58 research outputs found

    Super-Ego after Freud: A Lesson not to Be Forgotten

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    The aim of this paper is to retrace the evolution of the super-ego, in psychoanalysis and phenomenology, describing its effects on education, starting with the formation of individual morality. In the broadest sense, the reflection concerns not only the role that the family can play in this direction, but above all the contribution that schools can make to the formation of individual morality. The structuring of the super-ego is thus built up in the family system by being influenced by the socio-educational environment. The importance of a healthy structuring of the super-ego emerges in the increased risk of alteration of the intersubjective sphere, in cases of dysregulation of the super-ego, a process that is fundamental to psychotic disorder

    Narrare il contagio. Peste, colera e virus tra le righe dei grandi romanzi

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    EThis essay analyzes, according to recent achievements of the so-called "medical humanities", the history of the great flu epidemics considered, however, by means of literary narratives. This is through the critical reading of some works that have marked the history of medieval, modern and contemporary literature. The aim is not, of course, the simple use of the literary work as a source for the history of epidemics - there is already a sufficiently thorough scientific literature on this topic - but rather the highlighting of a gradual awareness, by civil society, of the importance of medicine and hygiene as fundamental tools for human progress.ItIl presente contributo analizza, alla luce delle recenti conquiste delle cosiddette medical humanities, la storia delle grandi epidemie considerate, però, dal punto di vista delle narrazioni letterarie. Ciò viene fatto attraverso la rilettura critica di alcune opere che hanno segnato la storia della letteratura medievale, moderna e contemporanea. L'obiettivo non è, naturalmente, la semplice riconsiderazione dell'opera letteraria come fonte per la storia delle epidemie - tema sul quale esiste già una letteratura scientifica abbastanza approfondita - quanto piuttosto la ricostruzione di una graduale presa di coscienza, da parte della società civile, dell'importanza della medicina (e dell'igiene in particolare) come strumento fondamentale per il progresso umano

    La DaD dopo la Dad: da emergenza a nuova opportunitĂ . L'esperienza della formazione dei docenti di sostegno

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    This essay looks at the real revolution that has taken place since March 2020 in educational activities for Pre-Service Teachers for Students with Special Needs.Starting from only partly tested previously in distance learning, universities have had to quickly redesign lessons, workshops, final tests, and, in some cases, selective testing by moving them online. How much of this unquestionable educational emergency can be transformed into new opportunities? To answer the question, the essay takes the points of view of both the TFA Course's coordination work supporting a small university and a rather significant number of students (1367 in total). A survey questionnaire expressed some, at times, surprising viewpoints
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