16 research outputs found
Carprofen neither reduces postoperative facial expression scores in rabbits treated with buprenorphine nor alters long term bone formation after maxillary sinus grafting
In connection with bilateral maxillary sinus augmentation, the acute effects of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug carprofen on facial expressions and long-term effects on bone formation were evaluated in 18 male New Zealand White rabbits. A 10 Ă 10mm bone window was drilled in the maxilla, the sinus membrane elevated and a titanium mini-implant inserted. One of two test materials was randomly inserted unilaterally and bovine bone chips (control) on the contralateral side in the created space. Rabbits were randomly allocated to receive buprenorphine plus carprofen (n = 9) or buprenorphine plus saline (n = 9) postoperatively. Buprenorphine was administered subcutaneously every 6 h for 3 days in a tapered dose (0.05-0.01 mg/kg) and carprofen (5 mg/kg) or saline administered subcutaneously 1 h before, and daily for 4 days postoperatively. To assess pain, clinical examination, body weight recording and scoring of facial expressions from photos taken before, and 6-13 h after surgery were performed. Twelve weeks after surgery the rabbits were euthanized and sections of maxillary bones and sinuses were analysed with histomorphometry and by qualitative histology. Carprofen had no effect on mean facial expression scores,which increased from 0.0 to 3.6 (carprofen) and 4.3 (saline), of a maximum of 8.0. Neither did carprofen have an effect on bone formation or implant incorporation, whereas the test materials had. In conclusion, treatment with 5mg/kg carprofen once daily for 5 days did not reduce facial expression scores after maxillary sinus augmentation in buprenorphine treated rabbits and did not affect long term bone formation
Clinical and experimental studies of bone substitutes and dental implants in compromised bone sites
Background: With an ageing population, an increase of more challenging implant treatments is expected. In this thesis, we evaluate the outcome of two faster implant protocols, in patients with compromised alveolar bone. We examine the bone integrating abilities of two new synthetic bone substitute materials and in another paper, we discuss the effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) on bone healing. Aim: In paper I we investigate implant survival and effect of reduced implant-tooth distance. In paper II we evaluate the long-term implant survival and function of immediately loaded implants. In paper III & IV, we analyse if added NSAID reduce postoperative pain and if it has a reduced effect on new bone formation in a rabbit sinus lift model. We also investigate if a ceramic compound (CPC, granules) and hydrogel (HABP.CaP) result in a similar or larger bone amount, in comparison with bovine bone mineral. In Paper V we assess new bone formation adjacent to a hollow CPC implant. Material & Methods: Paper I present a clinical and radiological follow-up, performed on subjects that previously received 3.0-3.3 mm diameter implants in the aesthetic area. In paper II, clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on subjects that had received six implants each with immediate loading in the maxilla 8-11-year ago. For paper III-IV, pain was assessed by clinical examination and scoring of facial expressions from photos. Histomorphometry and histology evaluations were performed. In paper V, a critical radius defect was created and either replaced by particulate autologous bone (AB) or a CPC implant. Qualitative and quantitative radiographic and histology evaluations were performed. Results: In paper I, an implant survival of 97.2% up to 124 months was shown with a tooth-implant distance in many cases of <1.5 mm. Discoloration and recession of the buccal gingiva was the most frequent patient concern. In paper II a cumulative implant survival rate was 81.9 % at the final follow-up. In paper III and IV it was shown that NSAID had no effect on pain relief or bone formation. No difference was shown between CPC and control, but both showed larger bone amount and BIC than HABP.CaP. In paper V new bone was seen in sites throughout the entire CPC implant. Conclusion: Satisfactory long-term dental implant results can be obtained without bone augmentation in most patients with atrophic alveolar bone, but there is still a minority in this group that may benefit of bone enhancement prior to implant treatment. To avoid the negative effects of autologous bone grafting, synthetic materials as the presented CPC, have shown promising results as a solution or alternative to existing bone substitutes in animal models
