226 research outputs found

    FrameShift: Shift Your Attention, Shift the Story

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    Attention is a limited resource that intrinsically dictates our perceptions, memories, and behaviors. Further, visuospatial attention correlates highly with user engagement, heart rate, and arousal. Artists and interactive game designers strive to capture and direct attention, yet even in the most carefully crafted graphic narratives viewer eye paths -- a proxy for attention -- vary up to 20 percent. Our aim is to use attentional measures to enrich graphic novel narratives.FrameShift uses eye tracking to measure reader attention and changes text and visual elements later on in the story accordingly. We have built an extensible framework for using attention to introduce perceptual changes in narratives. We use attention as an indirect method for interactions and introduce shiftable frame nodes that change readers\u27 belief states over time

    Thermoresistant Nano-filled Glass-ceramics

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    AbstractIt is known that replacing microscopic particles by nano-particles in a composite formulation results in improved physical properties. The authors investigated the possibility adding of nanoparticles SiO2 and TiO2 in an amount of 10-30% in the slurry to produce glass-ceramics. Mechanical strength of the glass-ceramics parts greatly depends on micro-defects of surface and internal structures substantially connected with the factual quality of used production technology, mechanical and heat treatment. There is analyzed a special complex of the destructive and nondestructive methods of strength and quality control of glass-ceramics developed to guarantee the durability of structures used in the usual and extreme service conditions with the temperature up to 1000 ˚C. The methods based on the precise preproduction tests of specimens and real structural elements such as plates and shells were supplemented with the additional non-standard methods for effective use in the working environment which is typical for line production of super thermal-resistant glass-ceramic. As a result of the research found that the adding of nanoparticles in the slurry increases the density of the structure, improves the physical properties and provides high stability of glass-ceramics

    Перспективные направления современных научных исследований в сфере умной мобильности

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    Contemporary smart mobility technology makes it possible to solve the problems of urban transport, improving quality of urban mobility, increasing availability of transport, and ensuring its efficiency. The objective of the study is to identify key trends of research on smart mobility in recent scientific sources. The author, using VOS Viewer program, carried out a bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases and containing keywords related to smart urban mobility. Co-citations, cross-references, shared keywords, co-authorships have been analyzed for the entire set of selected publications. As a result, a map of links between publications in the field of smart mobility was built, defining existing relationships between keywords and authors in this area. Also, a map of clusters was built , which displays proximity of publications to each other. A cluster comprises a group of research closely related via research topics, authors, and keywords. Clustering of publications was conducted followed by identifying six clusters, each of which reflects single promising research area in the field of smart mobility. The results obtained make it possible to identify promising development trends for smart mobility through automated processing of a highquality array of publications. The results can be used by municipal officials, transportation business and academia to review and analyze emerging smart mobility technologies and to make informed urban transport planning decisions.Современные технологии умной мобильности дают возможность решать проблемы городского транспорта, что позволяет улучшить качество городских перемещений, повысить доступность транспорта и обеспечить его эффективность. Цель исследования состоит в том, чтобы выявить ключевые тренды научных исследований по теме умной мобильности в научной литературе за последние годы. Автором с использованием программы VOS Viewer был выполнен библиометрический анализ публикаций, размещённых в базах данных Web of Science и Scopus и содержащих ключевые слова, связанные с умной городской мобильностью.Для всего массива отобранных публикации были проанализированы: совместное цитирование, перекрёстные ссылки, совместно используемые ключевые слова, совместное авторство. В результате была построена карта связей публикаций в сфере умной мобильности с определением существующих отношений между ключевыми словами и авторами в этой сфере. Также была построена карта кластеров, которая отображает близость публикаций друг к другу. Кластер образует группа тесно связанных по темам, авторам и ключевым словам исследований. Была проведена кластеризация публикаций и выделено шесть кластеров, каждый из которых отражает одно перспективное направление исследований в сфере умной мобильности. Полученные результаты позволяют установить перспективные направления умной мобильности путём автоматизированной обработки высококачественного массива публикаций. Результаты могут быть использованы городскими властями, транспортным бизнесом и научными исследователями для обзора и анализа перспективных технологий умной мобильности и обоснования решений в сфере городского транспортного планирования

