11 research outputs found

    Hazard prevention, risk assessment and practical advice/recommendations by experts for educational purpose

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    Dear reader, Food safety is from highest importance in our food consumption and producing system. It poses as an elemental prerequisite for the daily working procedures in every food producing or food processing operation. For this reason within the European Union, the Codex Alimentarius commission developed the well known HACCP concept. Its purpose is to establish safety measures on every step of the food value chain and to guarantees a high level of safety. This handbooks gives advice and provides examples and explanations on several topics of this system-based concept with focus on the implementation of this system within the organic food production. It contains the theoretical background of food safety in organic food production and is part of the SAFE-ORG food-project, funded by the European Union. SAFE-ORG Food is an international project within the Erasmus Plus programme. Five universities are working together in order to combine, research and collect scientific findings regarding the food safety in organic food production. The aim of the project is to improve the availability of good, understandable and helpful educational material on organic food safety. We hope to create an positive impact for the safe production of organic food in Europe and to support the stakeholders of the organic food sector within their daily work.Funded by ERASMUS+Funded by ERASMUS

    Ohtude ennetamine, riskihindamine ja ekspertide õppeotstarbelised praktilised soovitused

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    Lp. lugeja, Toiduohutus on toidu tootmise, töötlemise ja tarbimise süsteemis kõige olulisem. See on igapäevaste tööprotse põhieeldus igas toidutootmis ja –töötlemistegevuses. Sel põhjusel töötas Codex Alimentarius ́e komisjon Euroopa Liidus välja hästi tuntud HACCP kontseptsiooni, mille eesmärgiks on toidu väärtusahela erinevates etappides kõrgel tasemel toiduohutuse meetmete rakendamine. Käesolev käsiraamat annab nõuandeid ja näiteid ning selgitusi selle süsteemipõhise kontseptsiooni erinevatel teemadel, keskendudes selle süsteemi rakendamisele mahetoidu tootmises. See sisaldab toiduohutuse teoreetilist tausta mahetoidu tootmises ja on osa SAFE-ORG toiduprojektist, mida rahastab Euroopa Liit. SAFE-ORG Food on Erasmus Plus programmi rahvusvaheline projekt.SAFE-ORG Food on Erasmus Plus programmi rahvusvaheline projekt. Viis ülikooli teevad koostööd, et kombineerida, uurida ja koguda toiduohutuse alaste teadusuuringute tulemusi mahetoidu tootmises. Projekti eesmärk on parandada kõrgetasemega, arusaadava ja abistava õppematerjali kättesaadavust tootjatele ja õppejõududele. Loodame avaldada positiivset mõju ohutu mahetoidu tootmisele Euroopas ning toetada mahetoitu tootvaid ettevõtteid nende igapäevatöös.Rahastas ERASMUS+Rahastas ERASMUS

    Consumer Eating Behavior and Opinions about the Food Safety of Street Food in Poland

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    Street food plays an increasingly important role in the nutrition of the inhabitants of European cities. Our study aimed to analyze Polish consumers’ attitudes toward food offered in street food outlets, consumers’ eating out behavior, and the factors that determine their choice of meals from street food vendors. A survey was conducted of 1300 adult respondents who eat street food in Poland. The research enabled a detailed and comprehensive assessment of consumer behavior toward the use of street food outlets, as well as consumer opinions on vendors’ functioning, including hygiene and meals offered. Factors determining the frequency of street food consumption, preferred food types, and factors influencing the use of such outlets were identified. The most important factors were the quality of services and meals, personal preferences and price. Using cluster analysis, consumer profiles based on the types of street food outlets and food preferred were identified. Four main street food consumer preference profiles were identified: ‘burger-enthusiasts’, ‘kebab-enthusiasts’ and ‘ice-cream enthusiasts’, and ‘no specific-oriented consumers’. The Internet and social media were identified as information and promotion channels for this form of gastronomy. Results also revealed Polish consumer behavior and opinions about the food safety of street food in Poland. In summary, in Poland the habits of eating typical Polish homemade dishes is being replaced by eating meals in street food outlets, which can be classified as fast food. Increasing consumer knowledge and awareness of the quality and safety of street food may counteract improper hygiene practices of sellers

    Consumer Eating Behavior and Opinions about the Food Safety of Street Food in Poland

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    Street food plays an increasingly important role in the nutrition of the inhabitants of European cities. Our study aimed to analyze Polish consumers’ attitudes toward food offered in street food outlets, consumers’ eating out behavior, and the factors that determine their choice of meals from street food vendors. A survey was conducted of 1300 adult respondents who eat street food in Poland. The research enabled a detailed and comprehensive assessment of consumer behavior toward the use of street food outlets, as well as consumer opinions on vendors’ functioning, including hygiene and meals offered. Factors determining the frequency of street food consumption, preferred food types, and factors influencing the use of such outlets were identified. The most important factors were the quality of services and meals, personal preferences and price. Using cluster analysis, consumer profiles based on the types of street food outlets and food preferred were identified. Four main street food consumer preference profiles were identified: ‘burger-enthusiasts’, ‘kebab-enthusiasts’ and ‘ice-cream enthusiasts’, and ‘no specific-oriented consumers’. The Internet and social media were identified as information and promotion channels for this form of gastronomy. Results also revealed Polish consumer behavior and opinions about the food safety of street food in Poland. In summary, in Poland the habits of eating typical Polish homemade dishes is being replaced by eating meals in street food outlets, which can be classified as fast food. Increasing consumer knowledge and awareness of the quality and safety of street food may counteract improper hygiene practices of sellers