Clinical and experimental studies of bone substitutes and dental implants in compromised bone sites
Background: With an ageing population, an increase of more challenging implant treatments is expected. In this thesis, we evaluate the outcome of two faster implant protocols, in patients with compromised alveolar bone. We examine the bone integrating abilities of two new synthetic bone substitute materials and in another paper, we discuss the effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) on bone healing. Aim: In paper I we investigate implant survival and effect of reduced implant-tooth distance. In paper II we evaluate the long-term implant survival and function of immediately loaded implants. In paper III & IV, we analyse if added NSAID reduce postoperative pain and if it has a reduced effect on new bone formation in a rabbit sinus lift model. We also investigate if a ceramic compound (CPC, granules) and hydrogel (HABP.CaP) result in a similar or larger bone amount, in comparison with bovine bone mineral. In Paper V we assess new bone formation adjacent to a hollow CPC implant. Material & Methods: Paper I present a clinical and radiological follow-up, performed on subjects that previously received 3.0-3.3 mm diameter implants in the aesthetic area. In paper II, clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on subjects that had received six implants each with immediate loading in the maxilla 8-11-year ago. For paper III-IV, pain was assessed by clinical examination and scoring of facial expressions from photos. Histomorphometry and histology evaluations were performed. In paper V, a critical radius defect was created and either replaced by particulate autologous bone (AB) or a CPC implant. Qualitative and quantitative radiographic and histology evaluations were performed. Results: In paper I, an implant survival of 97.2% up to 124 months was shown with a tooth-implant distance in many cases of <1.5 mm. Discoloration and recession of the buccal gingiva was the most frequent patient concern. In paper II a cumulative implant survival rate was 81.9 % at the final follow-up. In paper III and IV it was shown that NSAID had no effect on pain relief or bone formation. No difference was shown between CPC and control, but both showed larger bone amount and BIC than HABP.CaP. In paper V new bone was seen in sites throughout the entire CPC implant. Conclusion: Satisfactory long-term dental implant results can be obtained without bone augmentation in most patients with atrophic alveolar bone, but there is still a minority in this group that may benefit of bone enhancement prior to implant treatment. To avoid the negative effects of autologous bone grafting, synthetic materials as the presented CPC, have shown promising results as a solution or alternative to existing bone substitutes in animal models
Clinical and experimental studies of bone substitutes and dental implants in compromised bone sites
Background: With an ageing population, an increase of more challenging implant treatments is expected. In this thesis, we evaluate the outcome of two faster implant protocols, in patients with compromised alveolar bone. We examine the bone integrating abilities of two new synthetic bone substitute materials and in another paper, we discuss the effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) on bone healing. Aim: In paper I we investigate implant survival and effect of reduced implant-tooth distance. In paper II we evaluate the long-term implant survival and function of immediately loaded implants. In paper III & IV, we analyse if added