318 research outputs found

    Synchronization in disordered Josephson junction arrays: Small-world connections and the Kuramoto model

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    We study synchronization in disordered arrays of Josephson junctions. In the first half of the paper, we consider the relation between the coupled resistively- and capacitively shunted junction (RCSJ) equations for such arrays and effective phase models of the Winfree type. We describe a multiple-time scale analysis of the RCSJ equations for a ladder array of junctions \textit{with non-negligible capacitance} in which we arrive at a second order phase model that captures well the synchronization physics of the RCSJ equations for that geometry. In the second half of the paper, motivated by recent work on small world networks, we study the effect on synchronization of random, long-range connections between pairs of junctions. We consider the effects of such shortcuts on ladder arrays, finding that the shortcuts make it easier for the array of junctions in the nonzero voltage state to synchronize. In 2D arrays we find that the additional shortcut junctions are only marginally effective at inducing synchronization of the active junctions. The differences in the effects of shortcut junctions in 1D and 2D can be partly understood in terms of an effective phase model.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figure

    Instabilities in Josephson Ladders with Current Induced Magnetic Fields

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    We report on a theoretical analysis, consisting of both numerical and analytic work, of the stability of synchronization of a ladder array of Josephson junctions under the influence of current induced magnetic fields. Surprisingly, we find that as the ratio of the mutual to self inductance of the cells of the array is increased a region of unstable behavior occurs followed by reentrant stable synchronization. Analytic work tells us that in order to understand fully the cause of the observed instabilities the behavior of the vertical junctions, sometimes ignored in analytic analyses of ladder arrays, must be taken into account.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nanomechanical-resonator-induced synchronization in Josephson junction arrays

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    We show that a serial array of N nonuniform, underdamped Josephson junctions coupled piezoelectrically to a nanoelectromechanical (NEM) oscillator results in phase locking of the junctions. Our approach is based on a semiclassical solution to a set of coupled differential equations that were generated by the Heisenberg operator equations, which in turn are based on a model Hamiltonian that includes the following effects: the charging and Josephson energies of the junctions, dissipation in the junctions, the effect of a dc bias current, an undamped simple harmonic oscillator (representing the NEM), and an interaction energy (due to the piezoelectric effect) between the NEM and the junctions. Phase locking of the junctions is signaled by a step in the current-voltage (I-V) curve. We find the phase-locked states are (neutrally) stable at the bottom and top of the step but not for bias currents in the middle of the step. Using harmonic balance, we are able to calculate an analytical expression for the location of the resonance step, v_step, in the I-V curve. Because of the multistability of the underdamped junctions, it is possible, with a judicious choice of initial conditions and bias current, to set a desired number N_a≤N of junctions on the resonance step, with N−N_a junctions in the zero-voltage state. We are also able to show that, when Na junctions are in the phase-locked configuration, the time-averaged energy of the NEM oscillator scales like N_a^2

    Detection and Estimation Theory

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    Contains reports on theses completed and four research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E

    Interplay of crystal field structures with f2f^2 configuration to heavy fermions

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    We examine a relevance between characteristic of crystal field structures and heavily renormalized quasiparticle states in the f0f^0-f1f^1-f2f^2 Anderson lattice model. Using a slave-boson mean-field approximation, we find that for f2f^2 configurations two or three quasiparticle bands are formed near the Fermi level depending on the number of the relevant f1f^1 orbitals in the f2f^2 crystal field ground state. The inter-orbital correlations characterizing the crystal field ground state closely reflect in inter-band residual interactions among quasiparticles. Particularly in the case of a singlet crystal field ground state, resulting residual antiferromagnetic exchange interactions among the quasiparticles lead to an anomalous suppression of the quasiparticle contribution of the spin susceptibility, even though the quasiparticle mass is strongly enhanced.Comment: 8 pages, 7 color figures, in JPSJ styl

    Trained immunity or tolerance : opposing functional programs induced in human monocytes after engagement of various pattern recognition receptors

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    Article Accepted Date: 29 January 2014. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS D.C.I. received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement HEALTH-2010-260338 (“Fungi in the setting of inflammation, allergy and autoimmune diseases: translating basic science into clinical practices” [ALLFUN]) (awarded to M.G.N.). M.G.N. and J.Q. were supported by a Vici grant of the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (awarded to M.G.N.). This work was supported, in part, by National Institutes of Health grant GM53522 to D.L.W. N.A.R.G. was supported by the Wellcome Trust.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    SeaWiFS Technical Report Series

