9 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we will attempt to describe an integrative model that links stress, trauma, and post-traumatic health disorders through biological, psychological, and behavioral mechanisms of influence. Each of these phenomena has its specificities but also shares common characteristics (sources, symptoms, and consequences) related to health and an individual’s functioning. Prolonged stress and sudden experiences can lead to trauma, and repeated experiences of trauma over time can result in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This key mechanism illustrates how long-term stress and trauma can lead to severe health impairment. A review of the literature on this topic, along with our many years of experience and research in these areas, reveals that the majority of authors in their research primarily focus on one of these topics, usually stress. There are fewer studies that provide a comprehensive representation of both stress and trauma. We have not come across any research that unifies all three topics in their presentation, highlighting the common elements as well as the specificities and differences. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate, through an integrative approach, the combined impact of these three phenomena on health and an individual’s functioning. First, we will describe each of these phenomena along with their respective specifications. Finally, we will attempt to integrate the knowledge of physiological and psychological mechanisms for dealing with stress, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Although challenging, we will also touch upon prevention strategies towards the end

    Квалитет на живот кај деца без родители и родителска грижа згрижени во згрижувачки семејства

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    Republic of Macedonia establishes the system of social protection and enables its functioning, by providing conditions and measures for social - protective activities. By promoting the process of deinstitutionalization, the idea of preventing the institutionalization of children with moderate and severe mental disability is imposed, as well as the need to initiate activities to support families, including taking responsibility for improving the quality of life of children while keeping them in a home environment. Carers who agree to care for a child within the family, will need to provide love, warmth and care for his health, education, as well as provide stability and security. Within this research, we questioned 47 children who receive care outside the institutions (SOS foster families and other foster families) and 38 children placed in institutional care (11 Oktomvri). The quality of life was assessed with the questionnaire for the quality of life – PedsQLTM. Results shoed that males aged 5-12 years within the system of social protection evaluate their quality of life as lowest, children and adolescents from institutions evaluate their quality of life lower compared with children and adolescents in foster families and the general population. Also, children and adolescents from institutions have the lowest score in emotional functions as a domain of quality of life, while the children and adolescents of the foster families have a minimum quality of life in the area of physical functioning.Република Македонија го воспоставува системот на социјална заштита и овозможува негово функционирање, обезбедувајќи услови и мерки за социјално-заштитни активности. Со промовирање на процесот на деинституционализација, се наметнува потребата да се иницираат активности за поддршка на семејствата, вклучително и преземање одговорност за подобрување на квалитетот на животот на децата во домашна средина. Згрижувачите кои се согласуваат да се грижат за дете во семејството, ќе треба да обезбедат љубов, топлина и грижа за своето здравје, образование, како и да обезбедат стабилност и безбедност. Во рамките на ова истражување, беа вклучени 47 деца од вонинституционална заштита (СОС-згрижувачки семејства и други згрижувачки семејства) и 38 деца во институционална грижа (11 Октомври). Квалитетот на животот беше оценет со прашалникот за квалитетот на животот - PedsQLTM. Резултатите покажаа дека машките деца на возраст од 5-12 години во рамките на системот на социјална заштита го оценуваат нивниот квалитет на живот како најлош, а децата и адолесцентите од институциите го оценуваат нивниот квалитет на живот како понизок, во споредба со децата и адолесцентите во згрижувачките семејства и општата популација. Исто така, децата и адолесцентите од институциите имаат најнизок резултат во емоционалните функции како домен за квалитетот на животот, додека децата и адолесцентите на згрижувачките семејства имаат минимален квалитет на живот во областа на физичкото функционирање

