596 research outputs found


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    Flight Regime and Maneuver Recognition for Complex Maneuvers

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    The purpose of this study is to demonstrate capability of flight regime recognition during complex maneuvers flown in a fixed wing airplane using measured data from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Flight Regime Recognition (FRR) is required for numerous applications in the aerospace and aviation industry, including the determination of loads for stress and strain analysis. It can also be used in recreational aviation for maneuver recognition, for example in aerobatics. This study uses a flight simulator to generate representative flight data that is parsed by a specifically developed algorithm into appropriate flight regimes. This algorithm is a filter technique that uses states based on the aircraft\u27s attitude, accelerations and rates and compares them to known trajectories for the identification of specific maneuvers. Particular care has been taken to ensure appropriate noise rejection and tolerance to errors in the realization of the maneuver. Presented here will be a particularly challenging test case of identification of complex aerobatic, aresti maneuvers, from specific flight trajectory. Results are conclusive in terms of regime recognition but further testing of the maneuver identification algorithms will be necessary in order to derive a robust maneuver recognition program

    Cooperative Landscapes: a Comparative Study of Two Industrial Landscapes Linked to the Llobregat River

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    Existen múltiples acepciones del concepto de cooperación, pero todas aluden a la colaboración entre individuos en una causa común. La noción de paisaje cultural está íntimamente ligada a esta idea por tratarse de una construcción social que involucra a una comunidad que coopera para adaptarse al medio que habita. Este artículo aborda un aná lisis comparativo que indaga en la influencia de diferentes proceso s cooperativos en la génesis hi stórica y reivindicación contemporánea de dos paisajes industriales vinc ulados al río Llobregat (Catal unya), que actualmente están siendo reivindicados por su valor patrimonial: el Canal de la Infanta en el Baix Llobregat y las Colonias Textiles del Baix Berguedà. Se concluye el artículo sintetizand o las distintas fases que atraviesan estos dos paisajes productivos y mati zando las características de los modelos de cooperación y los agentes involucrados.There are many definitions of the concept of cooperation, but all of them refer to collaboration between individuals with a common cause. The notion of Cultural Landscape is closely linked to this idea because it is a social construct that involves several agents cooperating in the adaptation process to the physical and social environment in which they inhabit. This article undertakes a comparative analysis which explores the influence of different cooperative processes in the historical genesis and contemporary revindication of two industrial landscapes linked to the river Llobregat (Catalonia), which are currently being claimed for their heritage value: the Infanta Canal (Baix Llobregat) and the Textile Colonies (Baix Berguedà). The article concludes by synthesising the different phases of these two productive landscapes and the characteristics of the cooperation models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    L’Urgence de l’art(Bernard Marcadé, Jérôme Alexandre)

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    Ce petit ouvrage propose une correspondance entre Bernard Marcadé –historien d’art, philosophe et critique d’art- et Jérôme Alexandre –théologien chrétien-. Si ce format est plutôt traditionnel et le discours consensuel, nous sommes surpris par la poésie avec laquelle les auteurs nous entraînent dans leur conversation. De fait, le dialogue, travaillé, reste à la fois élégant et vivant. Pourquoi l’art existe-t-il ? Pourquoi l’art fait-il partie de notre culture ? Quelle puissance donner à une ..

    L’Urgence de l’art(Bernard Marcadé, Jérôme Alexandre)

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    Ce petit ouvrage propose une correspondance entre Bernard Marcadé –historien d’art, philosophe et critique d’art- et Jérôme Alexandre –théologien chrétien-. Si ce format est plutôt traditionnel et le discours consensuel, nous sommes surpris par la poésie avec laquelle les auteurs nous entraînent dans leur conversation. De fait, le dialogue, travaillé, reste à la fois élégant et vivant. Pourquoi l’art existe-t-il ? Pourquoi l’art fait-il partie de notre culture ? Quelle puissance donner à une ..

    Aaron Curry : Bad Brain

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    De juin à octobre 2014, le capcMusée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux a accueilli les œuvres de l’artiste californien Aaron Curry dans le cadre d’une exposition nommée Bad Brain. Les imposantes sculptures colorées d’Aaron Curry dénotent avec l’atmosphère solennelle du lieu, héritage de la ville bordelaise, construit au début du XIXesiècle. Le catalogue reprend pièce par pièce les œuvres d’Aaron Curry, de la première de couverture jusqu’à la quatrième, en passant par les 148 pages qu’il recueill..

    Frizzled3 Expression and Colony Development in Hydractiniid Hydrozoans

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    Hydractiniid hydrozoan colonies are comprised of individual polyps connected by tube‐like stolons or a sheet‐like mat. Mat and stolons function to integrate the colony through continuous epithelia and shared gastrovascular cavity. Although mechanisms of hydrozoan polyp development have been well studied, little is known about the signaling processes governing the patterning of colonies. Here we investigate the Wnt receptor family Frizzled. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that hydrozoans possess four Frizzled orthologs. We find that one of these genes, Frizzled3 , shows a spatially restricted expression pattern in colony‐specific tissue in two hydractiniid hydrozoans, Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and Podocoryna carnea , in a manner that corresponds to their distinct colony forms (stolonal mat in Hydractinia and free stolons in Podocoryna ). Interestingly, Frizzled3 was lost in the genome of Hydra , which is a solitary polyp and thus lacks colony‐specific tissue. Current evidence suggests that the Wnt signaling pathway plays a key role in the evolution of colony diversity and colony loss in Hydrozoa

    Lee Bul

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    Cette monographie de Lee Bul invite à plonger dans un univers utopique et fragmenté. Les installations immersives de l’artiste sud coréenne donnent le vertige. Elles suscitent un trouble par des jeux de miroir, de double, de reflets et nous font perdre peu à peu tous repères, avant de restructurer la vision à leur façon. Aussi, Lee Bul nous donne-t-elle à voir des mondes autres par le biais de sculptures et de dessins qui prennent la forme de maquettes, voire de « chimères dérisoires » (p. 5)..

    Localization of Multiple Jellyfish Toxins Shows Specificity for Functionally Distinct Polyps and Nematocyst Types in a Colonial Hydrozoan

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    Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus is a colonial hydrozoan that displays a division of labor through morphologically distinct and functionally specialized polyp types. As with all cnidarians, their venoms are housed in nematocysts, which are scattered across an individual. Here, we investigate the spatial distribution of a specific protein family, jellyfish toxins, in which multiple paralogs are differentially expressed across the functionally specialized polyps. Jellyfish toxins (JFTs) are known pore-forming toxins in the venoms of medically relevant species such as box jellyfish (class Cubozoa), but their role in other medusozoan venoms is less clear. Utilizing a publicly available single-cell dataset, we confirmed that four distinct H. symbiolongicarpus JFT paralogs are expressed in nematocyst-associated clusters, supporting these as true venom components in H. symbiolongicarpus. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were used to localize the expression of these JFTs across the colony. These expression patterns, in conjunction with known nematocyst type distributions, suggest that two of these JFTs, HsymJFT1c-I and HsymJFT1c-II, are localized to specific types of nematocysts. We further interpret JFT expression patterns in the context of known regions of nematogenesis and differential rates of nematocyst turnover. Overall, we show that JFT expression patterns in H. symbiolongicarpus are consistent with the subfunctionalization of JFT paralogs across a partitioned venom system within the colony, such that each JFT is expressed within a specific set of functionally distinct polyp types and, in some cases, specific nematocyst types