    Формирование инфраструктуры туризма как условие усовершенствования деятельности предприятий туристической сферы

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    В статті досліджено формування інфраструктури туризму як умови вдосконалення діяльності підприємств туристичної сфери. Важливою умовою розвитку туризму як визначального фактора модернізації економіки й стабілізації соціальної обстановки є участь держави у формуванні сприятливої атмосфери для розвитку туризму, патронуванні розвитку базових галузей, участі в інвестиційній діяльності і розвитку матеріально-технічної бази. Обґрунтовані перспективні напрями досліджень та впровадження в практику діяльності підприємств туристичної сфери інноваційних управлінських проектів з метою подальшого розвитку туристичного сектору національної економіки.The article looks at the formation of tourism infrastructure as a means of improving the performance of tourism businesses. An important condition for the development of tourism as a determining factor in modernizing the economy and stabilizing the social situation is the state’s participation in the formation of a favorable environment for the development of tourism, the patronage of the development of basic industries, participation in investment activities (social aspect) and the development of the material and technical base. The author gives grounds for the prospective areas of research and practical application of innovative management projects for further development of the tourism sector of the national economy.В статье исследовано формирование инфраструктуры туризма как условие усовершенствования деятельности предприятий туристической сферы. Важным условием развития туризма как определяющего фактора модернизации экономики и стабилизации социального положения является участие государства в формировании благоприятной атмосферы для развития туризма, патронировании развития базовых отраслей, участие в инвестиционной деятельности (социальный аспект) и развитии материально-технической базы. Обоснованы перспективные направления исследований и внедрение в практику деятельности предприятий туристической сферы инновационных управленческих проектов с целью дальнейшего развития туристического сектора национальной экономики

    Long-Horizon Robust Direct Model Predictive Control for Medium-Voltage Induction Motor Drives With Reduced Computational Complexity

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    This paper proposes a long-horizon direct model predictive control (MPC) with reference tracking for medium-voltage (MV) drives that achieves favorable steady-state and transient behavior. However, as MPC is a model-based method, it is susceptible to parameter mismatches and variations of the machine. Moreover, even though a long prediction horizon significantly improves the steady-state behavior of the drive, it significantly increases the computational complexity of the direct MPC problem, rendering its real-time implementation a challenging—if not impossible—task. Motivated by these shortcomings of long-horizon direct MPC, this paper also aims to address them by enhancing the robustness of the developed control strategy, while keeping its computational complexity modest. To achieve the former, a prediction model suitable for MV drive systems is adopted that facilitates the effective estimation of the total leakage inductance of the machine. For the latter, the objective function of the MPC problem is formulated such that, even though the drive behavior is computed over a long prediction interval, only a few changes in the candidate switch positions are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling, control, and estimation approaches is validated with hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests for an MV drive consisting of a three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter and an induction machine (IM).acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    State support measures for import substitution impact on the investment projects efficiency in the power industry

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    In the structure of thermal generation of the Russian Federation, the share of modern combined-cycle plants, characterized by low specific fuel consumption (CCGT), is only 16 % and is based on the use of Western-made gas turbines. To stimulate import substitution, as measures of state support, special prices for capacity produced by new generation are used, and tax incentives are provided to investor enterprises. The paper assesses the impact of existing state support measures on the commercial efficiency of the investment project for the construction of a CCGT-120 on Russian equipment in the city of Saki (Republic of Crimea). The indicators of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period for three scenarios (basic and two alternative, differing in the composition of state support measures) are considered. It is shown that the use of a special capacity tariff for new generation (competitive capacity extraction of new generating facilities – KOM NG) and tax incentives ensures the project’s profitability at the level of 18.7 % and the payback period is 7 years. Refusal to provide special tariffs for the capacity will cause the project to become unprofitable. The abolition of tax incentives will lead to a reduction in NPV by 40 %, a decrease in the project’s profitability to a critical level of 14.7 % and an increase in the payback period by 2 years. In order to rise the commercial efficiency of investment projects for the installation of CCGT units on Russian equipment and reduce the scale of their state support, it is necessary to increase the volume of heat supply and optimize investment costs