    Reforestation in Macedonia: History, current practice and future perspectives

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    This paper presents data about forestry and reforestation in the Republic of Macedonia. The country is characterized with great diversity of natural conditions and rich floral and faunal biodiversity Forests in Macedonia cover 38% of its territory. About 71% represent coppiced and degraded and 29% tall forests. Historical, social and natural conditions caused gradual deforestation, forest and land degradation. Foundations of artificial afforestation were laid in the first decade of XX century. First reforestation started already in 1913/14 and continued, with various intensity, in the next decades. In the period between two world wars a foundation of modern forestry was established, as forestry education, scientific work etc., to help dealing with reforestation of waste bare and erosive lands. The most intensive reforestation was performed in 1971-1990 and during the following years significantly decreases. There is room for improving of some aspects of the reforestation, in aim to improve survival and development of the young stands

    Quality of life in children with disabilities placed in foster families

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    In Macedonia, the biggest provider of social protection is the Republic, then the municipalities, the City of Skopje and municipalities in Skopje within their jurisdictions. The Republic of Macedonia establishes the system of social protection and enables its functioning, by providing conditions and measures for social - protective activities. By promoting the process of deinstitutionalization, the idea of preventing the institutionalization of children with moderate and severe mental disability is imposed, as well as the need to initiate activities to support families, including taking responsibility for improving the quality of life of children while keeping them in a home environment. Carers who agree to care for a child within the family will need to provide love, warmth, and care for his health, education, as well as provide stability and security


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    The subject of this paper is the research of family conditions (financial, social, emotional, socio-cultural and educational) and the relations and reactions of parents and other members of the family; their influence on the treatment of children with developmental difficulties. The research included 100 families with mentally retarded children on the territory of Skopje.The basic hypothesis is: the successfulness of the early treatment of the child with psycho-physical difficulties in their development depends on the socio-economical, educational status of parents especially the relation between the parents and their mentally retarded child. In the frame of the basic hypothesis more subordinate hypothesis have been examined.The results of the research have shown: a great number of the examined families are at low socio-economical and educational status. The unadvantageous socio-economical and educational negatively influences and backwards the early treatment of the child with difficulties. The relation towards the child varies-it goes from complete acceptance to complete neglecting of the mentally retarded child

    Relationship between between hand grip strength and endurance and postural stability in active and sedentary older women

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    Physical activity, muscle strength and the ability to maintain postural stability (PS) are important for well-being in old age. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to assess the contractile abilities of the hand muscles (CAHM) in physically active (PA) and sedentary (SED) older women. The second aim was to examine the relationship between CAHM and PS indicators in older women. The sample of 75 women (aged 65-86 years), was divided into PA and SED group. Differences in CAHM, namely rate of force development and muscular endurance, were confirmed in favor of PA group, whereas, no differences were found between PA and SED group regarding maximum force. Moreover, CAHM were moderately associated with PS indicators. Obtained results could open space for designing routine tests that might serve as a potential prescreening analysis, which could indicate early risk factors for falls along with other age related health issues


