805 research outputs found

    Ba[Mg2Al2N4]Eu2+ phosphor for enhancing the optical quality of the 6600K CPW-LEDs

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    Compared with conventional lamps, LED-based light sources have a superior lifetime, efficiency, and reliability, which promise significant reductions in power consumption and pollution from fossil fuel power plants. The main purpose of this paper is proposed and investigated the effect of the concentration of Ba[Mg2Al2N4]Eu2+conversion phosphor on the CCT deviation (D-CCT) and lumen output (LO) of the 6600 K conformal-packaging white LEDs (CPW-LEDs). For this purpose, we used the Light Tools and Mat Lab software to investigate this problem. From the research results, we can state that the concentration of the red phosphor crucially influenced on the optical quality of the 6600 K CPW-LEDs. The D-CCT can be decreased from 4700K to 2500K, and the LO can be increased from 600 lm. to 1200 lm. This research can provide the new recommendation for LEDs industry at this time

    Hierarchical robust fuzzy sliding mode control for a class of simo under-actuated systems with mismatched uncertainties

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    The development of the algorithms for single input multi output (SIMO) under-actuated systems with mismatched uncertainties is important. Hierarchical sliding-mode controller (HSMC) has been successfully employed to control SIMO under-actuated systems with mismatched uncertainties in a hierarchical manner with the use of sliding mode control. However, in such a control scheme, the chattering phenomenon is its main disadvantage. To overcome the above disadvantage, in this paper, a new compound control scheme is proposed for SIMO under-actuated based on HSMC and fuzzy logic control (FLC). By using the HSMC approach, a sliding control law is derived so as to guarantee the stability and robustness under various environments. The FLC as the second controller completely removes the chattering signal caused by the sign function in the sliding control law. The results are verified through theoretical proof and simulation software of MATLAB through two systems Pendubot and series double inverted pendulum

    Power beacon-assisted energy harvesting in a half-duplex communication network under co-channel interference over a Rayleigh fading environment: Energy efficiency and outage probability analysis

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    In this time, energy efficiency (EE), measured in bits per Watt, has been considered as an important emerging metric in energy-constrained wireless communication networks because of their energy shortage. In this paper, we investigate power beacon assisted (PB) energy harvesting (EH) in half-duplex (HD) communication network under co-channel Interferer over Rayleigh fading environment. In this work, we investigate the model system with the time switching (TS) protocol. Firstly, the exact and asymptotic form expressions of the outage probability (OP) are analyzed and derived. Then the system EE is investigated and the influence of the primary system parameters on the system performance. Finally, we verify the correctness of the analytical expressions using Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we can state that the simulation and analytical results are the same.Web of Science1213art. no. 257

    Pecuniary versus Non-pecuniary Interventions to Influence Farmers’ Behavior: Evidence from Field Experiment in Vietnam

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    Encouraging farmers to adopt pro-environmental production is vital to the promotion of sustainable agriculture. Previous observational studies emphasize the importance of economic incentives and information access to the farmer's decision; however, due to endogeneity issues, little strong causal evidence is available. This study makes an original contribution by experimentally examining the impacts of subsidy and information treatments on farmers' adoption of organic fertilizer. To do so, we analyze data from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted on 1287 small-scale tea farmers in Vietnam. We find significant impacts of our information treatment and a 50% price subsidy. Interestingly, the effect of the former is approximately one-third that of the latter. Subgroup treatment analysis reveals that the information treatment performs well for members of certification groups. Thus, to induce farmers to adopt pro-environmental production behaviors, information provision can partially substitute for subsidies to reduce the burden on the public budget.This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 18J13432 and 17K03692.SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: pp.1-

    Stakeholder engagement in late-stage translation phase 4 research for noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries : what works and why—the Vietnam experience (UMMS–Vietnam Team)

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    Background: Stakeholder engagement is crucial for conducting high-quality implementation research as well as for the incorporation and adoption of health interventions and policies in the community. Objectives: This study sought to build a mutually rewarding collaboration between stakeholders in Vietnam and investigators in the United States. Methods: A collaboration was established between investigators from several institutions in Vietnam and the University of Massachusetts Medical School that was built on mutual trust, cross-cultural learning, and shared experiences. This collaborative arrangement has led to sustainable stakeholder engagement in Vietnam. We formed a multidisciplinary transnational research team and maintained regular contact both online and in person. We also conducted a needs assessment study, in which several focus group discussions and in-depth interviews of stakeholders in Vietnam were carried out. Results: The formal collaboration between investigators in Vietnam and the University of Massachusetts Medical School began in 2011 and has strengthened over time. The U.S. team provided expertise in study and intervention design, data collection and analysis, and trial implementation, whereas the team in Vietnam brought a deep understanding of local health care delivery systems and expertise in the delivery of health care interventions at the grassroots level. Our initial partnership has now grown to include committed individuals at the government, academic, and community levels including the Vietnam Ministry of Health, key governmental and nongovernmental research institutions and agencies, medical and public health universities, and communities in rural settings. The needs assessment study found that there are important gaps in the delivery of hypertension management practices in many rural communities in Vietnam and that stakeholders are fully engaged in our ongoing, community-based, hypertension-control project. Conclusions: Multiple layers of stakeholders and communities in Vietnam are fully engaged with, and have contributed significantly to, our ongoing hypertension control research project in Northern Vietnam. © 2019 World Heart Federation (Geneva). **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Huy Nguyen” is provided in this record*

