1,671 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Loss in Quality of South Dakota Eggs

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    This study is an attempt to determine certain marketing practices of South Dakota\u27s egg producers and handlers. The specific objectives of the study are (1) to assemble information relating to those factors which cause loss in quality of eggs as they pass from the producer through the various marketing channels and (2) to find a basis for recommending and to recommend , practices which will eliminate some oft the loss in quality. This survey is based on a survey made by the North Central Regional Committee which complied data concerning the loss in quality of eggs in the North Central Region. The results obtained in this study, incorporate some of the materials used in the regional study, but limit the information as much as possible to that which will allow a basis of comparison for South Dakota. It includes only the information which is considered to be of definitive value to the South Dakota egg producers

    Food waste materials appear efficient and low-cost adsorbents for the removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from wastewater

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    In recent studies, the adsorption capacity of several food waste materials has been assessed by performing adsorption experiments in heterogeneous operating conditions. In a latest study, the efficiency of such food waste materials for the removal of metals and metalloids from complex multi-element solutions was evaluated in homogeneous experimental conditions, which allowed comparing the adsorption capacities of the individual adsorbents. Considering the high efficiency of the examined low-cost adsorbents for the removal of inorganic pollutants, preliminary studies were conducted in our lab for assessing the potential of the investigated food waste materials to adsorb volatile organic compounds from a real polluted matrix of leachate. Some recent studies have shown the efficiency of low cost materials for the removal of industrial organic dyes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phenolic compounds. However, the food waste adsorbents’ efficiency for the removal of volatile organic compounds was not investigated. Our preliminary studies showed good adsorption capacities of the examined food waste materials for aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, it is worth to carry out further studies about volatile organic compounds’ removal by food waste adsorbents

    Farm-gate nitrogen balances on intensive dairy farms in the south west of Ireland

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    peer-reviewedNitrogen management and farm-gate N balances were evaluated on 21 intensive dairy farms in the south west of Ireland for each of four years (2003 to 2006). The mean annual stocking density was equivalent to 202 kg/ha (s.d. 29.6) of N excreted by livestock on the farm. The mean annual farm-gate N surplus (imports – exports) declined between 2003 and 2006 (277 to 232 kg/ha, s.e. 6.8; P < 0.001) due to a decline in annual N imports (fertilizer, feed and imported manures; 335 to 288 kg/ha, s.e. 6.9; P < 0.001). Overall annual fertilizer N use on the farms decreased during the study period (266 to 223 kg/ha, s.e. 6.5; P < 0.001) mainly due to lower inputs for the first application in spring and for the production of first-cut silage. These decreases were partly offset by applying more slurry in spring for early grazing and for first-cut silage. The introduction of white clover resulted in lower N imports on four farms. Export of N from farms was unaffected by reductions in N imports. The mean efficiency of N use tended to increase over time (0.18 in 2003 to 0.20 in 2006). The large variation in quantities of fertilizer N applied on farms with similar stocking densities suggests potential for further improvements in the efficiency of N use. In terms of fertilizer N use, complying with S.I. No. 378 of 2006 did not require major changes in the N management practiceson 19 of the farms.This project was part-funded by the European Research and Development Fund under INTERREG IIIB: Green Dairy Project N° 100 and partly by the Dairy Levy. Financial support for post-graduate students involved in this study was provided by the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Scheme

    A group-theoretic approach to the bifurcation analysis of elastic frameworks with symmetry

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    We present a general approach to the bifurcation analysis of elastic frameworks with symmetry. While group-theoretic methods for bifurcation problems with symmetry are well known, their actual implementation in the context of elastic frameworks is not straightforward. We consider frames comprising assemblages of Cosserat rods, and the main difficulty arises from the nonlinear configuration space, due to the presence of (cross-sectional) rotation fields. We avoid this via a single-rod formulation, developed earlier by one of the authors, whereby the governing equations are embedded in a linear space. The field equations comprise the assembly of all rod equations, supplemented by compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the joints. We demonstrate their equivariance under the symmetry-group action, and the implementation of group-theoretic methods is now natural within the linear-space context. All potential generic, symmetry-breaking bifurcations are predicted apriori. We then employ an open-source path-following code, which can detect and compute simple, onedimensional bifurcations; multiple bifurcation points are beyond its capabilities. For the latter, we construct symmetry-reduced problems implemented by appropriate substructures. Multiple bifurcations are rendered simple, and the path-following code is again applicable. We first analyze a simple tripod framework, providing all details of our methodology. We then treat a hexagonal space frame via the same approach. The tripod and the hexagonal dome both exhibit simple and double bifurcation points.Comment: preprin

    Offshore Distances of Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) Observed during Fall in the Beaufort Sea, 1982–2000: An Alternative Interpretation

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    Nineteen years (1982– 2000) of sighting data from fall aerial surveys of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea were analyzed to determine how patterns in the distribution of migrating bowhead whales relate to annual sea-ice conditions. Transect sighting rate (transect sightings/km) indicated (ANOVA; F2, 980 = 143.84, p &lt; 0.0001) that bowhead whales occurred farther offshore in years of heavy ice conditions (73.4 km, 95% CL: 67.2–79.6 km) than in years of moderate (49.3 km, 95% CL: 44.8–53.84 km), or light (31.2 km, 95% CL: 30.0–32.4 km) ice conditions. The most plausible explanation for the observed pattern in bowhead whale distribution is that in years of heavy ice conditions (annual pack ice; 1983, 1988, 1991), the developing landfast ice limits availability of shallow nearshore habitat, thus necessitating use of leads and ice openings in deeper water. We acknowledge that factors such as bathymetry, ocean currents, transport, and food availability may also interact to influence autumn distribution of bowhead whales. In heavy ice years, however, these factors likely exert less influence on bowhead whale distribution than in years with light to moderate ice conditions.Les données automnales prélevées à partir de relevés aériens pendant 19 années chez les baleines boréales (1982– 2000) (Balaena mysticetus) de la mer de Beaufort alaskienne ont été analysées dans le but de déterminer comment les tendances caractérisant la répartition des baleines boréales en migration se rapportent à l’état annuel des glaces et de la mer. Le taux de repérage transect (repérage transect/km) a indiqué (ANOVA; F2, 980 = 143.84, p &lt; 0,0001) que les baleines boréales se trouvaient plus loin au large pendant les années où il y avait beaucoup de glace (73,4 km, 95 % CL: 67,2–79,6 km) que pendant les années où la glace était modérée (49,3 km, 95 % CL: 44,8–53.84 km) ou légère (31,2 km, 95 % CL: 30,0–32,4 km). L’explication la plus plausible à la source de la tendance qui a été observée en matière de répartition des baleines boréales, c’est que pendant les années où il y a beaucoup de glace (banquise; 1983, 1988, 1991), la glace de rive en formation limite la disponibilité d’habitats de faible profondeur à proximité du littoral, ce qui nécessite l’utilisation de chenaux et d’ouvertures dans la glace en eau plus profonde. On reconnaît que des facteurs comme la bathymétrie, les courants océaniques, le transport et la disponibilité de la nourriture peuvent également entrer en interaction au point d’exercer une influence sur la répartition automnale des baleines boréales. Cependant, pendant les années où il y a beaucoup de glace, ces facteurs sont susceptibles d’exercer moins d’influence sur la répartition des baleines boréales que pendant les années où la couverture de glace varie de légère à moyenne
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