38 research outputs found

    Do Spirituality and Faith Make a Difference? Report from the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study Group

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    OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, some attention has been given to spirituality and faith and their role in cancer patients' coping. Few data are available about spirituality among cancer patients in Southern European countries, which have a big tradition of spirituality, namely, the Catholic religion. As part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study--SEPOS), the aim of this study was to examine the effect of spirituality in molding psychosocial implications in Southern European cancer patients. METHOD: A convenience sample of 323 outpatients with a diagnosis of cancer between 6 to 18 months, a good performance status (Karnofsky Performance Status > 80), and no cognitive deficits or central nervous system (CNS) involvement by disease were approached in university and affiliated cancer centers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland (Italian speaking area). Each patient was evaluated for spirituality (Visual Analog Scale 0-10), psychological morbidity (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale--HADS), coping strategies (Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer--Mini-MAC) and concerns about illness (Cancer Worries Inventory--CWI). RESULTS. The majority of patients (79.3%) referred to being supported by their spirituality/faith throughout their illness. Significant differences were found between the spirituality and non-spirituality groups (p ≤ 0.01) in terms of education, coping styles, and psychological morbidity. Spirituality was significantly correlated with fighting spirit (r = -0.27), fatalism (r = 0.50), and avoidance (r = 0.23) coping styles and negatively correlated with education (r = -0.25), depression (r = -0.22) and HAD total (r = -0.17). SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Spirituality is frequent among Southern European cancer patients with lower education and seems to play some protective role towards psychological morbidity, specifically depression. Further studies should examine this trend in Southern European cancer patients

    Abordagem psicológica da obesidade mórbida: Caracterização e apresentação do protocolo de avaliação psicológica

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    A obesidade mórbida (OM) é uma versão patológica de obesidade considerada um grave problema de saúde para os indivíduos que dela sofrem. O seu tratamento deve ser baseado numa abordagem biopsicossocial do indivíduo e do seu processo de doença que assegure o êxito do tratamento, a curto e longo prazo. A abordagem psicológica de cariz cognitivocomportamental estrutura-se ao longo das 3 principais fases do processo de tratamento: (1) pré-cirurgia, (2) internamento e (3) pós-cirurgia e follow-up. A primeira fase desta abordagem corresponde à avaliação psicológica dos doentes candidatos a cirurgia. Neste estudo apresenta-se a caracterização psicológica da população com OM, avaliada entre Fevereiro de 2002 e Maio de 2004, duma consulta de especialidade hospitalar. A metodologia desenvolvida inclui uma entrevista clínica semi-estruturada e questionários de auto- -avaliação das dimensões de personalidade (MCMI- -II), ansiedade e depressão (HADS), qualidade de vida (MOS-SF/20) e auto-conceito (ICAC). Foram avaliados 212 pacientes com uma média de idades de 41,1 anos e um IMC de 46,6Kg/m2. Apresentam-se os resultados obtidos e o protocolo de avaliação psicológica desenvolvido. Salienta-se a importância da avaliação psicológica para parecer técnico e os seus dados qualitativos para delineamento dos objectivos psicoterapêuticos e psico-educativos, como modo imprescindível ao sucesso deste processo de tratamento.Morbid obesity (MO) is a pathological type of obesity considered a serious health problem to the individuals who have it. Its treatment should be based on a biopsychosocial model of the individual and his/ her illness process for assuring short and long term treatment success. The psychological approach, cognitive- behaviour based, is structured along the 3 main phases of the treatment process: (1) pre-surgery; (2) inpatient; (3) post-surgery and follow-up. The first phase of this approach corresponds to the psychological assessment of the patients that are candidates to surgery. This study presents the psychological characterization of the MO population, assessed between February 2002 and May 2004, of a hospital specialized consultation. The developed methodology includes a semi-structured interview and self-assessment questionnaires of personality (MCMI-II), anxiety and depression (HADS), quality of life (MOS-SF/20) and self-concept (ICAC). 212 patients were assessed with a mean age of 41.1 years old, and a BMI of 46.6Kg/m2. We present the data and the protocol we developed for psychological assessment. We emphasize the importance of the psychological assessment for technical advice before surgery and its qualitative data for designing the psycho-educational and psychotherapeutic objectives, as fundamental to the success of the treatment process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Abordagem psicológica da obesidade mórbida: Caracterização e apresentação do protocolo de avaliação psicológica

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    A obesidade mórbida (OM) é uma versão patológica de obesidade considerada um grave problema de saúde para os indivíduos que dela sofrem. O seu tratamento deve ser baseado numa abordagem biopsicossocial do indivíduo e do seu processo de doença que assegure o êxito do tratamento, a curto e longo prazo. A abordagem psicológica de cariz cognitivo-comportamental estrutura-se ao longo das 3 principais fases do processo de tratamento: (1) pré-cirurgia, (2) internamento e (3) pós-cirurgia e follow-up. A primeira fase desta abordagem corresponde à avaliação psicológica dos doentes candidatos a cirurgia. Neste estudo apresenta-se a caracterização psicológica da população com OM, avaliada entre Fevereiro de 2002 e Maio de 2004, duma consulta de especialidade hospitalar.A metodologia desenvolvida inclui uma entrevista clínica semi-estruturada e questionários de auto-avaliação das dimensões de personalidade (MCMI-II), ansiedade e depressão (HADS), qualidade de vida (MOS-SF/20) e auto-conceito (ICAC). Foram avaliados 212 pacientes com uma média de idades de 41,1 anos e um IMC de 46,6Kg/m2. Apresentam-se os resultados obtidos e o protocolo de avaliação psicológica desenvolvido. Salienta-se a importância da avaliação psicológica para parecer técnico e os seus dados qualitativos para delineamento dos objectivos psicoterapêuticos e psico-educativos, como modo imprescindível ao sucesso deste processo de tratamento