NSAID reduce postoperative pain and if it has a reduced effect on new bone formation in a rabbit sinus lift model. We also investigate if a ceramic compound (CPC, granules) and hydrogel (HABP.CaP) result in a similar or larger bone amount, in comparison with bovine bone mineral. In Paper V we assess new bone formation adjacent to a hollow CPC implant. Material & Methods: Paper I present a clinical and radiological follow-up, performed on subjects that previously received 3.0-3.3 mm diameter implants in the aesthetic area. In paper II, clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on subjects that had received six implants each with immediate loading in the maxilla 8-11-year ago. For paper III-IV, pain was assessed by clinical examination and scoring of facial expressions from photos. Histomorphometry and histology evaluations were performed. In paper V, a critical radius defect was created and either replaced by particulate autologous bone (AB) or a CPC implant. Qualitative and quantitative radiographic and histology evaluations were performed. Results: In paper I, an implant survival of 97.2% up to 124 months was shown with a tooth-implant distance in many cases of <1.5 mm. Discoloration and recession of the buccal gingiva was the most frequent patient concern. In paper II a cumulative implant survival rate was 81.9 % at the final follow-up. In paper III and IV it was shown that NSAID had no effect on pain relief or bone formation. No difference was shown between CPC and control, but both showed larger bone amount and BIC than HABP.CaP. In paper V new bone was seen in sites throughout the entire CPC implant. Conclusion: Satisfactory long-term dental implant results can be obtained without bone augmentation in most patients with atrophic alveolar bone, but there is still a minority in this group that may benefit of bone enhancement prior to implant treatment. To avoid the negative effects of autologous bone grafting, synthetic materials as the presented CPC, have shown promising results as a solution or alternative to existing bone substitutes in animal models
Optimering av listhantering i telekomapplikation
Sammanfattning Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete som gjordes Ät TietoEnator. MÄlet med examensarbetet var att optimera listhantering i en telekomapplikation. För att utföra detta anvÀndes programmeringssprÄket C. Uppgiften omfattade fyra delar som bestod av att: - Undersöka den nuvarande implementationen - FöreslÄ förbÀttring till den nuvarande implementationen - Implementera den utvalda lösningen - Utföra mÀtningar samt dokumentera resultaten Undersökningen av den nuvarande implementationen gjordes genom flera olika mÀtningar för att kunna se exekveringstiderna pÄ operationerna. Förslag till förbÀttringar till den nuvarande implementationen gjordes genom analysering av olika datastrukturer. Implementationen av den utvalda lösningen blev ett AVL-trÀd och en hjÀlplista som Àr en lÀnkad lista. MÀtningar och dokumentation gjordes genom att mÀta tider pÄ den gamla och nya implementationen dÀr man sedan jÀmförde exekveringstiderna. Resultatet blev en klar förbÀttring som t.ex. sökning av ett objekt vilket blev i snitt 3000 ggr snabbare. Det vi har gjort i detta examensarbete kommer TietoEnator att implementera och utveckla vidare
Framtagning av kontrollmÀtningstekniker för byggnader genom en lead user-studie
TeliaSonera har sedan ett tag tillbaka inlett ett projekt med ett antal företag inom byggbranschen. Projektet gÄr ut pÄ att ta fram kontrolltekniker som kontinuerligt mÀter en byggnads tillstÄnd genom hela dess livstid, sÄ att eventuella brister kan upptÀckas innan de blir till ett problem. Med andra ord Àr tanken att ha nÄgon form av teknik som kontinuerligt avlÀser diverse egenskaper i en byggnad som exempelvis fuktighetshalten i vÀggarna, om ventilationen fungerar som den ska och halten av olika Àmnen i luften. Det praktiska syftet var att verifiera om trenden kontinuerlig kontrollmÀtning efterfrÄgas genom att ta kontakt med branschexperter inom sÄvÀl byggbranschen som vissa andra parallella branscher och se om Àven de uppmÀrksammat denna. Under antagandet