beneficial factors are well documented, studies linking shyness to substance use are somehow conflicting, which may be due to the contribution of moderators. Therefore, the present study has 2 objectives: (a) to prospectively analyze the association between shyness and substance use during adolescence, and (b) to test the moderating role of peer group affiliation on the relationship between shyness and substance use. Participants are 1447 adolescents from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development, a representative cohort of single-birth children born between 1997 and 1998 in the province of Quebec, Canada. Shyness was assessed at age 12 years. Peer group affiliation, as well as past year cigarette use and binge drinking were assessed at age 15 years. Logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. All analyses were carried out using weighted data accounting for the complex multistage sample design. Results show that shyness negatively predicts the use of tobacco and the occurrence of binge drinking while controlling for confounding variables. However, shyness does not interact with peer group affiliation in predicting substance use. This is the first study that confirms the presence of a negative relationship between shyness and substance use during adolescence over a 3-year period. Results suggest that shyness could exert a beneficial effect against substance use notwithstanding the adolescent’s social context