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    The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) mission will provide operational ocean color that will be superior to the previous Coastal Zone Color Sensor (CZCS) proof-of-concept mission. An algorithm is needed that exploits the full functionality of SeaWiFS whilst remaining compatible in concept with algorithms used for the CZCS. This document describes the theoretical rationale of radiance band-ratio methods for determining chlorophyll-a and other important biogeochemical parameters, and their implementation for the SeaWIFS mission. Pigment interrelationships are examined to explain the success of the CZCS algorithms. In the context where chlorophyll-a absorbs only weakly at 520 nm, the success of the 520 nm to 550 nm CZCS band ratio needs to be explained. This is explained by showing that in pigment data from a range of oceanic provinces chlorophyll-a (absorbing at less than 490 nm), carotenoids (absorbing at greater than 460 nm), and total pigment are highly correlated. Correlations within pigment groups particularly photoprotectant and photosynthetic carotenoids are less robust. The sources of variability in optical data are examined using the NIMBUS Experiment Team (NET) bio-optical data set and bio-optical model. In both the model and NET data, the majority of the variance in the optical data is attributed to variability in pigment (chlorophyll-a), and total particulates, with less than 5% of the variability resulting from pigment assemblage. The relationships between band ratios and chlorophyll is examined analytically, and a new formulation based on a dual hyperbolic model is suggested which gives a better calibration curve than the conventional log-log linear regression fit. The new calibration curve shows the 490:555 ratio is the best single-band ratio and is the recommended CZCS-type pigment algorithm. Using both the model and NET data, a number of multiband algorithms are developed; the best of which is an algorithm based on the 443:555 and 490:555 ratios. From model data, the form of potential algorithms for other products, such as total particulates and dissolved organic matter (DOM), are suggested

    SeaWiFS Technical Report Series. Volume 29: SeaWiFS CZCS-type pigment algorithm

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    The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) mission will provide operational ocean color that will be superior to the previous Coastal Zone Color Sensor (CZCS) proof-of-concept mission. an algorithm is needed that exploits the full functionality of SeaWiFS whilst remaining compatible in concept with algorithms used for the CZCS. This document describes the theoretical rationale of radiance band-radio methods for determining chlorophyll alpha and other important biogeochemical parameters, and their implementation for the SeaWiFS mission. Pigment interrelationships are examined to explain the success of the CZCS algorithms. In the context where chlorophyll alpha absorbs only weakly at 520 nm, the success of the 520 nm to 550 nm CZCS band ratio needs to be explained. This is explained by showing that in pigment data from a range of oceanic provinces chlorophyll alpha (absorbing at less than 490 nm), carotenoids (absorbing at greater than 460 nm), and total pigment are highly correlated. Correlations within pigment groups particularly photoprotectant and photosynthetic carotenoids are less robust. The sources of variability in optical data re examined using the NIMBUS Experiment Team (NET) bio-optical data set and bio-optical model. In both the model and NET data, the majority of the variance in the optical data is attributed to variability in pigment (chlorophyll alpha, and total particulates, with less than 5% of the variability resulting from pigment assemblage. The relationships between band ratios and chlorophyll is examined analytically, and a new formulation based on a dual hyperbolic model is suggested which gives a better calibration curve than the conventional log-log linear regression fit. The new calibration curve shows that 490:555 ratio is the best single-band ratio and is the recommended CZCS-type pigment algorithm. Using both the model and NET data, a number of multiband algorithms are developed; the best of which is an algorithm based on the 443:555 and 490:555 ratios. From model data, the form of potential algorithms for other products, such as total particulates and dissolved organic matter (DOM), are suggested

    Optics-less smart sensors and a possible mechanism of cutaneous vision in nature

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    Optics-less cutaneous (skin) vision is not rare among living organisms, though its mechanisms and capabilities have not been thoroughly investigated. This paper demonstrates, using methods from statistical parameter estimation theory and numerical simulations, that an array of bare sensors with a natural cosine-law angular sensitivity arranged on a flat or curved surface has the ability to perform imaging tasks without any optics at all. The working principle of this type of optics-less sensor and the model developed here for determining sensor performance may be used to shed light upon possible mechanisms and capabilities of cutaneous vision in nature