30 research outputs found

    Exploring perceptions of advertising ethics: an informant-derived approach

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    Whilst considerable research exists on determining consumer responses to pre-determined statements within numerous ad ethics contexts, our understanding of consumer thoughts regarding ad ethics in general remains lacking. The purpose of our study therefore is to provide a first illustration of an emic and informant-based derivation of perceived ad ethics. The authors use multi-dimensional scaling as an approach enabling the emic, or locally derived deconstruction of perceived ad ethics. Given recent calls to develop our understanding of ad ethics in different cultural contexts, and in particular within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, we use Lebanon—the most ethically charged advertising environment within MENA—as an illustrative context for our study. Results confirm the multi-faceted and pluralistic nature of ad ethics as comprising a number of dimensional themes already salient in the existing literature but in addition, we also find evidence for a bipolar relationship between individual themes. The specific pattern of inductively derived relationships is culturally bound. Implications of the findings are discussed, followed by limitations of the study and recommendations for further research

    Nat Genet

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    The function of the majority of genes in the mouse and human genomes remains unknown. The mouse embryonic stem cell knockout resource provides a basis for the characterization of relationships between genes and phenotypes. The EUMODIC consortium developed and validated robust methodologies for the broad-based phenotyping of knockouts through a pipeline comprising 20 disease-oriented platforms. We developed new statistical methods for pipeline design and data analysis aimed at detecting reproducible phenotypes with high power. We acquired phenotype data from 449 mutant alleles, representing 320 unique genes, of which half had no previous functional annotation. We captured data from over 27,000 mice, finding that 83% of the mutant lines are phenodeviant, with 65% demonstrating pleiotropy. Surprisingly, we found significant differences in phenotype annotation according to zygosity. New phenotypes were uncovered for many genes with previously unknown function, providing a powerful basis for hypothesis generation and further investigation in diverse systems.Comment in : Genetic differential calculus. [Nat Genet. 2015] Comment in : Scaling up phenotyping studies. [Nat Biotechnol. 2015

    Differential expansion of T central memory precursor and effector subsets is regulated by division speed.

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    While antigen-primed T cells proliferate at speeds close to the physiologic maximum of mammalian cells, T cell memory is maintained in the absence of antigen by rare cell divisions. The transition between these distinct proliferative programs has been difficult to resolve via population-based analyses. Here, we computationally reconstruct the proliferative history of single CD8(+) T cells upon vaccination and measure the division speed of emerging T cell subsets in vivo. We find that slower cycling central memory precursors, characterized by an elongated G1 phase, segregate early from the bulk of rapidly dividing effector subsets, and further slow-down their cell cycle upon premature removal of antigenic stimuli. In contrast, curtailed availability of inflammatory stimuli selectively restrains effector T cell proliferation due to reduced receptivity for interleukin-2. In line with these findings, persistence of antigenic but not inflammatory stimuli throughout clonal expansion critically determines the later size of the memory compartment

    The heterozygous R155C VCP mutation: Toxic in humans! Harmless in mice?

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    Heterozygous missense mutations in the human VCP gene cause inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget disease of bone and fronto-temporal dementia (IBMPFD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The exact molecular mechanisms by which VCP mutations cause disease manifestation in different tissues are incompletely understood. In the present study, we report the comprehensive analysis of a newly generated R155C VCP knock-in mouse model, which expresses the ortholog of the second most frequently occurring human pathogenic VCP mutation. Heterozygous R155C VCP knock-in mice showed decreased plasma lactate, serum albumin and total protein concentrations, platelet numbers, and liver to body weight ratios, and increased oxygen consumption and CD8+/Ly6C + T-cell fractions, but none of the typical human IBMPFD or ALS pathologies. Breeding of heterozygous mice did not yield in the generation of homozygous R155C VCP knock-in animals. Immunoblotting showed identical total VCP protein levels in human IBMPFD and murine R155C VCP knock-in tissues as compared to wild-type controls. However, while in human IBMPFD skeletal muscle tissue 70% of the total VCP mRNA was derived from the mutant allele, in R155C VCP knock-in mice only 5% and 7% mutant mRNA were detected in skeletal muscle and brain tissue, respectively. The lack of any obvious IBMPFD or ALS pathology could thus be a consequence of the very low expression of mutant VCP. We conclude that the increased and decreased fractions of the R155C mutant VCP mRNA in man and mice, respectively, are due to missense mutation-induced, divergent alterations in the biological half-life of the human and murine mutant mRNAs. Furthermore, our work suggests that therapy approaches lowering the expression of the mutant VCP mRNA below a critical threshold may ameliorate the intrinsic disease pathology

    Every-other-day feeding extends lifespan but fails to delay many symptoms of aging in mice.

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    Dietary restriction regimes extend lifespan in various animal models. Here we show that longevity in male C57BL/6J mice subjected to every-other-day feeding is associated with a delayed onset of neoplastic disease that naturally limits lifespan in these animals. We compare more than 200 phenotypes in over 20 tissues in aged animals fed with a lifelong every-other-day feeding or ad libitum access to food diet to determine whether molecular, cellular, physiological and histopathological aging features develop more slowly in every-other-day feeding mice than in controls. We also analyze the effects of every-other-day feeding on young mice on shorter-term every-other-day feeding or ad libitum to account for possible aging-independent restriction effects. Our large-scale analysis reveals overall only limited evidence for a retardation of the aging rate in every-other-day feeding mice. The data indicate that every-other-day feeding-induced longevity is sufficiently explained by delays in life-limiting neoplastic disorders and is not associated with a more general slowing of the aging process in mice.Dietary restriction can extend the life of various model organisms. Here, Xie et al. show that intermittent periods of fasting achieved through every-other-day feeding protect mice against neoplastic disease but do not broadly delay organismal aging in animals

    A comprehensive phenotypic characterization of a whole-body <em>Wdr45</em> knock-out mouse.

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    Pathogenic variants in the WDR45 (OMIM: 300,526) gene on chromosome Xp11 are the genetic cause of a rare neurological disorder characterized by increased iron deposition in the basal ganglia. As WDR45 encodes a beta-propeller scaffold protein with a putative role in autophagy, the disease has been named Beta-Propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (BPAN). BPAN represents one of the four most common forms of Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA). In the current study, we generated and characterized a whole-body Wdr45 knock-out (KO) mouse model. The model, developed using TALENs, presents a 20-bp deletion in exon 2 of Wdr45. Homozygous females and hemizygous males are viable, proving that systemic depletion of Wdr45 does not impair viability and male fertility in mice. The in-depth phenotypic characterization of the mouse model revealed neuropathology signs at four months of age, neurodegeneration progressing with ageing, hearing and visual impairment, specific haematological alterations, but no brain iron accumulation. Biochemically, Wdr45 KO mice presented with decreased complex I (CI) activity in the brain, suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction accompanies Wdr45 deficiency. Overall, the systemic Wdr45 KO described here complements the two mouse models previously reported in the literature (PMIDs: 26,000,824, 31,204,559) and represents an additional robust model to investigate the pathophysiology of BPAN and to test therapeutic strategies for the disease