428 research outputs found

    Assessment of inducibility and spontaneous haploid genome doubling in maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Maize is a staple food, fuel, and feed crop grown around the world. Doubled haploid technology allows for the quick of development of inbred lines for hybrid development. The maternal in vivo doubled haploid system has gained rapid adoption by the maize breeding sector within the last 10 years. There have been significant improvements in the doubled haploid technology, which made it commercially viable. Within the doubled haploid system, there is limited genetic information about the two important traits that control the ability of generating doubled haploids, which are inducibility and spontaneous haploid genome doubling. Better understanding of these two traits could drastically improve the efficiencies and reduce labor needs for producing doubled haploid lines. In this dissertation, the genetic control of both inducibility and spontaneous haploid genome doubling were studied. A Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping study was conducted for both traits using an F2:3 population derived from inbred A427 and CR1Ht. Inducibility QTL were identified and the improvement of inducibility is examined. A major QTL was found for spontaneous haploid genome doubling and its application to doubled haploid breeding is discussed

    Inhibitory Spillover: Increased Urination Urgency Facilitates Impulse Control in Unrelated Domains

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    This is the authors’ final, accepted and refereed manuscript to the articleVisceral states are known to reduce the ability to exert self-control. In the current research, we investigated how self-control is affected by a visceral factor associated with inhibition rather than with approach: bladder control. We designed four studies to test the hypothesis that inhibitory signals are not domain-specific but can spill over to unrelated domains, resulting in increased impulse control in the behavioral domain. In Study 1, participants’ urination urgency correlated with performance on color-naming but not word-meaning trials of a Stroop task. In Studies 2 and 3, we found that higher levels of bladder pressure resulted in an increased ability to resist impulsive choices in monetary decision making. We found that inhibitory spillover effects are moderated by sensitivity of the Behavioral Inhibition System (Study 3) and can be induced by exogenous cues (Study 4). Implications for inhibition and impulse-control theories are discussed

    Factores de riesgo asociados a Sepsis Nosocomial en recién nacidos pre termino del Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital General Dr. Nicolás San Juan Un estudio de casos

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    Las definiciones de sepsis y los procesos relacionados con ̩sta se introdujeron inicialmente en los adultos. En 1992 se reúne el consenso de la American College of Critical Care Medicine y Society of Critical Care Medicine (por sus siglas en ingles: ACCM-SCCM) y se mencionan por primera vez términos como: síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sist̩émica (SIRS), sepsis severa, shock s̩ptico y síndrome de disfunción multiorgánica. En 2001, durante la segunda Conferencia Internacional se propone que la definición de sepsis se haga con base en marcadores biológicos, pero no se obtiene el impacto esperado. En 2004 se reúne el Foro Internacional de Sepsis, el cual crea un consenso para definir parámetros de sepsis en pacientes pediátricos y neonatales.

    Effects of Messiness on Preferences for Simplicity

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    This research examines the effect of experiencing messiness, induced by a messy environment or by priming the concept of messiness, on consumers. We propose that messiness is an aversive state and consumers are motivated to attenuate this state by seeking simplicity in their cognitions, preferences, and choices. Six experiments support our theorizing. Experiments 1a-1c (conducted in the laboratory) and experiment 2 (conducted in the field) demonstrate that when messiness is salient, consumers form simpler product categorizations, are willing to pay more for a t-shirt with a simple picture, and seek less variety in their choices. Experiment 3 brings additional evidence for the underlying role of the need for simplicity by showing that when the need for simplicity is satiated, the effects of messiness disappear. A final experiment shows a boundary condition of the messiness effect: political conservatives are more susceptible to messiness primes compared to liberals

    Sobre o papel da linguagem nos sistemas ecológicos antropogênicos

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    As a follow-up of some seminal ideas of Peter Finke, this article defends the use of the concept of ecosystem in language studies, in a kind of “ecosystemic linguistics”. According to this perspective, there are processes of information and communication not only in social ecosystems, but also in biological ecosystems. This optic implies a holistic view of the object of study, since everything is mutually inter-related. The text characterizes the ecosystem, inserting language in a language-world system. The main features of the ecosystem are openness, reciprocity, complexity, hierarchy, dynamicity, stability, productivity and diversity. However, language is an anthropogenic system, what does not impede its inclusion in an ecosystem, namely, the linguistic ecosystem, the basic unity of language studies. The organization goes from the physical sound, passing by the phoneme, the morpheme up to the language sphere. Ecosystemic linguistics is a new way of doing linguistics, made possible with the advent of ecology. A side-effect of this perspective is an awareness of the fact that we are product of and affected by nature, but we can also intervene in it. Dando continuidade a ideias seminais de Peter Finke, o artigo defende o uso do conceito de ecossistema, chegando a falar em “linguística ecossistêmica”. Nessa perspectiva, tanto nos ecossistemas biológicos quanto nos humanos existem também processos de informação e comunicação, pois também eles são ecológicos. A visão ecossistêmica exige que se encare o objeto de estudo de forma holística, uma vez que tudo está relacionado. O texto caracteriza o ecossistema, inserindo a língua num sistema língua-mundo. As principais características desses ecossistemas são abertura, reciprocidade, complexidade, hierarquização, dinâmica, estabilidade, produtividade e diversidade. Mas, a linguagem é um sistema antropogênico, o que não impede que esteja inserida em um ecossistema, no caso, ecossistema linguístico. Este é a unidade básica dos estudos linguísticos. A organização vai do som, passando pelo fonema até chegar à esfera das línguas. A linguística ecossistêmica é uma nova maneira de se fazer linguística, tornada possível com o advento da ecologia. Um efeito colateral dessa perspectiva é uma conscientização de que somos produtos e afetados pela natureza, mas intervimos nela também

