1,571 research outputs found

    Observation of the phononic Lamb shift with a synthetic vacuum

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    The quantum vacuum fundamentally alters the properties of embedded particles. In contrast to classical empty space, it allows for creation and annihilation of excitations. For trapped particles this leads to a change in the energy spectrum, known as Lamb shift. Here, we engineer a synthetic vacuum building on the unique properties of ultracold atomic gas mixtures. This system makes it possible to combine high-precision spectroscopy with the ability of switching between empty space and quantum vacuum. We observe the phononic Lamb shift, an intruiguing many-body effect orginally conjectured in the context of solid state physics. Our study therefore opens up new avenues for high-precision benchmarking of non-trivial theoretical predictions in the realm of the quantum vacuum

    Potential energy threshold for nano-hillock formation by impact of slow highly charged ions on a CaF2_2(111) surface

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    We investigate the formation of nano-sized hillocks on the (111) surface of CaF2_2 single crystals by impact of slow highly charged ions. Atomic force microscopy reveals a surprisingly sharp and well-defined threshold of potential energy carried into the collision of about 14 keV for hillock formation. Estimates of the energy density deposited suggest that the threshold is linked to a solid-liquid phase transition (``melting'') on the nanoscale. With increasing potential energy, both the basal diameter and the height of the hillocks increase. The present results reveal a remarkable similarity between the present predominantly potential-energy driven process and track formation by the thermal spike of swift (∼\sim GeV) heavy ions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Swift heavy ion induced radiation damage in EuPO4EuPO_4

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    Environment-assisted quantum transport in a 10-qubit network

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    The way in which energy is transported through an interacting system governs fundamental properties in many areas of physics, chemistry, and biology. Remarkably, environmental noise can enhance the transport, an effect known as environment-assisted quantum transport (ENAQT). In this paper, we study ENAQT in a network of coupled spins subject to engineered static disorder and temporally varying dephasing noise. The interacting spin network is realized in a chain of trapped atomic ions and energy transport is represented by the transfer of electronic excitation between ions. With increasing noise strength, we observe a crossover from coherent dynamics and Anderson localization to ENAQT and finally a suppression of transport due to the quantum Zeno effect. We found that in the regime where ENAQT is most effective the transport is mainly diffusive, displaying coherences only at very short times. Further, we show that dephasing characterized by non-Markovian noise can maintain coherences longer than white noise dephasing, with a strong influence of the spectral structure on the transport effciency. Our approach represents a controlled and scalable way to investigate quantum transport in many-body networks under static disorder and dynamic noise.Comment: Mai

    Local formation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond by swift heavy ions

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    We exposed nitrogen-implanted diamonds to beams of swift uranium and gold ions (~1 GeV) and find that these irradiations lead directly to the formation of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers, without thermal annealing. We compare the photoluminescence intensities of swift heavy ion activated NV- centers to those formed by irradiation with low-energy electrons and by thermal annealing. NV- yields from irradiations with swift heavy ions are 0.1 of yields from low energy electrons and 0.02 of yields from thermal annealing. We discuss possible mechanisms of NV-center formation by swift heavy ions such as electronic excitations and thermal spikes. While forming NV centers with low efficiency, swift heavy ions enable the formation of three dimensional NV- assemblies over relatively large distances of tens of micrometers. Further, our results show that NV-center formation is a local probe of (partial) lattice damage relaxation induced by electronic excitations from swift heavy ions in diamond.Comment: to be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Improved radiative corrections for (e, e'p) experiments: Beyond the peaking approximation and implications of the soft-photon approximation

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    Abstract.: Analyzing (e, e'p) experimental data involves corrections for radiative effects which change the interaction kinematics and which have to be carefully considered in order to obtain the desired accuracy. Missing momentum and energy due to bremsstrahlung have so far often been incorporated into the simulations and the experimental analyses using the peaking approximation. It assumes that all bremsstrahlung is emitted in the direction of the radiating particle. In this article we introduce a full angular Monte Carlo simulation method which overcomes this approximation. As a test, the angular distribution of the bremsstrahlung photons is reconstructed from H(e, e'p) data. Its width is found to be underestimated by the peaking approximation and described much better by the approach developed in this work. The impact of the soft-photon approximation on the photon angular distribution is found to be minor as compared to the impact of the peaking approximatio

    Antimony Nanowire Networks

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