683 research outputs found

    Generation time measures the trade-off between survival and reproduction in a life cycle

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    AbstractSurvival and fertility are the two most basic components of fitness, and they drive the evolution of a life cycle. A trade-off between them is usually present: when survival increases, fertility decreases?and vice versa. Here we show that at an evolutionary optimum, the generation time is a measure of the strength of the trade-off between overall survival and overall fertility in a life cycle. Our result both helps to explain the known fact that the generation time describes the speed of living in the slow-fast continuum of life cycles and may have implications for the extrapolation from model organisms of longevity to humans

    A deterministic model for the occurrence and dynamics of multiple mutations in hierarchically organized tissues

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    We model a general, hierarchically organized tissue by a multi compartment approach, allowing any number of mutations within a cell. We derive closed solutions for the deterministic clonal dynamics and the reproductive capacity of single clones. Our results hold for the average dynamics in a hierarchical tissue characterized by an arbitrary combination of proliferation parameters.Comment: 4 figures, to appear in Royal Society Interfac

    Interacting cells driving the evolution of multicellular life cycles

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    Author summary Multicellular organisms are ubiquitous. But how did the first multicellular organisms arise? It is typically argued that this occurred due to benefits coming from interactions between cells. One example of such interactions is the division of labour. For instance, colonial cyanobacteria delegate photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation to different cells within the colony. In this way, the colony gains a growth advantage over unicellular cyanobacteria. However, not all cell interactions favour multicellular life. Cheater cells residing in a colony without any contribution will outgrow other cells. Then, the growing burden of cheaters may eventually destroy the colony. Here, we ask what kinds of interactions promote the evolution of multicellularity? We investigated all interactions captured by pairwise games and for each of them, we look for the evolutionarily optimal life cycle: How big should the colony grow and how should it split into offspring cells or colonies? We found that multicellularity can evolve with interactions far beyond cooperation or division of labour scenarios. More surprisingly, most of the life cycles found fall into either of two categories: A parent colony splits into two multicellular parts, or it splits into multiple independent cells

    Probing the accretion processes in soft X-ray selected polars

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    High-energy data of accreting white dwarfs give access to the regime of the primary accretion-induced energy release and the different proposed accretion scenarios. We perform XMM-Newton observations of polars selected due to their ROSAT hardness ratios close to -1.0 and model the emission processes in accretion column and accretion region. Our models consider the multi-temperature structure of the emission regions and are mainly determined by mass-flow density, magnetic field strength, and white-dwarf mass. To describe the full spectral energy distribution from infrared to X-rays in a physically consistent way, we include the stellar contributions and establish composite models, which will also be of relevance for future X-ray missions. We confirm the X-ray soft nature of three polars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Acta Polytechnica, Proceedings of "The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects II

    The evolution of strategic timing in collective-risk dilemmas

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    In collective-risk dilemmas, a group needs to collaborate over time to avoid a catastrophic event. This gives rise to a coordination game with many equilibria, including equilibria where no one contributes, and thus no measures against the catastrophe are taken. In this game, the timing of contributions becomes a strategic variable that allows individuals to interact and influence one another. Herein, we use evolutionary game theory to study the impact of strategic timing on equilibrium selection. Depending on the risk of catastrophe, we identify three characteristic regimes. For low risks, defection is the only equilibrium, whereas high risks promote equilibria with sufficient contributions. Intermediate risks pose the biggest challenge for cooperation. In this risk regime, the option to interact over time is critical; if individuals can contribute over several rounds, then the group has a higher chance to succeed, and the expected welfare increases. This positive effect of timing is of particular importance in larger groups, where successful coordination becomes increasingly difficul

    Strategy abundance in 2x2 games for arbitrary mutation rates

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    We study evolutionary game dynamics in a well-mixed populations of finite size, N. A well-mixed population means that any two individuals are equally likely to interact. In particular we consider the average abundances of two strategies, A and B, under mutation and selection. The game dynamical interaction between the two strategies is given by the 2x2 payoff matrix [(a,b), (c,d)]. It has previously been shown that A is more abundant than B, if (N-2)a+Nb>Nc+(N-2)d. This result has been derived for particular stochastic processes that operate either in the limit of asymptotically small mutation rates or in the limit of weak selection. Here we show that this result holds in fact for a wide class of stochastic birth-death processes for arbitrary mutation rate and for any intensity of selection.Comment: version 2 is the final published version that contains minor changes in response to referee comment

    The pace of evolution across fitness valleys

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    How fast does a population evolve from one fitness peak to another? We study the dynamics of evolving, asexually reproducing populations in which a certain number of mutations jointly confer a fitness advantage. We consider the time until a population has evolved from one fitness peak to another one with a higher fitness. The order of mutations can either be fixed or random. If the order of mutations is fixed, then the population follows a metaphorical ridge, a single path. If the order of mutations is arbitrary, then there are many ways to evolve to the higher fitness state. We address the time required for fixation in such scenarios and study how it is affected by the order of mutations, the population size, the fitness values and the mutation rate

    Applying symmetries of elasticities in matrix population models

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    Elasticity analysis is a key tool in the analysis of matrix population models, which describe the dynamics of stage-structured populations in ecology and evolution. Elasticities of the dominant eigenvalue of a matrix model to matrix entries obey certain symmetries. Yet not all consequences of these symmetries are fully appreciated, as they are sometimes hidden in mathematical detail. Here, we propose a method to reason about these symmetries directly by visual inspection of the life cycle graph that corresponds to the matrix model. We present two applications of this method, one in ecology and one in evolution. First, we prove several conjectures about elasticities that were obtained from purely numerical results and that can support population managers in decision-making under scarce demographic information. Second, we show how to identify candidates for invariant trade-offs in evolutionary optimal life cycles. The method extends to the elasticity analysis of non-dominant eigenvalues, of the stochastic growth rate and, in next-generation matrices, of the basic reproduction number

    The possible modes of microbial reproduction are fundamentally restricted by distribution of mass between parent and offspring

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    SignificanceCells and simple cell colonies reproduce by fragmenting their bodies into pieces. Produced newborns need to grow before they can reproduce again. How big a cell or a cell colony should grow? How many offspring should be produced? Should they be of equal size or diverse? We show that the simple fact that the immediate mass of offspring cannot exceed the mass of parents restricts possible answers to these questions. For example, our theory states that, when mass is conserved in the course of fragmentation, the evolutionarily optimal reproduction mode is fragmentation into exactly two, typically equal, parts. Our theory also shows conditions which promote evolution of asymmetric division or fragmentation into multiple pieces

    Fixation probabilities in network structured meta-populations

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    The effect of population structure on evolutionary dynamics is a long-lasting research topic in evolutionary ecology and population genetics. Evolutionary graph theory is a popular approach to this problem, where individuals are located on the nodes of a network and can replace each other via the links. We study the effect of complex network structure on the fixation probability, but instead of networks of individuals, we model a network of sub-populations with a probability of migration between them. We ask how the structure of such a meta-population and the rate of migration affect the fixation probability. Many of the known results for networks of individuals carry over to meta-populations, in particular for regular networks or low symmetric migration probabilities. However, when patch sizes differ we find interesting deviations between structured meta-populations and networks of individuals. For example, a two patch structure with unequal population size suppresses selection for low migration probabilities