    MicroRNAs: reguladores clave de la expresión génica

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    El descubrimiento de nuevos sistemas de regulación génica bajo el control de RNA pequeños ha tenido un impacto significativo en la biología molecular. Los Micro- RNA (miRNA) son una clase de RNA pequeños no codificantes (aquellos que no codifican para proteínas) que regulan la expresión génica pos-transcripcional. Se unen por apareamiento imperfecto a sus RNA mensajeros blanco (RNAm) , generalmente en la región 3´-no traducible, bloqueando la síntesis de proteínas por desestabilización del RNAm y represión traduccional. Un gran número de miRNA han sido identificados en el genoma de varias especies incluyendo el humano, y el número de miRNA sigue incrementándose debido a los esfuerzos combinados de la biología molecular y a la predicción bioinformática. Se ha descrito que estas moléculas regulan funciones celulares, por lo que no es sorprendente que los miRNA estén implicados en una gran variedad de enfermedades, como el cáncer y la diabetes mellitus. El propósito de esta revisión es brindar información actualizada sobre la síntesis de los miRNA y los avances en el entendimiento de los mecanismos de silenciamiento génico mediados por los miRNA, así como su uso potencial para el diagnóstico de enfermedades y su terapia

    Developing digital literacies: Engaging technical communication at an urban community technology center

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2017. Major: Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication. Advisor: John Logie. 1 computer file (PDF); v, 192 pages.This study provides needed insights for technical communication scholars regarding underrepresented users and how they are engaging with technical communication texts and practices as they develop their digital literacies at an urban community technology center (CTC) in the Southeastern United States. By taking an ethnographic and community-based approach to data collection and utilizing grounded theory for analysis, I found that learners engage in all three dimensions of networked learning (e.g., learners connecting to other learners, tutors, and other available resources), tutors serve as local technical communication experts who help learners develop crucial cultural knowledge about using ICTs and how to physically operate them, and learners utilize multimodal resources as they work at computers. These findings highlight barriers impacting inexperienced users and illustrate that ICT tutorial materials often fail users who have little to no experience using ICTs. Technical communication scholars should work to make instructions more meaningful, and future research should investigate the rhetorical features of novice-focused instructions and engage in community-based scholarship to reach more underrepresented users in order to combat digital divides

    Biochar amendment of a sandy loam improves wheat growth under drought and control conditions

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    Drought stress is a major limiting factor in cereal crop growth. To meet the feeding requirements of an increasing population, cereal crop yields need to be significantly increased in a sustainable manner. Biochar is a charcoal-like substance derived from organic material. Here, the effects of biochar on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth and stress responses under drought stress conditions were determined. Biochar was applied at 5% (w/w) and stressed plants weren’t watered during the four weeks of drought treatment to establish the rate of water loss in the different soil treatments. drought significantly decreased plant height, stem thickness, number of tillers, and shoot dry biomass, relative water content, and quantum efficiency of photosystem II in wheat. Biochar application significantly increased plant height, stem thickness, root and shoot dry biomass, and the quantum efficiency of wheat under drought stress and in the control. An interaction between drought and biochar seen in the relative water content along with the increased water use due to biochar suggests an improved water availability when biochar is applied. I determine that biochar is a sustainable soil amendment for improving plant growth under drought conditions, but only to a point, potentially making it unsuitable for use in areas that experience long term drought and aren’t irrigated. In irrigated areas, biochar has the potential to reduce water use by allowing for a reduced watering frequency, improving water use efficiency while mitigating any yield reductions due to an induced water-deficit due to reduced watering frequency

    En kvalitativ studie av to barnehagers språkmiljø

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    Barns språktilegnelse er noe jeg har vært interessert i over lang tid. Da jeg i 2017 og 2018 jobbet som pedagogisk medarbeider i en barnehage, fikk jeg mange erfaringer med mangfold. Barnehagen var blant annet preget av språklig, kulturelt og religiøst mangfold. Opp mot interessen om språk syntes jeg dette var spennende å arbeide med, og fikk etter hvert mulighet til å delta i gruppeveiledning om språklig mangfold i regi av OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet ved Ingvild Kristin Alfheim. I veiledningene ble det for eksempel arbeidet med tilrettelegging for flerspråklige barns språkutvikling og synliggjøring av ulike språk og kulturer. På denne tiden var mitt hovedfokus på de yngste barna da jeg jobbet på en småbarnsavdeling. Med denne bakgrunnen ønsker jeg å fordype meg videre i dette arbeidet, men denne gangen vil jeg hovedsakelig fokusere på de eldste flerspråklige barna. Min problemstilling er derfor som følger: «På hvilke måter mener to pedagogiske ledere at de kan tilrettelegge for et inkluderende språkmiljø for flerspråklige barn i alderen 3-6 år?»publishedVersio