    Contemporary Trends and Habits in the Consumption of Sugar and Sweeteners—A Questionnaire Survey among Poles

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    The purpose of the paper was a cross sectional study to evaluate the use of sugars and selected sweeteners by Polish consumers in their diet. The survey was conducted using the direct interview method on the group of 2000 adults declaring the consumption of sugar or sweeteners. The ANOVA test and multi-dimensional cluster analysis was used to the data interpretation (p < 0.05). It was stated that the consumption of sugar among consumers remained at a high level. Respondents declared taking up the activities towards reducing sugar intake in their diet mostly due to health-related reasons. It was emphasized in particular by women taking part in the survey. The most frequent way to limit the amount of sugar in the diet consisted in choosing sweeteners, mainly stevia and xylitol. However, the knowledge concerning steviol glycosides among the consumers was not extensive. Results are the source of up-to-date information concerning the consumption of sugar and sweeteners. Consumers to whom nutrition campaigns on the necessity to limit the content of sugar in the diet are worth addressing were identified. A hypothesis, that consumers are currently more aware of the negative influence of increased sugar consumption on their health and they aim at limiting the content of added sugar in their diet, was confirmed

    Amerykański Program Weryfikacji Dostawców Zagranicznych (FSVP) —wymagania, korzyści lub obciążenia dla indyjskich firm spożywczych oraz trudności we wdrożeniu

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    Thepurpose of this article was topresent theAmerican Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP). An importer of food is required to develop, maintain, and follow a Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FS VP) to ensure that eachfood product it imports meets FDA food safety standards. Specifically, an importer s FS VP must provide adequate assurances that: (a) the importer ’sforeign suppliers produce food with the same level of public health protection as those required by FDA for domestically produced food; and (b) the importer’s foreign suppliers produce food that is not adulterated or misbranded. The FSVP regulations apply to all FDA-regulated food imported or oflered for import into the United States.Celem artykułu było przedstawienie Amerykańskiego Programu Weryfikacji Dostawców Zagranicznych (FSVP). Importer żywności jest zobowiązany do opracowania, utrzymywania i przestrzegania Programu Weryfikacji Dostawców Zagranicznych (FSVP) w celu zapewnienia, że każda importowana żywność spełnia normy bezpieczeństwa żywności FDA. W szczególności FSVP importera musi zapewnić odpowiednie gwarancje, że: (a) zagraniczni dostawcy importera produkują żywność o takim samym poziomie ochrony zdrowia publicznego, jak wymagany przez FDA dla żywności produkowanej w kraju; oraz b) zagraniczni dostawcy importera produkują żywność, która nie jest zafałszowana ani błędnie oznakowana. Przepisy FSVP mają zastosowanie do całej żywności podlegającej przepisom FDA, importowanej lub oferowanej do importu do Stanów Zjednoczonych

    Oat and Oat Processed Products—Technology, Composition, Nutritional Value, and Health

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    Oat has been known in food technology and human nutrition for a very long time. Its rich chemical composition and high nutritional value make it of interest to scientists in the field of food processing technology as well as nutritionists. Low-processed, whole-grain oat products rich in biologically active substances with well-proven preventive and therapeutic effects include not only dehulled oat grains and groats but also a wide range of breakfast cereals. These products fit into the definition of functional foods and are considered excellent prebiotics. The continuous development of cereal processing technologies can improve existing cereal products and help to create new ones; however, it also increases the possibility of raw material over-processing, thus decreasing its functional properties. Therefore, monitoring technological progress and the quality of the products obtained is of great value and interest for nutritionists and consumers. The work presented here aims at systematizing existing knowledge on oat products, their impact on human health, and progress in oat processing technology. It also brings insight into various new avenues for the utilization of oat products in food technology

    Ocena dostawców przypraw do zakładów przetwórstwa mięsnego®

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    The aim of the study presented in the article was to verify whether the suppliers of spices for the production of meat products meet all food safety requirements. For this purpose, 10 audits of spice suppliers were carried out using the audit method with a plant-specific questions checklist. It was found that monitoring the quality management system of suppliers allows for their good control and obtaining the appropriate quality, safe raw material for production. Based on the conducted audits, it was found that the suppliers of spices provide the meat plant with a safe products, produced in appropriate conditions and with full control of the production process. The research carried out in functioning meat plants is presented which have big implication importance to the theory and practice as well as for future studies.Celem badań przedstawionych w artykule było sprawdzenie czy dostawcy przypraw do produkcji wyrobów mięsnych przestrzegają wszystkich wymogów bezpieczeństwa żywności. W tym celu przeprowadzono 10 audytów u dostawców przypraw, wykorzystując metodę audytu z opracowaną do specyfiki zakładu listą kontrolną pytań. Stwierdzono, że monitorowanie systemu zarządzania jakością dostawców pozwala na ich dobrą kontrolę i uzyskanie właściwej jakości, bezpiecznego surowca do produkcji. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych audytów stwierdzono, że dostawcy przypraw dostarczają do zakładu mięsnego produkty bezpieczne, wytworzone w odpowiednich warunkach i przy pełnej kontroli procesu produkcyjnego. Przedstawione badania przeprowadzone w funkcjonujących zakładach mięsnych mają duże znaczenie dla teorii i praktyki oraz przyszłych badań