    Gaps in care and support for patients with advanced breast cancer: a report from the Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance

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    PURPOSE Although new therapeutic options continue to improve disease-related outcomes in advanced breast cancer (ABC), enhanced focus is needed to improve quality of life for patients currently living with ABC. METHODS In November 2019, a multidisciplinary workshop to explore patient perceptions of their information and support needs was held at the ABC Global Alliance Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. Ninety-two attendees from 27 countries participated in the workshop. RESULTS Several key unmet needs were identified and discussed in the workshop, including the following: (1) Significant patient knowledge gaps exist related to the diagnosis and management of ABC, and the availability of patient-focused information to support these gaps in knowledge remains limited. (2) The development of meaningful relationships between patients and health care professionals, and the role of patients in decision making, is often overlooked for patients with ABC. (3) Multidisciplinary care approaches are crucial for patients with ABC; however, these often lack effective coordination. (4) Access to clinical trials for ABC also remains limited. (5) Caregivers, friends, and family members do not receive sufficient guidance to support patients with ABC and manage their own well-being. CONCLUSION The variety of unmet needs explored in the workshop demonstrates that patients with ABC still face considerable challenges related to quality of care and support, which will not be resolved until tangible action is taken. Issues highlighted in the workshop should be prioritized by working groups to shape the development of community-based solutions. There is a need for the global community to act proactively to maximize awareness of these ongoing unmet needs and existing resources, while socializing and building new initiatives and resources that will help to close these gaps for patients

    High-value breast cancer care within resource limitations

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    Breast cancer care is a costly global health issue where effective management depends on early detection and treatment. A breast cancer diagnosis can result in financial catastrophe especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Large inequities in breast cancer care are observed and represent a global challenge to caregivers and patients. Strategies to improve early diagnosis include awareness and clinical breast examination in LMIC, and screening in high-income countries (HIC). The use of clinical guidelines for the management of breast cancer is needed. Adapted guidelines from HIC can address disparities in populations with limited resources. Locally developed strategies still provide effective guidance in improving survival. Integrated practice units (IPU) with timely multidisciplinary breast care conferences and patient navigators are required to achieve high-value, personalized breast cancer management in HIC as well as LMIC. Breast cancer patient care should include a quality of life evaluation using ideally patient-reported outcomes (PROM) and experience measurements (PREM). Evaluation of breast cancer outcomes must include the financial cost of delivered care. The resulting value perspective should guide resource allocation and program priorities. The value of care must be improved by translating the findings of social and economic research into practice and resolving systemic inequity in clinical breast cancer research. Cancer survivorship programs must be put in place everywhere. The treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer must require more attention in the future, especially in LMIC

    Addressing disparities and challenges in underserved patient populations with metastatic breast cancer in Europe

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    People with metastatic breast cancer face many challenges and disparities in obtaining optimal cancer care. These challenges are accentuated in underserved patient populations across Europe, who are less likely to receive quality healthcare for reasons including socioeconomic inequalities, educational or cultural status, or geographic location. While there are many local and national initiatives targeted to address these challenges, there remains a need to reduce disparities and improve access to healthcare to improve outcomes, with a focus on multidisciplinary stakeholder engagement. In October 2019, a range of experts in metastatic breast cancer, including healthcare professionals, patient representatives, policymakers and politicians, met to discuss and prioritize the critical needs of underserved patient populations with metastatic breast cancer in Europe. Six key challenges faced by these communities were identified: the need for amplification of the metastatic breast cancer patient voice, better and wider implementation of high-quality guidelines for metastatic breast cancer, more collaboration between stakeholders, tailored support for patients from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, improved data sharing, and work-related issues. The Expert Panel then conceived and discussed potential actionable goals to address each key challenge. Their conclusions present a set of interrelated approaches to address the different challenges and could serve as the basis for concerted improvement of the lives of patients with metastatic breast cancer in Europe

    International Survey of Psychosocial Care for Cancer Survivors in Low-/Middle- and High-Income Countries: Current Practices, Barriers, and Facilitators to Care.

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    PurposeThe number of cancer survivors living with and beyond cancer treatment is rising globally. It is fundamental to understand the extent and type of psychosocial care services offered worldwide. We evaluated models of cancer survivorship care, psychosocial care practices in the post-treatment survivorship phase, and barriers/facilitators to delivery of psychosocial care services, including in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).MethodsThe International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) Survivorship Special Interest Group led a cross-sectional online survey between March and November 2022. Health care professionals and researchers in psycho-oncology were invited through the IPOS global membership, social media, and snowballing. The survey was administered to individuals but included questions related to practices in their country at a national level.ResultsTwo hundred eighty-three respondents from 37 countries participated (40% from LMICs), with a median of 12 years of experience (IQR, 6-20) in the psycho-oncology field. Participants reported that the most common elements of routine survivorship care were related to the prevention/management of recurrences/new cancers (74%), physical late effects (59%), and chronic medical conditions (53%), whereas surveillance/management of psychosocial late effects (27%) and psychosocial/supportive care (25%) were least common. Service availability was more commonly reported in high-income countries (HICs) than LMICs related to reproductive health (29% v 17%), genetic counseling/support (40% v 20%), and identifying/managing distress (39% v 26%) and pain (66% v 48%). Key barriers included providers focusing on treatment not survivorship (57%), medical not psychosocial care (60%), and a lack of allied health providers to deliver psychosocial care (59%).ConclusionThe psychosocial needs of people living with cancer are not adequately available and/or provided in post-treatment survivorship even in HICs, because of barriers at patient, provider, and system levels