27 research outputs found
On the validity of modeling concepts for the simulation of groundwater flow in lowland peat areas – case study at the Zegveld experimental field
The groundwater flow models currently used in the western part of The Netherlands and in other similar peaty areas are thought to be a too simplified representation of the hydrological reality. One of the reasons is that, due to the schematization of the subsoil, its heterogeneity cannot be represented adequately. Moreover, the applicability of Darcy's law in these types of soils has been questioned, but this law forms the basis of most groundwater flow models. <br><br> With the purpose of assessing the typical heterogeneity of the subsoil and to verify the applicability of Darcy's law, geo-hydrological fieldwork was completed at an experimental field within a research area in the western part of The Netherlands. The assessments were carried out for the so-called Complex Confining Layer (CCL), which is the Holocene peaty to clayey layer overlying Pleistocene sandy deposits. Borehole drilling through the CCL with a hand auger was completed and revealed the typical heterogeneous character of this layer, showing a dominance of muddy, humified peat which is alternated with fresher peat and clay. <br><br> Slug tests were carried out to study the applicability of Darcy's law, given that previous studies suggested its non-validity for humified peat soils due to a variable horizontal hydraulic conductivity <i>K</i><sub>h</sub> with head differences. For higher humification degrees, the experiments indeed suggested a variable <i>K</i><sub>h</sub>, but this appeared to be the result of the inappropriate use of steady-state formulae for transient experiments in peaty environments. The muddy peat sampled has a rather plastic nature, and the high compressibility of this material leads to transient behavior. However, using transient formulae, the slug tests conducted for different initial groundwater heads showed that there was hardly any evidence of a variation of the hydraulic conductivity with the applied head differences. Therefore, Darcy's law can be used for typical peat soils present in The Netherlands. <br><br> The heterogeneity of the subsoil and the apparent applicability of Darcy's law were taken into account for the detailed heterogeneous model that was prepared for the research area. A MODFLOW model consisting of 13 layers in which 4 layers represent the heterogeneous CCL was set up for an average year, assuming steady-state conditions; and for the winter of 2009 to 2010, adopting transient conditions. The transient model was extended to simulate for longer periods with the objective of visualizing the flow paths through the CCL. The results from these models were compared with a 10 layer model, whereby the CCL is represented by a single layer assuming homogeneity. From the comparison of the two model types, the conclusion could be drawn that a single layer schematization of the CCL produces flowpath patterns which are not the same but still quite similar to a 4 layer representation of the CCL. However, the single layer schematization results in a considerable underestimation of the flow velocity, and subsequently a longer travel time, through the CCL. Therefore, a single layer model of the CCL seems quite appropriate to represent the general flow behavior of the shallow groundwater system, but would be inappropriate for transport modeling through the CCL
Membrane lipid remodeling modulates γ-secretase processivity
Imbalances in the amounts of amyloid-beta peptides (A beta) generated by the membrane proteases beta- and gamma-secretase are considered as a trigger of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Cell-free studies of gamma-secretase have shown that increasing membrane thickness modulates A beta generation but it has remained unclear if these effects are translatable to cells. Here we show that the very long-chain fatty acid erucic acid (EA) triggers acyl chain remodeling in AD cell models, resulting in substantial lipidome alterations which included increased esterification of EA in membrane lipids. Membrane remodeling enhanced gamma-secretase processivity, resulting in the increased production of the potentially beneficial A beta 37 and/or A beta 38 species in multiple cell lines. Unexpectedly, we found that the membrane remodeling stimulated total A beta secretion by cells expressing WT gamma-secre-tase but lowered it for cells expressing an aggressive familial AD mutant gamma-secretase. We conclude that EA-mediated mod-ulation of membrane composition is accompanied by complex lipid homeostatic changes that can impact amyloidogenic processing in different ways and elicit distinct gamma-secretase re-sponses, providing critical implications for lipid-based AD treatment strategies
SARNET benchmark on QUENCH-11. Final report
In den QUENCH-Versuchen wird der Wasserstoffquellterm bei der Einspeisung von Notkühlwasser in einen trockenen, überhitzten Reaktorkern eines Leichtwasserreaktors untersucht. Ferner wird in den Versuchen das Verhalten von überhitzten Brennelementen unter verschiedenen Flutbedingungen untersucht, eine Datenbasis zur Modellentwicklung und eine Weiterentwicklung von Rechenprogrammen zu Schweren Störfällen (engl. SFD – Severe Fuel Damage) erstellt.
