346 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zum Umsetzungsverhalten ausgewählter organischer Düngemittel

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    Stickstoff ist zum einen einer der wichtigsten Pflanzennährstoffe. Andererseits führt die Verlagerung von Nitrat ins Grundwasser zu Umweltproblemen. Im ökologischen Landbau darf Stickstoff nur in organischer Form als Wirtschaftsdünger, Kompost oder organischer Handelsdünger ausgebracht werden. Aber gerade bei organischen Materialien bestehen Schwierigkeiten in der Abschätzung der Stickstofffreisetzung. Die Mineralisierungsprozesse sind von verschiedenen, oft nur schwer kalkulierbaren Faktoren abhängig. Um nähere Informationen über die Mineralisation von organischen Handelsdüngern zu erhalten, wurden an der LVWO Weinsberg Brutversuche mit Hornspänen und Rizinusschrot unter definierten Bedingungen durchgeführt. Die Faktoren 'Temperatur', 'Wassergehalt' und 'Lagerungsdichte' wurden variiert und deren Auswirkungen auf den Verlauf der Stickstofffreisetzung beobachtet. Parallel dazu wurde ein Freilandversuch angelegt, um die Nitratgehalte im Boden nach einer organischen Düngung zu prüfen

    Band gap renormalization in photoexcited semiconductor quantum wire structures in the GW approximation

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    We investigate the dynamical self-energy corrections of the electron-hole plasma due to electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions at the band edges of a quasi-one dimensional (1D) photoexcited electron-hole plasma. The leading-order GWGW dynamical screening approximation is used in the calculation by treating electron-electron Coulomb interaction and electron-optical phonon Fr\"{o}hlich interaction on an equal footing. We calculate the exchange-correlation induced band gap renormalization (BGR) as a function of the electron-hole plasma density and the quantum wire width. The calculated BGR shows good agreement with existing experimental results, and the BGR normalized by the effective quasi-1D excitonic Rydberg exhibits an approximate one-parameter universality.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Risk homeostasis theory - A study of intrinsic compensation

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    Risk homeostasis theory (RHT) suggests that changes made to the intrinsic risk of environments are negated in one of three ways: behavioural adjustments within the environment, mode migration, and avoidance of the physical risk. To date, this three-way model of RHT has little empirical support, whilst research findings on RHT have at times been diametrically opposed. A reconciliation of apparently opposing findings might be possible by suggesting that extrinsic compensation fails to restore previously existing levels of actual risk in cases where behavioural adjustments within the environment are incapable of negating intrinsic risk changes. This paper reports a study in which behavioural adjustments within the physical risk-taking environment are capable of reconciling target with actual risk. The results provide positive support for RHT in the form of overcompensation for the intrinsic risk change on specific driver behaviours

    On-chip integration of single solid-state quantum emitters with a SiO2 photonic platform

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    One important building block for future integrated nanophotonic devices is the scalable on-chip interfacing of single photon emitters and quantum memories with single optical modes. Here we present the deterministic integration of a single solid-state qubit, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center, with a photonic platform consisting exclusively of SiO2 grown thermally on a Si substrate. The platform stands out by its ultra-low fluorescence and the ability to produce various passive structures such as high-Q microresonators and mode-size converters. By numerical analysis an optimal structure for the efficient coupling of a dipole emitter to the guided mode could be determined. Experimentally, the integration of a preselected NV emitter was performed with an atomic force microscope and the on-chip excitation of the quantum emitter as well as the coupling of single photons to the guided mode of the integrated structure could be demonstrated. Our approach shows the potential of this platform as a robust nanoscale interface of on-chip photonic structures with solid-state qubits.European Fund for Regional Development of the European UnionBundesministerium fĂĽr Bildung und Forschung https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe
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