att de gjort det, var intentionen vidare att försöka urskilja de sÄ kallade lead users. Lead users Àr anvÀndare vilka erfar behov före marknaden som helhet samt som Àr benÀgna till att vara innovativa, dÄ en lösning pÄ deras behov förvÀntas medföra stor nytta för dem. Under förutsÀttning att det varit möjligt att urskilja denna typ av anvÀndare var avsikten att dÀrefter ta reda pÄ vilka behov respektive lösningar som de uppfattade i samband med denna trend. För genomförandet av undersökningen valdes en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Vid insamlandet av empirin anvÀndes telefonintervjuer dÀr personer verkande inom byggbranschen samt andra parallella branscher, som ocksÄ anvÀnder sig av diverse kontrolltekniker, intervjuades. Den empiri som erhölls analyserades mot bakgrund av teorier inom Àmnet. De centrala teorier som tas upp Àr bland annat lead user-begreppet, lead user-metoden samt svÄrigheter vid implementering av innovationer pÄ marknaden. I slutsatsen konstaterades att sÄvÀl trenden; kontinuerliga kontrollmÀtningar som lead users existerar inom byggbranschen. Dock visade sig urskiljningen av dessa anvÀndare vara enklare i teorin Àn i praktiken. Avslutningsvis identifierades Àven ett antal behov respektive lösningar som lead users uppfattade i samband med denna trend
Customer loyalty, meeting conscious and subconscious needs
Denna uppsats behandlar Onsjö golfklubb och dess medlemmar. Under de senaste Ären har mÄnga medlemmar valt att lÀmna klubben. Vi har valt att titta pÄ varför medlemmarna vÀljer att lÀmna klubben, vad klubben kan göra för att tillfredstÀlla sina medlemmar bÀttre och dÀrmed skapa lojalitet. För att kunna ta reda pÄ dessa olika frÄgor valde vi att göra bÄde en kvalitativ- och en kvantitativ undersökning. Den kvalitativa ansatsen genomfördes genom telefonintervjuer med före detta medlemmar. De befintliga medlemmarna undersöktes kvantitativt med hjÀlp av en enkÀt. EnkÀten utformades efter intervjuer med 10 stycken golfspelare som inte har nÄgon anknytning till Onsjö golfklubb. Den information som vi fick fram genom intervjuerna och enkÀterna analyserade vi med hjÀlp av teorier inom Àmnet. De teorier som vi valt att anvÀnda oss av Àr kundtillfredsstÀllelse, engagemang, kundlojalitet, kundens toleranszon och kundens bytesbeteende. VÄr undersökning visade att medlemmarna Àr nöjda med de attribut som de identifierar som viktiga till exempel banans skick, geografisk placering och banans utformning. Medlemmarna har inte uppgett att atmosfÀren i klubben Àr speciellt viktigt men vÄr undersökning har visat att golf Àr en social sport och det sociala umgÀnget i klubben Àr viktigare Àn vad medlemmarna sjÀlva förstÄr. AtmosfÀren har av ungefÀr hÀlften av medlemmarna fÄtt underbetyg. Klubben verkar vara kraftigt splittrad mellan de gamla, engagerade medlemmarna och de nya som Àr dÀr frÀmst för att spela golf. Detta har pÄverkat lojaliteten mycket negativt
AffÀrsrelationer ur ett nÀtverksperspektiv : En fallstudie av ett företag inom ICT-industrin
Syftet med uppsatsen aÌr att beskriva hur foÌrhaÌllandet ser ut mellan ett foÌretag och dess affaÌrsrelationer utifraÌn fallfoÌretagets perspektiv. En kartlaÌggning goÌrs av foÌretagets affaÌrsrelationer, fyra kunder och en kontraktstillverkare, ur ett naÌtverksperspektiv. Den empiriska delen av uppsatsen grundar sig i semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem anstaÌllda ur fallfoÌretaget som har betydande kundkontakt. Det maÌrks tydliga foÌrdelar, utifraÌn fallfoÌretagets perspektiv, att ingaÌ i affaÌrsrelationer. Resurser aÌr vaÌsentliga foÌr fallfoÌretaget paÌ grund av bolagets mindre storlek och ekonomiska situation (nyligen uppnaÌtt âbreak evenâ). FallfoÌretaget besparar resurser och daÌrmed kapital genom att foÌrvaÌrva andra aktoÌrers resurser och faÌ aktiviteter att gaÌ paÌ rutin i affaÌrsrelationer. Med bakgrunden att stora resurser investeras i affaÌrsrelationer fokuserar fallfoÌretaget enbart paÌ ett faÌtal relationer. UtifraÌn identifierade affaÌrsrelationer kan vi tydligt se att relationerna skiljer sig markant fraÌn varandra i fraÌga om aktivitetslaÌnkar, resursband och aktoÌrsfoÌrbindelser