24 research outputs found

    Loss-of-activity-mutation in the cardiac chloride-bicarbonate exchanger AE3 causes short QT syndrome

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    Mutations in potassium and calcium channel genes have been associated with cardiac arrhythmias. Here, Jensen et al. show that an anion transporter chloride-bicarbonate exchanger AE3 is also responsible for the genetically-induced mechanism of cardiac arrhythmia, suggesting new therapeutic targets for this diseas

    Farm diversification decision-making stages

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    Ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo modeliavimas yra aktuali mokslinė problema, nes ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo realizavimo tyrimai nėra dažni. Straipsnio tikslas – pateikti pagrindinius ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo etapus. Teoriniam ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo modeliui patikrinti naudota ekspertų apklausa. Buvo apklausta 14 ekspertų. Nustatyta, kad ūkio diversifikacijos tikslų susiejimas su identifikuotų galimybių išorinėje aplinkoje ar ūkininko ūkyje išnaudojimu, sukuria ūkio vystymo prielaidas. Identifikuoti nauji ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo alternatyvų formulavimo būdai. Patvirtiti šie ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo alternatyvų vertinimo kriterijai: sprendimo išorinės įgyvendinamumo galimybės, vidinės įgyvendinamumo galimybės, sinerginiai ryšiai, rizikingumas. Mokymasis turėtų tapti permanentiniu procesu, jis aktualus visuose ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo etapuose.That the farmer's decision to diversify the farm will achieve its objectives, it must be properly designed. Modeling of farm diversification decision–making is a scientific problem, because tests of the farm diversification decision realization are not common in the scientific literature. It is achieved article aim – identified the main farm’s diversification decision–making stages. The expert survey was used to check the theoretical diversification farmer’s decision–making model. 14 experts were interviewed. The study found that the farm diversification objectives connection with identified opportunities in external environment or with farm exploitation creates preconditions for farm development. Expert interviews helped identify new formulation methods of farm diversification solution alternatives. The farm diversification decision alternatives are important to assess according to following criteria: decision outside feasibility, internal feasibility, synergies, riskiness. Learning should become a permanent process

    Landscape homogenization due to agricultural intensification disrupts the relationship between reproductive success and main prey abundance in an avian predator

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    Selecting high-quality habitat and the optimal time to reproduce can increase individual fitness and is a strong evolutionary factor shaping animal populations. However, few studies have investigated the interplay between land cover heterogeneity, limitation in food resources, individual quality and spatial variation in fitness parameters. Here, we explore how individuals of different quality respond to possible mismatches between a cue for prey availability (land cover heterogeneity) and the actual fluctuating prey abundance.Peer reviewe

    Evolution of Action Potential Alternans in Rabbit Heart during Acute Regional Ischemia

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    This study investigates the development of the spatiotemporal pattern of action potential alternans during acute regional ischemia. Experiments were carried out in isolated Langendorff-perfused rabbit heart using a combination of optical mapping and microelectrode recordings. The alternans pattern significantly changed over time and had a biphasic character reaching maximum at 6–9 min after occlusion. Phase I (3–11 minutes of ischemia) is characterized by rapid increase in the alternans magnitude and expansion of the alternans territory. Phase I is followed by gradual decline of alternans (Phase II) in both magnitude and territory. During both phases we observed significant beat-to-beat variations of the optical action potential amplitude (OAPA) alternans. Simultaneous microelectrode recordings from subepicardial and subendocardial layers showed that OAPA alternans coincided with intramural 2 : 1 conduction blocks. Our findings are consistent with the modeling studies predicting that during acute regional ischemia alternans can be driven by 2 : 1 conduction blocks in the ischemic region


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    After Lithuania regained the independence, the state confronted with many political, social, economic, and cultural challenges, which led to changes of norms, values, forms of activities and consciousness of citizens. Changing situation lead to the marginalization of rural areas, the rural community movement raised. The main reason for the rising movement was dissatisfaction about current situation and willingness to change it using communities’ resources. This movement is allied to new social movements, which arose in 1960 in Western world. For the creation of postindustrial rural areas the paradigm of innovative, sustainable, inclusive rural development determines that new theories, explaining transformations, are necessary. The aim of this research is to identify correspondence of Lithuanian rural community movement to new social movement theory. Scientific literature, related documents, and secondary statistical data were analysed, the theoretical framework of six dimensions was created and applied. The research results confirmed that rural community in Lithuania is to be viewed as a new social movement with some features of traditional movements. These findings may be useful for increasing the awareness about social transformations in rural areas.Atkurta Lietuvos valstybė susidūrė su daugybe politinių, socialinių, ekonominių, kultūrinių iššūkių, inspiravusių visuomenės normų, aktyvumo ir žmonių sąmoningumo kaitą. Kaip atsakas į besikeičiančią situaciją kaime, kilo kaimo bendruomenių judėjimas. Pagrindinis kylančio judėjimo tikslas – nepasitenkinimas esama padėtimi, noras keisti gyvenimo kokybę savo jėgomis, artimas Vakarų pasaulyje susiformavusiems naujiesiems socialiniams judėjimams. Poindustrinio kaimo kūrimui svarbi inovatyvaus, tvaraus ir įtraukaus kaimo vystymo paradigma suponuoja, kad šiandienos kaimo tyrimams būtinos naujos kokybinės dimensijos ir teorijos, talkinančios aiškinant vykstančias transformacijas. Šio straipsnio tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos kaimo bendruomenių judėjimo bruožų atitikimą naujiesiems socialiniams judėjimams. Tikslui pasiekti remiantis pagrindiniais naujųjų socialinių judėjimų bruožais sukurtas ir pritaikytas šešių dimensijų modelis. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtina daugumos kaimo bendruomenės veiklos bruožų panašumą su naujaisiais socialiniais judėjimais, inspiruojančiais gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius kaimo vietovėse. Tyrimo prieiga naudinga kaip nauja kokybinė dimensija, gilesniam vykstančių transformacijų kaime pažinimui