345 research outputs found

    Characterisation of the Toxoplasma gondii tyrosine transporter and its phosphorylation by the calcium-dependent protein kinase 3.

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    Toxoplasma gondii parasites rapidly exit their host cell when exposed to calcium ionophores. Calcium-dependent protein kinase 3 (TgCDPK3) was previously identified as a key mediator in this process, as TgCDPK3 knockout (∆cdpk3) parasites fail to egress in a timely manner. Phosphoproteomic analysis comparing WT with ∆cdpk3 parasites revealed changes in the TgCDPK3-dependent phosphoproteome that included proteins important for regulating motility, but also metabolic enzymes, indicating that TgCDPK3 controls processes beyond egress. Here we have investigated a predicted direct target of TgCDPK3, ApiAT5-3, a putative transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, and show that it is rapidly phosphorylated at serine 56 after induction of calcium signalling. Conditional knockout of apiAT5-3 results in transcriptional upregulation of most ribosomal subunits, but no alternative transporters, and subsequent parasite death. Mutating the S56 to a non-phosphorylatable alanine leads to a fitness cost, suggesting that phosphorylation of this residue is beneficial, albeit not essential, for tyrosine import. Using a combination of metabolomics and heterologous expression, we confirmed a primary role in tyrosine import for ApiAT5-3. However, no significant differences in tyrosine import could be detected in phosphorylation site mutants showing that if tyrosine transport is affected by S56 phosphorylation, its regulatory role is subtle

    The plasmodium lactate/H+ transporter PfFNT is essential and druggable in vivo

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    Malaria parasites in the blood stage express a single transmembrane transport protein for the release of the glycolytic end product l-lactate/H(+) from the cell. This transporter is a member of the strictly microbial formate-nitrite transporter (FNT) family and a novel putative drug target. Small, drug-like FNT inhibitors potently block lactate transport and kill Plasmodium falciparum parasites in culture. The protein structure of Plasmodium falciparum FNT (PfFNT) in complex with the inhibitor has been resolved and confirms its previously predicted binding site and its mode of action as a substrate analog. Here, we investigated the mutational plasticity and essentiality of the PfFNT target on a genetic level, and established its in vivo druggability using mouse malaria models. We found that, besides a previously identified PfFNT G107S resistance mutation, selection of parasites at 3 x IC(50) (50% inhibitory concentration) gave rise to two new point mutations affecting inhibitor binding: G21E and V196L. Conditional knockout and mutation of the PfFNT gene showed essentiality in the blood stage, whereas no phenotypic defects in sexual development were observed. PfFNT inhibitors mainly targeted the trophozoite stage and exhibited high potency in P. berghei- and P. falciparum-infected mice. Their in vivo activity profiles were comparable to that of artesunate, demonstrating strong potential for the further development of PfFNT inhibitors as novel antimalarials

    X-ray scattering study of GaN nanowires grown on Ti/Al2_{2}O3_{3} by molecular beam epitaxy

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    GaN nanowires (NWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Ti films sputtered on Al2_{2}O3_{3} are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). XRD, performed both in symmetric Bragg reflection and at grazing incidence, reveals Ti, Ti3_{3}O, Ti3_{3}Al, and TiOx_xNy_y crystallites with in-plane and out-of-plane lattice parameters intermediate between those of Al2_{2}O3_{3} and GaN. These topotaxial crystallites in Ti film, formed due to interfacial reactions and N exposure, possess fairly little misorientation with respect to Al2_{2}O3_{3}. As a result, GaN NWs grow on the top TiN layer possessing a high degree of epitaxial orientation with respect to the substrate. The measured GISAXS intensity distributions are modeled by the Monte Carlo method taking into account the orientational distributions of NWs, a variety of their cross-sectional shapes and sizes, and roughness of their side facets. The cross-sectional size distributions of the NWs and the relative fractions of (11ˉ00)(1\bar{1}00) and (112ˉ0)(11\bar{2}0) side facets are determined

    Backward bending structure of Phillips Curve in Japan, France, Turkey and the U.S.A.

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    This work aims to analyse the cointegration and the causality relationship between inflation and unemployment by using nonlinear A.R.D.L. and two popular nonlinear causality tests for the period from 1960 to 2016 in Japan, Turkey, the U.S.A. and from 1970 to 2016 in France. This study complements the previous empirical papers. However, it differs from the existing literature with simultaneous use of nonlinear A.R.D.L. and causality methods. Nonlinear A.R.D.L. determined that there is a long run relationship between inflation and unemployment; between economic growth and unemployment for Japan, France, the U.S.A. and Turkey

    Direct image to subtype prediction for brain tumors using deep learning

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    BACKGROUND: Deep Learning (DL) can predict molecular alterations of solid tumors directly from routine histopathology slides. Since the 2021 update of the World Health Organization (WHO) diagnostic criteria, the classification of brain tumors integrates both histopathological and molecular information. We hypothesize that DL can predict molecular alterations as well as WHO subtyping of brain tumors from hematoxylin and eosin-stained histopathology slides. METHODS: We used weakly supervised DL and applied it to three large cohorts of brain tumor samples, comprising N = 2845 patients. RESULTS: We found that the key molecular alterations for subtyping, IDH and ATRX, as well as 1p19q codeletion, were predictable from histology with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.95, 0.90, and 0.80 in the training cohort, respectively. These findings were upheld in external validation cohorts with AUROCs of 0.90, 0.79, and 0.87 for prediction of IDH, ATRX, and 1p19q codeletion, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In the future, such DL-based implementations could ease diagnostic workflows, particularly for situations in which advanced molecular testing is not readily available

    Multicentre evaluation of the Naída Ci Q70 sound processor: Feedback from cochlear implant users and professionals

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    The aim of this survey was to gather data from both implant recipients and professionals on the ease of use of the Naída CI Q70 (Naída CI) sound processor from Advanced Bionics and on the usefulness of the new functions and features available. A secondary objective was to investigate fitting practices with the new processor. A comprehensive user satisfaction survey was conducted in a total of 186 subjects from 24 centres. In parallel, 23 professional questionnaires were collected from 11 centres. Overall, there was high satisfaction with the Naída CI processor from adults, children, experienced and new CI users as well as from professionals. The Naída CI processor was shown as being easy to use by all ages of recipients and by professionals. The majority of experienced CI users rated the Naída CI processor as being similar or better than their previous processor in all areas surveyed. The Naída CI was recommended by the professionals for fitting in all populations. Features like UltraZoom, ZoomControl and DuoPhone would not be fitted to very young children in contrast to adults. Positive ratings were obtained for ease of use, comfort and usefulness of the new functions and features of the Naída CI sound processor. Seventy-seven percent of the experienced CI users rated the new processor as being better than their previous sound processor from a general point of view. The survey also showed that fitting practices were influenced by the age of the user