59 research outputs found

    Recent Advances in Paper Mill Sludge Management

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    Inhibicija aktivnosti acetilkolinesteraze u zemaljskog jednakonošca Porcellio scaber kao mogući pokazatelj prisutnosti organofosfornih spojeva u hrani

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    This paper describes the toxicity of organophosphorus pesticide diazinon in juvenile and adult terrestrial isopods Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea). The woodlice were exposed to different concentrations of diazinon added to food (5, 10, 50, and 100 or 150 µg/g dry food). Weight change and food assimilation efficiency were determined two and four weeks after the exposure. The activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in surviving animals was measured at the end of the experiment. The results show that woodlice exposed to diazinon do not significantly differ from controls in growth and feeding rate. The reduction of AChE activity was observed at the lowest diazinon exposure (5 and 10 µg/g dry food). These results suggest that AChE activity might prove a useful biomarker, indicating low levels of organophosphates in food.Autori su istraživali toksičnost organofosfornog pesticida diazinona za nezrele i odrasle forme zemaljskog jednakonošca Porcellio scaber. Kukci su eksponirani različitim koncentracijama diazinona dodanog lišću od lijeske, hrani kojom se ti kukci hrane. Kontrolna skupina hranjena je jednakom hranom bez dodatka diazinona. Primijenjene koncentracije diazinona bile su 5, 10, 50 i 100 ili 150 µg/g suhog lista. Autori su mjerili promjenu tjelesne težine i učinak asimilirane hrane, i to nakon 2 i 4 tjedna trajanja ekspozicije. Na kraju pokusa u preživjelih kukaca mjerili su aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze Ellmanovom metodom. Rezultati su pokazali da se kukci eksponirani diazinonu ne razlikuju značajno od kontrolne skupine u pogledu rasta i hranjenja. Aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze, međutim, bila je smanjena već u kukaca eksponiranih najnižim koncentracijama diazinona (5 i 10 µg/g suhe hrane). Ovi rezultati upućuju na to da bi aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze u zemaljskih jednakonožaca mogla biti dobar biološki pokazatelj ekspozicije organofosfornim spojevima u hrani

    Određivanje antocijanina i hidroksicinamske kiseline te njihova količina u različitim vrstama trešnje Prunus avium L. iz Nove Gorice (Slovenija)

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    The anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acids in 5 cultivars of dark coloured sweet cherries were characterised and quantified by means of HPLC and UV-VIS spectrophotometry. Phenolic components were extracted with pure methanol, without addition of acid and water. The samples were diluted in the mixture of methanol and formic acid just before the injection on the column and separated on Hypersil PEP 300 C18 chromatographic column using gradient solvent system consisting of formic acid, water and methanol. DAD detector was employed and two wavelengths were chosen for determination of different components; 320 nm for hydroxycinnamates and 520 nm for anthocyanins. We detected the presence of cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside as major anthocyanins, while pelargonidin-3 rutinoside was identified among minor pigments. The major hydroxycinnamic acids were characterised as neochlorogenic acid and 3\u27-p-coumaroylquinic acid. Total anthocyanin content (expressed as cyanidin-3-glucoside) ranged from 29 to 62 mg/100 g of pitted cherry fresh weight (FW), with the highest content observed in Petrovka, a local cultivar. Concentrations of neochlorogenic acid and 3’-p coumaroylquinic acid ranged from 19.5 to 53.0 mg/100 g FW and from 7.5 to 50.6 mg/100 g FW, respectively. The relative amounts of these two phenolic acids varied widely between the cherry cultivars examined in this study.Antocijanini i hidroksicinamske kiseline određeni su i utvrđena je njihova količina HPLC- i UV-VIS-spektrofotometrijom u pet vrsta tamnocrvenih trešanja. Fenolni spojevi ekstrahirani su čistim etanolom bez dodatka kiseline i vode. Uzorci su bili razrijeđeni smjesom metanola i mravlje kiseline neposredno prije injekcije. Na kromatografskoj koloni Hypersil PEP 300 C18 razdvojeni su uzorci korištenjem gradijenta sustava otapala od mravlje kiseline, vode i metanola. Da bi se odredili pojedini sastojci, primijenjen je DAD-detektor i dvije valne duljine, i to: 320 nm za hidroksicinamate i 520 nm za antocijanine. Kao glavni sastojak antocijanina utvr|ena je prisutnost cijanidin-3-glukozida i cijanidin-3-rutinozida, dok je utvrđena manja količina pelargonidina-3-rutinozida. Glavne hidroksicinamske kiseline bile su neoklorogenska i 3´-p-kumaroil-kinska kiselina. Ukupni udjel antocijanina (izražen kao cijanidin-3-glukozid) iznosio je od 29 do 62 mg / 100 g mase svježih plodova bez koštica pri čemu je najveću vrijednost imala vrsta Petrovka. Koncentracija neoklorogenske kiseline iznosila je od 19,5 do 53,0 mg / 100 g svježih trešanja bez koštica, a 3´-p-kumaroil- kinske kiseline 7,5–50,6 mg / 100 g. Relativne količine tih dviju fenolnih kiselina znatno su se razlikovale među pojedinim ispitivanim vrstama trešanja

    Determination of polyphenols in white grape berries cv.

