510 research outputs found

    Dynamic Characterization of Thin Deformable PVDF Mirror

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    Methodology for the design and fabrication of 5 inch diameter membrane-like mirror structures is explored, resulting in test articles with areal densities as low as 1.57 kg/m2 and a thickness of 1.5 mm. Each optical structure has 7 control patches etched into the PVDF layer, which can be used as actuators. These test articles are utilized to demonstrate the capabilities of an acquisition system to make measurements of static and dynamic actuation of the mirror surface. Static deformations are analyzed statistically and determined to yield maximum deformations in the actuated regions of -2.1 micro with a standard deviation of 0.33 micro when 400 volts are applied. The acquisition system was characterized for dynamic actuation of the surface and found to have a sample rate ranging from 4 to 14 Hz. This rate is found to be dependent upon the desired detail level of the surface description as calculated by the wavefront analysis software

    Amélioration de la qualité microbiologique des effluents secondaires par stockage en bassins

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    Microbiological quality improvement of secondary effluent by reservoir storage. Storing secondary effluents is of particular interest for water resource management. It constitutes further treatment which reduces the microbial contamination of water to a level where it can be used for the irrigation of all crops, without restriction. The storage of treated wastewater takes place during the winter, ensuring that such a resource is not lost and enabling a larger area to be irrigated during the dry season, thereby increasing agricultural production. Storage trials in reservoirs were conducted in north-eastern Tunisia. Their objective was to determine the length and conditions of secondary effluent decontamination as well as the impact of seasonal storage on water quality. The results indicate that the decontamination of effluents slows down with increased reservoir depth. For a depth of less than 150 cm, a reduction of fecal coliforms in the order of 3 log units is attained in 3 days when the average temperature of the water ranges from 22 to 25 degrees C; when this temperature is between 25.5 and 28 degrees C, the same reduction takes 8 days. Below 20 degrees C, decontamination is considerably reduced: for a mean water temperature ranging from 12.5 to 18 degrees C, the reduction of fecal coliforms reaches 3 log units only after a retention time of 17 days in the reservoir. Seasonal storage from 2 to 7 months does not affect the bacteriological quality of water: after decontamination, no proliferation of bacterial indicators occurs during storage

    La jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional italiana en materia de derecho comunitario: puntos de partida para su reconstrucción

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    In this brief review of the trends of the jurisprudence of the Italian Constitutional Court concerning the relationship between Community Law and Natiorral Law, the Author emphasizes the issues already fixed and those which are still opened to decisión. No doubt that among the well established points stands the direct enforcement of the provisions of the Community Law (i. e. Regulations) Into the domestic law, irrespective whether they are precedently or subsequently promulgated. There are then other issues not yet settled, among which the specification of the «relevant principies of our Constitutional System», which not even a Community Law could derogate, and the other Issue, which is partly linked to the first one, concerning the position of the Judges of the ordinary law-courts as regards a domestic law deallng with matters already regulated by Community Regulations. In the opinión of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, he should immediately avoid enforclng the domestic law, but In the opinión of the Italian Constitutlonal Court, he must on the contrary submit the case to the same Court to solve the question of constitutionality. The clash of opinions between the two Courts must be consldered still opened, and this even after the decisión of the Italian Court N.° 176/1981, declaring the uninportance of the submitted issue, at least in the speclflc case, avoiding thus to examine the merlts of the controversy. The Author finally points out how the study of the relationship between the Community Law and the National Law, although intimately depending on the Interpretaron of the constitutional norms concerning the «IImitation of the sovereign powers» in the National system, cannot leave out of consideraron the actual evolution of the relationship, politlcoJinstitutional, between the member States and the Community they adhere to


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    Microsatellite markers isolated from Cabomba Aquatica S.l. (cabombaceae) from an enriched genomic library

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    Microsatellite primers were designed for the submersed aquatic plant Cabomba aquatica s.l. (Cabombaceae) and characterized to estimate genetic diversity parameters. Using a selective hybridization method, we designed and tested 30 simple sequence repeat loci using two natural populations of C. aquatica s.l., resulting in 13 amplifiable loci. Twelve loci were polymorphic, and alleles per locus ranged from two to four across the 49 C. aquatica s.l. individuals. Observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, and fixation index varied from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 to 0.5, and -1.0 to -0.0667, respectively, for the Manaus population and from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 to 0.6, and -1.0 to 0.4643 for the Viruá population. The developed markers will be used in further taxonomic and population studies within Cabomba. This set of microsatellite primers represents the first report on rapid molecular markers in the genus.Microsatellite primers were designed for the submersed aquatic plant Cabomba aquatica s.l. (Cabombaceae) and characterized to estimate genetic diversity parameters. Using a selective hybridization method, we designed and tested 30 simple sequence repeat l31113CNQP - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORSEM INFORMAÇÃO457/2010The authors thank S. M. Costa for help during fieldwork, the staff of the Parque Nacional do Viruá and Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) for field support, and A. P. Souza for technical support for the laboratory infrastructure. T.D.M.B.