793 research outputs found

    How Can Students' English Speech Skill Be Improved?

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    One of the most crucial language abilities is the ability to speak English, particularly in the business. However, speaking abilities are still relatively poor among students in general and pedagogy students in particular. The essay will give ideas to enhance the standard of teaching and learning in schools and will discuss the current state of English learning among students in an effort to at least partially address these inadequacies

    Surveying Causes Affecting English Learning Of Non- Special Students

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    Learning English has created many difficulties for non-English major students, especially final year students. The article investigates the causes affecting the English language learning of a group of final year non-English major students at Tan Trao University, and proposes some solutions to overcome these difficulties.Tan Trao University in Tuyen Quang, Viet Na

    Application Of Some Active Learning Methods And Assessment In English For Accounting

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    The issue of teaching and learning English for specialties or ESP (English for Specific Purposes) is an issue that has been mentioned and discussed for many years among Teaching Methods, linguistic and specialized teachers (Le, 2010). From the perspective of linguists and English teachers, specialized English teaching is an area of English language teaching (Hutchinson and Waters) rather than specialized teaching in English as envisioned by the specialized students and professional lecturers. Therefore, Specialized English teaching methods are also the method of teaching English in general applied to specialized English classes. However, the real issue is still controversial because no matter who teaches or the content and orientation, there is an existing fact that our students are still limited in using the language. They are both in general and specialized fields, unable to express themselves in the English language. Presentation skills or the ability to express opinions and evaluate problems in a hypothetical working environment are generally unsatisfactory. In this respect, it can be seen that specialized English teaching and learning is going in the direction of communication in teaching and learning to meet the needs of society (Kenedy, C, and Bolitho, R,). These two scholars emphasize that it is important not to consider English as a specialty as an area of development separate from English language teaching. It is part of a transformation in the English language teaching sector, from general purpose English to specialized purposes. Within the scope of this article, I only focus on introducing some positive assessments and learning methods that have been applied in specialized English teaching.Tan Trao University in Tuyen Quang, Viet Na


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Some Solutions to Help Students Enjoy Learning English More

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    When teaching a large class of students, the teacher's biggest concern is which method to use to partially satisfy the learning needs of the majority of students. Each class has its unique characteristics, different learning needs, and the same level of students between classes at Tan Trao University. Some methods work well for one class, but not for another. This concern becomes much greater when the level of the student and the level of the curriculum has quite a big difference. Teachers often have to add the function of "curriculum designer" for a particular class. In addition to teaching according to the school's general curriculum, teachers must prepare more types of exercises and support activities to help students become more interested in learning and learn English more effectively. In this research paper, the writer of this article would like to mention some solutions that I have applied to students of Kindergarten Class C K8 and their feedback on my solution

    Utilizing Visual Stimuli to Foster Engagement Among English Speaking Skill Learners During Instructional Sessions

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    The utilization of imagery proves highly effective in stimulating interest and fostering motivation for learners during the process of honing English speaking skills. Through this approach, not only does it facilitate learners in easily conceptualizing and comprehending concepts visually, but it also provides a platform for them to discuss and articulate ideas with confidence and creativity. Imagery serves as a bridge between language and real-life experiences, thereby igniting learners' passion and curiosity, aiding in their rapid and effective progress in language acquisition. In the journey of refining English speaking skills, imagery transcends mere static pictures to become gateways to myriad worlds. When educators incorporate images into the classroom, they bring not only pictures but also emotions, stories, and even dreams. Each detail within an image serves as a key, unlocking the door to imagination, enabling learners to step into a rich world where language extends beyond words on paper to vibrant images within the mind. Through the integration of imagery, the learning process becomes vivid and captivating, transforming each lesson into an adventure, a voyage filled with exploration and anticipation.&nbsp

    Some Impact of the English Competence Assessment Test Based on Output Standards on English Teaching at Tan Trao University

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    The standardized English proficiency assessment has yielded significant and positive impacts on the English teaching and learning processes at Tan Trao University. This assessment not only serves as a tool to evaluate students' English proficiency but also constitutes an integral component of the educational process, encompassing curriculum design and instructional methodologies. One of the paramount effects of this assessment is the establishment of clear standards regarding proficiency levels and requisite skills. This initiative provides educators and students with a precise understanding of the competencies required for English language acquisition. Consequently, the university can devise tailored language programs that ensure students are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in academic and professional environments. Furthermore, the assessment instills a sense of pressure on students as they prepare and engage in a high-stakes testing environment. However, this pressure serves as a motivator for students to enhance their individual English proficiency. Consequently, students are propelled towards autonomy and responsibility in their English language learning endeavors, whether through supplemental coursework or independent study. the assessment fosters improvements in the quality of English language instruction at the university. Educators must possess comprehensive knowledge of the assessment's content and requisite skills, prompting them to explore and implement effective pedagogical strategies. This results in a diversification of teaching methodologies, ranging from the utilization of extensive learning resources to the organization of practical activities and classroom discussions.&nbsp

    AIR POLLUTION REDUCE PRODUCTION AND LEAVE AREA OF RED RADISH (Rapahanus sativus cv. Red Chime) AND CHINESE VEGETABLE (Brassica campestris var. rosularis cv. ATU171)

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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart
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