Der Ausdampf-Versuch QUENCH-11 wurde am 8. Dezember 2005 durchgeführt. Es war das zweite Experiment im Rahmen des EU-geförderten LACOMERA-Programms. Es sollte einen Kühlmittelpumpenausfall während eines Kühlmittelverluststörfalls (hier ein sog. Small Break LOCA) oder einer plötzlichen Stromabschaltung (eng. „station blackout“) mit einer späten Druckentlastung des Primärsystems simulieren. Verbunden mit dem Unfallszenario ist das Ausdampfen eines teilgefüllten Reaktorkerns bzw. des Versuchsbündels. Das Ziel war die Untersuchung des Bündelverhaltens während des Ausdampfens und des nachfolgenden Abschreckens mit reduzierter Wassereinspeiserate. Es war das erste Experiment, in dem der gesamte Unfallablauf von der Ausdampfphase bis zur verzögerten Flutung des Bündels bei einer geringen Wasser-Einspeiserate untersucht werden sollte. Das Ausmaß der Wechselwirkungen von Thermalhydraulik und Materialien war in dem Experiment ausgeprägter als in früheren QUENCH-Versuchen. Das Experiment wurde von INRNE Sofia (Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften) vorgeschlagen und zusammen mit dem Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe definiert.
Nach dem Experiment wurde entschieden, die QUENCH-11-Daten für ein Rechenprogramm-Benchmark, bei dem die Rechenergebnisse mit den experimentellen Daten verglichen werden, im Rahmen des Europäischen Exzellenz-Netzwerks SARNET anzubieten, um die Zuverlässigkeit der Rechnungen für die verschiedenen Phasen von Unfall bzw. Experiment zu überprüfen. Die eingesetzten SFD-Rechenprogramme waren ASTEC, ATHLET-CD, ICARE-CATHARE, MELCOR, RATEG/SVECHA, RELAP/SCDAPSIM, und SCDAP/RELAP5. Die Koordination für den Vergleich übernahm INRNE.
Als Grundlage für den Vergleich dienten die zeitlichen Verläufe von Temperaturen, Wasserstofferzeugung und anderer wichtiger Daten. Außerdem wurden Axialprofile, in erster Linie die der Temperatur zum Zeitpunkt des Flutbeginns und des Endstadiums, d. h. bei der Testzeit von 7000 s, verglichen. Für die meisten Rechenergebnisse kann ein gemeinsamer Trendverlauf angegeben werden. Größere Unterschiede zeigen die Ergebnisse für die Wasserstofferzeugung und die zugehörige Oxidschichtdicke.
Der Grad der Übereinstimmung zwischen Rechnung und Experiment wird von den Schwachstellen der Rechnung und des Experiments gleichermaßen mitbestimmt. SFD-Rechenprogramme sind zur Analyse von typischen Kernreaktorunfällen entwickelt worden. Einzelne Besonderheiten der experimentellen Anordnung integraler Experimente (wie auch QUENCH-11) sind bedingt durch das Vorhandensein von Dampfführungsrohr (Shroud) und Elektrodenmaterial für die elektrische Stabheizung nicht reaktortypisch und können daher nicht in der gewünschten Einzelheit im Rechenprogramm nachgebildet werden. Hinzu kommen Effekte durch den Anwender. Da jedoch die Bandbreite der wesentlichen Rechenergebnisse einschließlich der Wasserstofferzeugung nicht extrem groß ist, kann das Ergebnis des SFD-Rechenprogramm-Benchmarks insgesamt als positiv bewertet werden.
Ein Vergleich mit anderen Experimenten zeigt einen weiteren Bedarf an Verbesserungen besonders im Hinblick auf die Oxidation stark zerstörter Bündelstrukturen während des Flutens.