    Hybrid decode-amplify and forward protocol of FD EH relaying network: outage probability analysis

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    Nowadays, many research papers focus on the WPCN problem and how to improve its efficiency. In this research, we propose and investigate Hybrid Decode-Amplify and Forward Protocol (HDAF) of the Full-Duplex (FD) Energy Harvesting (EH) Relaying Network with the Time Switching (TS) protocol. In the beginning stage, we present the HDAF mode, which can be work like a Decode-and-Amplify (DF) or Amplify-and-Forward (AF) modes based on the best of its performance in the FD EH relaying network. Furthermore, the closed-form expression of the outage probability (OT) is analyzed and derived in connection with the primary system parameters. Besides, the comparison of the system performance in the AF, DF, and HDAF is proposed and investigated. Finally, all the results are convinced by the Monte Carlo simulation for all cases

    Trademark Valuation According to Laws and Regulations in Vietnam

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    Pricing and valuation may be confusingly interchangeable in various industries from manufacturing to commerce etc.. However, they are in fact different. Pricing can be simply understood as a process whereby the price is set by a seller or by an agreement between a seller and a buyer. On contrary, valuation analysis is normally conducted by experts. So, trademark valuation is a process whereby a trademark value is determined by means of diligent research, unbiased judgment, and some pretty simple arithmetic. In this study, we point out the drawbacks and obstacles in pricing in trademark transfer in our country in comparison with other countries/regions and then we will suggest some measures to improve the regime for pricing in trademark transfer in Vietnam. Authors also present Some Basic Concepts Related to Pricing And Valuation Of Trademark and valuation methods. Authors also use a construction case of LICOGI (general company in construction and infrastructure in Vietnam) as reference for pricing issues. Last but not least, in this study we could resolve some controversial issues in trademark pricing and transfer in various companies from production, manufacturing to construction, real estate and commerce sectors in developing countries such as Vietnam, at least from definitions, concepts and legal framework.Keywords: Intellectual Property Assets; Trademark Pricing Services; Law; Valuation Method; Vietnam Penilaian Merek Dagang Menurut Undang-Undang dan Peraturan di Vietnam Abstrak Penetapan harga dan penilaian mungkin membingungkan dan dapat dipertukarkan di berbagai industri mulai dari manufaktur hingga perdagangan, dll. Namun, sebenarnya keduanya berbeda. Penetapan harga secara sederhana dapat dipahami sebagai proses di mana harga ditetapkan oleh penjual atau dengan kesepakatan antara penjual dan pembeli. Sebaliknya, analisis penilaian biasanya dilakukan oleh para ahli. Jadi, penilaian merek dagang adalah proses di mana nilai merek dagang ditentukan melalui penelitian yang rajin, penilaian yang tidak bias, dan beberapa aritmatika yang cukup sederhana. Dalam studi ini, kami menunjukkan kelemahan dan hambatan dalam penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di negara kami dibandingkan dengan negara/kawasan lain dan kemudian kami akan menyarankan beberapa langkah untuk meningkatkan rezim penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di Vietnam. Penulis juga menyajikan Beberapa Konsep Dasar Terkait Penetapan Harga Dan Penilaian Merek Dagang dan metode penilaian. Penulis juga menggunakan kasus konstruksi LICOGI (perusahaan umum dalam konstruksi dan infrastruktur di Vietnam) sebagai referensi untuk masalah harga. Last but not least, dalam penelitian ini kita dapat menyelesaikan beberapa masalah kontroversial dalam penetapan harga dan transfer merek dagang di berbagai perusahaan mulai dari produksi, manufaktur hingga konstruksi, real estat dan sektor perdagangan di negara-negara berkembang seperti Vietnam, setidaknya dari definisi, konsep dan kerangka hukum. .Kata kunci: Aset Kekayaan Intelektual; Layanan Penetapan Harga Merek Dagang; Hukum; Metode Penilaian; VietnamОценка товарного знака в соответствии с законами и правилами Вьетнама АннотацияЦенообразование и оценка могут быть ошибочно взаимозаменяемы в различных отраслях, от производства до торговли, и т. д. Однако на самом деле это разные понятия. Ценообразование может быть просто понято как процесс, посредством которого цена устанавливается продавцом или соглашением между продавцом и покупателем. Напротив, оценочный анализ обычно проводится экспертами. Таким образом, оценка товарного знака — это процесс, в ходе которого стоимость товарного знака определяется посредством тщательного исследования, беспристрастного суждения и некоторых довольно простых арифметических действий. В этом исследовании мы указываем на недостатки и препятствия в ценообразовании при передаче товарных знаков в нашей стране по сравнению с другими странами/регионами, а затем предлагаем некоторые меры по улучшению режима ценообразования при передаче товарных знаков во Вьетнаме. Авторы также представляют некоторые основные концепции, связанные с ценообразованием и оценкой товарных знаков, и методы оценки. Авторы также используют случай строительства LICOGI (генеральная компания в области строительства и инфраструктуры во Вьетнаме) в качестве справочного материала по вопросам ценообразования. И последнее, но не менее важное: в этом исследовании мы смогли решить некоторые спорные вопросы, связанные с ценообразованием и передачей товарных знаков в различных компаниях из производственного сектора, изготовления в сектор строительства, недвижимости и торговли в развивающихся странах, таких как Вьетнам, по крайней мере, в отношении определений, концепций и правовой базы.Ключевые слова: Активы интеллектуальной собственности; Услуги по ценообразованию товарных знаков; Закон; Метод оценки; Вьетна