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    Institut za stočarstvo radi na projektu "Stvaranje novih genetskih kapaciteta domaćeg govečeta za visoku proizvodnju", gdje se krave domaće šarene pasmine križaju s bikovima crvene i bijele holštajn-frizijske pasmine. Križanje se obavlja do generacije R1, tj. crveni i bijeli holštajn-frizijski utjecaj iznosi 75%. U ovom se članku prikazuiu rasplodne značajke majke domaće šarene pasmine, njihovih kćeri generacije F1 i unuka generaciie R1. Dobiveni su ovi rezultati:Majke se tele u dobi od 1048,25 dana, unuke, generacije R1, u dobi od 915,92 dana, dok se kćeri generacije F1 tele u dobi od 897,06 dana. Sve su razlike sratistički visoko značjne (P<0,001). Kod prva tri teljenja najduža steonost utveđena je u majka, 285,01, 282,83 i 282,61 dana. U kćeri generacije F1 razdoblje sreonosti trajalo je 278,97, 279,36 i 279,38 dana, dok je kod unuka generacije R1 trajalo 279,60, 280,58, odnosno 279,35 dana. Razlike su visoko (P<0,01) i vrlo visoko značajne (P<0,001). Najkraće servis razdoblje bilo je u majka, 85,70, 99,33 i 107,86 dana. Kćeri, generacije F1, imale su servis razdoblje 113,02, 115,32 i 112,30 dana, dok je najdulje servis razdoblje bilo u unuka generacije R1 116,35, 109,87 i 116,32 dana. Značaj razlika varira. Razmak između prvog, i drugog telenja, kao i između drugog i rtrećeg telenja bio je najkraći u majka 368,53 i 381,93 dana. Kćeri generacije F1 imale su razmak između teljenja od 392,38 i 394,70 dana, a unuke, generacije R1, 396,92 i 389,22 dana. I ovdje su razlike varirale. Najveća je plodnost utvrđena u majka, 99,04 i 95,57 posto. Plodnost u kćeri, generacije F1, bile je 93,02 i 92,48 posto, dok je u unuka dosezala 91,96, odnosno 93,7g posto.The Livestock Institute works on the project "Production of new genetic capacities of Domestic Spotted breed for high milk production, where the cum of Domestic Spotted breed are crossed with the bulls of Red and White Holstein Friesian breed. The crossing is performed up to R1 generation, i.e.75% of the influence of Red and White Holstein Friesian. In this paper the reproduction traits of mothers of Domestic Spotted breed are presented, with their daughters, F1 generation, and granddaughters, R1 generation. The following results have been obtained: The mothers calve at the age of 1048.25 days, the granddaughters, R1 generation, at the age of 915,92 days, while the daughters, F1 generation, calve at the age of 897.06 days. All the differences are highly statistically significant (P<0.001). In the first three calvings the longest gestation period was found in mothers, 285.01, 282.83 and 282.61 days. In daughters of F1 generation the gestation period lasted 278.97, 279.36 and 279.38 days, while in granddaughters, R1 generation, it lasted 279.60, 280.58 and 279.35 days, respectively. The differences are highly (P<0.01) and very highly significant (P<0.001)

    Stepwise transvenous lead extraction due to pacemaker pocket infection following lactational mastitis complicated with breast abscess

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    Abstract Background Lactational mastitis is a common painful and debilitating inflammation of breast tissue, generally treated conservatively or with pus puncture in case of breast abscess. However, treating mastitis in patients with implantable surgical material located in the affected breast region can be extremely challenging. We present an unusual case of lactational mastitis complicated by pacemaker pocket infection in a breastfeeding mother. Case presentation A 35-year-old pacemaker-dependent female developed lactational mastitis seven weeks postpartum. Initially, the condition was treated conservatively with analgesics and antibiotics. After abscess formation, pus was aspirated using fine-needle aspiration technique. Four weeks after mastitis resolution, pacemaker pocket infection developed. According to current cardiovascular implantable electronic device infection treatment guidelines a complete surgical extraction of the entire electronic system, followed by targeted antibiotic treatment and reimplantation of a new device after infection resolution, was recommended. However, after thorough discussion with the young woman and her family and after detailed review of surgery-related risks, she declined a potentially high-risk surgical procedure. Thus, only the pulse generator was explanted; pacing leads positioned in the sub-pectoral pocket; new pacemaker implanted on the contralateral side and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy continued for six weeks. After breastfeeding cessation, and with chronic fistula development at the primary pacemaker implantation site, the possibility of delayed surgical intervention including complete extraction of retained pacemaker leads was again thoroughly discussed with her. After thoughtful consideration the woman consented to the proposed treatment strategy. A surgical procedure including transvenous lead extraction through the primary implantation venous entry site, using hand-powered bidirectional rotational sheaths, was successfully performed, removing all retained leads through the left subclavian venous entry site, and leaving the fully functional and clinically uninfected pacemaker on the contralateral site intact. Conclusion Although patients’ decisions for delayed extraction in a case of cardiovascular implantable electronic device infection should be discouraged by attending physicians and members of interdisciplinary teams, our case shows that a stepwise treatment strategy may be successful as a bailout clinical scenario in patients with specific requests, demands and / or clinical needs