Zusätzlich erwies sich das Rechenprogramm-Benchmark für einige Programmanwender als wertvoll, um sich mit den physikalischen Problematiken und der Anwendung von großen SFD-Rechenprogrammen vertraut zu machen. Es dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch mit jüngeren Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren und der Aufrechterhaltung des Standards der nuklearen Sicherheit
Final Interpretation Report of the PHEBUS test FPT0: Bundle Aspects
In this paper, the actual status of understanding of the dominant bundle degradation processes is presented. Here, mainly the results reported in the last years in the Bundle Interpretation Circles organised by JRC/IE and IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire, Cadarache) are summarised. For the extensive and detailed computational analyses the commonly used severe accident codes such as ICARE, MELCOR, SCDAP/RELAP and ATHLET-CD are used. For the analysis of fission product release from the FPT0 bundle, specific codes such as SVECHA and XMPR were used as well.JRC.F.4-Nuclear design safet
The 2022 drought needs to be a turning point for European drought risk management
The 2022 European drought has underscored critical deficiencies in European water management. This paper explores these shortcomings and suggests a way forward for European drought risk management.
Data for this study was gathered through a continent-wide survey of water managers involved in this event. The survey collected 481 responses from 30 European countries and is comprised of 19 questions concerning sectorial impact in the 55 regions of the responders and drought risk management practices of their organizations. Information from the survey is enriched with climate-related information to offer a comprehensive overview of drought risk management in Europe. Our research focuses on four key aspects: the increasing risk of drought, its spatial and temporal impacts, current drought risk management approaches, and the evolution of drought risk management across the continent.
Our findings reveal a consensus on the growing risk of drought, which is confounded by the rising frequency and intensity of droughts. While the 2022 event affected most of the continent, our findings show significant regional disparities in drought risk management capacity among the various countries. Our analysis indicates that current drought risk management measures often rely on short-term operational concerns, particularly in agriculture-dominated economies, leading to potentially maladaptive practices. An overall positive trend in drought risk management, with organizations showing increased awareness and preparedness, indicates how this crisis can be the ideal moment to mainstream European-wide drought risk management. Consequently, we advocate for a European Drought Directive, to harmonize and enforce drought risk management policies across the continent. This directive should promote a systemic, integrated, and long-term risk management perspective. The directive should also set clear guidelines for drought risk management at the national level and for cross-boundary drought collaboration.
This study and its companion paper "The 2022 Drought Shows the Importance of Preparedness in European Drought Risk Management " are the result of a study carried out by the Drought in the Anthropocene (DitA) network
On the validity of modeling concepts for the simulation of groundwater flow in lowland peat areas - Case study at the Zegveld experimental field
The groundwater flow models currently used in the western part of The Netherlands and in other similar peaty areas are thought to be a too simplified representation of the hydrological reality. One of the reasons is that, due to the schematization of the subsoil, its heterogeneity cannot be represented adequately. Moreover, the applicability of Darcy's law in these types of soils has been questioned, but this law forms the basis of most groundwater flow models.
With the purpose of assessing the typical heterogeneity of the subsoil and to verify the applicability of Darcy's law, geo-hydrological fieldwork was completed at an experimental field within a research area in the western part of The Netherlands. The assessments were carried out for the so-called Complex Confining Layer (CCL), which is the Holocene peaty to clayey layer overlying Pleistocene sandy deposits. Borehole drilling through the CCL with a hand auger was completed and revealed the typical heterogeneous character of this layer, showing a dominance of muddy, humified peat which is alternated with fresher peat and clay.
Slug tests were carried out to study the applicability of Darcy's law, given that previous studies suggested its non-validity for humified peat soils due to a variable horizontal hydraulic conductivity Kh with head differences. For higher humification degrees, the experiments indeed suggested a variable Kh, but this appeared to be the result of the inappropriate use of steady-state formulae for transient experiments in peaty environments. The muddy peat sampled has a rather plastic nature, and the high compressibility of this material leads to transient behavior. However, using transient formulae, the slug tests conducted for different initial groundwater heads showed that there was hardly any evidence of a variation of the hydraulic conductivity with the applied head differences. Therefore, Darcy's law can be used for typical peat soils present in The Netherlands.