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    Rebula white grapes polyphenols are determined for the first time. We analyzed grapes sampled from 13 different vineyards in Goriška Brda. Total polyphenols were determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method. For the individual polyphenols determination we used high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) -diode array detection (DAD) technique. The separation of polyphenols from grapes was performed using narrow bore C18 Luna column (Phenomenex, 2 x 150 mm, 3µm) and monitored at 320 nm. The majority of white grapes polyphenols was represented by four hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs). According to their UV-Vis spectra and chromatographic retention properties they corresponded to trans-caftaric, trans-coutaric, cis-coutaric and trans-fertaric acid. To confirm the identity of separated polyphenols, they were also directed to the ion trap mass spectrophotometer (Finnigan LCQ Deca) fitted with electrospray ionization (ESI) probe. Spectra were recorded in negative mode between m/z 100 and m/z 500. The mass spectrometer was programmed to do two consecutive scans: a full mass (MS) and an MS 2 scan of the most abundant ion in the full mass spectra. The results confirmed the assumptive identification of three HCAs; trans-caftaric, trans-coutaric and trans-fertaric acids in white grape berries cv. Rebula based on HPLC-DAD analysis

    Challenges of municipal hygiene - the case of safe drinking water supply

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    V članku so na primeru zagotavljanja kakovostne oskrbe z zdravstveno ustrezno pitno vodo prikazani izzivi, ki jih pred sanitarne strokovnjake, ob odločanju o naložbah v komunalno infrastrukturo, postavlja povezava lokalne politike, lobijev, finančnih in zakonodajnih vplivov ter stališč stroke. Lastnica komunalne infrastrukture je običajno občina, upravljavec pa je tisti, ki mora zadostiti zahtevam glede skladnosti in zdravstvene ustreznosti pitne vode. Predstavljene so značilnosti vodovodnega sistema Postojna-Pivka, stanje sistema pred sanacijo, rezultati mikrobioloških preskušanj v obdobju med leti 2009 in 2014 ter uporabljene tehnološke rešitve ob sanaciji v letu 2012. Na osnovi zgoraj naštetega ter znanstvenih in strokovnih ugotovitev o posameznih dosegljivih tehnologijah, so predstavljeni izzivi stroke ob odločanju za izbor najustreznejše tehnologije ob predvideni investiciji v komunalno infrastrukturo.In the paper the case of the provision of safe drinking water supply is used to highlight the challenges put on sanitary experts in the decision-making process of investments in the municipal infrastructure, taking into consideration the links between local policy, lobbyists, financial and regulatory impact and professional decisions. The owner of the municipal infrastructure is usually the municipality, but the operator is the one who must ensure compliance of safe drinking water to meet the criteria. The characteristics of the water supply system Postojna-Pivka, system status before remediation, the microbiological tests results in the period between years 2009 and 2014, and applied technology solutions during remediation process in 2012, are presented. On Received: 14. 10. 2014 Accepted: 6. 11. 2014 1 Javno podjetje Kovod Postojna, vodovod, kanalizacija, d.o.o., Jeršice 3, 6230 Postojna, Slovenija 2 Komunala Trebnje d.o.o., Goliev trg 9, 8210 Trebnje, Slovenija 3 Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena Fakulteta, Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija ∗ Corresponding author mag. Nevenka Ferfila Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena Fakulteta, Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija [email protected] Strokovni članek 56 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2014 the basis of the above mentioned facts, as well as scientific and technical findings on achievable technologies, the challenges for experts, when deciding on the selection of optimal available technology for prospective investment in a municipal infrastructure, are presented

    Stability and Toxicity of Selected Chlorinated Benzophenone-type UV Filters in Waters

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    In our study, the transformation of two most widely used UV filters, benzophenone-3 (BP3) and benzophenone-4 (BP4), in chlorinated water with disinfection reagents sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCCA) was studied. Based on the HPLC/MS and UV-Vis analysis the formation of two different chlorinated products (5-chloro-2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone and 3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone) was established. Identity of chlorinated products was confirmed by means of comparison of retention times with independently synthesized standards. Photostability study showed that dichloro-derivative in water is less stable then parent compounds, which is not the case for monochloro-derivatives. Toxicity of chlorinated compounds tested by Vibrio fischeri was found to be in the same range as that of the starting compounds. Preliminary testing of real water samples from swimming pools and sea swimming areas confirmed the presence of BP3 and its 3,5-dichloro derivative


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    Approximately, 15% of the total textile colorant production is estimated to be lost during dyeing and processing of textile fibres. If left untreated, these wastewaters can represent a serious environmental threat. In the present paper a combination of photocatalytic and biological degradation of prepared textile wastewaters (simulation of real textile effluent) is presented. Samples have been monitored through the course of photocatalytic experiments: change in UV-VIS absorbance spectra and complete decolouration were achieved for all three tested dyed wastewaters; however, only partial COD removal was achieved with photocatalytic oxidation (PCOx) and photocatalytic ozonation (PCOz). Toxicity test (Vibrio fischeri) of untreated and pretreated (constructed wetland, CW) samples showed a decrease in toxicity values only for the red-dyed wastewater. Comparison of efficiency of PCOx and PCOz for decolouration and mineralization of three structurally different dyes (anthraquinone and two azo dyes) has been done. CW pretreatment caused faster decolouration and substantial COD removal in PCOx (up to 45%). Pretreatment also accelerated decolouration during PCOz, but it accelerated COD removal only in the case of red-dyed wastewater due to short irradiation times applied