The heterogeneity of the subsoil and the apparent applicability of Darcy's law were taken into account for the detailed heterogeneous model that was prepared for the research area. A MODFLOW model consisting of 13 layers in which 4 layers represent the heterogeneous CCL was set up for an average year, assuming steady-state conditions; and for the winter of 2009 to 2010, adopting transient conditions. The transient model was extended to simulate for longer periods with the objective of visualizing the flow paths through the CCL. The results from these models were compared with a 10 layer model, whereby the CCL is represented by a single layer assuming homogeneity. From the comparison of the two model types, the conclusion could be drawn that a single layer schematization of the CCL produces flowpath patterns which are not the same but still quite similar to a 4 layer representation of the CCL. However, the single layer schematization results in a considerable underestimation of the flow velocity, and subsequently a longer travel time, through the CCL. Therefore, a single layer model of the CCL seems quite appropriate to represent the general flow behavior of the shallow groundwater system, but would be inappropriate for transport modeling through the CCL
Development and evaluation of flood forecasting models for forecast-based financing using a novel model suitability matrix
Forecast-based financing is a financial mechanism that facilitates humanitarian actions prior to anticipated floods by triggering release of pre-allocated funds based on exceedance of flood forecast thresholds. This paper presents a novel model suitability matrix that embeds application-specific needs and contingencies at local level on a pilot project of forecast-based financing. The added value of this flexible framework is demonstrated on a set of hydrological and machine learning models. The model suitability matrix facilitates transparency and traceability of subjectivity in model evaluation. This paper advocates a stronger interface between model developers and end users for upscaling of forecast-based financing
A high-content screen for small-molecule regulators of epithelial cell-adhesion molecule (EpCAM) cleavage yields a robust inhibitor.
Epithelial cell-adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a transmembrane protein that regulates cell cycle progression and differentiation and is overexpressed in many carcinomas. The EpCAM-induced mitogenic cascade is activated via regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) of EpCAM by ADAM and -secretases, generating the signaling-active intracellular domain EpICD. Because of its expression pattern and molecular function, EpCAM is a valuable target in prognostic and therapeutic approaches for various carcinomas. So far, several immunotherapeutic strategies have targeted the extracellular domain of EpCAM. However, targeting the intracellular signaling cascade of EpCAM holds promise for specifically interfering with EpCAM’s proliferation-stimulating signaling cascade. Here, using a yellow fluorescence protein–tagged version of the C-terminal fragment of EpCAM, we established a high-content screening (HCS) of a small-molecule compound library (n 27,280) and characterized validated hits that target EpCAM signaling. In total, 128 potential inhibitors were initially identified, of which one compound with robust inhibitory effects on RIP of EpCAM was analyzed in greater detail. In summary, our study demonstrates that the development of an HCS for small-molecule inhibitors of the EpCAM signaling pathway is feasible. We propose that this approach may also be useful for identifying chemical compounds targeting other disorders involving membrane cleavage-dependent signaling pathways
On the validity of modeling concepts for the simulation of groundwater flow in lowland peat areas – case study at the Zegveld experimental field
Civil Engineering and Geoscience
Benchmark study on fuel bundle degradation in the phebus FPT3 test using the severe accident codes ATHLET-CD, ICARE2, and MELCOR
This paper presents the results of pretest calculations of the Phebus fission product release experiment FPT3. The test scenario with the appropriate initial and boundary conditions was provided by the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire. For the analyses, three severe accident codes were used: ATHLET-CD, ICARE2, and MELCOR. The calculations were focused on the main phenomena occurring in the bundle, such as the thermal behavior, the hydrogen production mainly due to cladding oxidation, the massive degradation of spent fuel and the release of fission products and control rod and structure materials. Using the predefined boundary and initial conditions, relatively small deviations between the code results were obtained, which demonstrates that the dominant processes occurring during a severe accident in the core of pressurized water reactors can be adequately simulated. By applying these codes to a large spectrum of integral tests as well as to plant analyses, one will obtain reliable results on the fuel bundle behavior. However, the spread in the calculated oxidized boron carbide masses indicates that modeling efforts are still necessary in all the codes in this respect